Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Month: March 2020 (Page 1 of 9)

Expect the Unexpected

One of the coolest things about these Zoom workouts is the ability to workout with some familiar faces beyond our region. Today we were joined by Monk and Ralph Lauren. Two very High Impact Men! Lets get it!

No FNG’s (YET!!!)




Imperial Walker



The Thang:

Captain Thor – 1BBSU:4 American Hammers (count Right side) – 10:40

Dirty Hookup – 50 OYO

Mike Tyson’s/Blasters – 25 OYO

Coupon time:

25 Curls

25 Tricep Presses

25 Overhead Presses


Australian Snow Angels – 20  IC

Hundreds – 100 OYO

Mtn Climbers 2 LBC – Descending sets – 25 to 15 by 1 . Q count – No reset in between 

Hurricane Hoedown – From 7 to 1


Coupon time:

25 Curls

25 Tricep Presses

25 Overhead Presses



Announcements: Encourage virtual workouts

Prayer requests: Monks Father in-law and Mother, Montross’ Aunt, Hamm family, PAX, World Leaders

I shared the following verse this AM:

Deuteronomy 15:7-8: If among you, one of your brothers should become poor, in any of your towns within your land that the Lord your God is giving you, you shall not harden your heart or shut your hand against your poor brother, but you shall open your hand to him and lend him sufficient for his need, whatever it may be.

At my company this week I saw almost half of our corporate office get Furloughed and the other half take a very significant pay cut. I was one that received a pay cut. I know this is happening to a lot of families. Some families may really be struggling financially because of this. Like the verse says, we should be reaching out to them and seeing if they need anything like groceries, a meal, essential items (diapers, formula, TP, etc.). You are leaders and solutions providers, all of you. The best thing we can do in these difficult times is offer assistance.

Be Safe, Stay Healthy and Stay Home!



Sweatside Story

This virtual thing is really picking up steam! So much in fact it’s bringing Kotters out! Glad to see you back out in the gloom Hunkajunk! You’ve been missed but completely understand given your job with the City of Belmont Police Dept.. Thank you for your service, be safe and congrats on the promotion to Sergeant!!! Glad to see some new faces on my iPad for a workout. No its not the same as physically being there with your brothers. Trust me, I miss all of your actual real ugly faces but I’m glad to see everyone taking the right precautions and staying safe.



Imperial Walker IC

Merkins IC

The Thang:



Announcements: Watch the F3Gastonia Twitter account and check on Slack for Region updates regularly!

Prayer requests: Montross’ Aunt, PAX and their families

YHC took us out

Thanks for letting me lead you virtually, now go out an be the leaders you need to be in your community. Lead by example, people are watching. Reach out to men often during this time. NO EXCUSES! You have the extra time on your hands now and it only takes 5 seconds to send a text to say “Hi! Need anything? Doing ok?” Believe it or not those 3 small things mean soooooo much. SYITGOTI



Q-Source (Shield Lock) – 03-29-2020

Good morning Gents – I had Qsource on this topic at Crossroads anyway so it seemed natural to take it via the Zoom.  I have attached my notes in files if anyone wants to review it.  There were lots of good conversation points and we went nationwide with FIAB joining us from the Keystone State.  See bullets below.  I logged this as an informational post so attendees are at the bottom.

  • Shield lock requires you to be steady and committed to the guy to your right and left.
    Shield lock is about accountability.
  • We do better together instead of apart.  No man can see forward and behind him at the same time.  It takes someone looking out for you and shining light on your blind spots.
  • Shield lock requires the 3Ps:  Purpose, Proximity and Periodic (meeting).
    This allows you to be ready for the expected, while staying ready for the unexpected.
  • SL helps you when your in the valleys (flux), but help your brothers when your on the mountain top and they are down.
  • Its difficult to have a shield lock if you don’t agree or align with another person, whether it be religion, home life, etc.
  • A shield lock is 3-5 people, but can be smaller as long as the 3Ps are there.


On another note, I know this time is difficult for some and others don’t agree with direction, but please be mindful and respectful of others.  While some aren’t affected, others are and its difficult on them seeing people not acting seriously to this while they aren’t earning an income.  Reach out to those in need, but please don’t be afraid or ashamed to ask if you need help.  It works both ways.  That’s what the shield lock is about.

Thank you to Hipaa and Montross for rocking and rolling with the virtual madness and Hipaa setting up reoccurring zoom links for the weekly workouts and Qsource.  That takes away the time limits imposed on us cheapskates who will never pay for the full versions if you will.

