Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Day: June 24, 2019

Mic Drop

We collected four total for bootcamp out of Painlab and F3 Dad’s.

Mosey into the woods.  One lap around the trail.  I thought I saw an Owl swoop by, turns out it was probably a brown headed nuthatch but man don’t they look similar?  Legend has it that Linus brought some HIM’s into the woods, b*@#% slapped them and left them bewildered at the end, boom….Mic drop departure.  Reality is that Linus and three HIM’s ran into the woods and three Pax emerged carrying a semi-conscious Linus.  Departed early to vomit in solitude.

Moving on…..

The Thang:

11’s at the Bridge:

Flying Squirrels counting up at bridge 1, squats counting down at bridge 2.  Group stayed well together and mumblechatter was strong.  I got lost, apparently did some ec near the end, probably made up for the modifying.

One lap around the trail.

Dora 1-2-3 (Whoopee had to have the hills)

100 Merkins / 200 Squats / 300 flutters – Watts Up and Stinky Bird went up the hill all the way to FPC on the first round since they didn’t know where the crest of the hill ends; what are you going to do?

One lap around the trail.




Should we work out anymore?

Quick lap around the pond to re-start the process.

Merkin Crawl – 50 feet

A little more modified ab Dora:

LBC’s / Rotator’s / Heels to Sky

I feel like I’m missing something else, we really did work out.  Either way it is time to emerge out of the woods.  Linus had to bolt, covering for somebody at work today.

See you at the Convergence.



It’s not a weight plate, it’s a shield!

Howdy ho Avengers.  Pretty simple, I asked my boys for a good theme, and that I hadn’t used my plates in a long time.  They look like a shield, so let’s find a good Captain America workout.  About 3 seconds later from Google, and about 20 minutes with a clipboard and a piece of paper, off we go!

Warmup with the rest of the Pax and 2.0’s was conducted.  After the shrimps left, we warmed up a bit more as I knew what was in store:

In cadence:  15 squats, 15 Imperial Walkers, 15 Merkins.

Weight plates (10 – 25 lbs) were distributed to the Pax.  That’s your shield.  Please knock some rust off of it with man-work.

The Thang:

Phase I – BASIC TRAINING – Cap did basic training, let’s get some PT:

10 each leg High Soldiers (hold the weight, cradled in one arm, go from lunge to a high knee lift.  10 each leg).

80 punches (combos, whatever, just do it right)

10 Knee tuck jumps/high knees while holding weight out front.  This…was tough.  I lead to a worse decision

20 sit-ups (no plates)

10 butt-ups (plates overhead, I think this is also called Heels to Heaven)

10 raised leg circles (5 each way, weight plate held)

10 Diamond Disc Merkins (in cadence)

10 Lat rotations (doggie pose, lift weight to your right, then do the left side.  Kinda hard)

20 Door Frame rows (grab a pole, hold the weight and lower to a squat, back up and that’s a good job).

We repeated this cycle, only break was between cycles for a 10 count.  Great job!!

Phase II – THE WAR – Cap has trained up, time to sock a Nazi!  Better get in the foxhole with a teammate…


100 – Squat Thrusts with your Shield

200 – Curls

300 -WWII sit-ups (no disc).

here’s when it got stupid.  Partner A does exercise, partner B has to lunge walk, high knee or high kick down the parking lot and back, but all the while you must do STEERING WHEELS (rotate the disc in front of you).  This was awful.  I knew it was bad doing with a 25 lb., so I told the guys to Omaha.  Scribbles was my partner and still attacked it, and guilted me into continuing to do so.  Now that’s F3!  Again, no one quit, great job team!


Time to produce some super-human vomit.  60 second rounds of each:



Shield Swings (I kinda got into this one, show to know)

Blockies/Shieldies/stupid damn burpee things

After all that I made time, and always try to do so, for some yoga to cool down and stretch muscles that have just had weight-work.  Highly recommend, if you use kettlebells or weights, give the Pax at least 5 minutes to stretch.  We wrapped it with the Trailblazers coming in hot.  Here’s what I noticed:

  • Anchorman used Painlab for one of its intended purposes – he’s healing from a calf injury.  He modified as needed.  That’s what’s up!
  • Hayzuz/Jesus – great to see you again, you look skinnier.  How are you in better shape than me with fresh babies?
  • VooDoo – like a rock, I think you may use shields at Bulldog???
  • Sledge-o-matic – very ashamed I was in TN and missed your VQ, you put the work in sir.
  • Scribbles – I chose my partner wisely.  Thanks for stepping your game up
  • Shake ‘n Bake – welcome!  Way to keep it going!  Remember – Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday to get going
  • Hunk-a-Junk – add the weight plate to your hammer, Thor.  Great work sir.
  • Bandit – sexy.  That’s all.
  • Hushpuppy – get a watch

Remember Monk is moving Saturday and needs our help.  Many hands make light work!!

