Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Month: November 2019 (Page 10 of 10)

Saturday at Gashouse

Seven total for some EC Rucking.

Not that gloomy.  A little cool.  Last day before time change.

Disclaimer as we did have an FNG.

Quick warm up that included some IC exercises as follows:

The Pledge

10 Side Straddle Hops; 10 Imperial Walkers

Time to split up.  Painlab with Hipaa.  Bootcamp with YHC.

The Thang

We moseyed up to the front parking lot at Grier for some Strognaoff 5’s:

Bear Crawl across parking lot – 10 Merkins – Lunge Back (That’s 1 set)

Rinse-Repeat 4 more times for a total of 5 sets

Mosey the long way to the steps behind 1st Presbyterian Church for some partner work:

Partner 1 run up the steps and do 5 merkins while Partner 2 performs Amrap exercises as follows:

Flutter Kicks – 2 Sets

Carolina Dry Docks – 2 Sets

Squats – 2 Sets

Merkins – 2 Sets

Mosey to the Grier track for some ab, shoulder and lap work:

25 IC Flutter Kicks – run 1/2 lap – 25 IC LBC’s – 40 IC Moroccan Night Clubs – run 1/2 lap

Rinse – Repeat

Round 2:

25 IC Freddy Mercury’s – Run 1/2 Lap – 25 IC Dying Cockroaches – 15 IC Merkins – Run 1/2 lap


Time almost up

Mosey back to the Schiele to finish up some short Mary before the church bells ring

COT – Welcome Footloose

Good work men.

Until the next one.



Opportunity at Crossroads

11 PAX took to the opportunity to better themselves at Crossroads.  Some ran and some rucked  but we all got better by seizing the opportunity.  Great work by all!!!


“Opportunities are like sunrises.  If you wait too long, you will miss them.”  William Arthur Ward


Until next time Pizza Man is OOOOUUUUUUUTTTTTT!!!!


Announcements Opportunities:

-40/50 Challenge

-3rd F Challenge with Def Leppard

-Christmastown 5k with SpeedForNeed – Nov. 30th (Come support)

-P200 sign up


Trick or Treat

6 PAX posted for some early Trick or Treating. Nobody stopped at any houses or finished with a bucket of candy, but they did push the rock and get better.

Before we ran, we said the pledge.

After we ran, we had announcements

40/50 Challenge
JJ w/ the Q at Neverland on Monday; looking to get 40 PAX to post for day 4 of the challenge
Rotary Chili Cook-off 11/2

then prayer requests

Slaw’s M
Oompa’s brother-in-law
Clavin’s mom
Roscoe’s father in-law

Prayer to take us out.

Until next time…

The Goose was Loose

We said the pledge.

We ran.

It was cold.

Goose was there.

We saw some Sambriches.

10/31 Rotary event with DOAH

Prayer Requests
Tuna and Half at the Coast runners
Goose’s uncle
Jim Bumgardner – cancer
40/50 Challenge starts 11/1

A prayer took us out.

That is all.

Until next time…

Day 22: Love is Faithful

As Christians, love is the basis of our whole identity. Our spiritual rebirth came about because “God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life” (John 3:16).


When asked to clarify what the greatest commandments of all were, Jesus answered, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart … your soul … your strength … your mind … and your neighbor as yourself” (Luke 10:27).


Our love for each other is supposed to be how people distinguish us as Christ’s disciples (John 13:35). It is the root and ground of our existence (Ephesians 3:17), meant to be expressed with passion and fervency (1 Peter 4:8). It is a quality that we are to “abound” in more and more (1 Thessalonians 3:12), always getting better at it, becoming increasingly defined by it.

So if love is what we were created to share, what do you do when your love is rejected? How do you handle it when the one to whom you’ve pledged your life stops accepting the love you’re called to give?

