Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Month: October 2019 (Page 4 of 12)

Like The Beginning

With all the run events this weekend turnout was light at the JV workout.  Oompah made the comment that the smell crowd reminded him of the first days of Midoryama.  This is what we did:

Warmup – SSH, IW, cotton pickers all 10X IC.  5 burpees.

Mosey to soccer field.  Q calls 50 merkins, 50 big boys and 50 squats.  Run to other end of field and back. Five rounds.  This got the chatter going.  We learned about the squatty potty and CPAP diagnosed Blart with sleep apnea, maybe.

Mosey to turn shack.  Two rounds of suspension planks (feet on wall about 18 inches) and take turns running around building.  Also two rounds with wall sit.

Mosey v=back to flag for Iron Hulk to finish.  Pledge

Good work men!

Announcements: Love challenge from Hipaa and 40 day challenge from Defib coming up.  Blart reminded of how useful slack is as communication tool.  If you aren’t on it, consider doing so.  Lots good info runs through it.

Prayers for all running this weekend.

Always an honor




Two Handed Ball Roll

Props to kingpin for taking the co-Q with me. He just started posting and ready to get after it.
So Lets Go!

Warm Up: KP called Merkins in cadence and Squats. x 10
Up to the court
I called Amrap 3 exercises 20x each, 5 minutes of time per set. Then we take a lap.
4 groups of exercises.

KP calls Dora 1,2,3,
100 American Hammers, 200 Raise the Roof, 300 LBC’s. At this time our group was down to an uneven number.
So We learned about an audible in F3, KP and Gumby actually called it. We did all Dora together breaking it down to get in the runs as well. KP started leading the group and didn’t even realize it.
We learned a lot this morning.
1. you can watch bowling trick shots while working out.
2. KP has several 300 bowling games, (also MW has several 300 games ) I’m feeling a bowling league AO.
3. If you can’t shoot a raccoon early in the morning after you trap it. You can always drown it. (silence is golden).
4. Volt now sells Eggs “free range” not tethered chickens.

Prayer request: We prayed that all goes well for the men traveling and running this weekend. Tuna & the half marathon going on at the beach. Big Pappy’s Brother in Law is coming home from the hospital (praise report).

The Bedpan is full.

Day 13: Love Fights Fair

Like it or not, conflict in marriage is simply inevitable.  When you tied the knot as bride and groom, you joined not only your hopes and dreams but also your hurts, fears, imperfections, and emotional baggage.  From the moment you unpacked from your honeymoon, you began the real process of unpacking one another, unpleasantly discovering how sinful and selfish each of you could be.

Pretty soon your mate started to slip off your lofty pedestal, and you off of theirs.  The forced closeness of marriage began stripping away your public facades, exposing your private problems and secret habits.  Welcome to fallen humanity.

At the same time, the storms of life began testing and revealing what you’re really made of. Work demands, health issues, in-law arguments, and financial needs flared up in varying degrees, adding pressure and heat to the relationship.  This sets the stage for disagreements to break out between the two of you.  You argued and fought. You hurt.  You experienced conflict.  But you are not alone.

Every couple goes through it.  It’s par for the course.  But not every couple survives it.

So don’t think living out today’s dare will drive all conflict from your marriage.  Instead, this is about dealing with conflict in such a way that you come out healthier on the other side.

Both of you.  Together.

The deepest, most heartbreaking damage you’ll ever do (or ever have done) to your marriage will most likely occur in the thick of conflict.  That’s because this is when your pride is strongest.  Your anger is hottest.  You’re the most selfish and judgmental.  Your words contain the most venom.  You make the worst decisions.  A great marriage on Monday can start driving off the cliff on Tuesday if unbridled conflict takes over and neither of you has your foot on the brakes.

But love steps in and changes things.  Love reminds you that your marriage is too valuable to allow it to self-destruct, and that your love for your spouse is more important than whatever you’re fighting about.  Love helps you install air bags and to set up guardrails in your relationship.  It reminds you that conflict can actually be turned around for good.  Married couples who learn to work through conflict tend to be closer, more trusting, more intimate, and enjoy a much deeper connection afterwards.

