Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Month: October 2019 (Page 2 of 12)

Tuna 200, Van 1

For months, we had been waiting for the day. Medicine Woman, a man who we thought had sworn off running about 42 years ago, had been training for months, was looking kind of soccer-armish. Sargento, the Girazelle, had been so confident in his skillz that he ran a total of 8 miles in the 6 weeks leading up to the date, wasn’t looking soccer arm-ish but was willing to push the rock. The Silver Fox had his game face on. We were READY for Oct 25th, the TUNA 200!

Due to our “fleetness of feet,” we had secured a later start time of 815. We planned to meet at

345 in order to head out at 4. Starting off the morning right, Hushpuppy decided stroll in at 3:58 with CPAP machine strap marks still visible.  Great start men!!!!

20 minutes into the drive, POTTY BREAK (Sargento and Hushpuppy have bladders the size of pistachios, BTW)!! Eventually, we made it to the starting location with 30 minutes to spare. Termite was so amped up for his initial run he DECIDED TO RUN A MILE before his 5.5. mile leg. (Idiot!!)On the more intelligent side, however, he decided to start at the back of the pack in order to quickly sprint past several people in order to inflate his kill ratio.  The first 4 legs went off without too many issues, other than Termite complaining about everything and everyone else complaining about the gnats. At leg 5, Omaha!!! Sargento was supposed to run 9, however, due to his relative lack of training as mentioned above, it was felt that 9 miles may not be wise. Hushpuppy and Quicke stepped in. Hushpuppy covered the final 3 miles for him, setting a personal record for fastest mile!! Qik$ finished leg 6 after his EC on leg 5 and we met up with Van 2.

After saying good-bye to Van 2, we went to eat at White Swan BBQ somewhere in the middle of nowhere Eastern NC. It didn’t matter that there was more grease than actual meat in the meal, we were too hungry to notice. We then went ahead to what we thought was the exchange zone for some well deservedR&R. pQuise was the navigator for this part of the trip, and we were there in a jiffy. About 40 minutes before Termite was supposed to run, Sargento made the comment “I think we are in the wrong place!” After some confusion amongst ourselves and even the race officials, we went back 20 minutes to the actual exchange zone. Keesh was not allowed to sit up front for the rest of the trip.

Because of all the confusion, Termite started complaining again. He was all stretched out and then he had to get in the vanand he tightened up again (not to self, do not get old, or if you do, please do not be like Termite!). So many high points, but I think the most impressive was that Slaw became even more of a big deal than Boudin. If you want to know the story, ask Slaw, Erica, or Anne. Medicine also was referred to as a “knight in shining armor” by one of the many women who we ran with. Finally, Sargento may have used some “booger sugar” and ran a sub 7:15 average for a 4.16 mile leg! On the downside of this group of runs, MW pulled a calf, got chicked, and had a dog chase him. Qu#(%e’ got dicked. He doesn’t want to talk about it.

Handoff to Van 2 at about 1230 AM, ready for some more R&R at Pink Hill Elementary. Note to future groups: when you hand off at an exchange zone in the Tuna 200, it is smarter to stay at the old exchange zone for sleep instead of moving to the next and more crowded one.

Met with Van 2 to exchange again at about 430 AM. Termite was complaining and worrying about being late for the exchange. We struggled but made it through. Highlights included eating more greasy food, watching the sunrise over Piggly Wiggly, SlawBag becoming SlawDOG (we have pitcuresto prove it), DL dropping a “S-bomb” due to having to run up a bunny hill at the end of his last leg, and finishing!! Low point points were eating more greasy food, MW getting chicked again, Hushpuppy running over a ballard (metal post), and DL almost missing a handoff from Slaw. The after-race party include a fair amount of “rehydration” by several members while waiting for van 2 to finish.

