• Post Type: Backblast
  • When: 06/08/2024
  • AO: PainLab
  • QIC: Nutria
  • FNG's:
  • PAX: Hunchback, Cheesesteak, Stagecoach, Mayor, Hot Dog, Top Hat, Captain Stubing, Spiderman, Tube

Just 30 minutes before the workout, I asked Hunchback to create a playlist to facilitate discussion about essential movies for our kids to see.  The plan worked well as mumblechatter ranged from “What movie is this one from?” to the value of real estate agents and do they really earn their commissions?

After the pledge and Hei Hei’s warmup, we did 3 circuits of exercises, 45 seconds each followed by 15 seconds rest to mix in with the mumblechatter:
Set 1 (repeat 3x) = Deadlifts, Overhead presses, Pullovers, Star crunches, Flutter kicks
Set 2 (repeat 3x) = Swings, Hand-release merkins, Rows, Big boys, Reverse crunches
Set 3 (repeat 3x) = Step-ups (or squats), Curls, Babymakers, American hammers, Scissor kicks

With 3 minutes to go, we put away coupons and planked til the end.

I’ve been away a lot over the past 3 weeks, so this was a great way to start a Saturday with a lively group of HIM’s.  Thanks for the privilege to lead!

Announcements:  Convergence to honor Turtleman Monday 0530 at “Neverland”/Sandlot; F3 dads at Martha Rivers next Saturday 6/15 at 0700; check Slack for other stuff going on.

Several prayer requests I can’t recall; Hei Hei took us out.