Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Day: February 19, 2020


So, instead of my usual breakdown of the beat down and eventually getting to the meat and potatoes of what I wish to present …. I’ll skip ahead for those that may feel I prattle on or choose to snooze while reading my BB …. lately I’ve  Noticed a great many individuals who’ve ‘disappeared ‘ like so much vapor many of which had come for some time whether short or long , but now they’re missing …. hopefully those whose information we are now collecting to better reach out won’t slip through and be lost. I challenged those present This morning at one point ( instead of asking for a 10 count) and announced that I’d present this challenge in the back blast …. any of you who happen to look over in the grocery check out line or at the movies, Lowe’s, gas station where the &@$$ ever and you happen to notice a previously named pax member whose been on hiatus … here’s just a few examples that I gave then as I do now Squirt ( yes, I know he appeared at Diablo once but then went off to hibernate again) speaking of hibernating,,, Turtleman , who only posts when the temperature is between 61 and 61.5 degrees, Brown Streak, and Captain Stubing….. it’s a regular “Where are they Now “ ….ask them 2 questions: 1) what happened ? 2) is there something different we could do to encourage you to come back ? It was at this point this morning that JK2 said,  “Give them Midol!”

now on with the show …

pledge , disclaimer ….

warmup in a rapid fire fashion  all in cadence ( except burpees)

MNC x15

Don Q x 12

SSH x 15

merkins x 16

5 burpees for the train ( no one claimed to have heard it … in fact there was a discussion on the subject …)

mosey far away …. to the side wall of Pelicans for Australian Mountain Climbers IC x12

now we mosey for real real … at Sara Palin’s road to Nowhere we do 10 merkins ( JK 2 said he already did these to which I reminded him …. you v you and modify as you see fit)

mosey to Across from Dr office for 10 squats

Riverwood Drive for something else and at next street stopped for another something something and on to the BIG TOP!

Gastones Hill!! Much discussion on trademarks and liability and whether the G man was rolling uncomfortably in the fart sack realizing someone was walking all over his stomping grounds …. ah well

first time up a burpee again each mail box ( hell box for Whoopee)

await pax at top and return

this time up,,,, nur up and perform 2 merkins ( yes! In the direction you are going .. facing downhill!) each hell box … wait for pax and return to..

third time run up and 3 plank jacks … along the way I was accosted by a viscous dog that was barely restrained ( it smelled my mailman blood!)

followed Watts Up’s example and stood like Al Gore for the six … and return back down …

fourth time up we squatty pottied ( 4 squats) each box up and back

lastly we side lunged up to dumpster and side lunged back …. 3 minutes to get us back …. well ,,, we took a little longer and went a tad over  ….  but it’s all good!

todays bible verse was Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect. – Romans 12:2

we also had great news from JK2 in his job hunt he will be accepting the job offer from Dry Pro…. his M is understandably nervous with this new chapter in their lives and he also shared an amazing story of how God touches us in our lives and that he is a very REAL and loving God … recently someone came into his work ,,,, this individual looked a little rough around the edges but went up to the president of his company and told him of Gods great love and that he is very real and not to worry , he has THIS!

announcements for Ruck at Folsom Saturday 5:30

3/21 ruck/ run / fun all day F3 5 year anniversary ? Haven’t heard about it? Get out from under that rock !! Push that rock!!

training for Rooster, ruck, p200 various 5k’s etc. come get some !

great group this morning ,,, yeah it was a smaller group , but damn they did great work , plus it’s always a pleasure to lead and with a smaller crowd you get to commune together a little better … we had many great conversations as the previous paragraphs are devoted to but we also spoke of Linus and Bandits upcoming new Walking AO starting early March on Saturday’s , I was asked about the meaning of my Tweet about how The Labyrinth may or may not have an actual script …. this owing to the fact that several weeks ago Stinky Bird and I swapped days but each site q maintained the warm up to add confusion and most recently giving the q over to Outhouse since he knew he’d be Out if town for 6 weeks. This caused a lot of talk about how we should encourage our pax to step up and that all should plan on having a weinke at the ready or should be capable of pulling off a last minute q ( just like Outhouse did other week).

until the next one …

Prison Break

13 was at prison break this morning getting after it and pushing rocks. Some guys ran 6-7 miles some ran 3-4 miles but one thing is for sure we ALL got better! It was my first Q  as site Q at this AO and I enjoyed it. I appreciate everyone coming out, I look forward to what God does in the future for this AO and the brotherhood!


Axe throwing get with Huck on that

Convergence March 21

Shooting guns at Allen Tates house that afternoon I believe

Prayer requests 

Each other

My wife and her pregnancy

Unspoken prayer request


Thank you for the opportunity to lead!

Round Up



It was a BLAST

Light rain and moderate temps….perfect weather for the premier afternoon AO in the Gashouse. Turnout was a little light, but quite a few PAX let YHC know that they were having to push the rock at work and wouldn’t be able to attend. Not a problem, 6 HIM took the DRP and got after it. Short disclaimer, Pledge, warmup and off to the Thang:


BLAST – 5 rounds of the following exercises

Burpees x10

Lunges x10 each leg

American Hammers x10IC

Suicides x5 (this ended up being a LOT of running)

Twinkle Toes x10 (Al Gore with calf raise)


This took a little longer than YHC was expecting, but we still had time for a little more work:

Bear crawl to the same cones as the suicides and perform 10 Merkins at each cone

Repeat with lunge walk and 10 Jump Squats at each cone


Mary suicides until time is up

PAX calls exercise and then runs a suicide while the other PAX perform AMRAP of called exercise. Flutter kicks, LBFC’s, Plank, Nolan Ryan’s and LBC’s were performed.


Humble Yourselves

Proverbs 12:15 – “The way of a fool is right in his own eyes, but the wise man listens to advice.”

Learning the hard way works, but that’s also the hardest way to learn. There is strength in admitting your mistakes and listening to others. Don’t be prideful, humble yourself and listen to others. If you fail to humble yourself, God may have to do it for you.



2nd F Ax Throwing this Saturday – if you didn’t sign up, but want to go, reach out to Huck and see if he can add you

Rooster Feb. 29th – may need some replacement runners, reach out to Breaker Breaker if interested

Convergence March 21st at Martha Rivers 7am-9:30am


Prayer Request

Each other

Those battling addiction


YHC took us out



Thanks to the PAX for showing up in not so perfect weather and pushing through. Pythagoras has become a regular at Midoriyama and continues to push to get better. Pizza Man, Gold Digger and Slaw all did multiple workouts today and Blart decided to stretch out that stride on the suicides and leave everyone behind.


Great work guys, it was a pleasure!

I’m Broke

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