Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Day: May 29, 2020

Yo no quiero Taco mas

Man I had a great weinkie planned today….but


SSH x 15 IC

Merkins x 20 IC

Thang started like this:

100 SSH, 40 Squats,  30 American Hammers, 20 dips, 60 high knees, 25 mountain climbers,  20 lunges, 90 SSH, 20 merkins….and then it hit me.  TacoBell no bueno…donde esta el bano.  Sorry Spider-Man but I had to bail.   We will finish it!


Easiest BB ever!

So I’m not even gonna lie. I had nothing planned for the workout today because I had some home emergencies ( nothing major) , but nonetheless didn’t get it done. So I piggy backed on the matrix…not a good idea…see Matrix back blast.  All I know is he started with 4 minutes…yes 4 minutes of burpees and it kept getting worse. Great Q HIPAA and thank for letting us hang out.

Announcements and Many prayer requests were mentioned.

Buttermilk @ Downtown?

During The Goat yesterday, it came up YHC had Q at Downtown this morning.  Tesla mentioned he would try to make it, so YHC tried to make sure there was some Buttermilk to be had.  If you don’t know what that is/means, seek out Tesla, he will introduce you to it.

0530 hits and 6 have gathered with YHC.

(Forgot the Pledge) DOH!


20 Arm Circles, 10 each direction
10 IW IC

Main Course:

Mosey to the Post Office.  Now we didn’t go the direct route.  We took MLK to Long Ave to York St to Main Ave.  Now that we are here, lets do


Big Boys at the top.
Mike Tysons at the bottom.

This did not set well with Tesla, but YHC not only promised more fun to come, but his money back if not satisfied.

We meandered during an EZ Rider 10 count, and then moseyed to McQuitter wall.

20 Dips
20 Step-ups (10 Each Leg)


The off to the parking garage to the run the stairs up, across and down –  twice. (Be sure to hit every stair).

Then out and across South St, to the parking lot behind the Gaston County offices.

Here 6’s between the islands were called with HRMs and Dying Cockroaches.  The initial call was bear crawl between, but this was modified after round 2, to Bear Crawl one direction and Lunge the other.

A quick mosey back to the pavilion for a round of EZ Rider Flutters, and Spiderman Freddie Mercuries.

YHC called 5 Burpees followed by 5 Burpees to round out the time.


Prayer Requests:

  • Gastone’s Goddaughter recovery from surgery
  • Sister Act’s middle daughter
  • EZ Rider’s Son
  • Clavin’s M
  • Spiderman Friend
  • Whoopee’s 2.0
  • Leppard’s Son
  • Gold Digger’s Family
  • All running GasHouse’s Ville-to-Ville

Dirt took us out with a prayer.


I pray for all running the Ville-to-Ville.   Be safe out there and have fun.  If you are not running tomorrow, visit an AO.

I have Folsom, Wet Nutz at The Yank, Linus with GasHouse and Rudolph at PainLab,

Come get some, somewhere!


BTW, Tesla never did ask for his money back.


Watts Up Powering Down.

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