Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Day: September 11, 2019

Run for the Potty

People run for various reasons. It may be to get in shape, to stay in shape, for the fellowship, or for those that can’t run. And despite what some may say, some people run for fun. In the month of September, the PAX of The Pub will run so that people can use the bathroom in public. Actually, it’s to raise money to help sponsor an event that will help raise money to build restrooms at the downtown Rotary pavilion. Through the sponsorship, the goal is that more men will see and hear about F3 and come to know the good that F3 provides men in Gaston County.

YHC had Q on this humid Thursday morning. YHC arrived to find something that I usually don’t see. A parking lot with no waiting PAX. Arriving earlier than normal (usually around 0527), YHC spotted a few cars of PAX getting in some EC. Slowly the PAX rolled in or ran up, and 0530 was on the clock.

Quick disclaimer along with route for the day.

The Pledge

The Mosey – Armstrong Park to Perry to Lee to New Hope to the other Armstrong Park to the original Armstrong Pack and back to The Pub.

The Q was the six on this mosey. YHC felt strong starting out but hit a wall on the way in. Thanks to Defib and Roscoe for picking up the six for those final, crucial 5 yards.

Announcements while YHC took a knee to keep from falling out.

Rotary fundraiser
Run events coming up – Stair Climb, Stop Soldier Suicide Run, JJ5k, Ragnar, sign up!

Prayer Requests
BRR Ruckers
Feelgood and family
Slaw’s dad
Hurricane victims

Prayer to take us out.

Until next week…

Getting in some running!

17 showed at the Yank this fine morning.  Mosey over to the parking lot at 2 Chicks Sandwiches and Scoops. Here we warm up.

SSHx 20 IC

22 merkins for the vets.


Flutter Kicks x 20  IC

mosey to the intersection in front of Stowe Manor.

Monkey Humpers x 20 IC

mosey down the hill to the next intersection.

In the grass we did

WW1 x 10 OYO

Squat x 20 IC

Continue down the hill and stop at the next intersection. I had some of the PAX call out some exercises.

Boudin called 10 Burpees OYO

Termite called shoulder Taps x 20 IC

mosey over to Hawthorn hill for some 11’s

We did Peter Parker’s at the bottom and crunchy frogs at the top. We only ran to the first road on the hill. It’s about halfway up the hill. Time running out, we moseyed on up myrtle street  stopping at the red light.  At the red light with started up the hill and completed 1 squat at each light pole, adding a squat at each pole. I believe we had 11 or 12 poles. It was basically a Route 66. When everyone was caught up we moseyed over to the intersection of Central and Woodrow.

SSH x 20 IC

mosey down to the intersection of Woodrow and Main streets.

Flutter Kicks x 20 IC

mosey to the Yank. Stopping at the intersection of Main and Catawba for some goofballs to the camera. Finish up at the Yank with some overhead claps and Moroccan night clubs till time was up.


Plenty of 5k events and speed for need events coming up. Jj5k, Christmas Town 5k, Stop Soldier Suicide 5k.

I need Q’s for The Fighting Yank. Help the sight Q’s out by stepping up and leading. Co leading is  a great way to be introduced to leading a workout!!


I shared red a little about Doubt in your walk with Christ. It is hard to always have a positive outlook on every situation. But Mathew 6:20 says  “Lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal”

Build on the rock of Christ! Pray earnestly and believe in those prayers.

Thank you again for your time!


Notorious S.T.O.R.M.

The Storm is one of my favorites.  Mostly due to the big numbers that turn out week after week.  Almost like a mini-convergence.

Lets warm up, YHC, merkins etc.  Mosey around the school stopping periodically for a mix of core, upper body, lower body and all three.  First stop the stupid shuffle, six shooters, lunges.  Mosey to the picnic tables for dips, step ups and freddy mercury.  mosey to the round about for bear crawls, planks, squats.  I think we also stopped at the ballards.   Back to the start.