All in all, an amazing group of guys and an amazing run. It was awesome to see men like MW for pushing himself past what they thought they could ever do. Sargento, for pushing through the lack of training, being an optimistic, steady rock for the group, and teaching us to sing any stupid phrase that was spoken by anyone, anywhere. Termite, 59 years old, averaging 9 minute miles, and then getting up the morning after and running 4 miles (he complained he was too tight and needed to loosen up)!! SlawDOG, for being a true HIM gentleman and running with the women in the middle of the night. Hushpuppy, for stepping up and driving, running, and setting PRs. DL, HAPPY BIRTHDAY and amazing job legging out 20.3 miles at 54.99 years old! Quiche’, for showing the group that you can take 4 naps in one day, make soccer arms sexy, and make up for ATand the rest of Van 1 running their mouths faster than their legs.


Thanks for the memories HIMs,


Van 1


P.S. If you think this is too long, keep your criticistic comments to yourself!

Views and thoughts from the Tuna 200 Van 2

Van two decided we would be meet at Freight’s house at 07:30 on Friday.  YHC arrives to find Broke already waiting.   Breaker Breaker rolls in, Doodles comes in with the Van, Tater Hole is dropped off by his M, Freight makes his way out.  At 07:30… I mean 07:50 Allen Tate decides to grace us with his presence.   We pack up the van, which was rollin’ on dubs.   After Doodles lead us in prayer – we’re on the road.

Traffic was much better than any of us expected.   We stopped and had breakfast at Cracker Barrel.   When the waitress comes to take our drink order, Broke is sitting there with his pants down messing with some thangs.   Apparently impressed, the waitress returns with our drinks, but three other ladies had joined her.   We learned a lot of thinks during breakfast.   We learned that Freight has had a lot of interesting jobs.   We learned the best way to kill cockroaches in by baking them at 450 degrees in the oven.   We learned that Tater Hole loves to eat.   I’m pretty sure his bill was 39 dollars.  We pay and we are back on the road.

Good conversation was had on the ride down.   We arrive into Four Oaks and everyone is pumped.   Freight was the first to run out of Van 2.  As he departs on his 9 mile run, we notice it is WAY to hot to be late October.  But in typical Freight fashion, he pimp-slapped this run.   He finished his run and turned it over to Allen Tate.

Allen Tate takes off for about a 4 mile run.  It’s hot.  There is zero shade.   We catch up to him as he’s about a mile in.  He’s hurting and it shows.   He lumbers his way to the exchange zone and passes off to Broke.

Broke did what Broke does.   He donkey punched his leg.  Seriously – is there anyone more steady on his runs than this man?

Tater Hole was next.   This was his first relay and didn’t know what to expect.   This is a guy that was in good shape when he joined F3, but would admit his cardio was down.   He’s worked, and he’s worked hard.   It showed.   He blazed on down the road to pass off to another first-timer.

Doodles was next.  I don’t think I’ve ever met a cooler preacher.  He brought us a van with Moto Metal black wheels on it.  He even has an affinity for silver-back gorillas.  (More on this in a bit).

Breaker Breaker was our anchor.   He’s a rather quiet person and YHC made it his mission to get him to be louder on this trip.  You want to fire him up?   Act like you’re going to drink his drink.  (More on this later also).

Van 2 finished and handed back off to Van1.  We took off to Subway to eat and then try to get some rest.  We go in and we’re about the only people there.  Allen Tate apparently likes gubment cheese on his sub.   Tater Hole like EVERYTHING they have on his sub.  But instead of just saying to put everything on it, he made the poor guy go one by one.  We even saw the guy that passed Doodles.

Ok.  We ate and went ahead to the next exchange zone we’d run and tried to get a little rest.   I also learned this about Tater Hole – dude can sleep anywhere.  Pretty sure he and Allen Tate are the only ones to get any meaningful rest at this point.

We got up just before midnight ready to roll.   We went through our van again.   Freight was happier it was dark and not blistering hot.  Allen Tate got him a kill and made sure EVERYONE knew about it.  No seriously… everyone.  Even the guy he passed.  Broke once again did Broke thangs.  Tater Hole, Doodles and Breaker Breaker beasted theirs legs and again, we we’re on break.

The Van decided to forego breakfast and just roll ahead to where we’d kick off again.

