Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Day: May 24, 2020

Buttermilk for Breakfast in Belmont

So YHC has a reputation for putting on a challenging workout and has been of late alluding to that fact in pre workout that it’s coming using the term “buttermilk” to announce it. Will, after two months of no Fighting Yank, yHC took he wheel and decided to amp things up there for the first real summer workout at the AO. Went like this:

Mosey over to the parking lot beside the park where Mugshots used to be.

Arm Stretches, 1 minute

2 Burpees OYO

SSH X 20

4 Burpees

IW X 20

6 burpees

Copperhead squats X 15

8 Burpees

Grapevine stretches X 1 minute

LBCs X 20

10 burpees

Mosey over to Heart

break Hill for some halfpipe action as follows:

Top of hearbreak: 10 plank jacks.

Bottom of hill: 10 HR merkins

Top of the hill by the Fighting Yank: Butt to the street Monkey humpers X 10

Over to the Field of Dreams for BLIMPS.

P1 – run the field and back

P2 – do the work per the BLIMP (Burpees, lunges, IWs, Merkins, Plank jacks, Squats)

Mosey up to the Corner of Knowledge for some core and UB work.

Dips, stepups, dirkins X 10, 15, 20

Mosey to the other end of the school house.

10 jump squats

10 Mike Tysons

Back to the corner:

10 Bulgarian Split squats

10 Elevated big boy situps.

Rinse and repeat 2X.

Back to the Field for Dreams for A Tesla Staple, Bear Crawl Slalom on a newly mowed field!

This was problematic. Sand burs all over the place. So we had to abandon the prime plan and fall back and improvise. Which we did! Used the track and ran thru the slalom. Worked well!

End of slalom, 10 SSH, 10 squats.

Quarter lap, 10 merkins, 10 LBCs.

Quarter lap: 10 big boy sit ups.

Mosey to the Yank and we’re done!


Great to be back in the saddle and see two 2nd posters in Worm and PP. Had a great coffeteria/breakfast afterwards, which I am going to push we do every Saturday as well as our Friday Happy Hour at The Station. We have and are going through a trying time now but you have to get this is where opportunity is born. And one of the things we need to be doing as a group is getting together and figuring that out in the 2nd F.  And you can’t do that unless you go to 2nd F. So let’s get on that too men!

Expecting a Metro contingent in June for Operation Livermush V 2.0. More later. Also, looking at a special July 4 workout to do our Declaration reading. More later but plan on being there.


Tesla Out!


It Was a Wolfpack Grinder

Phase II is under way so our AO’s were open for up to 25 in the gloom and we had exactly that number combined for the Gashouse Bootcamp and Painlab.

We had a quick warm up with one set of Imperial Walkers before splitting into the two groups.

The Gashouse group came with me (a few reluctantly as they were disappointed that Whoopee was not the Q) and we headed to the track at Grier Middle School for one big dose of a Wolfpack Grinder.  We would spend the entire workout on the track.

We started this way with some In-Cadence work:

15 Merkins

25 LBC’s

25 Squats

Run 1/2 lap

Rinse-Repeat two more times

15 CDD’s

25 Flutter Kicks

15 Lunges

Run 1/2 lap

Rinse-Repeat two more times

60 seconds of plank

25 Freddy Mercury’s

20 Low-Slow Squats

Run 1/2 lap

Rinse-Repeat two more times

Amrap as follows until time called:




Run 1/2 lap


Flutter Kicks


Time to mosey back to the Schiele with a few minutes left for some Mary:

60 seconds of plank

Flutter kicks

Flutter crunches

Bells ringing by this time and we were done


Prayer requests

The Pledge

Good work Men.

It was great to be back out with a larger group and getting some great work in.  Lots of mumblechatter today kept the workout moving along.

Always an honor to lead.

Until the next one, see you in the gloom.



Rinse & Repeat

0700 hits and Stroganoff is the substi-q for GasHouse.  He gets everything started, warmed and then we split…

PainLab circles up in the lower part of the parking lot.

A little more warmup:

15? Don Qs  IC
Little Arm Circles
Big Arm Circles

On today’s agenda is different version of “Garage Boogie” from Rock Region:


  • Squats x15
  • Over Head Press X15
  • Reverse Lunge X10 each leg

Rinse and repeat X3 – Bear Crawl ~120 ft between sets


  • Big boy sit ups x15
  • Bent rows x15
  • Burpees  X10

Rinse and repeat x3 – Duck Walk ~120 ft between sets


  • Coupon swing x15
  • Curls x15
  • Tricep extensions x15

Rinse and repeat x3 – Lunge Walk ~120 ft between sets


  • Merkins x15
  • Planks Jacks X15
  • Mountain Climbers X15

Rinse and Repeat x3 – Gorilla Walk ~120 ft between sets


  • Some unremembered ab exercise  x15
  • Calf Raises x10
  • LBC x15

Rinse and Repeat x3 – Pick one of the previous movements ~120 ft between sets


At this point GasHouse was starting to show back up.  We joined them for the last bit of time and the rest of the frivolity.

It was really great to see those that posted.


SYITG somewhere.


Watts Up Powering Down.

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