Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Day: June 18, 2019

The Murder Suicide

Shortly after another crazy beat down from Island I created this monster and filed it away for another not so rainy day. I also had a couple of ideas for parts of s workout inspired by some of pax who coincidentally post Midoriyama lately … sadly they were not present….
Last week while posting I noticed several openings at sites I’ve never Q’d before and decided this bird needs to fledge and leave the nest. First was the Storm where I’ll be July 2, then I grabbed one from Dr Seuss at the Goat later in the month followed by my noticing a small want ad in the Slack section of the paper and decided what the hey…..later the same day I finally committed to my coworker who ( if you posted at the Murph recently) is Iced Tea and site q of Crows nest in Lake Wylie where I’ll be in August ( site unseen… never been …. if you wonder they meet Monday’s 5:15 Crowders Ridge Elementary.
Onto the beat down …. I began as always with pledge and proceeded to inform all that the warm up was inspired by Defib and what I lovingly call the cardio cadence count… it’s a double time count which we did for 20 and rapidly followed with 20 cadence count merkins… and we did this twice ! I gassed out at 18 merkins on the second round …..
It was remarked later that if you want to shut down mumble chatter … this is the way to do it!
Moved to bleachers and two rounds of 10 count each leg step ups and 20 dips and return to flag for a choice …. inspired by Freight….. but it was mentioned that there WAS an actual choice A and B .
Lil Sweet tried to vote both ways and then attempted to leave , all the pax pulled him out of the van kicking and screaming because his choice wasn’t chosen , but when we made him understand ( with his arms pinned behind his back ) that he won either way …. he saw the light and decided to rejoin the party ….
The pax chose A ( which I secretly hoped and Slaw was excited to learn of Burpees … so excited I could not explain the exercise for 2-3 minutes! ( choice B was escalators on soccer field of squats merkins plank Jax and lbcs)
However they chose the what I call Murder Suicide …. ran parking lot with no cars or traffic ( length of soccer field …. perhaps not wise choice) 1 burpees each end then 2 – 3 -4 and 5 each end at this point switched to half parking lot for diminishing numbers back to 1 …. pax inspired me to run whole lot on final one!
Next up to Dog Hill…. original idea was to run up hill for 11s but modified to choose your direction of to the trash can and back or to soccer goal doing squats at one end and monkey humpers facing dogs to see if any dogs might be interested ….. no takers today sorry to say.
Return to start for Mary …Freddy Merc ,America hammers and some crazy crap from Oompa that was a painful lbc keeping legs elevated for some damn reason !

Announcements for 2.0 workout Schiele Saturday and tubing later that day

Next Saturday convergence Schiele again all others AOs closed

Sign up for Tuna … Ragnar

Prayers for Blart, Whetstone , All pax and Oompa wanted to pray for guidance , understanding and hope for misguided individual he sees most mornings with bumper stickers of rainbow and what appears to be two men going at each other!

I thoroughly appreciated this opportunity and am glad to have seized it …. I’ve become so relaxed going to my usual workout sites and Qing those …. but the other month when I visited all sites I realized time to move out a little ….. there’s s lot to be said about the heat at Midoriyama …. it’s REAL ! Had arm sleeves with tattoos I had to rip off about 10 minutes in , which someone advised I do quickly !
Extra special thank you to Def Leppard for the ice cold water !!!!!!

too many commercials

After getting woken up by thunder and lightning, I was worried that my Q may have to be delayed due to weather.  That was not the case, when  the 4:20 am alarm on my phone went off, I was delighted to see the storm was gone.  I arrived at Folsom about 5:22 am to see Roundup getting some EC in and Volt was getting his early work in.


5:29 am is here and I realize we have a nice crowd!  5:31 am we begin (Q fail, chattering away). No FNG’s so I just reminded the pax that a lawsuit against me would be highly disappointing.


Warm up: 

10 SSH in cadence 

10 Don Q in cadence 

10 squats single count 

Mosey to the tennis courts 


Rugby sprints 1 court width  repeat after each exercise!

10 flying squirrels OYO  (some upgrades to burpees)

1 minute raise the roof

1 minute merkins

1 minute Morroccan night clubs

Mosey to the other end of the courts and back

Still rugby sprinting

1 minute emperial walkers 

1 minute hillbillies 

1 minute LBC

1 minute flutters

1 minute Rosalita’s

Mosey to the end of the courts and back 

Still rugby sprints 

Lunge walk 1 court and back

1 minute squats 

1 minute calf raise 

1 minute squats 

1 minute calf raises

Mosey to the end of the courts and back.