Our third legs were a little different.  Freight took Quiche’s leg, Quiche ran Freight’s.   Allen Tate took off for his last run.   We catch up to him a little bit down the road.  We blow the horn, and while we did, he was killed.   The guy who killed him looked back at him and then waved to our van.   If Allen Tate could have caught him I’m sure he would have beat his eyes shut.  We’re at the exchange zone and Broke is getting ready.   We wait on Allen Tate to roll in.   And we wait.   And then we waited.   After we waited… we waited some more.  At this point YHC is starting to wonder if Allen Tate jumped off the bridge.  About that time he rounds the corner and Broke went to meet him.   While waiting Broke said he would dial it back a little on the last run.  Well… he didn’t.  He averaged pretty much the same time for this run as he did for the other two.   I’m telling you – consistent.

Broke is in and Tater Hole is out.   While not as pumped as he was after the second run, Tater has the look like a kid on Christmas.   He’s really enjoying himself.

While waiting on Tater, Doodles takes his long sleeve shirt and turns it into a tank-top turtleneck.  It’s also at this point Breaker drinks his special drink.

Doodles takes off and is letting it eat.  We pass him and according to Allen Tate tells us he’s fine.   We went ahead and stopped anyway just in case.   Doodles gets him a little H2O and continues on.

Doodles is in and Breaker Breaker is out for his glory leg.  The man did a great job of organizing this race and deserved to be the man to bring it home.  Powered by his special drink he’s out there killing it.   We wait and bit and Allen Tate and I return to the van to grab The Leg.   This race would not be complete without it.   We return with The Leg just in time to see Breaker approaching and we all cross the finish line together.

Some got one medal – some got two.  Some were incredibly proud of that second medal.

We all congregate, eat a little tuna and drink some cold beer.

We went to the hotel.  Some showered, some went to the pool.   We went to dinner.   Some went back to the hotel, some went to a brewery.

Random thoughts

Freight:  this guy always wants to act like he ain’t a runner, but his actions show otherwise.  He’s as sarcastic as the day is long, and that’s probably why he’s one of my favorite people.   Through his sarcasm, however, it’s clear that he just wants the best for those around him.

Allen Tate: so many things I could write here.   As a side note, y’all should have seen him get killed.  Anyway – this is his second relay and he has a total of 31 minutes of training.  He may not train, but he will not quit.  He has good intentions, but some injuries prohibited him from being at his best for the Tuna – but he gave it all he had.

Broke: I don’t have enough time to write all my thoughts about this man.   He’s like the Godfather.  The force that keeps all things balanced.  A steady runner and a better person.  Always encouraging.   The reaction he has watching other people do good things is infectious.

Tater Hole: probably one of my favorite memories of this relay is watching his reaction after his second run.  Dude was pumped.   Glad to see what he accomplished.

Doodles: first time I had spent any significant time around him, and goodness gracious, what a guy.  A small sample of his character.   He’s waiting to run when an older gentleman (shirtless and hairy), told him: “I’m going to hang with you for a while and then I’m going to pass you”.  Most laughed.   Well, that’s what he did.  He killed Doodles.   After his run and while we’re back in the van, the guy comes over and states in his thick accent: “You did good, son”.  Most people would have probably said something sarcastic…or nothing at all.   Not Doodles.  Without missing a beat he responded: “You did better, sir”.  More grace than YHC has for sure.

Breaker Breaker:  Oh man.   Captain Anchor.  Glory Leg runner.   Mystery drink chugger.  So on leg two I went to get Tater Hole a water from the cooler but it’s dark.  I can only tell that the drink I grabbed wasn’t water.   Didn’t think anything about and returned it for a water.   A few hours later in the daylight I could tell that this was no normal drink.  The only way I can describe it (at least safely for this back blast) is to say it looked like a bottle of phallus secretion.  And boy was he protective of this drink.  Anyway.  What a great dude.  Quiet, but I’m going to break him completely out of that shell one day.   He ran along and was the only one that I didn’t hear complain.

So many more memories can be written, but most will not read all of this anyway.  If you’ve never participated… you’re missing out.   Even if you can’t run, you can drive.  It’s an experience like no other.

Honored that the men mentioned above allowed me to join them this weekend.   Tater Hole – I finally have some bars.


