Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Day: February 1, 2020

All legs

YHC rolled in about 3 minutes until 5:30a.  TIRED.  Did not want to wake up, but the I guess committing to being the Q was a good enough reason to crawl out of the fartsack.  Let’s get going.



SSH x 35ic (Watts Up jealous of my youth and beauty again,  thinking YHC was counting to my age…)

IW oyo x 30 ( a little confusion from the PAX on what count one leg only means.  Will work on my communication.)

Mosey one lap around the parking lot, reconvene @ the pavilion.

Dirt asked to lead in 30x Flutters IC…….. 40 is the new 30

This was actually planned, but Slaw wants credit for this next round of exercises after accusing me of being all legs….. we shall see!

5 diamond merkins together

10 HR Merkins OYO

20 American Hammers IC (this one brought the mumble chatter)

5 BURPEES FOR THE TRAIN called by EZ Rider

REPEAT previous three exercises 2 more times!

Let’s MOSEY!  To the bridge, ZOMBIE WALK ACROSS

Stop on the other side at the DIP WALL

Can’t remember if we did them, but 10 burpees were supposed to happen here according to the WEINKE that I left at home.

Dips IC x 15?

Step Ups Each leg x 25, Don’t fall forward into traffic

Dips IC x 11?

Let’s mosey to the 11’s Stairs!

1  Smurf Jack at the bottom (thanks for the suggestion Gastone!)

10 Mike Tysons at the top….. Let’s GO!

Gump Was upset with the workout so he left early…. or maybe there was another more legit reason?

Wait on the six to finish, then 10 Count by Def Leppard.  Let’s NUR (thanks Gastone) up to the light.

Cross the street then do another round of DIPS followed by zombie walk halfway across the bridge.  Lunge walk the rest of the way.

Watts Up calls JAILBREAK back to the pavilion.  Somebody must have called burpees while YHC was retrieving phone from car, so I had a few to catch up on when I got back.



Convergence at Martha Rivers March 21st

Get your Name, Address and Phone number to Watts Up, send a Direct Message on Slack or find another way.

Gastone shared about Charlotte police officer with a Go Fund Me page to raise money to help support his family while his two kids have been battling leukemia and he has been out of work.  Just found the link for them:

Praise God  for EZ’s son and pray for his son’s job search. Dry Rub’s M, Clavin’s patience,  Freight’s daughter with the flu




Stinky Bird



The Power of No

6 for Painlab (TUBE QIC), 7 for Bootcamp (Roscoe QIC)

Warm up:  SSH, Merkins, Squats, LBC’s, Pledge

Bootcamp moseyed to the back of the library.  Dora 1,2,3  100 CDD’s, 200 LBC’s, 300 Flutters:

Mosey to front of FPC circle for Merkinfest:

20 merkins, run the circle, 19 merkins, run the circle…..1 merkin run the circle.  200 plus merkins and one mile.  Mia left us to go to work.  It was great having him.  He lives between F3Shelby and F3Gashouse and hopefully he will come see us more frequently!  He is teaching kids and adults trades which is such a needed commodity these days.  Great to meet you!

Mosey to side of church for partner laps.  P1 sprints around 4 parking islands and returns, tags P2, then 3 parking islands, then 2, then 1 as the pace increased each time with less recovery.  5 burpees at the beginning and then end.

Mosey back to start for a few minutes of Mary and COT with PainLabbers.  (3.15 miles)

My message today was on the power of “no”.  I had seen something about that statement and assumed it was when you have a tendency to say yes to everything.  By saying no you regain control and hopefully don’t commit to things that aren’t in your wheelhouse.  However, what I learned was the power of no can be when someone tells you you can’t do something that you can use that as motivation.  I asked for examples of this from the PAX.  Maybe there is a coach or a boss that has said that you don’t have what it takes and you can use that to stoke the fire in your belly to make things happen.  Rob Jones calls that “using the weight”.

You can let it weigh you down or you can push back and get stronger.

Announcements:  Dam to Dam Relay in two weeks, Convergence approaching, F3 Guns at AT’s place coming soon.

Prayer requests: Lynn Hamm, Les Nessman’s sister in law in hospice care.  Prayers for her children and his brother.  Prayers for those battling addiction, hopelessness, mental health issues.

Great to see FNG “Band Camp” today.  We had 5 at breakfast today.  No one ordered the “Deuces” but it was mentioned.  ShortSale bought mine today. #classact!

Always a pleasure to lead men!

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