Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Day: February 5, 2020

Run for Today

10 PAX showed for a mosey on a mild January morning.

We said the pledge.

We moseyed the New Hope route in reverse.
Armstrong Park Rd. to Armstrong Park Dr.
To New Hope To Lee To Perry.
To Armstrong Park Rd.
Back to The Pub.

We shared announcements:
Send info to Watts Up who is building an F3 Gastonia PAX database
3/21 5 Year Anniversary Convergence

We shared prayer requests:
Helm family
Gumby recovery

Verse for the PAX: James 4:14
Why, you do not even know what will happen tomorrow. What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes.

Seems like there has been a lot nationally and locally within our F3 Gastonia family lately that reminds us that each day is a gift. Enjoy it today with the ones you love because you can’t get it back tomorrow.

Prayer to take us out.

Until next week…

Scavenger Hunt @ Labyrinth

YHC was fresh off of a Q at The Storm and was trying to bring something fresh/different. So here goes.

0530 hits with 6 joining the Q. One coming off EC and another a Kotter that hadn’t posted since summer.

A short disclaimer is given and we do 18 MNC IC.

After that, the first clue is provided to the PAX:
“Mosey to Turtleman’s favorite jumping off spot.”

Upon arrival, the following was assigned:
2 Rounds of:
Broad Jump to Light Pole
Return to bottom and perform 18 Big Boy Sit-ups

2nd Clue:
“Mosey to the only place you can Bank on there being a Hole

There we knocked out the Pledge and did 2 rounds of:
18 Step-ups
36 Rocky Balboas

The PAX having picked up on 18/36 numbers were trying to figure out the significance. Lots of good ideas, but none correct thus far.

Clue 3:
“If this place wasn’t there, Martha’s would be an unkempt mess. Also, one of TimeFrame’s favorite places to start a workout.”

Here, 2 rounds of the following were done:
18 Flutter Kicks IC
18 Jane Fonda’s each leg

Clue 4:
“While most times this placed is Automatically Zoned out, let’s mosey and stop there.

To keep the heart rate up perform 2 rounds of:
36 SSH
36 Plank Jacks

Clue 5:
“While we all know construction has been Ramping up in the are, the work seems to be Behind on the Planet Fitness. You know this is one of Watts Up’s favorites.”

Upon arrival, we found a truck with some guy asleep, so we continued on a bit and instead of Bear Crawls and Squats, YHC adlibbed 2 Rounds of 18 Merkins and 18 of something else.

Clue 6:
“There is a Lion of a Parking Lot nearby. If there is a good spot along the way do 36 calf raises each of Watts Up’s ways. Then onward”

After knocking out the calf raises, Howling Monkey was called with High Knees.

Clue 7:
“Given this is Clavin’s AO, it must be time to return to sender.”

Along the way, YHC realized there was time for one more:
“This place may be finger-licking good, but some of their nuggets are granite”

After everyone had a nugget 2 rounds of:
40 curls
18 tricep presses

Return your nugget and proceed onwards.

There was still a little time left, so Clavin and JJ lead a little Mary.


If you don’t know the answers to all of these clues, come out to this AO or SandLot…

Somewhere along the way, the PAX observed that most scavenger hunts had a prize and wanted to know today’s. At the time, the answer given was the 1st F – Fitness. But in writing/reflecting the prize is F3 – Fitness, Fellowship and Faith.

Now, as far as the 36 number…
Today is the 5th day of February and there were 31 days in January…

This morning’s verse comes from Romans 8:5
“For those who are according to the flesh set their mind on the things of the flesh, but those who are according to the Spirit, the things of the Spirit.”
A reminder to keep your mind/focus on Jesus and His word. Do not get wrapped up in that of the world.

Convergence 3/21 Martha Rivers 0700
2nd F Shooting 3/21 Allen Tate’s 1200
GoRuck Training 2/8 GasHouse 0600
Whoopee’s Polar Plunge

Clavin took us out in prayer.

Thanks to all that participated. Great to see Drone out again.

Watts Up powering down.

Men on a pole

9 showed at Folsom on Saturday at 0530 for some Goruck training. Thanks to Roadie we had a piece of telephone pole  to use for practice.

Warmup: We don’t need no stinking warmup!

The Thang:

PT-2 min amrap of merkins then situps

Let’s ruck carrying one sandbag and the pole. Off to the parking lot at the college we went.

At the parking lot we partnered up. P1 does mtn climbers while P2 farmer carries both rucks to the other end of the parking lot. P1 then runs to P2 get the bags and they reverse roles. We did this 5 rounds.

Let’s ruck some more. Around the college to the parking lot near the auto garage.

20 ruck thrusters then speedruck to the end of the parking lot. Switch the bag to your front side and speed ruck back. Each round drop the thrusters by 5. This sucked!!!!!

Let’s ruck some more.

Stopped off at the Ag Center building for some team assessment PT. 1 minute butterfly situps(40 to qualify). 1 minute hand release merkin(30 to qualify), 1  minute clean/squat your ruck(during assessment this would be an 80# sandbag min of 15 reps)

At this point we made our way back to meetup with the bootcamp and COT.


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