• Post Type: Backblast
  • When: 01/20/2020
  • AO: 3rd F Event
  • QIC: Big Pappy
  • FNG's:
  • PAX: Allen Tate, Roadie, Sparky, Gumby, Round Up, Hacksaw, Bedpan, Montross, Nick

Some ran and some walked, we all got better.

Our Study

John 11:35 – Jesus Wept.

Our verse this week, is about how Jesus came to earth and was fully man and fully god. In being a man, he felt anger, (Matthew 21:12-13), he felt sorrow (John 11:35),  humor and sarcasm (Matthew 23:24).

He also felt pain.  There no pain is greater than the pain Jesus went through for us.  He felt the lashings, the beatings, the crown of thorns, and the nails. He did this all while carry the burden of man’s sin. This is pain we will never be able to comprehend and he did for our salvation.

All burdens we carry are lifted if you accept, believe, worship, repent, and do what Jesus call us to do.

My shared prayer:

“As I begin to walk, the hardships of this past year come to mind. You took my father’s body and my mother’s mind. I grieved when you took our daughter, whom you called us to nurse back to life and gave her away to another. I watched powerlessly as our son lost hope in you after the death of his best friend. And all the while, you make me tell my mother everyday that I am her son and that her husband has died. I do not understand “the why” in these burdens.

The pain in my leg is beginning to hurt.  I think how we serve you lord and now much we need you. I pray for help, I pray guidance, and  I pray for leadership. I read and study your word and I know you listen, but I lack patience and discipline. I am selfish Lord, this is not my life to live but yours.

It is very painful to walk now and I thank you.  Thank you for hardships of the past year. I am closer to you. I trust in you and I know that you will provide me the strength to continue to do the works you have called me to do. I am committed to you lord and thank you for providing me an abundance of grace. Thank you for my wife, my children, my family and friends. Thank you for my home, my work, and the opportunities to grow closer to you.

I am forever yours. Amen.”


Prayer request:

  • Roadie’s Son
  • Montross’s Aunt
  • Wichita’s Dad
  • Gumby
  • Medicine Woman
  • Silas

Last weeks verse:

Psalm 119 105:

Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path.