Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Day: July 16, 2019

Kotter Q

It has been a long time since the Slaw had Q’d anywhere. I finally got off my useless butt and picked up a Q at Folsom (thanks for the push, site Q). It was a humid morning at Folsom, and I was anxious to see how many PAX (if any) would post. I was happy to see 10 of my Folsom brothers show up for my Kotter Q. I was going to keep it simple and get back to basics. 5:30 rolls around. Time to get started.


  • Don Q x 10
  • Grass Pickers x 10
  • Seal Jacks x 10 IC
  • Hillbillies x 10


Mosey to the Flag at the top while stopping at the speed bumps for 5 Burpees at each one.

10 LBC’s IC led by Sparky then the Pledge

Short mosey to the parking lot beside the AG center for Deck Of Death. With an old school deck of cards, we shuffled them up and then placed them in the circle of PAX. Each PAX drew a card and all performed the exercise. Exercises were: Spades- Merkins, Clubs- Squats, Diamonds- CDD’s, Hearts- Flutter Kicks(IC). Jokers were left in the mix for 10 Burpees apiece. I had forgotten how much fun this workout was. Mumblechatter was lively. After completing the deck, we moseyed back to the flag, making sure to stop at the speed bump for 5 Burpees. With 4 minutes to go, I pulled up Moby’s “Flower” (Bring Sally up) song. we performed Leg Lifts/ Six inch leg hold for the duration. Real crowd pleaser for sure! When song was complete, 45 minutes of work was in the books.


2.0 Workout this Saturday 7/20 at Folsom.

Ratchet is having a drag race at Shadyside on 7/20 as well.


Prayer Requests: Blue, the Smoot Family, Montross’s Foot/Ankle issue, Medicine Woman and his Family’s new land/home endeavour, Rockabilly’s upcoming job interview.

YHC took us out in prayer.


All the men pushed hard today. I want to thank all of you men for posting this morning and supporting the Slawbag!




Welcome Monday!

Let’s EASE into the day with Stinky Bird!

July 15 Q @ snowballs:




Side straddle hop – 25x IC

Moroccan NC – 25x IC

burpees OYO – 10x

American hammer – IC 25x – Turtleman with the count

Mosey half way to Gastone’s hill, 1 set lunge walk between 2 light poles.

Run up Gastone’s hill – 40 LBCs OYO – Mosey down to the parking lot close to the bottom of Gastone’s hill.  20 big boy sit-ups OYO.

Mosey back towards pelicans, stop half way for lunge walks between 2 light poles.

Mosey to Snoballs for a cool down of:

10 burpees oyo

20 squats oyo

Mosey to the playground for some modified DORA.  YHC will call it the DORA 33. (33%)

Partner UP

Exercises: 33 Pull ups, 66 Mike Tysons, 100 Squats

Partner one does the above while partner 2 does 20 Flutter Kicks each leg.

Turtle Man commented on the PAX level of intelligence because of the high intensity workout we were doing.  Or at least that’s what  YHC took from his mumblechatter.

Island requested a water break.  Mosey to the water fountain.  Some drank water, while Clavin lead the PAX in 1 round of plank jacks IC, 25 or 30 I believe?

Mumble chatter commenced when YHC lead in some hip strengthening; lie on your side, raise leg straight up.  10 IC.  Roll over to your other side, 10 IC.

Mosey back to Snoballs with one 40-50 yard sprint in the mix.

Prayer requests:  Gastone’s daughter at camp, Watts-up’s family?, my short-term memory


Good work, men!

Yellow Shirt Brotherhood

Two of F3 Gastonia’s PAX were ridiculed for wearing matching yellow shirts for the Four Plus on the 4th mosey. In response, the PAX of F3 Gastonia stepped up in solidarity. The number in yellow doubled this week. This could also have been a mere coincidence since it’s quite common among all runners everywhere to wear bright colors while running in dark.

First, the pledge.

Then, the mosey. The PAX ran the route down Armstrong Park, left on New Hope, right at the Wells Fargo, then back on Armstrong towards the Pub.

F3 Dads event 7/20
Tubing event 7/20
911 Stair Climb 9/14

Prayer Requests
Breaker Breaker’s uncle, sister-in-law, aunt
Roscoe’s father-in-law

Also noted was that while four of the eight PAX that posted wore yellow, two other brothers removed their shirt during the COT in solidarity since it wasn’t yellow (or this could be because it was extremely humid this AM and everyone was drenched in sweat).