But how?  The wisest way is to learn to fight clean by establishing healthy rules of engagement.  If you don’t have guidelines for how you’ll approach hot topics, you won’t stay in bounds when the action heats up.

Basically there are two types of boundaries for dealing with conflict: “we” boundaries and “me” boundaries.

“We” boundaries are rules you both agree on beforehand, rules that apply during any fight or altercation.  And each of you has the right to gently but directly enforce them if these rules are violated.  These could include:

  1. We will never mention divorce.
  2. We will not bring up old, unrelated items from the past.
  3. We will never fight in public or in front of our children.
  4. We will call a “time out” if conflict escalates to a damaging level.
  5. We will never touch one another in a harmful way.
  6. We will never go to bed angry with one another.
  7. Failure is not an option.  Whatever it takes, we will work this out.

“Me” boundaries are rules you personally practice on your own. Here are some of the most effective examples:

  1. I will listen first before speaking.  “Everyone must be quick to hear, slow to speak and slow to anger” (James 1:19).
  2. I will deal with my own issues up-front.  “Why do you look at the speck that is in your brother’s eye, but do not notice the log that is in your own eye?” (Matthew 7:3)
  3. I will speak gently and keep my voice down.  “A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger” (Proverbs 15:1).

Fighting fair means changing your weapons.  Disagreeing with dignity.  It should result in building a bridge instead of burning one down.  Remember, love is not a fight, but it is always worth fighting for.

  If a house is divided against itself, that house will not be able to stand. – Mark 3:25

Today’s Dare

Talk with your spouse about establishing healthy rules of engagement.  If your mate is not ready for this, then write out your own personal rules to “fight” by.  Resolve to abide by them when the next disagreement occurs.



Kotter: Madoff

Upon arriving mere minutes before today’s launch I witness an overly excited Gump jumping up and down for joy in anticipation of what awaited him. I was further encouraged seeing BedPan and then Madoff!!! Even Linus and Goose and Bandit and TimeFrame all out two days in a row!! Been missing you guys … but what’s that …. someone starts mentioning Stone Cold …. I look, but sadly, no … it’s not to be. I was hopeful …. even thinking maybe Squirt may show ( he was here one day last week ….) but alas …..
I tell all assembled that they will truly LOVE today’s warm up …. since there’s so much ( teeth ) chatter …. hehe

Start with the Pledge as always and deliver swift disclaimer and now….

As I look out at assembled ( my eye catches Gaston who I believe caught what I said when I started with, “ A side straddle hop, in cadence, in position move, begin …. 1-2 —— 3!!!”

I now start to leave starting paddock while half of the group is befuddled and I remind all quickly that’s I saiddddddddd “ A ssh!!”

On Twitter and Slack this week I promised to only run to and from the park …. and so we did …. assembling near turd shack and upon Gastone’s suggestion we plank while Gump brings the six in.
Circle up and I deliver today’s beat down …. I will call an exercise and we will do it until the first man stops and calls “ Man Down!” I also tell all that today we will not chastise or criticize any, I will also not publish Any mention of any who called the phrase …we will instead support each other. One pax called it correctly …. we are a judgement- free zone ( sounds like I’ve heard that somewhere?).
We now come in hard and strong …. Mo Rockin’ Night clubs!!!! Much mention about no one wanting to be the first to call a stop …. and then I hear of 44 minutes of Mnc’s !! But we do stop and move to butt kicks …. much enjoyment as there’s lively discussion on whether it should be done slowly or rapidly. Arm circles next …. boy were the troops happy or what? Burpees ….. yes, we had to….Now crab thrusters …. boy THAT got the gang into it …. Gump with an AMAZING upwards thrust and then Gastone talked about inviting our M’s to perform this perfectly …. oh boy … No one definitely wants to be THAT guy to call a halt to this exercise …. but we do move on sooner or later. Grab some curb for Rocky B and then I hear what sounds like Ming Tao …. Gastone trying to impress all with his Chinamese …
I now call for Whoopees FAVORITE exercise ( mentions of Don Q and grass pickers …. Wrongo!!!) he loooooovvvvveeeeesssss American hammers!!!!!!
Now we move to picnic area for step ups, dips and then plank with feet on bench… followed by lunge walk over into playground ( some try to call man down to which I respond “ then your sorry butt can mosey the rest of the way!” Once inside we find a pull up station and attempt to reach 10 ( or modify) …. flutters then dead hang and pickle pounders ( some may call them baby makers ……. MUCH mumble here …. Someone even says “ I can do 30 ( pregnant pause) seconds!!!” Hey, at least we had no Mr. Baseballs present ( 3 strokes and Y’ERR OUT!) and lastly crunchy frogs!! Meander back to parking lot for bear crawl back and forth and then squat jumps ( where I call a stop for once !)
We end this all with Lbcs and then nur to the gate and finish with a race to the finish !!

