• Post Type: Backblast
  • When: 06/13/2024
  • AO: The Goat
  • QIC: Flintstone
  • FNG's: Baywatch
  • PAX: Elf, Ocho, Watts Up, Breaker Breaker, Anchorman, Tesla, Freon, Buckshot, Parkay, Cheesesteak, Spiderman, Eh Yall, Tooth Fairy, Montana, Tardi Gras
15 posted for a daylight trip to the Coliseum where we grinded our tails on the pavement, lewdly gyrated with a lot of ups and downs, and realized we were probably better off doing it alone than in a group of men.  Here’s what I remember:
WARMUP: Chaos from the jump, as YHC worked to make a predictable beatdown a little more unpredictable
  • 10 x Don Quixotes (IC)
  • 10 x Gravel Pickers (IC)
  • 10 x Imperial Walkers (IC)
  • Tesla Stretches
  • 10 x Mike Tysons (IC)
THE THANG: Mosey to the old Floyd & Blackies where traditionally we do Sizzle Suicides.  Today would be a little different though.  Big Boys were Turtleman’s favorite, and Stinky Bird had said that uphill Big Boys were the best fit, so in honor of Turtleman, we changed it up.  Mosey to the church on the left, stopping at every pole for
  • 10 x Uphill Big Boys (OYO)
Yes, Watts Up, the destination was mentioned, as Freon attested to later on.  We slid back down the hill with every Big Boy, which resulted in road rash where you don’t want it later on, but all in the name of a good time, right?  YHC must admit that running up that hill and stopping for ab work was a lot safer in the past when we didn’t have 15 guys out running.  It’s a good problem to have.
Was that a train?  Oh no, just the sound of complaining.  Either way
  • 5 x Burpees (OYO)
Some ab work at the church:
  • 12 x Flutter Kicks (IC)
  • 12 x Freddie Mercuries (IC)
  • 12 x American Hammers (IC)
  • 12 x Toe Touches (IC)
Mosey across the street, through the covered walkway, to the long steps leading down to the concrete Coliseum.  With it light enough to see to step, it’s the perfect time to break it out.  Upon arrival, and before we’d do anything else:
  • Mosey up the long set of stairs, down the walkway, and down the shorter set of stairs
just to establish our route.  We’d use it again.  So we brought out the Dirty Lindsays again, with the Lindsay counts of 10/30, 15/25, 20/20, 25/15, 30/10, but after each round we’d climb the bleachers for exercises.  Here’s how it looked:
  • 10 x Dips / 30 x Heels Up Babymakers (think Glute Bridges, but inclined, with our butts flush against the concrete and our feet up on the bleacher seats)
  • Climb the Bleachers
  • 10 x Calf Raises
  • Climb Down
  • Repeato for the rep counts listed above
After the 20/20 and final round, we ran up the long set of steps and did
  • 10 x Burpees (OYO)
before returning.  The babymakers generated some discussion, though with an FNG we kept it PG-13.We got finished with enough time for one more round of fun in the Coliseum.  This time, we climbed the bleachers, and at every level we added a Merkin.  Started at 1 and worked to 11.  Essentially a Route 66, but climbing bleachers.  Options given for Inclined or Regular Merkins.  Plug pulled for YHC after 10, because it’s a ways back, and we didn’t want to get back late.  Back to the church to finish our abs off:
  • 8 x Flutter Kicks (IC)
  • 8 x Freddie Mercuries (IC)
  • 8 x American Hammers (IC)
  • 8 x Toe Touches (IC)
then a mosey back, where the biggest question was which direction we’d go.  We opted for the road less traveled and went by side street.
When we returned, 2 more guys showed up, with Breaker returning from a Coed run and Ocho returning from the pool(?).  We’re handing out posts like Leppard hands out Werthers these days, so lets count em.  COT is good for me.
Nothing groundbreaking today, but always good to get around.  Thanks for the opportunity to lead today, and for putting up with my shenanigans.
Yabba Dabba Doo