Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Month: January 2020 (Page 4 of 10)

Late BB “I’m a Slacker”

  • Warm up
  • Moroccan night club X 20
  • Gravel pickers.              X 20
  • Side straddles hops.   X 20

Exercise:  We mosied to the flagpole, said the Pledge Of Allegiance. Started off with a round of Iron hulks(11 Him’s), mosied down to the lower parking lot next we did long 11”s, big boys one side/tiger squats other side, with 5 Merkins every time we hit 1/2 way point, went to shelter, did 50 step ups, 30 shoulder slappers , 20 tricep dips, then we rinsed and repeated, to wrap up we did 2 minute low plank.

WE did not grow cold

YHC had promised that anybody showing to Ricky Bobby would be cold even though a balmy 24 degrees was reported as 4 warriors took the frozen tundra at New Hope Elementary’s track and field to partake of a cold and clear morning. Went like this:


SSH X 20

Grapevine stretches, both legs.

IW X20

Mtn. Climbers X 20

Don Qs X20

Track work as follows:

10 burpees – take a lap

20 American Hammers – take a lap.

30 Merkins – Take a lap

40 squats – Take a lap

50 CCDs – Take a lap

60 LBCs – Take a lap

Quick 10 count and on to some across the field 7s

side 1 – Dirkins on the bench

Side 2 – Plank jacks.

Over for a goal line stand.

Goal line to 25, 5 HR merkins, back

Goal line to 50 , 10 jump squats, back

Goal line to other 25 – 15 Big boy situps, back

Goal -Goal – 20 regular merkins

SSH X 10

Copperhead squats X 10

Ran back to goal

halfway – 10 merkins

End – 20 merkins

Bear crawl slalom across the field. 4 turns for everyone!

Mosey back to the benches for Mary and COT.



It was cold but not for long. Upbeat group, upbeat workout. We did not stay cold for long. YHC has to admit, these are the BEST F3 has to offer. Cold clear morning that challenges pax to get out and  post.  Builds durability which is essential for leadership.  Guys out in Omaha were posting in 2 degree weather. I intend to go out there and post with them in weather like THAT someday! Next year I expect. All pax were respect level. I see that often in these workouts. Those guys show, and get it done.  Proud to be with these guys today. Honor to lead great men in tough conditions always. Varsity.



Where was the train?

January 21, 2020

My alarm went off at 4:55 a.m. and I reluctantly didn’t fart sack because I had the “Q” at The Storm. I knew it was going to be in the 20’s, so I was not sure how many PAX would be attending a morning workout. I knew Boudin would be present since he had mentioned some EC running and he WAS running as I pulled into Stuart Cramer High School.

I had planned on the train giving us some burpees, so I decided not to put that in my routine this morning. However, the train never came or was never heard.

Disclaimer followed by the Pledge of Allegiance

After the disclaimer we ran a good distance to the “circle” near the front of the school for the warm up.

Warm Up:
SSH x 20 (IC)
MNC x 15 (IC)
Windmill x 10 (IC)
Produce Picker x 10 (IC)
Peter Parker x 15 (IC)

Routine 1:
After the warm up we ran toward the football parking lot entrance where we performed 11’s.  We did 10 merkins and 1 squat and ended with 10 squats and 1 merkin.

Routine 2:
We continued running toward Lakewood Road and found a hill where I decided to do my next routine.

Each pax would bear crawl up the hill and crawl bear down the hill. While one pax is doing this, the pax that is bear crawling would call out a set exercise for the pax to do until he returned. One of the pax did call burpees here though.

With time running out we continued to run up the sidewalk on Lakewood Road and take the long way back to C.O.T.

After it was over, my watch read 3.7 miles and 587 calories burned. So I was happy with the workout.

F3 Rock Hill Rooster is Saturday, February 29. Check with Breaker-Breaker if you’re interested in getting a team together.

Pillager has two neighbors that need praying.

Continue lifting up the Hamm family and Breaker Breaker’s wife who is now doing all the wedding planning.

Anchorman said his wife is traveling to Florida to spend some time with her parents.

Thanks for the opportunity to lead.