Prayer Requests

Hamm Family

Breakers Aunt

Dr. Feelgoods Mom passed away

Hucks Family


Chili Cookoff November 2 to raise money for bathrooms

9-11 Stairclimb coming up 9-14-2019

JJ5k 9-28-2019

Christmas Town

SSS 9-21-2019

Pointe Church now doing Sundays on Thursdays meeting services at 6:30 – speak to Slim Shady for more info

Midoriyama brings the heat

Amongst the F3 Gastonia community the AO known as Midoriyama has a reputation.  Notorious or Glorious – only way to know is to show.  I have been to most of the AOs around Gaston County (even Qued a few) and others out of Gaston County.  This boot camp however beats a HIM down.  The exercises are the same, the duration is the same, I believe it is the HEAT that gives Midoriyama its reputation.

On this addition of Midoriyama 12 brave HIMs (no more)  stepped out into the Heat (97 degress with moderate humidity).  SSH and MNC in cadence.  Mosey to where a group of nameless bat flippers were doing some things for a round Monkey Humpers, Merkins and Flutter kicks.  Mosey down soccer arm trail aka the blue trail aka the soccer loop for some fun in the woods.  My M found no tics later.  A few stops along the way for burpees, merkins, squats, lunges, global warming (all accounted for).  Mosey to a turd shack, not the turd shack but a turd shack for some six shooters.  Mosey to the playground for 3 sets of 5 PullUps, 10 merkins and 20 lunges.  Mosey to the turd shack for the stupid shuffle, no, not really, at this point YHC was soaked thoroughly and to be honest I was also spent.  Lets stretch out the last 15 minutes by stretching out during the last 15 minutes (I felt great the next morning by the way, maybe we should stretch more).

NO ONE ELSE was here other than those listed in the pax list and YHC for the Q.

Prayer Requests

Def Leppards Wife

Hucks Family

Mt Hollywood prayer list



Some AOs are getting some new Site Qs,  volunteer yourself to Q before you are voluntold.

Sept 21 Stop Solider Suicide 5/10k- also Freight has the Q at the Yank that day at 7

Sept 28 JJ5k

Ragnar Next Month

Shout Out to:  GoldDigger and the cats from his F3 team that crushed the BRR – nice work men, way to represent

Also, GoldDigger promised to make up for the easy boot camp that was today on Thursday 9-12-2019


Thank you Blart for letting YHC lead

My pinky hurts…

Last weekend was the BRR.  It was one of the most challenging, but most rewarding experiences that I have had the honor of being a part of.  It also showed my some areas that I need to improve on, especially endurance.   With all that said, I am going to tailor my Qs to address some the weaknesses that I have recently been made aware of.   When I was coming up with this workout I had to alter my plans due to an accident with my new puppy.  FYI don’t throw dog toys when the dog is still attached to it (not knowingly)  Their teeth are very sharp and it proceeded to rip a deep gash in my tiny little pinky.  It sucked.   So…Legs and abs were on tap.  Here is how it went.


SSH x 15 IC

Baby Makers x 15 IC

LBC x 20 IC

The beat down:

First part I called Chicken legs:  20 Low slow weighted squats, Lateral lunges to the pole (approx 20 yrds) with a duck walk back, followed by 50 calf raised…Repeat

Second: Upper body…50 Overhead claps, 20 overhead press each arm, 15 Lateral Cleans each arm, 25 upright rows…Repeat.   Repeat the lunge walk and duck walk between sets.

The last set I called ABsurdity…50 Flutter kicks (count R only), 25 Oblique crunches each side, 50 LBC, and finally 50 American Hammers…Repeat.  Repeat Lateral lunge and duck walk between once again in between.

Finally to finish the time we did some Pax choice Mary.  Thanks for the opportunity and all the hard work men.  It is always a honor.

COT:  Announcements:  JJ 5 K,  Suicide 5K, and 9/11 Memorial Stair Climb.

YHC took us out with prayer.

Birthday Q

14 men at Mt Hollywood this morning.  1 FNG, so a disclaimer was given.



