• Post Type: Backblast
  • When: 06/12/2024
  • AO: The Ricky Bobby
  • QIC: Nutria
  • FNG's: Novocaine
  • PAX: Tesla, Eh Y'all, Blackout, Buckshot, Orangeman, Cheesesteak, Kool-Aid

The 8 pax (including one FNG) who came out to The Ricky Bobby learned that pigs’ teeth are sometimes used to help train military dentists, and some beetles can grow to be nearly the size of your fist.  And, according to a former Nantan who made an impromptu appearance, there is no “correct order” to the 5 core principles.  It’s a matter of interpretation, but I’m sure that topic will resurface when Mayor has his next Q or at happy hour, whichever comes first.

Anyway, here are a few other things that went down in The Gloom.  With an FNG in attendance, I gave a full disclaimer and a standard warmup of side-straddle hops, imperial walkers, low-slow squats, merkins, and LBC’s (all 12xIC).   Then we moseyed to the back parking lot, stopping for 5 burpees on the way. That’s also when Orangeman pointed out a humongous gnarly green beetle on the sidewalk near the school entrance.  Maybe he was trying to warn us about something?  Nah…

At the far corner by the playground, I explained the “4 Corners” format of 4 exercises x 12 reps each at every corner.  Oh, and to get from one corner to another we would bear crawl the short legs and Nur from the 4th back to the 1st.

1st set = CDD’s, Nolan Ryans, Squats, Dying cockroaches
After the first set, we paused to recite the 5 Core Principles.

2nd set = Hand release merkins, Superman pull-ups, Squats, American Hammers
After the second set, we paused to recite the credo and mission of F3.

3rd set = Big boys, Heels to Heaven, Scissor kicks, Star crunches.
Since the 3rd set was all core, we naturally recited the 5 core principles again.

At 0607 we had some time for set 4, which was a “rinse and repeat” of the previous 3 (Set 1 at Corner 1, etc).  After 3 corners, we moseyed back to the flag just in time for pledge and COT.  Our FNG had plenty of name possibilities as a dentist, Air Force veteran, father of two, bourbon aficionado and volunteer swim coach, but “Novocaine” fit best as he kept up with the pax for the duration and seemed immune to the pain of the beatdown.  He also cut Tesla short in the middle of one of his snarky questions, enlightening us that pigs’ teeth are a lot like human teeth and often used for dental education.  Welcome, Novocaine!

Announcements: F3 Dads this Saturday 0700 at Martha Rivers Park; 2nd F lunch next Wednesday 19th at Bubba’s 33; Traditional July 4th beatdown at The Yank will start at 0630.

Lots of prayer requests:  Eh Y’all’s mother-in-law, Kool-Aid, Lane Lineberger, Barnes family, friends of Orangeman and Nutria, and all marriages.

Thanks to all the pax who came out today, both new faces (Eh Y’all first time and Kool-Aid back in action) as well as the regulars.  It’s a privilege to lead and get the day started out right.  Aye!