Ellen Ripley

  1.  fresh off showing my 2.0 two of the Baddest and best Sci fi films of all time and Also introducing him to the original Bad ass woman heroine ( see title ) and especially as since last night we watched Aliens, what more needs saying … except that, “ Were on an express elevator to Hell, going down!!” Yeah I know that was not one of her lines, but damn there were some amazing lines especially from Hudson!!
    I digress, as usual we begin with pledge and then I act like a stroke victim Or maybe teacher from Férris Bueller and slow call warm up of SSH …….after asking if anyone knows how many years Ellen Ripley shuttle was adrift from original film to the sequel …… 57!! Yes , this took a few minutes , but we got warmed up !! No longer worrying about the cold … EZ rider even had to take face mask off ,, JJ not far behind! Next question , what sex was Ripleys child? Watts up got it right …. A daughter who died at 66 3 years before shuttle was found. So. 5 burpees ( mumble about what 5 has to do with 3…. for which Twinkle Toes ( previously known as Stinky Bird) said these extra were for bereavement.

mosey over to turd shack/ picnic area of park … anyone watch or catch the McGregor fight? Not really …. so since today’s theme is badasses…. 40 Rocky Balboas count one leg or other ( Gastone counted both …did he reach 80? Or maybe he counted same number twice? Either way….) aaaannnddd now….. 40 Mike Tyson’s …. much mumble about if I knew how long or tough this was ….I NEVER doubted my boys today…. they performed admirably… and as I pointed out this took longer than the actual 40 second fight!
Now,,, the date has been set and 1 1/2 weeks from now the ultimate badass showdown will commence with the Super Bowl … so…

line up and slow mosey with last man Indian run to front and travel thru parking lot past Clavin Hill around ball fields taking path to front of play area … continue rotation until we assemble for ….

4 exercises , 9 reps each

pull-ups, squats, merkins and burpees

any math majors? What is 4x 9? 36 …correct now if we are to acknowledge Garoppolo and the 49ers … what is the difference of 36 from 49? Gastone failed with the number 3…. correct number was 13 … challenge yourself and choose an exercise from the 4 above and do the 13 left over once.

assemble front of play area where I announce the non even number means original exercise I had in mind will be changed as I intended partner merkins and partner derkins ….. and then Gastone said he will partner with self as he’s still recovering . So we partner up, each pax travel along path snd meet behind play area ( use path around said area) for 1 partner merkin back to front for 2 partner derkins ( each person ) and continue up to 10. BadAsses all!
now to picnic area to attempt something new I saw where you elevate legs on another bench and do dips …. obviously in cadence! Times 15 now over to turd wall and in remembrance of Whoopee 10 IC hip slappers ….. have I said lately … badasses? Oh yeah! Wall sits … March IC … increase count speed…. wall sits and arm raises and now add March ,,,, recover

time for one more Indian Run ( first time in 50 years for Chiefs so let’s support Mahomes and the boys with a real Indian run back to home base ….


p200 meeting ( Saturday?)

prayers for family, 2.0s , M’s and others ( especially Short Sales M with crud )

It should also be noted that during same time I showed my son a clean( as if!?!?) version of Talledega  Nights …. balance ….Ripley = pure badass , Ricky Bobby = dumbass!  ( still a lot of fun though!)


In a tweet the prior day, the PAX were encouraged to come to The Pub ready to be reflective. Not the kind of reflection that would cause you to look back on all the decisions you made in 2019, but rather the reflection that would allow you to shine in the dark and be seen by passing motorists.

This is because we were going to mosey the old Pub Route. Insert Pamela joke here. Don’t know what that means? Post at The Pub. #ShowToKnow

0530 so let’s get going.

The Pledge

The Mosey

The Announcements
Saturday morning Ruck training an hour before AO start
Mortimer 100 – See Roscoe
Spartan – See Gump

The Prayer Requests
Gumby recovery
Oompa’s M having shoulder surgery
Slaw – knee and stomach issues

Prayer to take us out.

Until next week…

License to Ill

Now here’s a little story I gots to tell about an F3 AO you know so well.
It started way back in history with Adrock, MCA and the Mike D.