10 Burpees

The Thang:

Mosey to the South State Bank on S Main St.  First exercise called here is BLIMPS, which a lot of you know by now is a  favorite of mine.  Start off with 5 Burpees, then run a lap around the bank.  Next do 5 Burpees, 10 LBCs, run a lap.  Then 5 Burpees, 10 LBCs, 15 Imperial Walker Squats, run a lap.  Next do 5 Burpees, 10 LBCs, 15 IW Squats, 20 Merkins, run a lap.  Then 5 Burpees, 10 LBCs, 15 IW Squats, 20 Merkins, 25 Peter Parkers, run a lap.  Finally, 5 Burpees, 10 LBCs, 15 IW Squats, 20 Merkins, 25 Peter Parkers, 30 Smurf Jacks, run a lap.

After a short recovery, mosey to the wall behind BB&T.  Exercise called here is 11’s, which is also a favorite of mine.  The two exercises used here for 11’s were Hip Slappers and Mike Tyson’s.  Start with 10 Hip Slappers on wall, mosey to other side of parking lot for 1 Mike Tyson.  Then back to wall for 9 Hip Slappers, and on other side 2 Mike Tyson’s.  Continue this until the numbers are flipped and you end with 1 Hip Slapper and 10 Mike Tyson’s.

Next we made our way to the short wall beside Ida Rankin Elementary.  We still had some time left for a few more exercises.  Here we did 2 rounds of 10 Dips (IC), 10 Step-Ups.  Then mosey back to flag.


9/14 – 9/11 remembrance stair climb

9/21 – Stop Soldier Suicide 5k/10k in Belmont

9/28  – JJ5K trail run in Stanley

Prayer Request



Always an honor to lead.  Turned another year older today, and grateful I got to spend the morning leading you men and pushing each other.  Awesome to have FNG-Mullet with us today!

Sister Act


“Killer B’s”

10 men showed at Midoriyama today.  No FNGs, no disclaimer.


Moroccan Nightclubs while Def Leppard slowly made his way to COT

Grass Pickers

The Thang:

Today would be one of those workouts where you can’t wait until it ends.  I knew what I wanted to do, but I wanted it to be a surprise for the lucky pax who decided to show today.  This so happens to be the first week of the 2019 Iron Pax Challenge.  A few pax in our region signed up for this and had already completed the week 1 challenge, but I hadn’t found an opportunity to complete the first challenge yet, so today would be it.  A lot of men in our region for some reason are turned off by this challenge.  With over 2000 pax participating in the event,  each man is responsible for recording their score.  Obviously I’m a pretty competitive guy, but this challenge is supposed to be more than that.  It is designed for a reason to be very difficult.  The Iron Pax Challenge is just that, a challenge, to push yourself to the limit and give it everything you got.  So after a quick warm-up, we mosey to the smaller soccer field.  I already had the field ready, with cones placed on the field.  An explanation was given on what was about to go down.  Several pax that have been battling injuries, decided it would be in their best interest to just get in a run.  This Iron Pax Challenge is called the “Killer B’s”, and yes it was awful.  The workout went as follows:

5 Rounds for Time:

*Broad jump 10 yards

*10 Burpees, 10 Bonnie Blaires(jump lunges), 10 Big Boys

*Broad jump 10 yards

*10 Burpees, 10 Bonnie Blaires, 10 Big Boys

*Broad jump 10 yards

*10 Burpees, 10 Bonnie Blaires, 10 Big Boys

*Bearcrawl 30 yards back to Starting Line


This was a very challenging workout.  The afternoon heat at Midoriyama in the summer sucks, then you throw this type of workout in makes it awful.  I appreciate everyone giving it everything you had.  Doesn’t matter if you had to modify the workout or not.  We all pushed each other and never stopped.  After a brief recovery, we slowly made our way back to the COT.  Finished it out with 22 Merkins for the Vets.


9/14 – 9/11 Remembrance stair climb

9/21 – Stop Soldier Suicide 5k/10k Belmont

9/28 – JJ5K trail run in Stanley

Prayer Request



Honor to lead today.  Appreciate the men of F3 Gastonia.

Sister Act

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