Rinse and repeat 

The entire work out had music blasting (thanks Pappy for the speaker)  and served as a great way to get the mumble chatter going as I had some very familiar  90’s tunes and a few other not so familiar tunes as well.

Rugby sprints was a great way for us to keep the heart rate up and YHC to be able to keep up with the pack.  This group of men at F3 Gastonia encourages me to be better every day.  I hope the workout today wasn’t too JV for some of our more athletic men.  Thank you all for the support today!

A Pleasant Ruck

It was beautiful morning for a ruck at the Bores Nest.

We rucked 3 miles and did 60 Merkins, 75 calf raisers, and 100 squats along the way.

Fun was had by all.

After completing we met up with the Crossroads for the COT and prayers.

Thanks for the opportunity. Big Pappy out.



Backblast Yes or No

6/16/2019 Whitewater Center
There is an F3 Gastonia mountain bike text chain that goes out from time to time whenever anyone in the group decides to ride somewhere they can alert others to see if anyone would like to join them on their ride. On a sort of regular basis, someone in the group will announce a Sunday afternoon ride at the Whitewater Center around 2:30ish and a few guys will show. Some will say this is not and official AO so a backblast shouldn’t be allowed. You know who you are. Some will argue (sarcastically maybe, but it is difficult to tell) that F3 is a starfish organization where leaders can go out and start a workout and that doing so is the essence of F3, invigorating male community leadership! This post isn’t designed to settle that debate. It is merely to say if anyone wants to know about mountain biking in F3 Gastonia, here is kind of what happens. We usually meet just past the rest rooms about halfway down the last row before the hill but the lot was full so we parked near the Lake Loop entrance. Swimmer was running a little behind so Floppy and Freight were discussing the planned routes. Floppy and Freight go way back to at least middle school (I have the pics) and this extended relationship has determined certain strengths and weaknesses. One of Freight’s many strengths is planning and logistics. Somehow he knows the names of all the trails, where climbs are, where there are rocks, roots, signs, creeks, connections, etc. It is impressive. One of Floppy’s strengths (could be considered a weakness by his doctors but I would say it is a strength) is he is fearless on a mountain bike. No terrain is too tough, no hill is too high. He can put that bike wherever he wants and it is a sight to behold. Swimmer is another fearless type. They both attack a trail like they are racing for a prize. I digress. The route was announced and I hear East Main (which I vaguely remember as being terrible) and I hear Swimmer groan. Swimmer is not much of a talker so that groan told me a lot. Off we go to East Main and I realized why Swimmer groaned as I am pushing my bike up a curvy hill of a thousand rocks, hoping the others are waiting for the weak link in the group as I catch my breath. After East Main, we connected to Tributary, then out across the road to the newer trails, Panda, Smokey and Bandit which somehow connected back into Carolina Thread Trail. We took a shortcut off of that back to the road around the rapids and back to the parking lot for a little over 9 miles. No injuries despite one of us trying to ride through a mud hole unsuccessfully (wished we had a GoPro) and a black snake sighting!

The Storm – June 18, 2019

June 18, 2019 – The Storm

A few weeks ago I agreed to ‘Q’ at The Storm, but after Rock Hill’s F3 Hog and Coyote on Saturday I was soon regretting it. I was sore and wasn’t sure how I was going to lead a group of men for 45 minutes. So here we go…

Disclaimer followed by the Pledge of Allegiance

After the disclaimer we ran a short distance to the parking lot near the football field for the warm up.

Warm Up:
Abe Vigoda x 10 (IC)
Produce Picker x 10 (IC)
SSH x 25 (IC)
MNC x 20 (IC)
Sun Gods x 10 (IC)
Sun Gods Reverse x 10 (IC)

After the warm up we ran to Lakewood Road and found the hill I remember oh so fondly when Sargento ‘Q’.

Routine 1:
Elevens: 1 merkin – bear crawl to the top of the hill and perform 10 monkey humpers – crawl bear down the hill and perform two merkins and so forth.

It was soon after we performed 11’s that a train was heard in the distance.  Each pax did 5 burpees.

Routine 2:
After the Elevens we ran to the  circle on Lakewood Road and partnered up for Dora 1-2-3 (100 merkins, 200 squats and 300 lbc). While one pax performed the exercise the second pax sprinted toward the school and sprinted back up the hill.

It wasn’t a minute that after we finished we heard another train and did 5 more burpees.