If you don’t know who those three guys are, those were not 3 FNGs from a recent post. They were the three members of the Beastie Boys. And YHC just happened to be sitting in traffic listening to their song Check It Out, when YHC saw that Linus needed a Q for the upcoming weekend at Gashouse. What better theme than a Beastie Boys-inspired Q? I’m sure the four PAX that posted that AM would have come up with a long list of topics to base a weinke other than the Beastie Boys’ greatest hits.

Arrived that morning with a plan to ruck prior to Gashouse. Knew it may be a solo effort since most of the other ruckers were at Folsom for their little GoRuck training session. Wound up circling the Schiele parking lot for the better part of an hour. Long story that YHC would detail further if this backblast wasn’t so late in being created.

0700 on the clock and time to go.

FNG present so we went over the 5 core principles.

Warm Up
SSH x 15
LBCs x 15
Merkins x 15
Imperial Walkers x 15

So the Beastie Boys had 5 studio albums, the PAX would have to name their albums in order to avoid doing 8 burpees. The first member of the PAX who could name the album could avoid doing the burpees.

Album 1?
Hipaa correctly guessed License to Ill so he was exempt from the 8 burpees. Everyone else, 8 burpees.

Left the Pain Lab crew with Hipaa while we moseyed to the Middle School parking lot. Had a blue tooth speaker playing the Beastie Boys greatest hits while we worked.

Album 2?
This is the point I realized that the 4 PAX with me were not BB fans growing up.
The answer… Paul’s Boutique
8 burpees for all

Mosey to the parking lot at First Pres.

In honor of the only deceased member of the BB, we did MCA’s (useless fact, Adam Yauch – MCA died of cancer in 2012. My sister-in-law was a cancer nurse at the facility where he received treatment. She said he was a super humble and nice guy.)

Anyway, MCA’s are Elevens with Mountain Climbers and Abyss merkins.

10 Mountain Climbers in the parking lot, then up the hill to the outdoor benches for 1 Abyss merkins.
Back down the hill for 9 Mtn Climbers, then up for 2 Abyss merkins.
Rinse and repeat until 1 MC and 10 Abyss merkins.

Mosey up the stairs to the covered pad.

Album 3?
No chance. I think at this point YHC cut the burpees to 6 and decided to count down with each album.
The answer… Check Your Head

In tribute to their second album Paul’s Boutique, we did a round of Paul’s.

Half the PAX ran around the building, down the stairs, then back up the stairs while the other half stayed and did AMRAP for the 5 exercises. When the first half returned, they did the exercises while the second half ran the loop.

P People’s Air Presses
A American Hammers
U Up Straddle Hops
S Squats

Album 4?
Nope… 5 burpees
The answer… Ill Communication

We next did a round of merkins to the BB hit “Girls”. In the plank position, while the song plays do plank jacks when they say “Girls” the pax does a merkin. Second half of the song, shoulder taps while the song plays and a merkin for every “Girls”.

Mosey to the track at the elementary school.

Album 5?
What do you think?… 4 burpees
The answer… Hello Nasty

“Wha Cha Wha Cha Wha Cha Want” was a hit song (yes, it was a hit song) from the Check Your Head album. So YHC asked the PAX what exercise they wanted. Mosey half way around the track. Stop for a exercise of the PAX choice. Then mosey to the other side of the track. Another PAX chose an exercise. Stopped 4 times so that each PAX could pick an exercise.

Album 6?
—–… 3 burpees
The answer… To The 5 Boroughs

Mosey back with a stop in the First Pres parking lot.

Album 7?
At this point, I would have had trouble. So… 2 burpees
The answer… The Mix-Up

Mosey to the Schiele. Quick round of wall sits. Mosey to home.

The Pain Labbers gathered around.

Album 8?
Blank stares… 1 burpee
The answer… Hot Sauce Committee Part 2

As a group, 8-count Body Builders to the BB song “Body Movin’”. The song says, “You will do this 4 times with the left, 4 with the right, then 8 times with both, then repeat.” Sounds to me like the song literally called for 8-count body builders. After seeing that the PAX had enough of the body builders, we Omaha’ed into a couple of rounds of Mary.

