23 F3 brothers from 10 – yes 10 – regions converged on a Zoom meeting this morning for a virtual workout. We had representatives from F3 The Fort, F3 Villanova, F3 Greensboro, F3 Kansas City, F3 Omaha, F3 Princeton, F3 Cape Fear, and F3 Shelby. Quite honestly, after the Tinker Toy (Rock Hill) Q yesterday, the pressure was on to deliver a quality Q!
YHC started with a disclaimer because YHC is most definitely not a professional and asked if there were any FNGs. No response so the workout began. (I have since learned there were 2 FNGs in Kansas City…wish I had known because I would have engaged them and ‘welcomed’ them, but it’s all good).
SSH – 20 IC
Toy Soldiers – 10 IC
Morrocan Night Clubs – 10 IC
Today, we read from a book titled “Montross’s Nursery Rhymes for HIMs”. Each page of the book has a different nursery rhyme from back in the day, along with a beautiful illustration and not-so-beautiful exercise to go with each rhyme. This book has been used about 4 times now and some modifications were needed to make better fit the online format.
Jack be nimble, Jack be quick…. Elevens with Jump Squats and Mike Tyson Merkins. Run down your driveway and back between each exercise (SSH are acceptable for those indoors). Jump Squats went 10 to 1, MTMs went 1 to 10. Bat flippers can grab an extra set if needed.
Jack and Jill went up the hill, both with a buck…wait wrong rhyme….Triple Nickel – use your driveway again, 5 Burpees on one end, American Hammers in cadence (count to yourself, I suppose). Pizza Man suggests a coupon for your American Hammers.…you vs you playa. Someone asks when we are going to use the coupons….
Eeeny, meeny, miney moe….normally we’d have some partner wheel barrels at this point, but that is not acceptable today. We are practicing social distancing! So, grab your coupons for AMRAP work – 40 seconds on, 20 seconds rest – 4 sets of Goblet Squats, 4 sets of Block Lunges, and 3 sets of High Pulls. Tip
Mary had a little lamb….Mary was a cutie in case you didn’t know and we all know you do curls for the girls. Time to work those vanity muscle! AMRAP – 4 seconds on, 20 seconds rest – 4 sets of curls, 3 sets of overhead presses and 3 sets of your favorite Merkin variation. We have a few minutes left for the best part of the book….
Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall….2 sets of AMRAP burpees – 40 seconds on, 20 seconds off.
YHC took us out with a prayer. Keep my aunt in your prayers as she undergoes chemo treatment and her daughter who is 8 months pregnant. We also prayed for all of you and your families as we work through all the changes and stresses around COVID-19.
I have been down with the Virtual AO idea since day one. HIPAA and I started putting ideas together, he has led the charge and I’m helping support him. It continues to grow in amazing ways. From the first test run and lunch on Friday filled with connection issues and ‘learning’ to ironing out some kinks over the weekend and Tuesday, it felt like we had this figured out and we’d slowly start having more guys attend each week and we’d see where it goes.
That all changed when C-SPAN got involved and asked to join us. A date was set for 3/26, but then he also HCs for Rock Hill and Kansas City on 3/25. HIPAA was an HC, as few others (self-included) jumped in and we had guys join both those workouts. Now those guys are joining our workout. It’s been amazing to see the opportunity explode just when I thought we ‘had it figured out’. We are seeing other regions had the same idea and now regions are working together in ways at least my simple mind never imagined.
Our current plan is to host 2 or 3 workouts per week for now and join other regions on other days. HIPAA and I will keep working together to get a list of the workouts and figuring out how to continue to get the word out to our brothers here in F3 Gastonia.
See You In The Zoom!
-Montross aka Tronmoss aka Tee-Ron aka Tee