Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Day: April 2, 2020


I had the lead on the virtual Q.  A lot of concentration and burnout on this one.  Every Minute On the Minute

No disclaimer.

WU:  small and big circles and some swimmers forward and backwards to loosen the shoulders.  Toe touches to loosen the legs.

Thang:  First minute, do three (3) merkins, next minute, 6.  Next minute, 9 and so on up to 30.  That’s a total of 165 merkins inside of 10 minutes.  Repeat the same process, but with squats and then flutter kicks (count your left leg only).

After that, for the cash out plank for 30 seconds transistions for a minute and a half total.  Elbow plank, plank and stretch your hands out as far as you can.  No rest in between.

Announcements:  Check F3Gastonia website (fitness) tab for zoom links to the 2nd Fs that Huckleberry has set up, House of Him bible study, virtual workouts with Gastonia (T,R,S) and F3 Nation (M,W,F).  Stay Active and in touch.

Prayers:  Pillagers neighbor (cancer), Mayors neighbor (cancer), Montross Aunt (cancer), Blarts M (recovery), Healthcare and first responders

Pillager took us out with the COT.

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