Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Month: June 2019 (Page 8 of 9)

Blocks Again

Everybody knows by now, I like to use the Blocks, and that’s what we did this morning! We did a few warmup exercises, then did DORA on the courts,100 Blockies, 200 curls, 300 squats, 400 lbcs, ran around 2 miles in between. All that showed, pushed the rock! Missed those that couldn’t make it!

Announcements- tubing june 22nd, convergence June 29th

Prayer request- Oompas family, my nephew, Bottoms up, each other


Something Smells Fishy

As YHC was pulling into the school parking lot, noticed a lot of trees around the school had toilet paper hanging from limbs. My first thought was The Storm had had some visitors from South Point over the holiday weekend. Got out of the car, placed shovel flag in ground while some PAX were already discussing what looked like a prank. Someone said it was probably Senior pranks by the school underclass.

What we didn’t know was that the prank was still in progress. All of sudden, we noticed 3-4 silhouettes coming from the back side of the school. They made there way down the sidewalk by the side entrance and continued to roll the trees with toilet paper. After a couple of minutes, all headed back except one individual. He continued to roll the trees. All of a sudden, Sister Act yelled out, “You’ve been caught, we have you on camera”. That kid took off running so fast, I think he did a 40  yard dash in about 2.5 seconds! It was too funny!

It’s 5:32am and time to get to work….


SSH x 20 I/C

IW x 20 I/C

Mountain Climbers x 20 I/C

Merkins x 15 OYO

The Pledge

Mosey to entrance

Route 66 up to the circle, doing Burpees at each light post = 66 total for the PAX that we’re not able to make it out to the Memorial Day Murph 

At the round about, we all circle up for some more fun

Round of Happy Jacks x 5

Do 5 side straddle hops in cadence then after the 5th one everyone does two jump squats. Like this… Side Straddle Hops IC: One, two, three, ONE! One, two, three, TWO! One, two, three, THREE! One, two, three, FOUR! One, two, three, FIVE! Quickly followed by two jump squats. 

Next – Dr. W (a sufferable 8-count ab exercise that combines Dolly, Rosalita, and the W)      

1 is legs apart like a Low Dolly, 2 is legs together, 3 is raise the legs to Rosalita position (45-60 degrees-ish), 4 is spread ‘em, 5 is The W (hands together and stretching forward between your legs), 6 is the return to your back (legs still up), 7 is legs together, 8 is legs down. We did about 7 or 8

Howling Monkey

In a circle, everyone grabs their ankles in Monkey Humper fashion (or Gorilla Humper, for the fearless) . The first person does ten monkey humpers followed by the next person and so on as in other “ring of fire” exercises. Don’t let go of the ankles or all PAX do 10 burpees. No One let go of the ankles. Legs are burning now.

Mosey to softball field. On the way as we pass by school entrance, smell of dead fish. The pranksters didn’t bring just toilet paper, they decided to leave dead fish on side walk at entrance to school. Man that  was an awful smell as we passed.

Coupons – lined up shoulder to shoulder going down hill behind dugout. PAX at bottom passes coupon PAX to his left, up to PAX at top of hill. Then pass coupon to right back down hill while last PAX runs to bottom of hill. Continue until all PAX rotate back to original position. 

Mosey back to flag, taking the long way around, but not by the smelly fish.

Finish up with a round of Mary



Monks farewell at The Station in Belmont on Friday Supplies for Camp sertoma

Prayer Request

David Carpenter (friend of Moses)


Sargento and traveling to Germany

Lynn Hamm

Emily Hamm

Top Hat took us out in prayer


Thank you all for the opportunity to lead this morning. Everyone worked hard, had a laugh, and enjoyed the gloom!

Breaker Breaker

Do What Is Right, Not What Is Easy


Disclaimer given

Side Straddle Hops, 11 IC
Cotton Pickers, 11 IC
Dying Cockroaches, 11 IC
Don Quixotes, 11 IC
Moroccan Nightclubs, 11 IC

The Thang

mosey around the block to the Fire Dept parking lot…

11 each of these five exercises:

American Hammers (sets)
Big Boy Situps
Low Slow Squats

After everyone had finished we moseyed up the hill to the Baptist Church parking lot

rinse and repeat the above exercises

we then moseyed to the underpass, Doffers and then back where we started doing the exercises at each stop


Now let’s mosey across the bridge to the picnic shelter for a new set of exercises

11 each of these five exercises:

Step Ups
LBCs (sets)
Mountain Climbers

After each set run a lap around the park

The plan was to get five sets of the above completed, but had to call time after the third set.


I have been doing a bit of reading lately and I wanted to share a quick word.  Success in life is not one massive good decision and failure is not one poor decision.  Failure is repeated bad decisions and success is repeated, consistent good habits.