And time…

Lake Wylie F3/FIA Convergence – 2/15
Operation Grumpy Old Men – potential low impact/walking AO – Contact Bandit if interested
Rice and Beans – Good job to Anchorman and all that participated
Spartan in April – see Gump if interested

Prayer Requests
Time Frame and M
Dry Rub and M
Voodoo family friend – 23 YO w/ cancer; several in that family dealing with cancer
State of the nation

Prayer to take us out.

Welcome FNG Rush (Shawn Pittman).

Until next time…

Brass Monkey
Ch-Check It Out
No Sleep Till Brooklyn
Hey Ladies
Paul Revere
Shake Your Rump
Fight For Your Right
Sure Shot
Wha Cha Wha Cha Wha Cha Want
Pass the Mic
The New Style
Egg Man
Time to Get Ill
Body Movin’

Triangle of Triumph

It was an honor to Q my first Pain Lab.  This group shows up consistently on Saturdays and it shows in the progress everyone makes each week.  I see a lot of Triumphs with these HIMs, so this Lab brought us the Triangle of Triumph.  Well done men!

Warm up

Normal stuff


Dirty 11s


  • Burpee



Triangle of Triumph (Step Left)



10 Dips

20 Incline Merkins

30 Step Ups

40 Moroccan Nightclubs


Triangle of Triumph (Step Right)



10 Big Boy Situps

20 Speed Skater

30 CDDs

40 Squats


Triangle of Triumph (Klaw)



10 American Hammers

20 Monkey Humpers

30 Side Straddle Hops

40 LBCs


5 Burpees and 1 minute of Dips (good idea Tube) to close it out.

A Horny Day

It was a crisp, rather chilly, morning at Folsom this morning. I was confident there’d be a good showing, even though in past years, cold weather kept a lot of PAX in the fartsack. Yes, I’m guilty myself. Moving on, I had heard from Watts Up that he was coming up to visit. There had been chatter on our Folsom GroupMe group last night where Allen Tate confirmed with HIPAA that he’d be there. Well, that didn’t happen, but it was good to see HIPAA come out. As I step out of the Jeep, I hear this annoying car alarm/horn going off over at the animal shelter. So, from then on it was Beep..Beep………Beep..Beep. It’s time, so let’s get at it.


SSH, gravel pickers X15 IC.

Mosey to the tennis courts for…
The Thang;
Variation of Sparky’s 20-1 was called. 3 exercises;merkins, Squats, LBCs. Using the entire court area, corner 1, get 20 of each exercise. Mosey to the next corner for 19 each. Mosey to the next get 18 each. Continue until you finish up back at corner 1 with 1 of each. Quick recover then line up on the first court for some Wojo inspired run training. Start with a nur half the distance then turn and sprint the remaining distance. Turn around and nur then sprint. Round 2, buttkicks all the way down paying attention to form and turn around for the same back. Round 3, high knees all the way down and YHC was asked “we going back, right?” Well, yes. Ok, back at start Q called for some clipboard/screw your buddy/whatever you call it. In a line, PAX 1 calls an exercise and the remaining PAX perform that exercise AMRAP while PAX runs the courts and back. PAX 2 is next. Continue until all has an opportunity to screw the others. Then mosey a full lap around the courts and end back at the flag. 22 merkins for the Vets. And yes, that damn horn is still beeping.


COT Wichita’s dads recovery, Gumby’s recovery, my mothers knee surgery coming up

Announcements there’s a bunch of runs coming up, I should’ve recorded it. Hit up Slack for those details.

YHC took us out in Prayer

Dear diary, 33

YHC decided to throw myself a little birthday party the day after I turned 33 and being the overtly creative person I am, my age loosely became the theme….

