Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Day: June 8, 2019

Love B.O.M.B.S.

It was just about 4 years ago this week that I first posted to an F3 workout, at Gashouse. I remember staring down at the Grier MS track thinking I hadn’t done this many burpees in a few decades. Ouch! Memory #2 was namOrama, thinking I’d better be careful how I introduced myself and not flinch at any name, or that would be the one I’d get.


Warm Up: SSH, Merkins, LBC, prayer squats, Morocans, Freddie Mercs


THANG! They didn’t like it. Read on.

Mosey to Grier MS hill between bball field and track for hill running (Bernie Sanders + 15 LBC + 15 Derkins) * 5

Mosey across street to library lower lot for Absolution = ( Groiner + Mahktar N’ Diayes + Chilly Jack) * 5. They grumbled. 

While PAX were recovering from Absolution, I gave them a thought nugget on Love. Not a feeling, but the spirit that should lead what you do. We can be motivated by many things: fear, desire, self-interest, good will, and love should be in the mix and accelerating. I recalled a go-to verse on love, 1 John 4:9, to paraphrase ‘act so others live through what you do’ and gave a few examples: children literally come into life through (what should be an act of) love, then cared for, educated, encouraged. Similarly, act so friends, colleagues, etc live better for your actions… With that thought, I introduced the idea of ….

BOMBS/Blueberry Biscuits (Burpees* + 100 overhead claps + 150 Merkins + 200 Big Boy Sit Ups + 250 squats. *Runner runs around p lot and does 5 burpees halfway through run). After my brief B.O.M.B.S explanation, Roscoe confessed gravely sinful and wicked thoughts about YHC, so I promised more Absolution at the end of the workout … if he were sincerely repentant until then. Tool Time received good theology despite his best efforts to twist it to his liking (=heretic). I’ve done my best. Jesus saves.

Mosey to woods behind Shiele for a couple rounds of howling monkeys then  Boo Boo Bear Crawl or Lunges up the hill back to the parking lot. 

Working out with Gastonia PAX has brought me great joy for 4 years. Thank you. I regret I won’t be able to post at the 6/29 convergence at Gashouse because I’ll be delivering my kids to camp that day, but I’ll probably see a few of you here and there at workouts during the next couple of weeks. I have no doubt I’ll see some of you in the DC area, the BRR, and elsewhere.

Announcements: F3 dads on 6/22; float trip same day? (somebody post about this)

Prayer requests: Stones & Blades in our Whetstone program; relaunch of Whetstone in F3 Nation;


52 card pickup

Started with what I thought was going to be a thunderstorm morning… ended up just being miserably muggy.

1 FNG joined this morning. Welcome SCAG to F3

Mosey to lower parking lot for 3 rounds of

Partner 1 bear crawls the parking lot while partner 2 does SSHs




Headed up to the tennis courts for some F3 deck of pain (or something like that)

3 separate 5 minute rounds of your cards exercise

circled up for whatever exercise was on the card each person had (contrary to what Bedpan wanted)


22 for the vets

Bedpan got some revenge with burpees


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