Attendees:  Stroganoff, Short Sale, Rosco, Montross, Pizza Man, Breaker Breaker, Sargento, Watts Up, Linus, HIPAA, Monk, FIAB, Clavin, Tool Time, Mayor, Kenneth Laub (F3 Name??)


The Matrix Explodes

23 F3 brothers from 10 – yes 10 – regions converged on a Zoom meeting this morning for a virtual workout. We had representatives from F3 The Fort, F3 Villanova, F3 Greensboro, F3 Kansas City, F3 Omaha, F3 Princeton, F3 Cape Fear, and F3 Shelby. Quite honestly, after the Tinker Toy (Rock Hill) Q yesterday, the pressure was on to deliver a quality Q!

YHC started with a disclaimer because YHC is most definitely not a professional and asked if there were any FNGs. No response so the workout began. (I have since learned there were 2 FNGs in Kansas City…wish I had known because I would have engaged them and ‘welcomed’ them, but it’s all good).


SSH – 20 IC
Toy Soldiers – 10 IC
Morrocan Night Clubs – 10 IC


Today, we read from a book titled “Montross’s Nursery Rhymes for HIMs”. Each page of the book has a different nursery rhyme from back in the day, along with a beautiful illustration and not-so-beautiful exercise to go with each rhyme. This book has been used about 4 times now and some modifications were needed to make better fit the online format.

Jack be nimble, Jack be quick…. Elevens with Jump Squats and Mike Tyson Merkins. Run down your driveway and back between each exercise (SSH are acceptable for those indoors). Jump Squats went 10 to 1, MTMs went 1 to 10. Bat flippers can grab an extra set if needed.

Jack and Jill went up the hill, both with a buck…wait wrong rhyme….Triple Nickel – use your driveway again, 5 Burpees on one end, American Hammers in cadence (count to yourself, I suppose). Pizza Man suggests a coupon for your American Hammers.…you vs you playa. Someone asks when we are going to use the coupons….

Eeeny, meeny, miney moe….normally we’d have some partner wheel barrels at this point, but that is not acceptable today. We are practicing social distancing! So, grab your coupons for AMRAP work – 40 seconds on, 20 seconds rest – 4 sets of Goblet Squats, 4 sets of Block Lunges, and 3 sets of High Pulls. Tip

Mary had a little lamb….Mary was a cutie in case you didn’t know and we all know you do curls for the girls. Time to work those vanity muscle! AMRAP – 4 seconds on, 20 seconds rest – 4 sets of curls, 3 sets of overhead presses and 3 sets of your favorite Merkin variation. We have a few minutes left for the best part of the book….

Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall….2 sets of AMRAP burpees – 40 seconds on, 20 seconds off.


YHC took us out with a prayer. Keep my aunt in your prayers as she undergoes chemo treatment and her daughter who is 8 months pregnant. We also prayed for all of you and your families as we work through all the changes and stresses around COVID-19.


I have been down with the Virtual AO idea since day one. HIPAA and I started putting ideas together, he has led the charge and I’m helping support him. It continues to grow in amazing ways. From the first test run and lunch on Friday filled with connection issues and ‘learning’ to ironing out some kinks over the weekend and Tuesday, it felt like we had this figured out and we’d slowly start having more guys attend each week and we’d see where it goes.

That all changed when C-SPAN got involved and asked to join us. A date was set for 3/26, but then he also HCs for Rock Hill and Kansas City on 3/25. HIPAA was an HC, as few others (self-included) jumped in and we had guys join both those workouts. Now those guys are joining our workout. It’s been amazing to see the opportunity explode just when I thought we ‘had it figured out’. We are seeing other regions had the same idea and now regions are working together in ways at least my simple mind never imagined.

Our current plan is to host 2 or 3 workouts per week for now and join other regions on other days. HIPAA and I will keep working together to get a list of the workouts and figuring out how to continue to get the word out to our brothers here in F3 Gastonia.

See You In The Zoom!

-Montross aka Tronmoss aka Tee-Ron aka Tee


It was a clear black night, a clear white moon

Sargento is on the streets, trying to consume

Some bricks for the eve, so I can get some pump

Just rucksacking in my kicks, chillin’ with Watts Up and Dry Rub…


The Thang

We rucksacked north on Union Rd carrying bricks. Every 5 minutes we did 10 merkins, 10 WW1 sit-ups and 10 squats. Got to Lidl and turned for home.