Here’s how we celebrated:

Side straddle hop x 33
10 burpees for fun

Mosey along street in front of Martha rivers
-stop at a light pole for 10x merkins OYO
-Lunge walk to next pole for 25 plank jacks oyo

Mosey to equipment building
Dirt with EC bear crawl under the gate, he leads in 33x flutter kicks in cadence
Big boy sit-ups OYO x 19
Jane Fonda’s x 15 each leg OYO
Mosey to bleachers for calf raises, 25 each leg, 25 together for EZ

Two laps around concession stand, stop for BLIMPS. Run around stand between each round
2 Laos when finished

Mosey to picnic area for
-dips in cadence x15
-10 derkins OYO
-7 dips in cadence
-10 derkins OYO
-5 dips in cadence
-10 derkins OYO
-33 big boys OYO
-10 Jane Fonda’s each leg
-11 dips in cadence

Meander for 75 yards,
Mosey to upper parking lot for 20 oblique crunches each side for Time Frame.
10 more burpees for fun

mosey back for Mary
Outhouse with 33 LBCs in cadence
Defib with 20 peter Parker’s In cadence
Watts up with elbows to knees each leg in cadence
Call time before short sale can torture us

P200 meeting on the 26th @ 3pm @ cavendish
Ruck training this weekend before gashouse

Prayer requests

Aside from all that, 33 brings a time for reflection over the last year of my life.  It’s not the specific age , but the passing of another year.   A few notable things achieved and/or improved upon during age 32 would be finally getting my family plugged in and joining a church – Seven Oaks Church.  I was finally baptized as an adult with the ‘believers baptism’ , which was something I’ve wanted to do for years now.  It also happened to be a requirement for becoming a member of the church, so that was the push I needed.  FITNESS – Tiger had been telling me about F3 for a couple of years and I finally had the guts to step out and go.  I’m not sure why I resisted for so long, but regret doing so.  Being fed up with where I was physically and my lack of motivation to exercise independently brought me out to Neverland for my first F3 bootcamp.  Watts Up Q with cinder blocks.  Ouch.   No turning back!  Accountability is something I need to keep my six in shape.  FELLOWSHIP in community is something I crave.  Areas to improve: DISCIPLINE – primarily with getting into the Word to strengthen my FAITH and time management.  SERVICE – seeing my lack of service to others and would like to learn more about how to use whatever gifts or skills I may have to help others.  CONVICTIONS – I have been more than willing to open my mouth and spread the word of F3, but when was the last time I shared the Gospel of Jesus Christ with someone????

33 IS going to be a GOOD age!

Maybe I was supposed to write this in my diary instead?

Stinky Bird out!

8 count sweat

super cold for my first Starkville workout. We warmed up pretty quick though.

Gonna do 1 moving exercise between all 6 tennis courts. 1 exercise at each court.

  1. Nur between courts and stay facing backward the whole time.

20 American hammers

20 flutters

20 LBCs

20 Freddie Mercury’s

20 dying cockroaches

20 big boys

2. Bear crawl between courts and keep your hands on the ground for all 6 exercises

20 Merkins

20 mountain climbers

20 wide arm Merkins

20 Peter Parker’s

20 plank jacks

20 diamond Merkins

3. Reverse lunge between courts

10 squats

10 SSHs

10 seal jacks

10 Squat jumps

10 calf raises

10 lunge jumps

4. Forward lunge between courts 

10 Bobby hurleys

10 don Qs

10 hillbillies

10 imperial walkers

10 gravel pickers in cadence

10 flying squirrels


Line up.

Low to high plank


Repeat EVERYthing but cut the reps in half.

Line up

low to high plank

Last round is bunny hop between each court… 5 SSHs at each court. Down and back.

Low to high plank

2 rounds of French fries 10 count in cadence

Stretch and recover.


Sparky showed up and noticed Broke had some sweat on his brow. It was an adequate workout. We kept getting stuck on the number 8 in our 10 counts.

Lots of Pax and pax family members hurting with injury and recovering.


Medicine woman

Wichita’s dad


Pray and encourage where you can. Don’t be ashamed to ask for help when you’re hurting. Once we realize the people around us need just as much help as we do… walls will come down between us and allow us to grow. We can find comfort in the fact that even “Jesus wept” because he hurt for his friend. He saw Mary crying for her brother and he wept for them. He would ultimately bring Lazarus back to life. But in that moment he didn’t say “get over it and trust God”. He wept with them and that’s something we can do with those around us.


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