The account of prophet Hosea is one of the most remarkable in the Bible. Against all logic and propriety, God instructed him to marry a prostitute. He wanted Hosea’s marriage to show what Heaven’s unconditional love looks like towards us. Hosea’s union with Gomer produced three children but, as expected, this woman who had long made her living in immorality was not content to stay faithful to one man. So Hosea was left to deal with a broken heart and the shame of abandonment.

He had loved her, but she had spurned his love. They had grown close, but now she had been disloyal and adulterous, rejecting him for the lust of total strangers.

Time passed, and God spoke to Hosea again. God told him to go and reaffirm his love for this woman who had been repeatedly unfaithful. This time she had reached a new low and had to be bought off the slave block, but Hosea paid the price for her redemption and bought her home. Yes, she had treated his love with contempt. She had dealt treacherously with his heart. But he welcomed her back into his life, expressing an unconditional love.

This is a true story, but it was used as a picture of God’s love for us. He showers His favor on us without measure, though in return we often don’t pay attention. At times we have acted shamefully and deemed His love an intrusion, as if it’s keeping us from what we really want. We have rejected Him in many ways – even after receiving His gift of eternal salvation – and yet He still loves us. He still remains faithful.

Even so, His love doesn’t keep Him from calling us to account for our mistreatment of Him. We pay more of a price for our rejection than we often realize. Yet He still chooses to respond with grace and mercy. “In Him we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of our trespasses, according to the riches of His grace” (Ephesians 1:7). In Him we have the model of what rejected love does. It stays faithful.

Jesus called us to this kind of love in the passage known as the Sermon on the Mount. He said to “love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you” (Luke 6:27-28).

“If you love those who love you, what credit is that to you? For even sinners love those who love them. If you do good to those who do good to you, what credit is that to you? For even sinners do the same” (Luke 6:32-33).

“Love your enemies, and do good, and lend, expecting nothing in return; and your reward will be great, and you will be sons of the Most High; for He Himself is kind to ungrateful and evil men” (Luke 6:35).

From the vantage point of the wedding altar, you would never have dreamed that the person you married might later become to you a kind of “enemy,” one you would need to love as an act of almost total sacrifice. And yet far too often in marriage, the relationship does indeed dwindle down to that level. Even to the point of betrayal or, sadly, to unfaithfulness.

For many, this is the beginning of the end. Some respond by rapidly moving toward a tragic divorce. Others, more protective of their reputation than even their own happiness, decide to keep the charade going. But they have no intention of liking it–much less of loving each other again.

This is not the model, however for the follower of Christ. If love is to be like His, it must love even when its overtures are returned unwanted. And for your love to be like that, it must be His love to begin with.

You can give undeserved love to your spouse because God gave undeserved love to you–repeatedly, enduringly. Love is often expressed the most to those who deserve it the least.

Ask Him to fill you with the kind of love only He can provide, then purpose to give it to your mate in a way that reflects your gratefulness to God for loving you. That’s the beauty of redeeming love. That’s the power of faithfulness.

I will betroth you to Me in faithfulness.  Then you will know the Lord. – Hosea 2:20

Today’s Dare


Love is a choice, not a feeling.  It is an initiated action, not a knee-jerk reaction.  Choose today to be committed to love even if your spouse has lost most of their interest in receiving it.  Say to them today in words similar to these, “I love you.  Period.  I choose to love you even if you don’t love me in return.”

A Beastly Impression

First off, thanks to Big Pappy for the invite.  Been a long time since I’ve been to/Q’d Folsom.  I kind of remember why 😉

We had 14 to start, then some runners joined, then some runners left.  I was very confused.  Anyways, for those 12 who remained:

Warm-Up in cadence:  SSH, Squats, MNC, IW, Merkins, LBC’s.  After that, we did some cardio, follow me in single-file line – we bearcrawled for 3-4 segments of the tennis courts, then lunged 2-3, ski- lunge 4 on both sides (L -R), and finish with crab walk.

