Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Day: January 20, 2020

8 count sweat

super cold for my first Starkville workout. We warmed up pretty quick though.

Gonna do 1 moving exercise between all 6 tennis courts. 1 exercise at each court.

  1. Nur between courts and stay facing backward the whole time.

20 American hammers

20 flutters

20 LBCs

20 Freddie Mercury’s

20 dying cockroaches

20 big boys

2. Bear crawl between courts and keep your hands on the ground for all 6 exercises

20 Merkins

20 mountain climbers

20 wide arm Merkins

20 Peter Parker’s

20 plank jacks

20 diamond Merkins

3. Reverse lunge between courts

10 squats

10 SSHs

10 seal jacks

10 Squat jumps

10 calf raises

10 lunge jumps

4. Forward lunge between courts 

10 Bobby hurleys

10 don Qs

10 hillbillies

10 imperial walkers

10 gravel pickers in cadence

10 flying squirrels


Line up.

Low to high plank


Repeat EVERYthing but cut the reps in half.

Line up

low to high plank

Last round is bunny hop between each court… 5 SSHs at each court. Down and back.

Low to high plank

2 rounds of French fries 10 count in cadence

Stretch and recover.


Sparky showed up and noticed Broke had some sweat on his brow. It was an adequate workout. We kept getting stuck on the number 8 in our 10 counts.

Lots of Pax and pax family members hurting with injury and recovering.


Medicine woman

Wichita’s dad


Pray and encourage where you can. Don’t be ashamed to ask for help when you’re hurting. Once we realize the people around us need just as much help as we do… walls will come down between us and allow us to grow. We can find comfort in the fact that even “Jesus wept” because he hurt for his friend. He saw Mary crying for her brother and he wept for them. He would ultimately bring Lazarus back to life. But in that moment he didn’t say “get over it and trust God”. He wept with them and that’s something we can do with those around us.


Post sniffle scrum!

The Tuesday before this particular one I had to call in a favor from HIPAA.  I had been battling a cold for some time and was almost over it , but not quite.  I just didn’t feel it…but I missed it!  So for this workout I wanted to get back to it!!



SSH x 15 IC

Burpees 3,5,7 

The Thang:

3 rounds max effort:

Merkins for 1 min (reg or durkins)

Step ups with squat at top for 1 min

Kettlebell swings for 1 min 

Big boy sit-ups for 1 min

15 minutes


100 flutter kicks

P1 farmer carry:  10 burpees (with plank jack)

P2:  Flutters 

200: squats

P1 farmer carry with 10 burpees

P2 Squats

300: curls

P1 farmer carry with 10 burpees

P2 curls

Hell Mary:

Crunchy frogs


Plank jacks

Donkey kicks



P200 sign ups, GORUCK Training

Prayer request:  DryRub and Timeframes’ M

YHC took us out…Great work guys

Interpret this…..

Rucker’s, Painlab, Bootcamp, even a few independents thrown into a scribble vector circle pretty much makes chaos.  Hey guys, no warm up each to their respective groups.  Wait, let’s knock out the pledge.  Seem’s like I’m new at this each time I do.

Bootcamp off, five total with me.  First stretch always knocks the wind out of me but I held together pretty well.  I vaguely remember the attempt to cross the road while seeing spots and trying to keep everybody safe.  When I woke up on the other side somehow I managed to get everyone across safely.  Down to the Pad (stairs at the church).  I promised the guys a ‘no weinke’ challenge and I held to that notion, but promised we would add some fun and chicanery (and additional scenery) to the event.  However, for now let’s just run a route of Dora’s.

The Thang:

Dora 1-2-3:  Push Up’s (wait, what?), Merkins, Squats and Flutters.  Partner up and knock them out.  Single count flutters please, somehow Short Sale and Clavin thought this meant 673 total.

Next a warped version of Lyndsies (forties).  If Short Sale had not interpreted this for me we would still be doing calf raises on Monday.

On the steps, 10 calf raises and then 10 derkins.  Follow that with 20 and 10, 30 and 10 and then 40 and 10.

Moving on, corner of church, 25 merkins.  Top of hill at stop sign, 50 squats (lost count after 5), mumblechatter setting in good by now but I still needed Short Sale to interpret the call.  Down to Sherwood.

Partner up.  Partner one to top of drive, partner two holds plank.  Rinse and repeat with crab walk hold and 6 inches.  I thought there was another, maybe I’m dreaming I had good calls on my weinkeless Q.

Next lot over, quick round of Mary.  Clavin has to bolt and somehow he disappeared into thin air with no fog to cover him over and there was a bolted gate that was so designed to keep such Clavin’s out.  Legend still remains if he ever returned?  I’ll give him credit for the event anyway.

