Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Day: March 2, 2024

Q School

Kotter: Feta EH’ed by Sargento

Our region has seen strong growth over the last number of months. The SLT felt like it was a good idea to have a Q School since we haven’t had one in a while. As Q of Development, it made since that I would help lead this workout. YHC could think of no better PAX to co-Q than Broke. Whether it’s roles on the SLT, relay and race experience, leadership with Speed for Need, he’s seen it all and done it all. Thanks to Broke for his patience in dealing with YHC through the planning for this. It’s been a little crazy lately for YHC so everthing seems to be pulled together at the last minute. This was no different.

Your Co-Q’s met in the parking lot prior th the beatdown to make our final plans for the morning.

As PAX started to arrive, Broke gave the 2 minute call. Then, YHC gave the 1 minute call. Then, 0700, let’s get rolling.

Intro to Q School and Disclaimer

Warm-up which included a LOT of talking along with some exercises
Topics we discussed were:
The Credo / 5 Core Principles / Significance of 1st, 2nd, and 3rd F
Exercise announcement (Next Exercise/Starting Position/Move/In Cadence/Exercise) & Cadence Counting
Importance of a Disclaimer
Duties of a Q (Be on time / Greet the PAX (especially FNGs) / Bring the Energy!)
Don’t Q it if you can’t do it

During this time, we also mixed in exercises:
Plank Jacks
Peter Parkers – the Q demo’d Parker Peters; this was a chance to get some mumblechatter going as far as you know
5 burpees for the train heard in the distance

At this point, YHC turned it over to Broke for the beatdown. Throughout the beatdown, Broke offered suggestions in building a weinke and what exercises to plan.
We moseyed across the street to the library.
Broke offered suggestions for building the weinke using things such as 11s and ways to modify to increase/decrease intensity.
He called 11s with Hand-Release Merkins and LBCs.
He determined the PAX were going too fast so he modified to Lunge Walks down and Bear Crawls back.
He then added burpees in the middle both ways to make the 11s dirty.
This was done to show the PAX how a workout could be intensified.

We then moseyed to the other side of the library parking lot.
We did a modified Dora-style partner workout. Partner 1 ran a lap while Partner 2 completed an exercise. 2 laps per partner. 3 exercises. Merkins (maybe? or something in the plank position), Jump Squats, and Seal Jacks.
YHC likes to call something like this instead of a typical Dora so that PAX can talk and not worry as much about counting, you can concentrate on form and not worry about getting behind, and it evens out the reps.

Slaw called flutter kicks while we waited on the six to finish.

After this we moseyed back to the Shiele. Broke instructed that 4-corners were also good to call (imagine that, 2 Carolina guys called 4 corners). Once again, this offered the opportunity to increase/decrease intensity by stacking at each corner or running it back with de-escalating 4 corners.
To the best of my memory, we did:
Corner 1 – 10 Merkins
Corner 2 – 10 Merkins, 20 Big Boys
Corner 3 – 10 Merkins, 20 Big Boys, 30 Squats
Corner 4 – 10 Merkins, 20 Big Boys, 30 Squats, 40 SSH

Back to the flag for Mary, where Broke had each PAX that had not Q’ed call an exercise and lead in cadence.

We then took questions and had veteran PAX add anything relevant that they wanted to share that hadn’t been covered. Topics included:
Where do I post the COT? (you don’t have to, but the PAX were encouraged to record in some matter so nobody was left out of the backblast)
Tips around writing a backblast
Get access to the site to write the BB before you have your VQ so you are prepared.
Timeliness of the backblast

Bulldog moving to Thursday – still @ WA Bess
3/9 Regional CSAUP Huntersville
3/16 Food Ruck – see mumblechatter channel for details
3/20 2nd F lunch Bad Daddy’s
4/13 Community Foundation Run – prior to the run Convergence @ the ball field @ 0700 – all other AO’s closed
4/20 Extinction Run
Pushing Rocks Update, Bonus points for bringing back a Kotter and taking Q

Prayer Requests
Def Leppard
Family of the Holbrook student, go fund me account has been started
Jackson Hall & family
Stroganoff mother-in-law back in the hospital
JJ’s M’s aunt – pancreatic cancer
Purple Haze praise, 2.0 made all-county band
Stogie’s M

Prayer to take us out

Thanks to all the PAX who participated. YHC believes it was the most PAX at a Q of mine. YHC was honestly very nervous going into this. (We didn’t mention this during Q School because we couldn’t go through the entire lexicon, but YHC means Your Humble Correspondent). Thanks again to Broke and all the other veteran PAX who showed and offered feedback. Thanks to the newer guys for showing up, asking questions, and being willing to learn. YHC hopes this will encourage you to take the step to schedule your VQ. Reach out to a site Q or any other PAX and they will be more than happy to co-Q. That may help take a little pressure off. YHC knows how much the men of F3 have impacted my life so it’s my desire to see every man strengthed by the impact F3 can have. Until next time…

Maybe I should’ve gone to Q school

I haven’t Q’d in a while and it showed. I showed up a few minutes early but got caught by a train. Jane Fonda and I were on the wrong side but we got to catch up. Made it across just in time and didn’t have to call burpees. I forgot the pledge all together, sorry men. Little to no disclaimer hope I don’t get sued. 0700 and we’re off! Headed to the shelter for the warmup when Orangeman notice the nice new playground mat around Stowe Park. We stopped to check it out. Here’s what happened.

Warmup at playground:
Toy soldiers x11 IC
SSH x11 IC
Merkins x11 IC

Mosey to bunker:
Blocks: 11s – curls/chest press

Mosey to Hawthorne hill:
10 CDDs at bottom, 10 big boys at top 5x

Mosey back to bunker for CORA: 50 WWII, 100 dying cockroaches, 150 LBCs

Mosey to the Fighting Yank statue and finished with flutters and Freddie Mercurys.

Rice & beans 3-13
Bulldog moving to Thursdays 3-8
3-16 food ruck 0545 at Yank before beatdown
4-13 convergence at Community Foundation Run 0700 all other AOs closed
4-20 extinction run

Jane Fonda
Ocho’s family after grandma passing
Holbrook Middle School after the passing of a 6th grader
BOS’s mom mass on lung
Virus’ father in law and M
Breaker’s aunt
Anchorman and his M

YHC prayed.

Happy to lead again but also happy to have others jump in too. Thanks men.

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