Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Day: February 13, 2020

Solo at Starkville

We have several PAX sick/IR and the rain halted traffic from Charlotte.  YHC knew the odds were no one was going to make Starkville. YHC was correct and as 6:00 pm came around it was time to get to work solo.

The Thang

  • 10 merkins at each corner of the 6 tennis courts
  • Mosey 1 lap
  • 10 squats at each corner of the 6 tennis courts
  • Mosey 2 laps
  • 10 Hillbillies at each corner of there 6 tennis courts
  • Mosey 3 laps
  • 10 Imperial Walker at each corner of there 6 tennis courts
  • Mosey 4 laps
  • 10 Burpees at each corner of there 6 tennis courts
  • Mosey 3 laps
  • 10 squats at each corner of there 6 tennis courts
  • Mosey 2 laps
  • 10 merkins at each corner of there 6 tennis courts
  • Mosey 1 lap

Pledge and Prayers to the PAX for better health.

There is no way 6mo ago I would have had the discipline to work out solo. Thank you brothers for your leadership.

“Be watchful, stand firm in the faith, act like men, be strong. Let all that you do be done in love.”
1 Corinthians 16:13-14

Big Pappy


Backblast complete!

YHC was a little unprepared, so off the cuff we go!

Normal warmup of SSH, merkins, LBCs.

Mosey a long distance to the wall in front of the bank next door for some Dips IC followed by 25 step ups each leg.

Climb over the tall wall into the bank parking lot for a little burpee / core / sprint work.  3 rounds or so.

I felt the need for a few pull ups, so mosey to Martha Rivers.  Stop in the parking lot for some Jane Fonda’s.  Clavin needed more work, so called an exercise IC.  Can’t remember name, something V’s.  On your back, feet at 6″ off ground.  Open legs to V position then close.  Repeat for joy.

Down the the playground for 3 Murph style sets -5 pull-ups, 10 merkins, 15 squats

Mosey towards the parking lot for a round of Rocky B’s on the curb.  Mike Tysons next, followed by Rocky B’s… I think.

Mosey to the picnic shelter for some Dips IC. then Big boys OYO.

Modified Dora in the parking lot beside the picnic shelter followed.  Partner up.  Merkins x 75, Crunches x 150, Squats x 200.  Partner 1 does exercise, partner 2 runs just past the poop shack and back.

Finish up then mosey back…… to the light pole where we do more Jane Fonda’s.  EZ said his hip muscles weren’t tired yet, so we had to work on that.

Mosey back, Dry Rub out front!

Oompa Loompa out running on his own, shows up to close out the workout with us.

Announcements – Convergence at Martha’s – March 21 @ 7:00a,  Shoot ’em up to follow

Prayer requests:  The Harper family and Stokes family.  EZ Rider.  JK2’s son’s friend whose family lost their house to a fire.  Praise for kids staying healthy through 180 weekend.


Off to work – Stinky Bird

Better never than Late?

Here we go again, nearly a week later without a backblast.  Thankfully we have Watts Up to keep me straight.  Long but great week on the road, going to stick to the cold hard facts this time.


Warm Up:  SSH, 20 IC

That’s enough, I think Montross has this Painlab group under control, time to run.  Off to First Presbyterian Church we go.  At the front of the church roundabout.

The Thang:

Partner Up:  Each partner runs opposite circles around roundabout.  At each passing stop and do one booyah merkin, counting up to 10.

Rinse and Repeat with Booyah Burpees (can there be such a thing?)   The answer is yes, and they sort of stink just about as bad as they sound.  For time (sure, yes time…  rather for saving my energy in the tank we counted up to 4 and counted back down ignoring the second 4 count (ie, 1, 2,3, 4, 3, 2, 1, again for me))

Down to the steps at The Pad.

Single round of 11’s:  Merkins and squats (up and down stairs)

Up to stop sign at corner near Parkwood (Dixon road?)

Dora 1-2-3

Partner up, Heels to Sky, LBC’s and Flutters (count each leg and no division this time).  Run down and back up hill to a little bus sign.  It was honestly about perfect distance given that I did not think that one through very well.

Back to FPC, bottom of hill that leads up to The Pad.

Partner AMRAP:  Merkins while partner 1 runs to top and back, rinse and repeat.  Rinse and repeat again doing Burpees.

Back to the Schiele with no time to spare.

Gashouse produces a great group of mumble chatter crowds.  JJ and Short Sale solved all of the ACC issues (poor JJ didn’t know what was coming that evening though), Timeframe concerned about his performance showed exceptionally well, Stroganoff stuck to the Rucking and I think Hushpuppy outworked us all.  Always honored to lead, even if the backblast is a ‘little’ late?



3/21:  F3 Gastonia Convergence and shooting at Allen Tate’s on same day

FIA convergence is happening this coming weekend 3/15

Rooster 3/29:  Linus will cover Gashouse Q

Concerns and Prayer requests:

Les Nessman, Sister in Law in hospice

Gump and veteran friend with some financial and health struggles currently

Stogie’s dad



Men With Blocks

I had the chance once again to Q at the best AO in the nation! I pulled in about 5 minutes early seeing roundup running with a weighted vest on, the mans a beast! In fact all those that showed are beast! 530 hits and we get after it!

