Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Day: June 14, 2020

Journey into the Unknown World

A less humid awesome Saturday morning in Belmont saw a goodly number of pax assemble for a voyage into the unknown and beyond. So, as sailors of old on frigates with sails reminiscent of names like Cook and Nelson gathered for the journey east the following activities took place:


Arm stretches

SSH X 20

IW X 20

Cherry Pickers X 20

Mosey into the unknown regions of East Belmont, a place only spoken of but never accessed by F3 until this morning.

Mosey @ 1.0 mile to the East Belmont soccer fields, a virtual Shangri la of mowed grass, boundary lines, and social distancing. Time for the main event to commence!

Partner assisted Suicides, aka Jack Kevorkians!

Partner 1 – Stay at home and do the called move.

Partner 2 – Sprint to halfway and do X of the called move. Continue to the other end and do X and full return back.

Flapjack Partner 1 and 2.

Set 1: Hand release merkins

Halfway: 5

End: 5

Set 2: Jump Squats

Halfway: 10

End: 20

Set 3: Big Boy situps

Halfway: 10

End; 20

Set 4: Merkins

Halfway: 10

End; 20

Form up on the end line for some four corners work:

Corner 1: SSH x 20

Corner 2: Werkins  X 10

Corner 3: Turkish getups X 10

Corner 4: LBCs X 25

Form up again for a crowd and YHC fav, the bear crawl slalom on new ground! Sort of like planting the flag of conquest.

Everyone got two runs here. Pretty much blew the pax out. Now, we enter our favorite part of the game – the 4th Quarter! Where getting tougher is imperative.

Begin to mosey back to The Yank.

1/3 mile: Stop and drop for bigboys and merkins, 10X each.

2/3 mile: Stop and drop for Mike Tysons X 10

Last 1/3: Karoke right and left, finish OYO

Repeat as follows:

dips, elevated Situps, dirkins, 10X, 15X

Fence squats, 15X

Journey complete!


Pretty long and tough buttermilk style workout today. Glad to get it done! Yes, the journey to and from the soccer fields was a long and difficult one. But it had to be done. Why? Because it was there! And the pax, came, saw, and conquered! So it is now in the books as known territory. Mission accomplished.

Many other missions to get done and now is time to do them. Most notably providing the male community leadership that is in my estimation the cause of our present day internal difficulty. So we must ne about the mission statement of F3. And now is time boys! No greater opportunity has presented itself.


Crossroads – The most fun I’ve had in a while

Taking the Q for Crossroads and Qsource on accountability never would have seemed like the blast it turned out to be.  I love these group of guys and the “sharpening” that happens on Sunday is monumental.  Lots of laughs today.

First, since I had the Q, I ordered up some good weather.  Runners and the solo rider from the DBC.

Lots of good work put in by all.  Circled up for the announcement, prayers, pledge and COT.

Announcements:  Nothing,  I was told the 5 year convergence was doe and there is nothing left for all of 2020.  Folsom had more in attendance than Gashouse.  Gashouse “Attendee” noted that it had to be that way to cater to the Folsom Q tantrum.

Prayers:  As Def Leppard stated “where do we begin?”  As Seuss posted at Folsom while Sparky was at Gashouse and a comment made about Def being at Gashouse with his blade, the Whetstone program was mentioned.  A comment about a house divided cannot stand.  In all seriousness, the Nation, Def’s M, Sister Acts 2.0, Purple Haze and HIPAA surgery this week.

Pledge:  Seuss ran thru this one quick and got everyone off on the rhythm.  Blart mentioned how much of a bat flipper you need to be to say the pledge faster than anyone else.

COT: Def took us out

Qsource: Good discussion on accountability.  Great discussions by all.  Two things also happened.  Sister Act spilled his vanilla ice coffee with cream.  If you know his affliction for this drink, it was truly a travesty and a comedy of errors.  He made the comment about almost having to lick the parking lot.  After his rant about being charged to little ice last week (because that means they give you more coffee and otherwise you would get a full glass of ice and little coffee), he was not consoled about this fact that he didn’t have to pay for the little ice this time.  We also saw the Eagle from Rankin lake this morning mixing it up with a crow.  According to legend, only the true braves who’s hearts and minds are pure, can have this vision. It’s big medicine.

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