• Post Type: Backblast
  • When: 06/02/2019
  • AO: Coconut Horse
  • QIC: Short Sale
  • FNG's:
  • PAX: Stroganoff, Roscoe, Madoff, Gastone, Monk (QSource), Linus (Qsource)

1 June 2019, 19:46 the post was made for all the world, or at least those that follow @F3 Whoopee and @F3Gastonia, so maybe just tens of people. Any who…a bold statement was proclaimed for a full-on ruck to launch at 0600 at the original Sunday Running AO – the famed Coconut Horse. One might figure this to be some rubbish talk that carried over from the typical Wednesday boasts about the new Diablo Sammich, often attacking the famed Pub AO. Judging by the attendance, it may fit snuggly in that category. Placing that aside, for now, 5 men arrived ahead of the pre-arranged time of 0630, stretching and even Stroganoff with a mile EC run – just to get the blood pumping. The last to arrive was Madoff, having been firmly EH’ed or challenged during Friday’s 2nd F celebration of Monk by Gastone. (For those of you wondering, Madoff is attending classes, gaining credits to earn additional accreditation for his profession – don’t worry, he’ll be back).

The Mission: We did not recognize any vehicles branded with our F3 logo other than our own. We surmised Whoopee may have rucked to the launch point simply because he is crazy like a fox or simply crazy. Our fearless Nantan took point taking us in an easterly direction before turning north on the Ho Chi Minh Trail leading to many of our AOs. No site of Whoopee and his troops but it was decidedly early with the sun on an upward ascent providing the necessary light for the concrete paths. Gastone and Madoff were following a few clicks beyond Stroganoff with Roscoe and I on rear guard. At the Hudson/Union post, crossfire traffic blitzed afore us before comz provided the all clear to cross safely. We adjusted position within our unit, handing the lead to Madoff and Gastone. The terrain led us down the escarpment, traversing the rushing waters from an off-shoot of the Catawba basin. Our command had prepared us well for this effort and we made it over the water bed and through the tunnel without so much as a scratch. Beads of sweat cascaded down Roscoe’s bare back. In missions past, when Whoopee was a runner and completing similar missions, at least before turning coat into a mother-rucker…they would often run shirtless together. There were times they braved cold temperatures to challenge each other’s man-hood, but it is a passionate bond they held in a gentle embrace…(wait that’s a different backblast – get them to share that story…). Marching on quick time, the trail was surrounded by dense brush and tree canopy. While providing some shelter from the rising heat, we had to search harder for Whoopee and his men as they could have gone off-road. At the halfway point, we encountered an aging gentleman in a faded North Carolina Basketball t-shirt. He was without a ruck and had no idea of who or what a “Whoopee” was despite fierce questioning by Roscoe. He said he was on his way to Wal-Mart for new gear. Despite Stroganoff and my objections, Roscoe freed him and allowed him on his way. We pressed on keeping a watchful eye for a counter attack, picking up pace knowing the switchback and Heartbreak Hill were fast approaching. Up the arduous hill, Gastone lost momentum. He ran 62.45 miles this week, up hill and backwards, so it was a reasonable that his energy was depleting in the 4th mile but he is as tough as they come and could handle the dangers from the rear. Our Nantan took point, confident he could find this lost sheep. Madoff circled back from the 6 and I told Roscoe to pursue Stroganoff in case he needed support. Our troop turned east for the final time, our rendezvous point was in site. We arrived at the Harris Teeter tired but unharmed. We thought the mission was a failure, but upon debrief, we learned Whoopee fart-sacked. It was then decided our mission was a success as the 5 of us were better for having pushed the rock another day. We were assured by the assistant to the corresponding secretary, medals of courage are forthcoming.

COT: prayers for a friend of Roscoe’s M that lost her son and learned her mother’s cancer is terminal; all the kids and teachers finishing school – all the graduates; June 1st is a day of celebration for my family; our first daughter, Mary Armstrong Coffey was born still 18 years ago on June 1st. My wife and I placed a scholarship at Forestview HS and happy to bestow that on a deserving student that would have been a classmate. Annoucements: 2nd F tubing on June 22.

Officially this is my first Q of the Coconut Horse – I have a few more to go to complete the grandslam and catch HIPAA and Sargento but like Tiger (not our Tiger but THE Tiger that won his 15th major at The Masters) I’ll hope to join that esteemed group one day.

Note: Monk led Qsource – attended by Gastone and Linus

Short Sale