For example, one workout isn’t going to get you in shape.  One unhealthy meal is not going to wreck your health.

I am proud of and encouraged by the men come out in the gloom to these workouts.  They are doing what is right, not what is easy!

Pledge of Allegiance

Prayer Requests

Those PAX we haven’t seen in a while


Ended with COT

Slaw meets McGregor

This was especially nice, the weather had finally cooled down and Mother Nature remembered that it is not quite August yet. 16 of us started the day off better than planned, the parking lot at folsom is some what being repaired and mumble chatter was getting loud. I noticed several Pax eye ballin their watch so lets get this party started IN POSITION:
Warm up: SSH, DON Q, Goof Balls, Monkey Humpers.
Mosey: To the theatre (yes Dallas has a stage that is typically used to act out dramatic events or music but lately as in a long time only F3 makes use of it). So Australian Mtn Climbers on the wall then dips 10x each x 5 50 total per exercise. Over to the side is a nice hill that we used this morning and Slaw found a bright Green Softball at the bottom. He seemed impressed that is was hit that far, and began to make the softball his friend and kept him all the way through out the morning and now possibly at home. “McGregor is his name and apparently Slaw can hide and hold said Ball while working out. I know my pockets are not that big so use this time to figure out how and where he held the ball while running. while this took place we did bear crawls up the hill balboas,lbc,flutter,50xeach.
Mosey with new friend McGregor:
I try to make each work out good for all, meaning the guys who can out work us all to the new guy feels as if he got something out of it. So we stop at a light post for some merkins, then next light is a great time to get in some Monkey Howlers, 10 each while pax waited in position for their turn. next stop is 11’s with a booyah Merkin in the middle partner style. Back to Slaw for a moment I realized about a year ago I could do about do anything after Slaw encouraged/pushed me to finish Booyah merkins with him. Many Pax had a lot to say during this ww1- mtn climbers. Then 50 Squats before a mosey back to the tennis court.
4 corners: c1 rt stagger merkins, c2Lft Stagger, C3Diamond, C4 Wide. Then rotated each lap with Freddy Mercury’s and HAmmers. 10 per corner several laps were made.
Ended with a sprint and fellowship back with a few exercises at the end of each court.
Prayer request: People battling addiction, Oompas family, Fat Albert, Homeless men of Dallas, each other, Stoagie’s family has a praise report and myself I got a job interview. Pray for Allen Tates Family with a recent loss and he is traveling, Pray for the TSA also while AT is traveling they have to help him through the gates, the metal detectors may go off.
Announcements: 6/22 Tubing with Roadie, 6/29 convergence at Gas House.
Tronmoss 5k 7/21

Always a pleasure to Serve.
THe BedPan is FULL

Tired Legs

Mount Hollywood 6/3/2019
Nice coolish morning at Mount Hollywood. I pull in the parking lot to find only the ever-posting Broke, here comes Sister Act, Mayor and a few more rock pushers file in and we have 9 strong to start but would finish with 10. Woohoo, let’s go!

SSH x 10 IC Clap at top and slap the hips, this is how Oompa Loompa likes SSH done.
Hillbillies x 10 IC
Plank Jacks x 10 IC

Mosey down West Catawba St. to the BB&T parking lot wall for…

Dirty Mac Deuce (3 exercises x 12 IC, arms, legs then core) with each set followed by a long lap around Oakland St. down Central and back up Main about a half mile.
1.Werkins, Low Slow Squats, Flutter Kicks, Lap.
2.Burpees (12 OYO), Monkey Humpers, Freddie Mercuries, Lap.
3.Diamond Merkins, Mountain Climbers, American Hammers, Lap.
4.Carolina Dry Docks, Calf Raises on the curb, Dying Cockroach’s, Lap.
After each set as we (mostly the Q) caught our breath, we discussed the 4 quadrants of preparedness from Q Source.

Q1 GET RIGHT. Each man must get himself right if he is to make the proper Impact he should be making.
Q2 LIVE RIGHT. To Live Right each man must have an ultimate purpose in mind.
Q3 LEAD RIGHT. Practicing virtuous leadership in each man’s area of influence or as Q Source Leadership is influencing movement to advantage.
Q4 LEAVE RIGHT. Each man is constructing his legacy by his daily virtuous leadership. Be mindful of the legacy you will leave to your family and others that you influence.
Mosey back down Oakland, left up Central to the school.

Slaw led us in 22 Merkins for the Vets.

COT Remember Oompa Loompa in the loss of his mother, House fire in Broke’s neighborhood, Slaw starting new job, Anchorman has an injury. The Mayor took us out in prayer.