Warmup! SSH, Toy Soldiers, Hillbillies

The Thang! Partner up for deadlifts and merkins! I made some bars a few years ago, where you can hook a Block on each side and do deadlifts, they haven’t been used in a while and I thought today would be a great time to bring them out!

P1 -20 deadlifts, P2- Merkins X 4= 80 deadlifts and a bunch of merkins!

Then we circled up for 20 to 1 Blocks!          Each pax grab a block on my count, 20 reps of each exercise, then 19,18,17… down to 1! Ended up being 190 reps of each exercise! Which were…

Shoulder Press




These pax being the MEN that they are, killed it!

22 for the VETs!

Then we had a couple of minutes, I wanted to bring up the verse Def Leppard shared Monday morning at the  Sword.
1 Corinthians 16:13-14 Be watchful, stand firm in the faith, act like men. Let all that you do be done in love.

1st Be watchful- Ps 119:105 says Gods word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path! How can I be watchful without Gods word?

2nd Stand firm in the Faith- what does it mean to stand firm? I looked it up, “ Hunker Down! Refuse to budge!” What an awesome visual! Your family and the people around you need this from you, STAND FIRM! To what is right!

3rd Act like Men- “Biblical Manhood Principles
1. Humility before his God

  1. control of his appetites! “ don’t cave to temptation “

  2. protecting his family.

  3. Providing for his family.

  4. leading his family.

4th- BE STRONG- I am week, but He “God” is strong! I have to rely on His power to be strong!

Last thing! “ Let all that you do be done in love!” Again, apart from Christ, I can’t do this! That’s why Paul tells us to crucify our flesh daily and follow Christ!

Announcements- Big Pappy is taking up children’s clothes and supplies to take to Jamaica! This man is going on vacation with his wife for their anniversary, and part of their time there, will be spent at an orphanage doing mission work! That is what a true HIM looks like like! If you have something to donate… get with him! We should be able to send him with a full load!

Wichita has his VQ this Saturday at Folsom! Come out, it will be terrible!

Prayer requests- my friend Fred Sisk, his wife is in her last days from a battle with cancer.

-My wife, Dr Seuss, and anyone else working in the school system, they put up with a lot!
-Our children
-Each other

Thanks for the opportunity to lead! I took us out.










The GOAT – February 13, 2020 (Pre Valentine Day Workout)

Goat Island – February 13, 2020

We had 9 HIM post this morning at Goat Island.

We took a lap around town square and then circled up for the warm up.

Warm Up:
SSH X 14 (IC)
Burpees x 2|
Windmill x 14 (IC)
Burpees x 2
MNC x 14 (IC)
Burpees x 2
Low Slow Squat x 14 (IC)
Burpees x 2
Plank Jacks x 14 (IC)
Burpees x 2


Valentine Day Facts courtesy

The average person will spend $144 on Valentine’s Day. So we did 24 reps of 6 exercises.

  1. 24 burpees
  2. 24 merkins
  3. 24 monkey humpers
  4. 24 mountain climbers (DC)
  5. 24 SSH
  6. 24 bomb jacks

Average cost of Roses is $42

So we did 42 reps spelling out the word Roses

  1. Rocky Balboa – 42 (DC)
  2. Overhead Clap – 42 (SC)
  3. Smurf Jacks – 42 (SC)
  4. E2K – 42 (21 each side)
  5. Squats  42

Since I liked the number 24 we did another six reps, but this time with a partner. Very similar to a lazy dora. Unfortunately, a train was heard in the distance and the Pax joined in and performed 5 burpees. I noted in the lexicon, Rock Hill does 10 burpees for a passing train. No one seemed to care what F3 Rock Hill does. LOL.

One partner performed derkins while the other partner held a plank. We also did incline merkins, dips, seal jacks, box jumps and peter parker (double count). After the third exercise the partner did lunges.

With time left we went down the stairs at the community center. While one of the PAX ran up the stairs the others performed a wall sit. We did this twice.

Finally, we ran back to COT or tried to keep up with Pillager and Stinky Bird who wanted to record their speed on the speed limit sign.

We had a couple of minutes of MARY (exercises performed were Flutter Kicks, Dying Cockroaches, American Hammers and LBC).

Termite found out that their cat of 14 years has cancer.

Top Hat mentioned to us to reach out to those who have not been out in a while and see how they are doing.

FIA Lake Wylie and F3 Family Fun Fest is this Saturday, February 15. Open to all F3 men and their wives. This will also be a friendly event for your 2.0.

Detective Mike Doty memorial 5k/10k in Fort Mill.

Don’t forget the Rooster is Saturday, February 29.


Rucking and Such

5 men showed on a warm Feb. morning. We rucked from Diablo Sammich to Coconut Horse, took the packs off and did some Swings, Squats, and Halos. All were done for 1min w/ 15sec rest between for 3 rounds. Some people threatened to leave if we did a forth set so we rucked it back to Diablo.


Thanks for having me guys, it’s been nice getting out to some of these morning AO’s.

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