Announcements for the Tuna this weekend
Gump with a pre Halloween Spooktacular next Wednesday ( costumes welcome )
Praise for Madoffs family and Bedpan getting a new job… way to go !

Moleskin…. these men were truly great today embracing this new routine and following my directions to strengthen and support each other! Much thanks to all in attendance for this opportunity …. until next time…….

Day 12: Love Lets the Other Win

If you were asked to name three areas where you and your spouse disagree, you’d likely be able to do it without thinking very hard. You might even be able to produce a top ten list if given a few more minutes.  And sadly, unless someone at your house starts doing some giving in, these same issues are going to keep popping up between you and your mate.

Unfortunately, stubbornness comes as standard feature on both husband and wife models.  Defending your rights and opinions is a foundational part of your nature and make-up.  It’s detrimental, though, inside a marriage relationship, and it steals away time and productivity.  It can also cause great frustration for both of you.

Granted, being stubborn is not always bad.  Some things are worth standing up for and protecting.  Our priorities, morals, and obedience to God should be guarded with great effort.  But too often we debate over piddling things, like the color of wall paint or the choice of restaurants.

Other times, of course, the stakes are much higher.  One of you would like more children; the other doesn’t.  One of you wants to vacation with your extended family; the other doesn’t.  One of you wants to vacation with your extended family; the other doesn’t. One of you prefers home-schooling your kids; the other doesn’t. One of you thinks it’s time for marriage counseling or to get more involved in a church, while the other doesn’t.

Though these issues may not crop up every day, they keep resurfacing and don’t really go away.  You never seem to get any closer to a resolution or compromise.  The heels just keep digging in.  It’s like driving with parking brake on.

There’s only one way to get beyond stalemates like these, and that’s by finding a word that’s the opposite of stubbornness – a word we first met back while discussing kindness.  That word is “willing.”  It’s an attitude and spirit of cooperation that should permeate our conversations.  It’s like a palm tree by the ocean that endures the greatest winds because it knows how to gracefully bend.  And the one best example of it is Jesus Christ, as described in Philippians 2.  Follow the progression of His selfless love …

As God, He had every right to refuse becoming a man but yielded and did – because He was willing.  He had the right to be served by all mankind but came to serve us instead.  He had the right to live in peace and safety but willingly laid down His life for our sins.  He was even willing to endure the grueling torture of the cross.  He loved, cooperated, and was willing to do His Father’s will instead of His own.

In light of this amazing testimony, the Bible applies to us a one-sentence summary statement: “Have this attitude in yourselves which was also in Christ Jesus: (Philippians 2:5) – the attitude of willingness, flexibility, and humble submission.  It means laying down for the good of others what you have the right to claim for yourself.

All it takes for your present arguments to continue is for both of you to stay entrenched and unbending.  But the very moment one of you says, “I’m willing to go your way on this one,” the argument will be over.  And though the follow-through may cost you some pride and discomfort, you have made a loving, lasting investment in your marriage.

“Yes, but then I’ll look foolish.  “I’ll lose the fight.  I’ll lose control.”  You’ve already looked foolish by being bullheaded and refusing to listen.  You’ve already lost the fight by making this issue more important than your marriage and your spouse’s sense of worth.  You may have already lost emotional control by saying things that got personal and hurt your mate.