*NMM I really didn’t have much left today after an overly ambitious weekend of mountain bike riding and camping with some young, fast riders but I wanted to get in some miles (had 2.8) and some full body reps. Mount Hollywood has some rock pushing guys who are working hard but remembering the six. Mayor posting even though he isn’t released to do bootcamps yet, he was putting in some cardio work. Apparently some man got a little too close when Mayor was “in the zone” listening to a history or Jocko podcast probably. Sister Act can tell you don’t sneak up on the Mayor, you may get hurt! A few minutes into the workout a strange man in a brightly colored shirt started running with us, wait that is our strange man Slaw. Nice to have him. Virus, Broke and Dr. Seuss were flying on the runs this morning. They make it look easy but it is not. Thanks to the guys this morning for pushing and pulling me through. I have learned that whenever you really don’t FEEL like posting or even Qing, the F3 guys will make you glad you did!

Hope this works

Painlab needed a Q, never done it before but let’s give it shot.

Stroganoff led the warmup, then three HIM’s and me broke off on our own.

12 stations set up for one minute per station, 30 second break.  Stations were, derkins, weighted turkish get up, weighted big boy sit up, jump merkins, burpees, weighted squat with press at the top, bobby hurley, smurf jack, crunchy frogs, bonnie blairs, merkins.

After completing a round we lunge walked to the end of parking lot and back.  Completed two rounds and then had time to pick our five least favorites and do those one more time

Met back with the group for COT

Always on honor


Let’s go to the track

Friday afternoon I posted on Twitter that there would be no weinke, no plan, no burpees, etc.  This was true until just before the workout.  Roscoe texted me he was going to run some EC before at 0545 (8 miles)….no way, I thought.  Actually, if I had woken up in time, I might have joined him but I did not….left it to Whoopee and Monk.  I did get to the Schiele in time for some EC Rucking just after 0600 and this allowed me to formulate my plan for the bootcamp.

Good crowd showed for Painlab and the Bootcamp.  Let’s get after it.

Quick warm up that included some SSH’s IC and Imperial Walkers IC….Short Sale decided to join us after his own EC.

Tiger took the Painlab group and YHC took the bootcamp group.

As we jogged out of the parking lot, Linus and Trivago were coming in from an EC mosey…..lots of EC today.

The Thang

We moseyed to the track at Grier from some in cadence reps and running as follows:

But first there was a train…..5 burpees OYO….so much for the no burpees

15 Merkins – 25 LBC’s – 15 Squats – Run half lap

15 Merkins – 30 LBC’s (oops) – 15 Squats – Run half lap

15 Merkins – 25 LBC’s – 15 Squats – Run half lap

15 Merkins – 25 LBC’s – 15 Squats – Run around track to the picnic table area

15 Dips – 10 Derkins – on track 20 lunges (per leg) – run lap around back to picnic tables

Rinse-Repeat two more times

10 Workins – 30 Flutter Kicks – 15 Monkey Humpers – Run half lap

Rinse-Repeat two more times

25 Moroccan Night Clubs – 25 Freddy Mercury’s – Run half lap


Mosey back to the Schiele – Time’s up

Good work men

Several prayer requests/announcements/name-o-rama

5 for Coffeeteria at Union Diner

I attempted to keep the workout moving, get in both some serious reps and add enough cardio to make it a struggle……it was a struggle for me.

As always, thanks for the opportunity to lead.

Until the next one….Aye!


Search and Recover Mission

1 June 2019, 19:46 the post was made for all the world, or at least those that follow @F3 Whoopee and @F3Gastonia, so maybe just tens of people. Any who…a bold statement was proclaimed for a full-on ruck to launch at 0600 at the original Sunday Running AO – the famed Coconut Horse. One might figure this to be some rubbish talk that carried over from the typical Wednesday boasts about the new Diablo Sammich, often attacking the famed Pub AO. Judging by the attendance, it may fit snuggly in that category. Placing that aside, for now, 5 men arrived ahead of the pre-arranged time of 0630, stretching and even Stroganoff with a mile EC run – just to get the blood pumping. The last to arrive was Madoff, having been firmly EH’ed or challenged during Friday’s 2nd F celebration of Monk by Gastone. (For those of you wondering, Madoff is attending classes, gaining credits to earn additional accreditation for his profession – don’t worry, he’ll be back).