Made it back just in time. Pledge and COT


…now back to my rhyme…


I’m tweaking
Onto a whole new level
Step to this
I dare ya
On a whole new level
The rhythm is the bass and the bass is the treble
We brings
Where rhythm is life and life is rhythm
If you know like I know
You don’t want to step to this
It’s the G-Funk era
Funked out with a gangster twist
If you smoke like I smoke
Then you rucksack like everyday
And if your hiney is a buster
F3 will regulate!


Yes, things do get weird on the internet. If you would have dialed into the Zoom meeting this AM instead of joining video, you would’ve thought you dialed a hot, steamy porn line. Lots of heavy breathing going on and Montross talking about his dirty shorts. I guess we get crazy when celebrating an anniversary, I mean, don’t you?!?!




Imperial Walker


5 Burpees for 5 years

The Thang:


20 Merkins -1 WWI

19 Merkins -2 WWI

18 Merkins – 3 WWI

you get the point here

1 Merkin – 20 WWI

5 Burpees for 5 Years

50 Squats

50 Lunges (L+R=1)

100 Calf Raises






Announcements: Events cancelled

Prayer Requests: Montross’ Aunt, PAX, Nation, Local Businesses

YHC Took us out

Men, thank you for the opportunity to lead. I know this virtual thing may be weird at first but you get used to it. No matter what you do, keep some sort of routine. Please keep the Mental Battle in your minds as this is for sure a tough time for most. Reach out to those that may be struggling with anxiety, depression, etc. Pick up the phone, send a text, DM on Slack or Twitter. No excuses as you should all have the time to do it. Be safe and keep your distance.



First GOAT Q

Twas a gloomy and damp Thursday morning.  A handful of F3 men show for a GOAT style Stinky Q.  Weinke in hand, YHC arrived a few minutes before 5:30a.  Shoot the breeze for a few, then get started from the meeting spot.

Pledge, corona virus-esque disclaimer ( 6 feet apart, when coming back to a sweaty spot on the ground, try to return to your spot.).

Warmup – 30x SSH ic, 20x MoroccanNCs  ic, 10x Merkins ic, 30x Flutters ic

Mosey a lap and a half to the pavilion for some fun.

First round: 20x Hand Release Merkins OYO, 30x American Hammers ic, 20x DIPS ic, 10x Jane Fonda ic both sides.

RUN a lap!

Second Round: same thing except 25x HR Merkins then add 15 Derkins OYO at the end

RUN a lap!

Only planned for two rounds, BUUUUUUUT, make it 3!  We have time!

Third Round: All the same exercises, but back to 20x HR Merkins then add 15 Derkins OYO at the end.  Gotta say… breathing and counting during these final American Hammers was pretty tough.

Mosey up to the church with the flat parking lot.  Let’s get in some 11s.  Road side of parking lot, 1 crunch.  Church side, 10 burpees.  GO.

YHC Omaha’d to 7’s, but when asked to elaborate Virus helped me realize that I don’t know the difference between 7’s and  9’s…..  ha!

Finish up with 4-5 minutes remaining.  Head back to the meeting spot.  WITH some fun on the way!  After the traffic light, SPRINT to the next pole!  Walk to the next.  SPRINT to the next!  Walk to the next.  SPRINT one more then mosey the rest of the way back.


Word for the day:  Proverbs 20:7 The righteous who walks in his integrity, blessed are his children after him.  Let this be encouragement to all of us who are leading a family as we strive for a lifestyle of discipline and faithfulness; our children will be blessed.  The best blessing we can give our children is the example and relationship of a Godly father and Godly instruction to equip them for this crazy world!

Prayer Requests, Announcements

Stinky Bird flies the coop!



With F3 AO’s being closed around the US and our region due to the novel Coronavirus, we felt we needed a safe place for PAX to still be able to post, to still have that sense of belonging to something while most are stuck in the confines of their home. If there is one thing about F3 PAX, we aren’t quitters. We find solutions to the problem. Montross and I started seeing Virtual WODs trending on Twitter and thought this would be a great opportunity to bring this to the Gashouse. But you know us, we always gotta step it up a notch! Insert technology. Most of us pencil pushers are very familiar with using Skype, Zoom, Teams, WebEx, etc. for conference calls and collaboration. So why not bring that technology to a workout? Henceforth, The Matrix would be the newest AO to the Gashouse arsenal. While this may be a temporary solution until the world gets back to order, it will serve its purpose and serve any PAX (from anywhere) that may want to join.