Painstations – pick a spot, do the exercise, rotate when I say to do so.  Big ups to Montross and Pizza Man (and me and Oompa 😉  ) for alternating in exercises at the station by partnering up.  We had curl bar, swings, goblet squats, merkins, half-moons, front raises, kick-backs, cleans, presses, and some more I can’t remember.  Good work by all, sorry it was so dark and my station signs may have been hard to understand.  Come to Painlab more often and it will fit like a hand in glove.

The Test – we had 5 groups, instead of the usual 4, still enjoyed doing this.  Set the clock, waterfall burpees.  I can’t remember what we got to, maybe 360?  So divided by 5 that’s 72 burpees per contestant?  Very glad to see the work done, remember even when you take a break, just get back to it and get going!

Yoga – only 8 minutes left, time to cool-down and stretch.  Doing Yoga at Folsom is…..interesting.  There was no sexual innuendo at all.  None.  Zip.  Zero.  Nada.  Nein.  Negative.  And if you believe that….

A quick word (see Moleskin), COT and pray out by Broke, which was excellent.  And big ups to Montross for reminding me of my Q fail and getting the pledge in!  Great work guys!

MOLESKIN:  On the speaker today was The Beastie Boys.  I started the exercise by asking if anyone knew who Curtis Mayfield is.  Then I asked if they knew the connection.  It’s tenuous, but here’s the truth:  if you don’t know who Curtis Mayfield is, look him up.  Amazing man who was as religious as he was charitable as he was a man’s man.  Classic and amazing songs, some you know with his group the Impressions, but in 1990 tragedy struck as he was hit by equipment on stage, and made a quadraplegic.  Nevertheless, he persisted and continued to build a legacy.  His songs are positive and moving, and then he toughed it out for nearly a decade.  True him.  The connection with The Beastie Boys?  They sampled the HELL out of all his songs, especially “Superfly” on a favorite of mine, “Egg Man”.  Hard to lift weights to Curtis Mayfield though, so I punted to Beastie Boys.

Always a pleasure Folsom, stay crazy.


Day 21: Love is Satisfied in God

Day 20 was a vitally important day in the Love Dare – and in your life. You came face-to-face with the glaring need of every human heart. And perhaps for the very first time, you became aware of how personal this need really is. You may have realized that nothing in your toolbox of talents and resources could repair the damage that sin leaves, and that Jesus is the only One who can supply what you’ve been missing. If you’ve received Him by faith and have turned your life over to Him to manage and lead, then His Holy Spirit is renewing your heart. His wisdom, grace, and power can now be released into everything you do. Including, not the least, your marriage.

But whether this is new territory for you or if you’ve been a follower of Jesus for quite a while, now is the time for you to firm up one thing in your mind: you need God every single day. This is not a part-time proposition. He alone can satisfy, even when all else fails you.

Your husband may be late coming home. Again. But God will always be right on time.

Your wife may let you down. Again. But God can always be trusted to deliver on His promises.

Every day you place expectations on your spouse. Sometimes they meet them. Sometimes they don’t. But never will they be able to totally satisfy all the demands you ask of them – partly because some of your demands are unreasonable, partly because your mate is human.

God, however, is not. And those who approach Him in utter dependence each day for the real needs in their life are the ones who find out just how dependable He is.

Can your spouse give you an inner peace? No. But God can. “Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all comprehension, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus” (Philippians 4:6-7).

Can your spouse enable you to be content no matter what life throws at you? No. But God can. “In any and every circumstance I have learned the secret of being filled … I can do all things through Him who strengthens me” (Philippians 4:12-13).

There are needs in your life only God can fully satisfy. Though your husband or wife is able to complete some of these requirements – at least now and then – only God is able to do it all. Your need for love. Your need for acceptance. Your need for joy. It’s time to stop expecting somebody or something to keep your functioning and fulfilled on a non-stop basis. Only God can do that as you learn to depend on Him. But He wants to do it His way. “My God will supply all your need according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus” (Philippians 4:19).