The Mission: We did not recognize any vehicles branded with our F3 logo other than our own. We surmised Whoopee may have rucked to the launch point simply because he is crazy like a fox or simply crazy. Our fearless Nantan took point taking us in an easterly direction before turning north on the Ho Chi Minh Trail leading to many of our AOs. No site of Whoopee and his troops but it was decidedly early with the sun on an upward ascent providing the necessary light for the concrete paths. Gastone and Madoff were following a few clicks beyond Stroganoff with Roscoe and I on rear guard. At the Hudson/Union post, crossfire traffic blitzed afore us before comz provided the all clear to cross safely. We adjusted position within our unit, handing the lead to Madoff and Gastone. The terrain led us down the escarpment, traversing the rushing waters from an off-shoot of the Catawba basin. Our command had prepared us well for this effort and we made it over the water bed and through the tunnel without so much as a scratch. Beads of sweat cascaded down Roscoe’s bare back. In missions past, when Whoopee was a runner and completing similar missions, at least before turning coat into a mother-rucker…they would often run shirtless together. There were times they braved cold temperatures to challenge each other’s man-hood, but it is a passionate bond they held in a gentle embrace…(wait that’s a different backblast – get them to share that story…). Marching on quick time, the trail was surrounded by dense brush and tree canopy. While providing some shelter from the rising heat, we had to search harder for Whoopee and his men as they could have gone off-road. At the halfway point, we encountered an aging gentleman in a faded North Carolina Basketball t-shirt. He was without a ruck and had no idea of who or what a “Whoopee” was despite fierce questioning by Roscoe. He said he was on his way to Wal-Mart for new gear. Despite Stroganoff and my objections, Roscoe freed him and allowed him on his way. We pressed on keeping a watchful eye for a counter attack, picking up pace knowing the switchback and Heartbreak Hill were fast approaching. Up the arduous hill, Gastone lost momentum. He ran 62.45 miles this week, up hill and backwards, so it was a reasonable that his energy was depleting in the 4th mile but he is as tough as they come and could handle the dangers from the rear. Our Nantan took point, confident he could find this lost sheep. Madoff circled back from the 6 and I told Roscoe to pursue Stroganoff in case he needed support. Our troop turned east for the final time, our rendezvous point was in site. We arrived at the Harris Teeter tired but unharmed. We thought the mission was a failure, but upon debrief, we learned Whoopee fart-sacked. It was then decided our mission was a success as the 5 of us were better for having pushed the rock another day. We were assured by the assistant to the corresponding secretary, medals of courage are forthcoming.

COT: prayers for a friend of Roscoe’s M that lost her son and learned her mother’s cancer is terminal; all the kids and teachers finishing school – all the graduates; June 1st is a day of celebration for my family; our first daughter, Mary Armstrong Coffey was born still 18 years ago on June 1st. My wife and I placed a scholarship at Forestview HS and happy to bestow that on a deserving student that would have been a classmate. Annoucements: 2nd F tubing on June 22.

Officially this is my first Q of the Coconut Horse – I have a few more to go to complete the grandslam and catch HIPAA and Sargento but like Tiger (not our Tiger but THE Tiger that won his 15th major at The Masters) I’ll hope to join that esteemed group one day.

Note: Monk led Qsource – attended by Gastone and Linus

Short Sale

Found It On The Internet

Just 2 of us today for a little morning ruck. With Bedpan Qing The Boars Nest in 2 weeks, I knew he would be there today and wanted to give him a little flavor for mixing in reps with rucking. I sometimes struggle to find new ideas for ruck workouts so I took to the internet. A quick Google search of “ruck backblasts” gave me some good ideas, but one in particular drew my attention. I found a workout from May 29th by Choker in Memphis that spoke to me. I did modify it a bit.

Bedpan had a bluetooth speaker so we blasted 90s hip hop as we strolled through the mean streets of Dallas, NC.

We head to the playground by the Franklin Gym for our first sets.

  • 1 minute AMRAP squats with the ruck on
  • 2 minute Plank with the ruck on
  • 4 Merkins in cadence with the ruck on
  • 8 Ruck Deadlifts
  • 16 Ruckbag Squat Thrusters
  • 32 Ruckbag Swings (kettlebell swings)

Rucks on, march! We made a quick stop at Pizza Man’s house for Monkey Humpers in his yard, rucked down to the old Rite Aid, navigated the worst sidewalk in Gaston County, and made our way back to Ingles. A little over 2 miles complete and, as planned, we have time for another round of exercises.

– 1 minute AMRAP squats with the ruck on
– 2 minute Plank with the ruck on
– 4 Merkins in cadence with the ruck on
– 8 Ruck Deadlifts
– 16 Ruckbag Squat Thrusters
– 32 Ruckbag Swings (kettlebell swings)


We joined the Crossroads CoT

Announcements: Convergence at Gashouse 6/29, bring donations for Ignited Minds program, 2nd F event 6/22 – tubing on the Green River, Tronmoss 5k Sunday 7/21 @ Crossroads

It was a pleasure to spend some quality time with a HIM like Bedpan this morning. Glad he and Big Pappy have gotten on the Q schedule. Look forward to having more guys join us.

  • Montross
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