Today’s workout would be a trial run to test the various audio and video settings. Overall, we had a great turnout for something that was thought of less than 24 hours before launch. With it being a trial I honestly only expected it to be Montross and Myself but special thanks to Big Pappy, Pillager and Bed Pan for helping us get this thing going. So a total of 5 PAX joined for the workout; 2 spectators viewed various portions of the workout to see what the hell we were actually doing. 1 Spectator, F3 Flame, hails from Lehigh Valley, PA.. Oh and Huck was there. Pretty sure he provided some Mumblechatter, my audio was in and out so I cant confirm.

To keep it neat and tidy, today’s workout would be held like any other F3 workout:


5 Core Principles incase any FNG’s in the crowd




Imperial Walker IC

Goofballs IC

Moroccan Night clubs IC

The Thang:

Due to time constraints we had to modify Set #3 to 4 minutes each exercise instead of the posted 8 minutes.

Time left for some MARY


Flutter Kicks IC

French Fries IC




All Gastonia AO’s closed, and events have been cancelled or rescheduled.

Prayer Requests

Montross’ Aunt and my 2.0 request Covid-19 go away

YHC took us out


I noted at the beginning of the workout the only thing we’d change if necessary would be the COT. COT is a time for PAX to divulge information to other PAX about things in their life. However, as we were technically live on the internet with an open invite to the Zoom meeting, I told the PAX if there is something deep you’d like to share that we could take it offline and discuss privately.

I hope my 2.0, Hoverboard, kept you entertained during the workout!

Montross, I cant thank you enough for your ambition to wanting to get this thing going. Your commitment to the region is most greatly appreciated!

Men, we are in trying times right now. There is a lot of information floating around out there than can be misleading, causing panic and raising anxiety levels. Don’t be afraid, trust in God and always be safe no matter what you do. There is no judgement on how you are handling things in your life during this new experience. We may not always agree on things, but you are my brother and I am here for you always and at any time.



Me and Spidey

When I pulled up to Bulldog today there was a Huge crowd waiting….just kidding.  Only Spider-Man and I were there.   With the chaos that was been surrounding our world I hadn’t really prepared a concrete game plan, but we winged it.



30 SSH

10 merkins


After that we did a bunch of squat curl presses, merkins, shoulder press, upright rows, LBCs, bent over rows, curls, more curls, more SSH, more squat curl press and etc… It was a good time and got some social distanced 2F.  Take care out there everyone.

Prayers for our country, our families, for our jobs, and for our health.

Be the Rock

10 men showed for an Easy Rider Q, but he was not feeling it and handed it off to Gastone. Many cheers came out when everyone heard the great news.

The Thang:

40 SSH

20 Merkins

20 Imperial Walkers

10 Diamonds

20 Squats

10 Wide Arms

20 Monkey Humpers

10 Merkins Right arm back left forward

20 LBC’s

10 Merkins Left back, right forward

20 Hip Thrusters

20 Hand Release Merkins

Now that the warm up is over we moseyed to the baseball field path that leads to the middle. 6 Little lights along the path. We stopped at each and did 10 Hand Release Merkins.

Mosey through the rest of the fields towards the back soccer field path. 40 Yards backwards Lunge.

Mosey around the park path all the way to the base of the hill towards the Pull up bar.

Bernie Sanders up the hill all the way to the pull up bar. LBC’s until the Pax shows up.

Mosey back down the hill and out the back of the park.

Stopped at some lights and did some Mary.

Cut through and jumped wall behind Planet Fitness.
Mosey around the building to the staircase.

2 sets on the step: 20 Legs together calf raises, 20 Toes pointed in, 20 Toes pointed out.

Mosey to the wall in front of the bank for 2 sets of 20 Dips.

Walk to the curb, 1 Minute of Rocky Balboa.

Mosey to the start.

The Moleskin:

Good times as always and an honor to Q.

I might have missed a few things but I have a BB up.

Corona, Covid-19, whatever you call it. This is a time to be the Q in your family, work, and friends. Be that guy that people look to and inform yourself. Help those in need and try to prepare Gaston County. Also, a good time to ease nerves of family and friends and try to be the rock that everyone needs in these times.

Prayers out to all that have to work through and be on the front lines. Prayers to all those who have things going on with a family member.

Gastone Out!


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