• Post Type: Backblast
  • When: 05/31/2024
  • AO: Downtown
  • QIC: Wirenut
  • FNG's:
  • PAX: Sister Act, Slaw, Capt Stubing, Bullwinkle, GearWrench, Hei Hei, Tipman, Easy Rider, Clutch

5/31. Downtown crowd was pretty good as usual. We started with the Pledge and got straight to it. Good warmup with a lot of cardio stretching and several rounds of burpees.

Next we headed down Main Ave. for Route 66 with HR Merkins followed by a 20 min. AMRAP starting at Oakland St. heading back towards MLK we did work at each light pole on the right.

P1 – 5 Burpees –

P2 – 10 Bonnie Blairs

P3 – 15 Big Boys

P4 – 20 Bungle Boy Squats

P5 – 25 Chuck Norris Merkins

P6 – 30 LBCs

Run back to Oakland and rinse repeat for 20 min.

When we finished up we moseyed on to the Torture Rack for a Triple Nickel of Pull-ups and Step-ups. There was a lot of crying about this as there usually is when it comes to pull-ups but it is the King of Bodyweight movements for a reason. They’re supposed to be hard and they’re supposed to suck. So quit the crying and get to work.

We’re coming up on quitting time at this point so we head back to the Pavilion just in time for 5 more rounds of 5 Burpees OYO. We took a 10 count between rounds for recovery and everyone that showed up finished strong. Even the ones that checked out early.

Good Work Men

Thanks for the hard work today.

Prayers and Praises were spoken. Announcements were announced.
