Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Day: July 22, 2019

2nd Annual Tronmoss 5k

For those that don’t know, I started the Tronmoss Legacy 5k last year in jest as a tribute to myself while I was on “injured reserve”. I’m all about stirring the pot and when a few guys gave me a hard time about it, I took that as a challenge to make it even more about me! Bedpan and I started talking about this again months ago and planning early this year. I talked about it every chance i got in Circle of Trusts (even when I posted with F3 Grand Strand), wrote a pre-blast primarily in 3rd person, and took to Twitter, Slack, and Group Me to promote it. I even made a bunch of stickers to hand out at workouts. All that being said, the 2nd Annual Tronmoss 5k was held yesterday and I’ll chalk it up as a great success. It truly lived up to the hype as the greatest 5k ever held in the Ingles parking lot of Dallas, NC on a Sunday morning at 6:30 am.

20 High Impact Men participated (17 runners for Crossroads, 3 ruckers for The Boars Nest). After a few quick instructions and a route overview, the race started promptly at 6:30 am with Def Leppard sprinting out of the Ingles parking lot. The ol’ Silver Fox was on a mission for victory! Some guys got in some extra mileage afterward, some got some extra mileage during the 5k, but I believe all got a little better. There were 3 age divisions and here’s are the winners:

Overall: Gold Digger (18:31)
Hate(<30): Roundup
PAX (30-49): Pizza Man
Respect (50+): Def Leppard

I think Gold Digger was a bit surprised to find out he not only would receive a medal, but also the coveted Ol’ Marine Walker. He will need to take good care of it so we can hand it off to the overall winner next year! Ok, let’s face it, he’ll probably continue to take that thing home for the next few years because none of us are catching him!!!!

As I mentioned, I started this last year to troll my friends (hopefully you see the humor in that…I do), but decided in the spirit of F3, I wanted to do more! For about 2 weeks, I was thinking of how I could use the 5k to raise some money for a ‘good’ cause. I was listening to the Roundtable Podcast with CSPAN in early May and I found what I was looking for. I decided during that podcast we would raise money for mission work by Rowdy (Michael Amato) from F3 Suncoast and Crisis Response International. I’m pleased to announce we raised $145 during the event, which was donated Sunday afternoon. That number has grown since because I also know at least 3 other Gastonia HIMs donated directly through his link after the race and I hope a few more are led to do so! I know every bit is appreciated by Rowdy. If you haven’t donated and felt led to, you can use the link below. Prayers are also an acceptable donation!

Thanks to all who were a part of this race as well as those who helped me out with ideas and planning. I expect there will be a 3rd Annual Tronmoss 5k. Just like this year, it will be even bigger and better and I plan to continue to use it to help out a good cause. You can rest assured that we will also stick to the roots of this 5k and troll some of my fell F3 brothers in the process!

Announcements: Pizza Man is organizing a family event at Rankin Lake August 17th. More details to come but it is a great opportunity to spend time together and share in all 3 Fs! Circle this on your calendar Gastonia!!!!!! Christmastown 5k signups are open. Expect this to be a Speed For Need event as well as the Stop Soldier Suicide 5k on 9/21.

Prayers: Montross shared good news about his mom, pray for those battling addiction, Bedpan’s mom, Oompa Lompa (he ran today despite dealing with ‘the crud’).

Here are some pictures from the event.

Gold Digger and the coveted Ol’ Marine Walker

Gold Digger – Overall Winner

Roundup – Hate Division Winner

Pizza Man (in his blue dress) – PAX Division Winner

Montross presenting Def Leppard with his medal

Def Leppard – Respect Division Winner

  • Montross aka Tronmoss aka T-ron aka Tee

First Yank Q

Warm up:

Don Q x 10ic


The Thang:

Run to the field

We did these exercise/stretches

Form Runs

Walking Leg Swings

Walking High Knees

Butt Kicks

High Knees



High Skips

One Leg Run

Butt Kick 1/2 field, Stride 1/2

High Knees 1/2 Field, Stride 1/2

Skips 1/2 Field, Stride 1/2

Acceleration Zones (stride to first cone accelerate sprinting to 3rd cone, stride the rest

Accelerate at start to 1st cone stride the rest

Plank Walkouts

Pulse Squats to Squat Jumps

Vinyasa Flow

Hip stretches

Hurdler Stretches


Thanks for letting me lead guys. It was good to Q a workout for some guys I dont get to post with much.



Head for the Shade

Warmup: Run to the shade

The Thang:

We did these exercises for varied reps and durations

Vinyasa Flow

Inch Worms

Fire Hydrants

Iron Cross


Frog Walk

Twisting Reverse Lunge

2-Step Hamstring Stretch

Plank Walkout

Push up to Side Plank

Squat pulse to Squat Jump

Lateral Lunge

Shoulder Strech

180deg. Jumps

Tuck Jumps

Wide Grip Mountain Climbers

Low Split Switch

Run back to flag


First Q in a long time

Warm up

SSH in cadence x 15


Partner up and grab a block from Clavin’s truck. Mosey to the HT parking lot

Using the parking lot Aprox 1/4 mile

Partner A Lunge walks cinder block while Partner B runs a lap. Each time the two meet perform 10 partner Merkins and 15 American Hammers. Partner B than takes the block and A takes a lap. Rinse and Repeat until block has made it all the way around the loop.

Dora 1-2-3 with Block

100 block Merkins

200 wall sit over head press

300 tricep extensions

While Partner A performs exercise Partner B runs down to loading dock, jumps up dock, and returns for block pain. Rinse and Repeat until done.


Just enough time left for 15 Hip Slappers in cadence


Mosey back to parking lot for a quick round of Marry.

10 Burpees OYO

25 Flutter Kicks

Timed Plank

15 Dirty Dogs

Lap around  the Building



8-3 Tool Time Party at Sargento’s

8-17 Pizza Man Event at Rankin Lake

9-11 Memorial Climb


Out in Prayer







Not often do I get a chance to visit Midoriyama, let alone Q. Blart had hit me up about a Q and once I found out that my M was off, I took him up on it. It’s not the ideal time of year to even post at Midoriyama, if you have, you are well aware of why. The heat and humidity just seems to be a different level out there. Of course, the park was built on top of a landfill, but who’s to say that actually has a factor in it? Anyway, I notice Sister Act and Seuss getting some EC in as I roll in. Lil Sweet hit the pavement for a little EC while Broke and I said heck with that and chatted in the shade until time. That being said, it’s time. No FNGs.


SSH x5-6 IC then mosey

head to the upper lot turd shed and the routine was called. 7 excerises, 7 reps each, run a distance and back then repeat 7 times.

excerises called: burpees, Merkins, Mike Tyson’s, Hipslappers IC, Australian Mt climbers IC, CDDs, dirty hookups IC.

after round 4, YHC had started to get a bit dizzy headed when on the wall for hipslappers so, Omaha. After all, I’m not calling something I’m not doing myself. Substitute squats and lunges for hipslappers and Australian mt climbers. Lots of mumbelchatter, mostly about the humidity and not being able to breathe. Some mumble about how the Q was a shoulder destroyer. I agreed. Once all PAX were finished with round 7, we mosey back to start. Slaw calls some Mary while I grab my phone. With a few minutes left, we get about 5 rounds of Mary in. Time is up………finally.


announcements: No Brainer Nationals(Ratchet), Tronmoss 5k🙄, 2.0 workout at Folsom.

YHC took us out in prayer



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