Day 18: Love Seeks to Understand

We enjoy discovering as much as we can about the things we truly care about.  If it’s our favorite football team, we’ll read any article that helps us keep up with how they’re doing.  If it’s cooking, we’ll tune to those channels that share the best grilling techniques or dessert recipes.  If there’s a subject that appeals to us, we’ll take notice any time it comes up.  In fact, it’s often like an area of personal study.


It’s fine, of course, to have outside interests and to be knowledgeable about certain things.  But this is where love would ask the question, “How much do you know about our mate?


Think back to the days when you were courting.  Didn’t you study the one your heart was yearning for?


When a man is trying to win the heart of a woman, he studies her. He learns her likes, dislikes, habits, and hobbies.  But after he wins her heart and marries her, he often stops learning about her. The mystery and challenge of knowing her seems less intriguing, and he finds his interests drifting to other areas.


This is also true in many cases for women, who start off admiring and building respect for the man they desire to be with.  But after marriage, those feelings begin to fade as reality reveals that her “prince” is a flawed and imperfect man.


Yet there are still hidden things to discover about your spouse. And this understanding will help draw you closer together.  It can even give you favor in the eyes of your mate.  “Good understanding produces favor” (Proverbs 13:15).


Consider the following perspective: if the amount you studied your spouse before marriage were equal to a high school diploma, then you should continue to learn about your mate until you gain a “college degree,” a “master’s degree,” and ultimately a “doctorate degree.”  Think of it as a lifelong journey that draws your heart ever closer to your mate.


  • Do you know his or her greatest hopes and dreams?
  • Do you fully understand how they prefer to give and receive love?
  • Do you know what your spouse’s greatest fears are and why they struggle with them?


Some of the problems you have in relating to your spouse are simply because you don’t understand them.  They probably react very differently to certain situations than you do, and you can’t figure out why?


These differences – even the ones that are relatively insignificant – can be the cause of many fights and conflicts in your marriage. That’s because, as the Bible says, we tend to “revile” those things we don’t understand (Jude 10).


There are reasons for his or her tastes and preferences.  Each nuance in your spouse’s character has a back story.  Each element of who he is, how he thinks, and what he’s like is couched in a set of guiding principles, which often makes sense only to the person who holds them.  But it’s worth the time it will take to study why they are the way they are.


If you missed the level of intimacy you once shared with your spouse, one of the best ways to unlock their heart again is by making a commitment to know them. Study them.  Read them like a book you’re trying to understand.


Ask questions.  The Bible says, “The ear of the wise seeks knowledge” (Proverbs 18:15).  Love takes the initiative to begin conversations.  In order to get your mate to open up, they need to know that your desire for understanding them is real and genuine.


Listen: “Wise men store up knowledge, but with the mouth of the foolish, ruin is at hand” (Proverbs 10:14).  The goal of understanding your mate is to hear them, not to tell them what you think.  Even if your spouse is not very talkative, love calls you to draw out the “deep water” that dwells within them (Proverbs 20:5).


Ask God for discernment.  “The Lord gives wisdom; from His mouth come knowledge and understanding” (Proverbs 2:6). Things like gender differences, family backgrounds, and varied life experiences can cloud your ability to know your mate’s heart and motivations.  But God is a giver of wisdom.  The Lord will show you what you need in order to know how to love your spouse better.


“By wisdom a house is built, and by understanding it is established; and by knowledge the rooms are filled with all precious and pleasant riches” (Proverbs 24:3-4).  There is a depth of beauty and meaning inside your wife or husband that will amaze you as you discover more of it.  Enter the mystery with expectation and enthusiasm.  Desire to know this person even better than you do now.  Make him or her your chosen field of study, and you will fill your home with the kind of riches only love can provide.


How blessed is the man who finds wisdom, and the man who gains understanding.

– Proverbs 3:13

Today’s Dare


Prepare a special dinner at home, just for the two of you.  The dinner can be as nice as you prefer.  Focus this time on getting to know your spouse better, perhaps in areas you’ve rarely talked about.  Determine to make it an enjoyable evening for you and your mate.

