Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Day: October 13, 2019

Camel and Pigeon Toes

It was my honor to meet up with 10 HIMs to sharpen some iron, get stronger, improve my attitude, and have some fun to start the day.  We did that with some running, merkins, CDD’s, jump squats, squats, LBC’s, and various other excercises.  It was such a great way to start the day.



Tesla back at The Fighting Yank

So after the last six weeks of bird hunting and otehr assorted events including a visit to Gashouse, YHC made a Q appearance at old homeplace, The Fighting Yank. Finally a real October morning to do it on. So with little fanfare we got right to it in the gloom. Went like this:


Stretches, arm and torso

SSH X 20

IW X 20

Copperhead Squats X 10

Plank position

Hand to palm (R-L)

Leg under body (R-L)

Mtn. Climbers X 20

Mosey over to playground, count off by 3s

1s – 10 pullups

2s – 10 dips

3s – 10 big boy situps

Rotate 1-2-3, Run Heartbreak hill and back.

Rinse and repeat X 3

mosey to the top of Heartbreak.

Halfpipes X 2

Top of HBH – 5 HR merkins

Bottom pad: 5 jump squats

Top of main street – 5 monkey humpers

Back to bottom pad – repeat JS.

Mosey over to the Corner of Knowledge

Stepups X 10 (total)

Dirkins X 10

Elevated situps X 10

Run to the other end of the school and call an Omaha with the gate open down to the lower level with stairs.

Series of 7s,

Bottom – Burpees

Top – Big boy situps

Run back to the Corner, repeat stepups, dirkins, situps X 20

Mosey to the Field of Dreams for Bear Crawl Slalom!

*3 rolls for all pax to the end of the field.

SSH X 10

Squats X 10

Run back to the end:

1/2 way, 10 CDDs

End – 20 CDDs

Mosey back to HBH for 2 more halfpipes

Back on the pad for some warm down stretches.

Pledge and done!


Solid effort b ythe pax today. Welcome FNG Tinder who came out because a coworker he has not seen in 5 years IMed him to try it. He did. Talk abut a blind date internet romance! You never know do you? Glad to have him out.

Again, solid effort on a great morning. Major announcement, region convergance next Saturday. Should be a blast. Hate to miss but YHC will be in Starkvegas.

Honor and pleasure to lead this AO and these guys!





Day 2: Love Is Kind

Kindness is love in action. If patience is how love reacts in order to minimize a negative circumstance, kindness is how love acts to maximize a positive circumstance. Patience avoids a problem; kindness creates a blessing. One is preventive, the other proactive. These two sides of love are the cornerstones on which many of the other attributes we will discuss are built.

Love makes you kind. And kindness makes you like able. When you’re kind, people want to be around you. They see you as being good to them and good for them.

The Bible keys in on the importance of kindness: “Do not let kindness and truth leave you; bind them around your neck, write them on the tablet of your heart. So you will find favor and good repute in the sight of God and man” (Proverbs 3:3–4). Kind people simply find favor wherever they go. Even at home. But “kindness” can feel a little generic when you try defining it, much less living it. So let’s break kindness down into four basic core ingredients:

Gentleness. When you’re operating from kindness, you’re careful how you treat your spouse, never being unnecessarily harsh. You’re sensitive. Tender. Even if you need to say hard things, you’ll bend over backwards to make your rebuke or challenge as easy to hear as possible. You speak the truth in love.

Helpfulness. Being kind means you meet the needs of the moment. If it’s housework, you get busy. A listening ear? You give it. Kindness graces a wife with the ability to serve her husband without worrying about her rights. Kindness makes a husband curious to discover what his wife needs, then motivates him to be the one who steps up and ensures those needs are met—even if his are put on hold.

Willingness. Kindness inspires you to be agreeable. Instead of being obstinate, reluctant, or stubborn, you cooperate, you stay flexible. Rather than complaining and making excuses, you look for reasons to compromise and accommodate. A kind husband ends thousands of potential arguments by his willingness to listen first rather than demand his way.

Initiative. Kindness thinks ahead, then takes the first step. It doesn’t sit around waiting to be prompted or coerced before getting off the couch. The kind husband or wife will be the one who greets first, smiles first, serves first, and forgives first. They don’t require the other to get his or her act together before showing love. When acting from kindness, you see the need, then make your move. First.

Jesus creatively described the kindness of love in His parable of the Good Samaritan, found in the Bible—Luke, chapter 10. A Jewish man attacked by robbers is left for dead on a remote road. Two religious leaders, respected among their people, walk by without choosing to stop. Too busy. Too important. Too fond of clean hands. But a common man of another race—the hated Samaritans, whose dislike for the Jews was both bitter and mutual—sees this stranger in need and is moved with compassion. Crossing all cultural boundaries and risking ridicule, he stops to help the man. Bandaging his wounds and putting him on his own donkey, he carries him to safety and pays all his medical expenses out of his own pocket.

Where years of racism had caused strife and division, one act of kindness brought two enemies together. Gently. Helpfully. Willingly. Taking the initiative, this man demonstrated true kindness in every way.

Wasn’t kindness one of the key things that drew you and your spouse together in the first place? When you married, weren’t you expecting to enjoy his or her kindness for the rest of your life? Didn’t your mate feel the same way about you? Even though the years can take the edge off that desire, your enjoyment in marriage is still linked to the daily level of kindness expressed.

The Bible describes a woman whose husband and children bless and praise her. Among her noble attributes are these: “She opens her mouth in wisdom, and the teaching of kindness is on her tongue” (Proverbs 31:26). How about you? How would your husband or wife describe you on the kindness meter? How harsh are you? How gentle and helpful? Do you wait to be asked, or do you take the initiative to help? Don’t wait for your spouse to be kind first.

It is difficult to demonstrate love when you feel little to no motivation. But love in its truest sense is not based on feelings. Rather, love determines to show thoughtful actions even when there seems to be no reward. You will never learn to love until you learn to demonstrate kindness.

Be kind to one another, tender-hearted, forgiving each other, just as God in Christ also has forgiven you. 

– Ephesians 4:32

Today’s Dare

In addition to saying nothing negative to your spouse again today, do at least one unexpected gesture as an act of kindness.

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