• Post Type: Backblast
  • When: 06/05/2024
  • AO: The Labyrinth
  • QIC: Clavin
  • FNG's:
  • PAX: Stroganoff, Captain Stubing, JJ, Winehouse, Bulleinkle , Hey Hey, maybelline

This morning, on the pearly shores of Lake Whoopeegonnagetcha, many men gathered maybe hoping for a Dday inspired beat down but instead getting one from the previous site Q Clavin. On Monday, at Watts ups beat down I asked Maybelline if today was still free as I needed inspiration to make my first time returning to a week with 2 workouts in more than 2 years!!
Short disclaimer and we would stretch for about 3-4 minutes where I imparted my small amount of wisdom since I’ve battled several issues ( as others have) that we all should take time to properly stretch before any workouts …. Way too many of us now are in the respect column and NEED to be careful .
End with plank and 10 IC plank jacks followed by SSH 10x
Mosey to gates
10 merkins and 10 big boys
At first light 1 burpee mosey asked what we should do at next light and so on ….. this group was super excited to call out increasing Burpees that I had to intervene at opening for parking to decrease numbers till we reach 1 at turd shack!
Mosey to pull up bar and ask for exercise several call for pull ups which was previously decided but needed another finally a call for squats …. Tell all in line to continue squats until their turn at bar and do however many pull ups/ chin-ups or even dead hangs ( a week or 2 before recent Murph overheard someone talking about needing more of these in workouts. Even this morn there was some chatter for upcoming Annihilation workout ).
4×4 through woods into Riverwood plantation for 10 big boys and merkins each…look a light as we mosey …. Nope … 1 burpee at each street moving to right …. huh? Gastones Hill ? Wonder what’s next ? 5 Lbcs at each box up About half would turn into hill others roughed out battling gravity !!
Mosey to bottom and give choice of right or left ( similar to watts up on Monday ….. but …. My mind had already been made up before workout …. So it was my right their left as I was facing the group ( not much of a choice, huh?)
Mosey to old dr office and climb wall behind FOod Puppy and groove
Over to the ( half destroyed) loading dock beside Bellacinos ( plenty of fine eating all over the ground which some jumped in and enjoyed !!) 2 times of jumping up onto dock bear crawl down and 10 merkins
Lastly the wall for step ups and derkins differing counts
Finish all work at pelicans with a hamstring stretch each side to cool down and 45 second hold feet 4-6 inches off ground.
At end told all of recent visit with Christine and Turtleman ( when he was still with us) where she told my M and I of being at home alone and she sat in his recliner and thought about his life over the last 1-2 years being only in that same recliner reliant upon others for help …. I related to the men that has been something I’ve thought of for weeks now and wanted the men to take home and just sit in a recliner and consider “ living” only in that position for months on end
Annihilation Saturday schiele
All Monday AOs closed except Sandlot ( dare I say Neverland??) thus Monday for Turtleman inspired beat down
Prayers for Barnes family and Maybellines mother
Praise for my son, Time Frames 2.0 and their buds all returning safe from senioritis travels to FL

Thanks men …. I needed this

Moleskin is this…. Earlier this year when I researched for my Turtleman inspired workout I read many a many workout and reminisced about a good friend indeed constant companion of The T man …. Gastone ….. so I cobbled together some of my fav moments though the years I. Hopes that we can all inspire the G man to come on back …. Miss you big guy