Routine 3:
This routine found us back in front of the school where we did forties (30 reps of dips followed by 10 rocky balboas)… then we subtract 5 reps from the dips and add five reps to rocky balboas. We did this until we had 10 reps of the dips and 30 reps of the rocky balboas.

With time running out we ran back to C.O.T. for announcements and prayers.

Anchorman – Rice and Beans this evening (June 18). Check Slack for more details.

This Saturday (June 22) is F3 Dads at Schiele Museum beginning at 7:00 a.m. Also on Saturday is a 2nd F event for tubing. Meet at the Target shopping center beginning at 10 a.m. $10 each for three miles or $15 for five miles of tubing on the Green River. All are welcome to attend.

Saturday, June 29 is the convergence at the Schiele Museum.

Dr. Seuss led us in prayer.

Thanks for the opportunity to lead.

1 Short of 25

Big crowd to start the week at Neverland.  This was the last week of school, which at this point seems like an eternity ago.   It was also Whoopees anniversary.  The only thing missing was rain puddles to celebrate.  Congrats on 24 years.

Went something like this

Warm up – SSH’s, LBCs, Merkins

Mosey towards old Harris Teeter, stopping in the parking lot by the pizza shop

First up, run to the loading dock, jump up, bear crawl down the ramp, run to parking lot, 20 squats – rinse and repeat x3

Mosey towards Food Lion, stopping at the wall by the old car wash

Wall sits for 60 seconds, followed by balls to the wall for 60 seconds

Quick 10 count

Rinse and repeat

Mosey towards the school, frog’er across Union Rd

Stop on the church road, on your six for 25 big boy sit ups, feet on the highside of the decline.   Think we rinsed and repeated

Mosey up to front of Robinson Elementary.  Partner up for some 11’s.   Run to alternate ends of the side walks, perform dips, run to the middle for bouyha merkins

Plank it up waiting on the six

Meander to the front lot for some Mary work

Mosey back to Food Lion, stopping by the same wall.   Believe we did some derkins and perhaps donkey kicks.

Line up, sprint across the parking lot.  Wait on the six and mosey to the HT lot.

Sprint across and mosey towards the start at Snoballs


More running than normal for some.   It was a soaker.   Great work brothers.  Keep pushing.

Thanks for the opportunity to lead.


If you reach a fork in the trail, take it

Another beautiful morning in the gloom to jump start the week.   Was great to see T-Bone back after a long stint on the IR.  Let’s get to it.


Warm up

Imperial Walkers IC x 20

SSH’s IC x 20

MNC’s IC x 51 (Mumble Chatter about hitting 100, waited till the first Pax dropped their hands)

LBC’s IC x 20

Plank Jacks IC x 20

Mosey down the parkway, stopping at each light for some monkey humpers, which escalated at each light (Mumble Chatter about increasing the reps), YHC kept obliging.   20, 30, 40, 60

Meander across the street to the doctor’s office.

Broad jump up the incline to the first light, mosey back, 20 big boy sit ups

Rinse and Repeat x3

Plank it up waiting on the six

Mosey into the neighborhood – think we stopped for some more monkey humpers

At the bottom of hill stop, lunge walk up the hill to the first light, mosey back to the start

Rinse and repeat x3 (Traffic was heavy in the neighborhood at 5:50am

Meander to the trail, stop for some freddie mercury’s x 20 oyo

Mosey down the trail into park – An observation was made about the sun coming up earlier.  We could see running down the trail.

At the first fork in the trial, Watt’s Up had the choice of going left or right with a surprise behind each door

Choose left, stop for 10 burpees

Mosey to the next fork, Watt’s Up choice right.  10 burpees again

Up to the next fork, same option, choice right.  10 burpees

Mosey to the shelter

Grab a spot at a table

Dips x 10 IC, Step ups x 10 oyo each leg, rinse and repeat x3

YHC called on Watts Up to lead us with Body Destroyers – 10 count

Next asked Gastone to lead us with a round of flutter kicks, Easy Rider was strong with the mumble chatter today encouraged to 100.  YHC called time at 50

Meander to the parking lot

Bernie Sanders to the top of the parking lot – FEEL THE BURN.  This has become a Turtleman special.   Shout out to Watts Up, made it much further than he has before.  Way to push the rock brother

A few minutes left, next up Derkins x20 IC

Mosey back to Snoballs – TIME



Always a honor to Q.  Appreciate the push.  Good work brothers.



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