The wise and loving thing to do is to start approaching your disagreements with a willingness to not always insist on your own way.  That’s not to say your mate is necessarily right or being wise about a matter, but you are choosing to give strong consideration to their preference as a way of valuing them.

Love’s best advice comes from the Bible, which says, “The wisdom that is from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, willing to yield” (James 3:17 NKJV).  Instead of treating your wife or husband like an enemy or someone to be guarded against, start by treating them as your closest, most honored friend.  Give their words full weight.

No, you won’t always see eye-to-eye.  You’re not supposed to be carbon copies of each other.  If you were, one of you would be unnecessary.  Two people who always share the same opinions and perspectives won’t have any balance or flavor to enhance the relationship.  Rather, your differences are for listening to and learning from.

Are you willing to bend to demonstrate love to your spouse?  Or are you refusing to give in because of pride?  If it doesn’t matter in the long run – especially in eternity – then give up your rights and choose to honor the one you love.  It will be good for you and good for your marriage.

Do not merely look out for your own personal interests, but also for the interests others.  

– Philippians 2:4

Today’s Dare


Demonstrate love by willingly choosing to give in to an area of disagreement between you and your spouse.  Tell them you are putting their preference first.

40/50 Freedom Challenge

So over the last several months I’ve noticed great strides in pax performances.  Men are getting faster, stronger, and accomplishing more physically than I’ve seen before.  However, when I talk with individuals,  a common complaint often arises – “I just can not lose weight”.  It is a common occurrence I see every day with my patients.  As Dredd has said you cannot out King your Queen.  With the holidays upon us I felt it was a good time for a 40 day challenge.  Is is not uncommon for people to go into the holidays expecting to gain a little weight.  Unfortunately when you gain weight you feel bad about yourself which can then lead to /exacerbate holiday depression.  This then leads to the New Year’s resolution.  Essentially you go into each new year feeling down and depressed and we use January 1 as a time to shift course and “get back on track.”  Wouldn’t it be great if we went into the new year without all the end of year baggage (pun intended).

This challenge will have three main components – Input,  Output and Give Back…


  1. Input – Jocko says “Disciple equals Freedom”.  However, by definition then Freedom must also equal discipline – In this challenge you will have the freedom to eat whatever you want but the disciple to eat no more than 2250 calories per day.  That means if you want to eat a banana split and caramel iced latte go right ahead – just remember, once you reach 2250 calories for the day you are done.  Record everything you eat (that handful of chips when you walk through the kitchen, a cookie from the break room etc) – you will be surprised at how many things we eat.
  2. Output – You cannot grow unless you tear down and rebuild – this is concept behind strength training and exercise.  The challenge here is simple – exercise for 40 out of the next 50 days.  Post at a bootcamp, go for a run, swim, workout between the ferns, but it must be at least 45 minutes of sustained uninterrupted exercise.  If you work out more than once a day, do EC, or run for 90 minutes – good for you it still only counts for one day – Its a 40 DAY challenge not a 40 workout challenge (*see bonus below regarding input)
  3. Give Back – If you make all these changes for the better and no one except yourself benefits then you have failed.  The first two parts should strengthen your body – this third part will strengthen your heart and mind.   Give something back weekly (7 total)- It can be as simple as helping a coworker move or even lending emotional support to a person in need but a least once per week do something above and beyond that gives something back to a person in need.

*Bonus – If you get a second workout done in a day add an additional 250 calories to the total for the day.  Do not add if it is not at least 45 minutes of sustained exercise.  (yardwork, busy day on the job, playing with kids etc does not count)

Now no challenge can be accomplished without some form of accountability (thanks Linus)  First and foremost you will a need a way to track calories – I suggest the app myfitnesspal.  It has 95% of foods you eat with calorie information.  Secondly you must weigh in – I suggest weekly – any more often and the changes are too small and the scale variability too great to see real change.   If you follow this diet you will lose a proportionate amount of weight to how overweight you are.  (Dr Seuss may gain weight) Third document- record your successes (and failures).  Write down your daily calorie count.  Record your weekly weight.  Keep a diary of your “giving back” activities – what you did how you felt about it and how you could have done more.