Day 17: Love Promotes Intimacy

You can be close to a good friend you’ve known since childhood or college days.  You can be close to a sibling, your parents, or a cousin who’s about your same age.  But nothing rivals the closeness that’s experienced between a husband and wife. Marriage is the most intimate of all human relationships.

That’s why we need it so much.  Each of us comes into life with an inborn hunger to be known, love, and accepted.  We want people to know your name, to recognize us when they see us, and to value who we are. The prospect of sharing our home with another person who knows us down to the most intimate detail is part of the deep pleasure of marriage.

Yet this great blessing is also the site of its greatest danger. Someone who knows us this intimately can either love us at a depth we never imagined, or can wound us in ways we may never fully recover from.  It’s both the fire and the fear of marriage.

Which of these are you experiencing the most in your home right now?  Are the secrets your spouse knows about you reasons for shame, or reason for drawing you closer?  If your spouse were to answer this same question, would they say you make them feel safe, or scared?

If home is not considered a place of safety, you will both be tempted to seek it somewhere else.  Perhaps you might look to another person initiating a relationship that either flirts with adultery or actually enters in.  You may look for comfort in work or outside hobbies, something that partially shields you from intimacy but also keeps you around people who respect and accept you.

Your mate should not feel pressured to be perfect in order to receive your approval.  They should not walk on eggshells in the very place where they ought to feel the most comfortable in their bare feet.  The Bible says, “There is no fear in love; but perfect love casts out fear” (1 John 4:18).  The atmosphere in your marriage should be one of freedom.  Like Adam and Eve in the garden, your closeness should only intensify your intimacy.  Being “naked” and “not ashamed” (Genesis 2:25) should exist in the same sentence, right in your marriage – physically and emotionally.

Admittedly, this is tender territory.  Marriage has unloaded another person’s baggage into your life, and yours into theirs. Both of you have reason to feel embarrassed that this much has been revealed about you to another living soul.  But this is your opportunity to wrap all this private information about them in the protective embrace of your love, and promise to be the one who can best help him or her deal with it.

Some of these secrets may need correcting.  Therefore, you can be an agent of healing and repair – not by lecturing, not by criticizing, but by listening in love and offering support.

Some of these secrets just need to be accepted.  They are part of this person’s make-up and history.  And though these issues may not be very pleasant to deal with, they will always require a gentle touch.

In either case, you and you alone wield the power either to reject your spouse because of this or to welcome them in – warts and all.  They will either know they’re in a place of safety where they are free to make mistakes, or they will recoil into themselves and be lost to you, perhaps forever.  Loving them well should be your life’s work.

Think of it this way.  No one knows you better than God does, the One who made you.  The writer of Psalm 139 was right when he said, “You know when I sit down and when I rise up; You understand my thought from afar.  You scrutinize my path and my lying down, and are intimately acquainted with all my ways. Even before there is a word on my tongue, behold, O Lord, You know it all” (Psalm 139:2-4).

And yet God, who knows secrets about us that we even hide from ourselves, loves us at a depth we cannot begin to fathom.  How much more should we – as imperfect people – reach out to our spouse in grace and understanding, accepting them for who they are and assuring them that their secrets are safe with us?

This may be an area where you’ve really failed in the past. If so, don’t expect your mate to immediately give you wide-open access to their heart.  You must begin to rebuild trust.  Jesus Himself is described as One who doesn’t barge into people’s lives but who stands at the door and knocks.  “If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and I will dine with him, and he with Me” (Revelation 3:20).

The reality of intimacy always takes time to develop, especially after being compromised.  But your commitment to re-establishing it can happen today – for anyone willing to take the dare.


He who covers over an offense promotes love, but whoever repeats the matter separates close friends.

– Proverbs 17:9 NIV

Today’s Dare


Determine to guard your mate’s secrets (unless they are dangerous to them or to you) and to pray for them.  Talk with your spouse, and resolve to demonstrate love in spite of these issues.  Really listen to them when they share personal thoughts and struggles with you.  Make them feel safe.

Saturday at the Yank

With many run events happening over weekend, YHC wasn’t sure how many to expect Saturday morning, but we had a good group show ready to get better.  Start with 10 burpees.  Virus comes in hot,asks how many was was called.  Says he has to make up 6.  Everybody got six more.