Always a pleasure to serve this fine organization.  Thank you for the opportunity to lead.

Black Ball

Turtleman said he wasn’t going to be available today… something about taking time off, or a vacation or some sort of nonsense that didn’t involve posting this morning. Anyhow, at the time only Gastone and YHC offered to Q. While YHC came ready, the PAX was offered the opportunity to switch, but there weren’t enough takers to make the change, so here we go.

Standard Shortened Disclaimer.

A little Tabata to get things going…15 seconds of work with 7 seconds of rest…
Plank Jacks


The Thang:
Through all of this, there was a black ball sitting in the middle of the circle. All had eyed it and some had even guessed it to be a bowling ball. YHC picked up the #10 ball and tossed it to a surprised pax and we moseyed to Robinwood Crossing Shopping Center, stopping near the cleaners at the first row of parking spots

The ball was passed to Island with instructions to place on one of the parking lot lines, no closer than 3 away. Island ran off and although he had a good bit of advice in which line to choose, ultimately placed the token 5 away.

Run to the line with the token – 10 Merkins.
Karaoke to the other end of the line – 20 Squats.
Nur to the starting line – 30 Plank Jacks.
Karaoke to the other end of the line – 5 Flying Squirrels.
Repeat for a total of 3 rounds.

Since Gastone was first to complete, he was sent to retrieve the token while the pax formed a tightish circle. Upon his return, assume the people’s chair position and pass (aka toss aka throw) the token to a fellow pax.Gastone was the first to drop the token and was assessed a 10 burpee penalty, followed by Rainbow Ranger and YHC. To end the fun, all were assigned 10 burpees.

After Spiderman’s version of a 10 count, YHC called a token Indian Run: Person with the token runs to the front. The token is passed back to the last man… you get the idea.

This sounded good on paper.
After one lap around the buildings… Ok, not such a good idea.
After a lap around the parking lot…. This may have been a bad idea.
After another lap around the buildings… This was a really crappy idea, who thinks of this stuff?

We ended up at the wall of the old grocery store.

I am sure, all thought wall sits were coming next, but YHC instead asked Whoopee to lead in some Hip Slappers, while his favorite, the rest of the pax may not have the same opinion. After some amount, maybe 10 IC, it was time for wall sitting, while passing the token back and forth. After the token traversed 3x, time to recover. But due to the token being dropped 3x, a 5 burpee penalty was called.

Next YHC asked Gastone to lead in 20 flutters IC, but when he started out slower than molasses in winter in Minnesota, Easy Rider thankfully took up cadence.

Time for another round of wall sits. The token was not dropped during this round, so a 5 burpee reward was called, followed by another round of Whoopee Hip Slappers.

Another trip around the buildings and back to start.

There was a bit time left, so Mary made an appearance.
Island – LBCs
Pedal – American Hammers
Whoopee – Burpees
Easy Rider – Dying Cockroaches


Convergence on Saturday, 7 AM at GasHouse. All other AOs closed.

There is no Diablo Sammich on 04-July, Whoopee is doing a Murph at Martha Rivers at 7 AM instead. All are invited to attend.

YHC took us out in prayer.

Great work put in by all today. It was an honor to be given the opportunity to lead.

Watts Up powering down.

GDiggathon Pt. 1: The HRPCMBs

Day 1 of the Gold Diggathon is in the books and it was a real crowd pleaser! Had to set the tone for the week and what better way to do so than by introducing a horrific new burpee routine: Hand Release Prison Cell Merkin Burpees, or HRPCMBs for short. Essentially, you drop down like a normal burpee, do a HR merkin, bring up one leg, another HR merkin, bring up the other leg, another HR merkin and then both legs for the final jump up. That’s one. Do a Route 66 with those bad boys and you have the workout du jour. Plus a few other things to keep life interesting.

There was an undercurrent of mumblechatter, but eventually it was directed mostly toward SA and his “chapstick under the rainbow flag” incident. Poor guy.

Don’t forget the convergence this coming Saturday at Gashouse and to pray for each other, especially the Kotters. Also mentioned were the deaths of the boy at the trampoline park and the woman on 85.

Gold Diggathon continues tomorrow at both Folsom in the AM and Midoriyama in the PM!

See you all there,


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