Finally, I strongly recommend doing this with a partner.  Identify another pax that has similar needs.  Identify someone you can lean on, encourage, etc.  Remember you are not alone – you have a shield lock – use it – hold yourself accountable by telling your partner what you eating – where you are posting, what activity you have done to give back for the week.

Remember Iron sharpens Iron.


This challenge will begin Friday Nov 1 and end on Friday December 20 with a special bootcamp/CSAUP on Saturday December 21st (more on this later).  Yes this is a full 40 day challenge – you will push yourself for 40 out of the next 50 days.  On your off days get the rest you need to recover but do not go crazy with your diet.  Gains can be wiped out quickly if you are not careful.  A good rule of thumb is to not exceed 3000 calories on your “off days”

Good Luck –




Schooling at the Coconut

YHC came in hot to the Coconut to find the PAX ready to run.  Most did 5 except Quiche who did either 6 or 8 depending upon if you believe that his run app stopped working for two miles.  Compass came in to the COT at the end and we had a couple show just for QSource on Schooling.  Thanks to Gastone’s flashlight YHC didn’t trip over a log on the greenway and YHC stopped to move it out of the way.  People could have been injured or seriously killed!

Short Sale was putting in the miles as he is prepping for a 1/2 marathon in 8 weeks.

Prayer requests:

Quiche and his M are going to Pakistan for some mission work.

Prayers for Sargento’s CFL exam and his ankle.  Our own T-Square will be on the American Yammer podcast soon!

Keep pushing the rock!


what would Huck do? WWHD

YHC received a phone call last night from my Man Huck. Since he called you know it was important.
Huck was feeling down and did not want to spread the love of merlot with others so I gladly took the

530 all looking around then I whipped out the Weinkie and called the audible and explained.
Warm Up:
SSH, Mo Rockin Night Clubs, LBc’s, low slow squats,
Mosey to the Amphitheater,(isn’t it wonderful that the good Ole Boys of F3 have the cultural space of an amphitheater). Australian Mountain Climbers Lunge walk to end then dips. 5x each and increase by 5 each round.
Four Corners, YHC has bad vision and horrible handwriting so the combination can sometimes slow down reading the weinkie that early in the morning. Mumble Chatter began and thank goodness Montross helped me through the exercises. I did let all know that if they felt like my Q was not worthy they can all sign up! That always gets them quiet. Merkins, LBC, Plank Jacks, Squats.
What else would Huck do if he were here?
Calf Raises no number needed we did them until Volt and Stogie had to go to work.
We took a lap around the parking lot then to the Covered area just as the rain came.
Core Principles. Folsom has had some new men recently we all go up to them and rattle off some jargon but forget its hard to remember a lot of this stuff when you are just trying to stay in cadence.
So we did Core work for Each Core Principle. I read each one then followed by some COre. So tighten that core and hold on!
!. Rosalitas (free of charge)
2. Freddy Mercury’s (open to all Men)
3. Oblique Crunch Right and Left (Heat or cold, Rain or Shine)
4. High Plank (Led by Men in a rotating Fashion) KingPin counted the time since he is the newest
5. Heels to Heaven (Circle of Trust)
Mosey to the parking lot, took prayer request and ended with Circle of Trust.

Prayer Request
Big Pappy’s Brother in law is coming home from the Hospital, the Davenport family, and everyone involved in the Tuna this week.

The BedPan is Full.

It took a village…

For some reason today I wasn’t quite awake for what I had in store for my brothers at the Bulldog. However, in true F3 fashion the HIMs that showed up helped me stumble through. I was also impressed with the number of PAX that showed. Great work men. Here is how it went.

Warm up: SSH x 15 IC, Grass Pickers x 10 IC, Don Q x 10 IC, 15 Merkins OYO, 5 burpees for fun

1 Min AMRAP x 2 rounds
1st Set: Step-ups, Big Boys/ pax choice ab work, Dips, Swings, Curls, Mountain climbers
*Lap around the parking lot
2 Set: SSH, American Hammers, Merkins of any style, Squat presses, Curls with different grip, Mike Tysons.