Mosey around corner behind Sammy’s and end up at corner of park facing up hill at Myrtle Street.  One of my favorites, myrtle suicides.  10 big boys at the start, run to first utility pole on left and do 10 merkins.  Back to start for 10 big boys.  Go to 2nd pole for 10 merkins.  Back to start.  You get the picture.  11 poles total .  This was pretty tough, good work men.

Stay at top after last pole.  Go to wall at First Baptist for Derkin position hip slippers, step ups each leg, Derwin’s and dips.  10 reps of each. Rinse repeat 15 then 20.

Go to parking lot behind school for 11’s.  Tiger squats and mike Tyson’s.  Mosey back to start for 25 American hammers and 25 flutters, both IC

Time.  Get pledge at the Yank.

Announcements, 40 day challenge coming up and 40 day love challenge ongoing.

Took us out with prayer

Always an honor


HIPAA’s PainLab

YHC was doing the 9-11 Memorial Stair Climb this day.

Thankfully, HIPAA stepped up to Q.

They looked like they were working hard when we met up to clown car to the event.

If you want to know what they did, you shoulda been there.

Pushing Power @ Neverland

YHC has been on a plateau for about 6-7 weeks now. Inspired by Defib’s upcoming challenge, the PAX running halfs, and the Pax tackling the Tuna, YHC decided today we would up the cardio at Neverland.

YHC arrived in Neverland to find Dirt off doing EC and many regulars sitting snug in their vehicles. While stretching, Wet Nutz indicated he hoped to have at least one FNG.

Alas 0530 hit, with no FNG, so only the abbreviated disclaimer was provided…


5 Burpees OYO

The real work:
Mosey to ramp behind the soon-to-be Planet Fitness.
Bear Crawl the ramp and then do 30 IW single count.
Somewhere in here, YHC was informed the FNG had in-fact appeared and a more formal introduction to F3 was given by the PAX that had seen him and brought him along. (Thanks to all involved)

Mosey back around the building, down to Union Rd and over to Fidelity Bank.
20 Merkins, Lap around the building and then 20 CDDs
Repeat, but this time go around the island behind the bank too.

Mosey on down Union to Rivermont Dr. with instructions to stop at the 4-way stop. I guess one homeowner is not used to runners in the gloom and nearly took a few of the PAX backing out of their driveway. (Easy Rider almost needed to be renamed Trunk Rider.)
Perform squats while waiting on the six. Once all were present…
20 Squats

Mosey down Valleywood, past maintenance shack and on toward the concession stand, stopping at a set of bleachers.
20 Calf Raises – Feet shoulder width.
20 Calf Raises – Feet wide
20 Calf Raises – Feet together

Mosey to picnic shelter.
20 dips
Run around 3rd island
20 step-ups each leg.

Many PAX expected a repeato, but Outhouse reminded YHC of some toys found during The Sammich, so let’s mosey to the entrance of the Park, switching to a nur about 1/2 way.
30 flutters single count.

Mosey back to the shopping center.
Partner-up with P1 pickup a sandbag holding the temporary fence.
While P1 carries sandbag to other end of parking lot and back, P2 perform SSH.

Once the sandbags were back close to how we found them, mosey back to Snoballs.

Easy Rider led flutters while YHC retrieved my phone.

To put the cherry on this, 5 Burpees, run around the building (longest way) and 5 more burpees.

YHC called it about 90 sec early to give time for the FNG…

Welcome FNG Trey Pruitt, now known as Tin Cup.

Defib’s 40/50 Challenge starts Friday. (2250 calories in, post 40 of 50 days)
Gump has The Labyrinth on Wed – Halloween themed.
Wet Nutz has The Goat on Halloween.
Site Q change at Downtown on Friday.
Dark Helmet is speaking at Rotary on Thursday – Let Sargento or Stroganoff know if you plan on attending.

YHC took us out.

Thanks to all the posted this morning. Thanks especially to the PAX that paced with Tin Cup.

I really appreciate the push, encouragement, and support given. I wouldn’t be where I am at from where I was without all of you.

Watts Up powering down.

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