Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Day: September 26, 2019

Neverland – bootcamp or running AO?

It was a gloomy Monday morning at Neverland, but oh so perfect for a fine tuned Weinke workout.


SSH x 30IC

MNC x 20IC

Big Boys x 30 OYO

4×4’s x 10 OYO.  A demo was requested and YHC quickly demonstrated my lack of coordination (or intelligence) when Whoopie corrected me after doing the 4 merkins and standing up instead of 4 x mountain climbers.  Then he didn’t let me count that towards my 10 reps!  Thanks Whoopie!

Mosey 20 ft to see the flag; PLEDGE

Mosey towards Gastone’s hill.  Lunge Walk between two light poles.

Mosey to Gastone’s hill.  15 Merkins @ the bottom.  JK2 questioned YHC whether AO is bootcamp or running?  Bootcamp, but… Run, I say! Run up Gastone’s hill!  Aaaaaaand then do 40 LBCs OYO.

Fellowship Mosey turned Mosey by Gastone.  10 count at the bottom by…. one of them PAX.

Yes, more Mosey.  Turn right, mosey up hill to church parking lot.   Flutters 50? OYO

Mosey to the stairs behind Robinson.  Elevens!  Start 10 BigBoys up top, 1 Merkin @ bottom.  Pax crushed it.  Mosey back to pelican’s.  Seasoned PAX who shall not be named thought YHC would return us to pelican’s late….  YHC called end at 06:14:40!  I won’t tell the PAX that I brought a 3/4 complete Weinke and was planning to improvise after the Elevens……

Nice work, men!  We got in right around 2.5 miles!  Some PAX got in some EC beforehand too!

Prayer requests:

JK2 travel to NYC with daughter, Watt’s Up M ,  Outhouse to start new job soon


Raise money for the Downtown potty- YHC forgot to ask for donations, let’s collect this coming Monday (Island has the Q with some fresh ideas!)

JJ5K on Saturday

On another note, I enjoyed talking to Ocho Cinco briefly on the run back.  I realize that I don’t know much about PAX outside of our meetings in the gloom.  I encourage all PAX to try to get to know each other on more of a personal level.  I realize it’s hard when we are sweating profusely and gasping for that extra little bit of oxygen, but let’s strengthen this F3 community that much more and make ourselves more approachable on a personal level for those PAX, old or new, who may need to open up or need somebody to ask them how they are or what’s going on.

Until next time!

Stinky Bird

You vs You!


.25 Mosey around downtown Cramerton

Halt!!!! at the field of dreams!

In honor of Week 1 Pax Challenge….20 min perform as many rounds as possible “The Killer B’s”:

Broad Jump 10 yards to station 1 and perform 10 Burpees, 10 Bonnie Blairs, 10 Big Boy Sit Ups

Rinse and Repeat to Station 2 and 3….After station 3, Bear Crawl all the way back to Start Line and Rinse and Repeat through all stations again until 20 min Q time is called.

After 20 min.. social mosey for 10 second Tesla count and pick pace up..aka slow mosey to the Fun Time Stairs.

At the Fun Time Stairs it’s 11’s time!   1 Burpee at bottom, go up stairs and 10 Burpee Mountain Climbers at top.   You know the drill, time to flip em or go for 15 min Q Time Recovery which ever comes first.

Pax dominated, so Pax moves to the one way bridge.   Time to Wall Stand in honor of Buckeye.   Wall Stand as long as you can, once you drop do 5 Merkins.   Rinse and Repeat until Q Time Recovery called.

Down the stretch….pick your mosey gear and mosey from bridge to Cramerton B-Ball Cage.   Once there OYO 50 Reverse Crunches.   Time to head back, so gear it up a notch and mosey back to Pax Circle in downtown CramerTown USA!

Time!!!!!!!!!!!   Nice calorie burn men!


Announcements – Several Events in and around town coming up,  Radar, Wet Nutz, and Milburn doing Week 4 Pax Challenge New Hope Elementary Friday 9/27 5:30 am.   All are welcome!

Name O Rama

Prayer Requests

Prayer – Thanks Tesla!

Happy Thursday!



Circuits By Montross

It is Thursday and I felt the need to focus on muscle work today. After fartsacking Tuesday, I felt like I needed to get in some chest and arm work. 5 men posted at Folsom this morning for some circuit work.

Warmup: SSH 10 IC, Cotton Pickers 10 IC, Toy Soldiers 10 IC


Mosey to the lower shelter because we will need picnic tables.

2 Sets
Decline Merkins 10 IC
LBCs 15 IC
Low Squats 10
Lap around parking lot

3 Sets
Planche Merkins 15 OYO
American Hammers 15 IC
Bench Jumps 10 OYO

Quick mosey over to the turd shack by the pond for some walls.

2 Sets
Hip Slappers 10 IC
Big Boys 10 OYO
Dirty Hook Ups 10 IC (for my M)
Big Boys 10 OYO

2 sets
Australian Pull Ups 10 OYO
Dive Bombers 10
Dips 10 IC

For good measure, one extra set of Australian Pull Ups

LBCs 15 IC
SSH – 22 IC



COT – prayers for Ratchet, our kids, Montross’s M and her cougar beach trip. YHC took us out in prayer.

Roadie with the Q Saturday! Come out and get in some work before the JJ 5k!

Special shoutout to Bedpan! I was having trouble keeping up with him running around the parking lot. In case you haven’t noticed, BP has really taken his fitness up a notch this summer!!!

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