Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Day: May 18, 2020

It’s All About the Hair

9 PAX came out to Hollywood as YHC substituted for Goldigger who is out of town. But, no worries, he’ll be back strong to Q at the Goat this week.

Much discussion around hair today: Pillager beat Sargento for “Best Bedhead”; Slaw crossing state lines today for cut; Tesla will do the same tomorrow, hoping his barber shows; Broke told me prior that he thought he would just keep his beard; Freon and SA, both neat and trim; Gump, we’re just glad you’re here, otherwise he kept his hair hidden; Dirt still looks like Spencer Tracy. YHC, well if it wouldn’t have been for a friend with a set of clippers, I considered-for two seconds- a trip to SA’s garage.

Now, down to business:

Warm-up: Don Q, High Knees/Butt Kicks, Moroccan Nightclubs


Mosey across street for 5 Rounds of: Stimulus Travel WOD 12

5 Lunges 

10 Merkins

15 Lunges

20 LBC


Mosey to top of hill beside school for: Red Barchetta:

100 yards: 100 SSH

75 yards: 75 Mt Climbers

50 yards: 50 LBC

25 yards: 25 CDD

10 yards: 10 Burpees


Mosey back to school parking lot for: 40’s

30 DIPS/10 Reverse Crunches

25 DIPS/15 Reverse Crunches

20 DIPS/20 Reverse Crunches

15 DIPS/25 Reverse Crunches

10 DIPS/30 Reverse Crunches


Line up along curb for:

Dominoes-Left hands high,1st pax 10 Merkins and holds plank

Hands of time-on six, all legs at 90 degrees, pax does 5 flutters, drops legs to 10 degrees until last pax counts

Dominoes-Right hands high, last pax 10 Merkins and holds plank


Across the lot for: Elevens (Abbreviated and Omaha’d for time)

Mike Tysons/Star Jacks



Ville to Ville



Leppard’s son

SA’s daughter

Each other



Thanks, Goldigger, for letting me pinch-hit..great time!



I guess I will take it….

5 and a 1/2 Credit for a surprise even to Gastone Q.

The Thang:

SSH 20

Merkins 10

Imperial Walker 20

Mountain Climbers 20

Grass Picker’s 5 (The only point of this was to watch Whoopee’s reaction, the disgust he has for Grass pickers)

Mosey to Vallywood Road and to the corner with Rivermont Drive.

Each mailbox on the right 20 Squats, we made it to 160 total.

Then we switched to the much easier Monkey Humpers 20 at each. 5 mailboxes.

20 yard lunge. (Mubbe Chatter really was just starting to come in)

Mosey across Union to Withers Funeral home parking lot.

11’s in the parking lot. Merkin’s and Crunchy Frog.


Then mosey to an end parking space. 1st guy give me a arm exercise, move to next space and guy for a Ab workout, move to next space for a leg. Rinse and repeat unti the 20 spaces were finished.

Mosey back to the start.

The Moleskin:

This morning was listed as open but I did not know that. Watts Up and I decided since Whoopee was pulling up that he would be Q. Then he was running and would take all on a run. We quickly ignored him and then I took the Q.

Good morning with a great group of guys. Always an honor.

Prayer requests.

Gastone Out

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