• Post Type: Backblast
  • When: 05/31/2024
  • AO: Snooze
  • QIC: Short Sale
  • FNG's:
  • PAX: Goose, Orangeman, Tesla, Flintstone

I’ll admit I’m a multiple snooze guy. Unless I have to be up for something like a Q, Sheild Lock Breakfast or early work meeting, I’ll hit the snooze button a few times. Hey, time management is my Jester, so it’s my daily battle. Don’t worry, I’ll live to fight it another day (#procrastination). Last summer, I initiated Snooze which allowed the PAX to sleep in a bit on a Friday, if they wanted. Of course some double posted, and that’s okay if you’re seeking that challenge. But there is no challenge to gain points. Really, Snooze is an alternative for the PAX that can start their Friday a little later than usual but still get in a solid workout. Back by some level of demand (wouldn’t say popular, yet), the shovel flag posted at 0640 Friday morning in McAdenville’s Legacy Park. By 0645, the alarm sounded and 4 other PAX were gathered around looking for instruction.


5 burpees OYO, Seal Jacks, Imperial Walkers, Side to Side Lunge, Toy Soldier and MNC’s all IC x 10. Face the flag and salute a great country that we have the freedom to post at 0645 in the morning.


My knee is jacked up so not a lot of running is on the agenda – slow mosey to the YMCA patio that is bounded by 2.5′ tall brick ledge. We’ll start in the center for some core work because that doesn’t hurt me knee. All in cadence x 15 (except when I forget to inflect on 14).

  • Mtn Climbers, Knee Touches, Shoulder Tap + Plank Jacks, Ski Abs, Groiners, Freddie Merc, Raised Penguin, Opp Hand to Opp Knee, Reverse Crunch (the PAX’s highlight complaint), 90 degree alt R/L toe touch, Genie knee to elbow, Genie elbow to knee, elbow plank for J-lo’s (only 10 IC)

With the 2.5 brick wall, let’s take advantage w/ 11’s: 10 Derkins + 1 Dirty Hook up. That took about 10-12 minutes. Circle around to the back soccer field – partner up. I was the odd man with Tesla and Flintstone. Orangeman and Goose were the other. DORA with 100 Dips, 200 Merkins (Nantan complained, so I re-stated, “200” Merkins…no stuttering that I heard. Finish it off with 300 glute bridges which was awkward as the concrete seating under the building awning isn’t wide enough for and adult back, but we made do. Non-exercising PAX runs length of the wet field and touches the fence to return. Slow mosey back to the flag. Inside of 2 minutes, I was calling it but Flintstone and Tesla felt underserved, so they did burpees. Goose joined them and Orangeman looked at me and said, if the Q is done, who am I to argue? Time.

Prayers for Turtleman and family. Announcements – GasHouse 6/8 come get annihilated by HeiHei.

Double Post Recognition: Tesla and Goose. The 5 of us went to the Spruce Goose for coffee to decompress and talk about our upcoming day. Not a bad way to start a Friday. If you have a vacation day or extra time on a Friday morning, come join the PAX. Next week is Flintstone followed by Defib and Tesla.