The needs of love, peace, and adequacy are real. No one is saying you shouldn’t have them. But rather than plugging into things that are unstable at best and are subject to change – your health, your money, even the affections and best intentions of your mate – plug into God instead. He’s the only One in your life that can never change. His faithfulness, His truth, and His promises to His children will always remain. That’s why you need to seek Him every day.

Our only reason for not doing this is because we really don’t trust God to supply what we need. And yet the Bible says, “Delight yourself in the Lord; and He will give you the desires of your heart” (Psalm 37:4). When we are seeking Him first, loving Him first, making our relationship with Him top priority, He promises to supply us with what we really need – which, actually, is all it really takes to satisfy us.

Jesus once spoke to a woman at a Samaritan well, a woman who had tried getting her needs met through a string of failed relationships. With both her life and water bucket empty, she had come to this place broken and hardened yet still desperately in need. But in Christ she found what He called “living water” (John 4:10) – a supply that wasn’t just for quenching temporary thirst. What He offered her was a drink of soul satisfaction that never quits giving and refreshing. And that is what’s available to you each morning at sunrise and each night before bed, no matter who your spouse is what they’ve done to you.

God is your everyday supply. Of everything you need.

The Lord will continually guide you, and satisfy your desire. – Isaiah 58:1



Today’s Dare


Be intentional today about making time to pray and read your Bible.  Try reading a chapter out of Proverbs each day (there are thirty-one – a full month’s supply), or reading a chapter in the Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John).  As you do, immerse yourself in the love and promises God has for you.  This will add to your growth as you walk with Him.

Mt Hollywood 10/28

9 at Mt Hollywood this morning.


10 Burpees

The Thang:

Mosey to the monster of a hill called Baptist Hill, or K2.  Whichever you prefer, it sucks really bad.  Exercise called here is my go to one, Triple Nickel.  Start at the bottom with 5 HR Merkins, run to top, 5 Bobby Hurley’s, then run back down.  Complete this for 5 rounds.  This was brutal.

Next mosey to the wall behind BB&T.  5 different exercises were called here.

5 Burpees

10 Hip Slappers

15 Mike Tysons’s

20 Imperial Walker Squat

25 Peter Parker

Then run a lap around the bank.  Plan was to complete this for 5 rounds, but with time running low we were able to complete 3 rounds.

Next start our mosey towards flag, stopping at the wall beside Ida Rankin.  Here we did 3 exercises.

10 Dips

10 Step Ups

10 Derkins

Complete for 3 rounds.  Then mosey back to flag. Time



Prayer Requests


Good work today men!!

Sister Act

Midoriyama 10/22

12 men at Midoriyama on 10/22.  Went like this


10 Burpees

The Thang:

Mosey to fishing pier hill.  Exercise called is Triple Nickel.  5 Burpees at the top, run to bottom and perform 5 Diamond Merkins, run to top.  Complete this for a total of 5 rounds.  This hill never gets any easier, this will get you!!

Next mosey towards playground, stopping at 3 different light poles and perform some exercises.

Pole #1: 5 LBC (ic), 5 Freddie Mercuries (ic), 5 Flutter kicks (ic), 5 American Hammers (ic)

Pole #2: 10 LBC(ic), 10 Freddie Mercuries (ic), 10 Flutter Kicks (ic), 10 AH(ic)

Pole #3: 15 LBC(ic), 15 Freddie Mercuries(ic), 15 Flutter Kicks (ic),  15 AH(ic)

Finally arrive at the playground for the last exercise to be called.

5 Pullup-Ups

10 HR Merkins

15 Big Boys

20 Jump Lunges

25 Mountain Climbers

Then run lap around parking lot.  Complete this for 5 rounds.  Time



Prayer Request


Appreciate the opportunity to lead rotod.

Sister Act

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