Until next time…

Two for Four Plus on the Fourth

Two very patriotic (and well dressed) HIMs chose to get an early start on the celebration of our country’s independence and moseyed through SOGA.

First, we said the pledge.

Then, we ran. As we ran, we basically solved all of the country’s political and socioeconomic problems. You’re welcome America.

Until next time (which once again has already happened and about to be recorded in a BB)…

(If I Remember Correctly) We Ran

This BB is a bit overdue. If good things come to those that wait, then this is going to be great.

A six-pack of HIMs posted to mosey towards the land of the ever elusive Diabla Sambriches.

First, the pledge.

Then, some ran 5. Some ran less. All got better. None saw any Sambriches.

Monk’s move

Prayer Requests
Monk and family
Roscoe’s Father-in-law
Roscoe’s 2.0 on Westward Bound trip
Def Leppard – friend found out has lump on lungs
War Child’s family

Until next time (which has already happened and about to be recorded in a BB)…

My Winkie Has a First Name

Welcome to Gaston Counties most elite premier excellent amazing foremost exhilarating bootcamp AO, THE STORM.

Boudin finishing some EC Ruck sacking  – right up to the wire.  Pax are rolling in, including Shell Shock – who is no longer an FNG, and back for more even after witnessing the mess that was Slaw at Mt Hollywood.  Sargento did not have an FNG like he promised, although he later mentioned his FNG as Shell Shock who was an FNG Monday.

Lets Roll.

SSH, MNC, Arm Circles, Burpees, Mosey

Stupid shuffle, tiger squats, big boys, Plank, Mosey

Dippity Dips, Step UPs (Anchorman, Hayzus (originally from Ohio or the Buckeye State), and myself discussed what exactly a Buckeye is and how it is not scary at all.  Then Anchorman pointed out there is a delicious chocolate desert called a buckeye – ask him for the recipe(also, the Wright Brothers are from Ohio – they also left that state to discover flight in the Carolinas)) whilst we discussed the pax continued to enjoy step ups – I finally let them know we need to do other exercises and they all grudgingly agreed to move onto six shooter abs.  Moses gave a 10 count.  We then moseyed.

Mike Tysons, Step back lunges, oblique crunch (also a good look when trying to impress your M) and extended Freddy Mercurys Mosey.

Plank, Jump UPs, Merkins, Mosey

One more round of Stupid Shuffle.  10 more burpees from SA, 20 Squats from Moses, 10 Flying Squirrels from Shell Shock. Mosey to the flag.

Few minutes of stretching.  Time.  Pledge.  Broke took us out in the BOM or COT


Dred and Dark Helmet will speak at Sargento’s Rotary Club a few Thursdays from now. Lunch at the downtown Gastonia Rotary Club – meetings are held at the Conference Center.  Contact Sargento if you are interested in attending.

Also, the Sargento’s will be hosting a going away party for the Tool Time’s August 3rd.  Contact Sargento for more details.

Bridge Camp first part of August – Talk to Anchorman if you are interested in volunteering.

Folsom 2.0 Saturday at 7 am

Prayer Requests

Slim Shadys family friend new baby had died.  The family originally had some trouble getting pregnant and when they were finally blessed tragedy struck.

Slim Shadys and his M will also be welcoming their 4th child soon.  Congrats and prayers especially after witnessing what their family friends are going through.

Lin Ham and her brain tumor

Breaker has some family members with illness, 3 members of his church are deployed, and Sarina’s girlfriend is on a trip with westward bound.

Lets get it!

Upon arriving back from Disney…again…I needed a great workout.  I did some research on how to make a kettlebell work suck even more , so I can’t take credit for what we did.  Here it goes…

The first round we did all right arm all the way through then the left ( 5 each arm): Merkins with one hand on the bell x 10, straight into one arm rows, then one arm deadlifts, straight into one arm cleans, then into goblet squats x 15, and finally one arm overhead presses.  We rinsed and repeated 3 times.

Round 2 :  again one side at a time for arm movements x 5: cross body cleans, curls x 20, goblet squats with reverse lunges x 10,  American hammers x 25, finally overhead pulls x 10. Rinse and repeat 3 times.

The Finisher:  Swings/ Burpee ladder of 8

1 swing; 7 burpees, 2 swings 6 burpees…you get the drift. We then finished with some Mary and something Hushpuppy called the dirty dog (gonna feel that in my taint).  Lots of sweat angels on the ground today. Great work men!

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