Sherwood to Library, caught up with the Ruck group.  Short Sale probably exhausted from interpreting all my Q calls to Pythagorus and EZ Rider, he really let up on the smack talk to the group.  We continued our Mosey to the library where again (after Short Sale cleaning up my description) ran a dirty version of Defib’s circle of death.  Partner up, run loop opposite, on meeting do one Booyah and count up until a certain amount of time passes (enough to just get us home).  I loved the run back from the library to the Schiele, that was the easiest part I had all morning.  EZ helped me bring it home in full ‘push’ mode.

8:00 and time.


Go Ruck Training – Next week (1/25) at The Yank, one hour before start of regular Bootcamp.  Event ready training, full pack, yes Freight you should probably have your license and $20 bucks.


DaVinci and family’s loss

Lynn Hamm, friends of Breaker Breaker, hospice in now

EZ Rider and son

Stroganoff battling flu/cold/crud

All Pax on Tiger’s prayer list



Safety Third at Hollywood

10 HIMS came out on a cold, clear Monday morning and all came out in one piece. I think a few may have questioned that as we sprinted and nurred down the middle of the road.

Warm Up: 

Seal Jacks x 20 IC

Don Q x 10 IC

Peter Parkers x 10 IC



Mosey to Downtown 


Quarter Pounder: 

Sprint to the 25 yards and Do 25 merkins, Nur back to start

Sprint to the 50 and do 50 Squats, 

Sprint to the 75 and do 75 Mountain Climbers

Sprint to the hundred and do 100 SSH.


Route 66:

Hand Release Merkins at each pole.


Doc Ock’s Octagon of Pain (Modified)  Station 1 – Incline Merkins; Station 2 – LBC’s; Station 3 – CDD; Station 4 – American Hammers; Station 5 -DIPS; Station 6 – Lunges; Station 7 – Plank Jacks; Station 8 -Big Boys. Rinse and repeat adding 8 to each exercise each trip around the Octagon of Pain 8, 16, 24, 32 Take a lap after each set.



One-arm planks



1 Peter 1

13 Therefore, preparing your minds for action,[b] and being sober-minded, set your hope fully on the grace that will be brought to you at the revelation of Jesus Christ. 14 As obedient children, do not be conformed to the passions of your former ignorance, 15 but as he who called you is holy, you also be holy in all your conduct, 16 since it is written, “You shall be holy, for I am holy.”

18 knowing that you were ransomed from the futile ways inherited from your forefathers, not with perishable things such as silver or gold, 19 but with the precious blood of Christ, like that of a lamb without blemish or spot. 20 He was foreknown before the foundation of the world but was made manifest in the last times for the sake of you 21 who through him are believers in God, who raised him from the dead and gave him glory, so that your faith and hope are in God.



Look into and sign up for races:

P200 Meeting Jan. 26

Rooster-Feb. 29

Spartan Race

Sign up for Q’s



Slaw’s health

Gumby’s Recovery

Lil Sweet Health

Red Ribbon’s child tonsillectomy



Broke took us out.

Thanks for your hard work!



John 11:35

Some ran and some walked, we all got better.

Our Study

John 11:35 – Jesus Wept.

Our verse this week, is about how Jesus came to earth and was fully man and fully god. In being a man, he felt anger, (Matthew 21:12-13), he felt sorrow (John 11:35),  humor and sarcasm (Matthew 23:24).

He also felt pain.  There no pain is greater than the pain Jesus went through for us.  He felt the lashings, the beatings, the crown of thorns, and the nails. He did this all while carry the burden of man’s sin. This is pain we will never be able to comprehend and he did for our salvation.

All burdens we carry are lifted if you accept, believe, worship, repent, and do what Jesus call us to do.

My shared prayer:

“As I begin to walk, the hardships of this past year come to mind. You took my father’s body and my mother’s mind. I grieved when you took our daughter, whom you called us to nurse back to life and gave her away to another. I watched powerlessly as our son lost hope in you after the death of his best friend. And all the while, you make me tell my mother everyday that I am her son and that her husband has died. I do not understand “the why” in these burdens.

The pain in my leg is beginning to hurt.  I think how we serve you lord and now much we need you. I pray for help, I pray guidance, and  I pray for leadership. I read and study your word and I know you listen, but I lack patience and discipline. I am selfish Lord, this is not my life to live but yours.

It is very painful to walk now and I thank you.  Thank you for hardships of the past year. I am closer to you. I trust in you and I know that you will provide me the strength to continue to do the works you have called me to do. I am committed to you lord and thank you for providing me an abundance of grace. Thank you for my wife, my children, my family and friends. Thank you for my home, my work, and the opportunities to grow closer to you.

I am forever yours. Amen.”


Prayer request:

  • Roadie’s Son
  • Montross’s Aunt
  • Wichita’s Dad
  • Gumby
  • Medicine Woman
  • Silas

Last weeks verse:

Psalm 119 105:

Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path.


Folsom 1/14/19

We moseyed to the flag.

We did the pledge.

We froggered accross the street.

We did 3 to 4 sets of various exercises, moseying around Walmart after each set.

We did called Mary ab exercises.

We froggered back across the street and the back to start

Ended with COT

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