We ended with a few minutes of Mary
Announcements (same as usual about the 5ks coming up)
Prayer Request: Myself and my family as we travel. All other unspoken requests.

Nice work men, thanks for the opportunity to lead.

Day 11: Love Cherishes

Consider these two scenarios.


A man’s older car begins having serious trouble, so he takes it to a mechanic.  After an assessment is made, he is told it will need a complete overhaul, which would tax his limited budget.  Because of the expensive repairs, he determines to get rid of the car and spend his funds on a new vehicle.  Seems reasonable, right?


Another man, an engineer, accidentally crushes his hand in a piece of equipment.  He rushes to the hospital and has it x-rayed, finding that numerous bones are broken. Although frustrated and in pain, he willingly uses his savings to have it doctored and placed in a cast, then gingerly nurses it back to health over the following months.  This too, probably seems reasonable to you.


The problem within our culture is that marriage is more often treated like the first scenario.  When your relationship experiences difficulty, you are urged to dump your spouse for a “newer model.”  But those who have this view do not understand the significant bond between a husband and wife.  The truth is, marriage is more like the second scenario.  You are a part of one another.  You would never cut off your hand if it was injured but would pay whatever you could afford for the best medical treatment possible.  That’s because your hand is priceless to you. It is part of who you are.


And so is your mate.  Marriage is a beautiful mystery created by God, joining two lives together as one.  This is not only happens physically but spiritually and emotionally.  You start off sharing the same house, the same bed, the same last name.  Your identity as individuals has been joined into one.  When your spouse goes through a tragedy, both of you feel it.  When you find success at your job, both of your rejoice.  But somewhere along the way, you experience disappointment, and the sobering reality that you married and imperfect person sets in.


This, however, does not change the fact that your spouse is still a part of you.  Ephesians 5:28-29 says, “Husbands ought also to love their own wives as their own bodies.  He who loves his own wife loves himself; for no one ever hated his own flesh, but nourishes and cherishes it.”


This verse speaks to husbands, but notice how each member is viewed.  They are both considered to be the same flesh.  You must treat them with the same nurture and care that you treat yourself. When you show love to your spouse, you are showing love to yourself as well.


But there is a flip side to this coin.  When you mistreat your mate, you are mistreating yourself.  Think about it.  Your lives are now interwoven together.  Your spouse cannot experience joy or pain, blessing or cursing, without it also affecting you.  So when you attack your mate, it is like attacking your own body.


It’s time to let love change your thinking.  It’s time for you to realize that your spouse is as much a part of you as your hand, your eye, or your heart.  She, too, needs to be loved and cherished.  And if she has issues causing pain or frustration, then you should care for these with the same love and tenderness as you would a bodily injury.  If he is wounded in some way, you should think of yourself as an instrument that helps bring healing to his life.


In light of this, think about how you treat your spouse’s physical body.  Do you cherish it as your own?  Do you treat it with respect and tenderness?  Do you take pleasure in who they are?  Or do you make them feel foolish or embarrassed?  Just as you treasure your eyes, hands, and feet, you should treasure your spouse as a priceless gift.


Don’t let the culture around you determine the worth of your marriage.  To compare it with something that can be discarded or replaced is to dishonor God’s purpose for it.  That would be like amputating a limb.  Instead, it should be a picture of love between two imperfect people who choose to love each other regardless.


Whenever a husband looks into the eyes of his wife, he should remember that “he who loves his wife loves himself.”  And a wife should remember that when she loves him, she is also giving love and honor to herself.


When you look at your mate, you’re looking at a part of you.  So treat her well.  Speak highly of him.  Nourish and cherish the love of your life.

Husbands ought also to love their own wives as their own bodies.

– Ephesians 5:28

Today’s Dare


What need does your spouse have that could meet today?  Can you run an errand?  Give a back rub or foot massage?  Is there housework you could help with?  Choose a gesture that says, “I cherish you” and do it with a smile.

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