Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

What Would Gastone Not Do?

  • Post Type: Backblast
  • When: 05/08/2019
  • AO: SnoBalls
  • QIC: Short Sale
  • FNG's:
  • PAX: Easy Rider, Turtle Man, JJ, Time Frame, Watts Up, Dirty Bird, Rainbow Ranger, Spider-man, Whoopee, Stronganoff, Wonton, Splinter, Magic Mike, Clavin (R), Island

It’s been way too long for me to be in the gloom and even longer since I’ve actually led a 0530 workout. Knowing Gastone was out of town to be with his father in his final days, I asked for the lead spot at Snoballs. Any of the regulars would have accepted it, even if the circle formed with no one in the middle of it – the impromptu Q – which Gastone himself is famous for taking and making everyone suffer for lacking fortitude. So this workout is in honor of the AO leader and in memory of his father that passed in the hours prior. God speed to the Larner family.

Once I had been given the coveted Q, I thought what would Gastone not do? He likes hills and sometimes running backwards (NUR). He likes the aimless run through dark roads with various sets of exercises. We’ll have none of that this morning. I’ve been reading about the benefits (you may not consider it a benefit while exercising) of HIIT – that is High Intensity Interval Training. What’s the difference between HIIT and Tabata? Well nothing really to my untrained eye. So I “google searched” a few things and put together a plan. I know many of my fans enjoy the musical selections I often employ during these sessions so that began with what else? Amarillo By Morning by the worst singer in the Country Music Hall of Fame but I figured Whoopee would be there and I can suffer through three minutes of George Strait if it fires up my friend. Since it had been a while at the fabled Snoballs parking lot, I greeted a few new guys. Spinter and Magic Mike were in town for work and searched this AO for some F3 Brotherhood to make their G-town experience better (question why they didn’t hit Prison Break??? Hmmm). They normally post in Summerville, SC, so we appreciate those gentlemen joining us. Also new to me were Dirty Bird, Won Ton, and Rainbow Ranger, having been initiated in recent weeks (BTW – only Rainbow Ranger is in the PAX list – as a former Weasel Shaker, someone needs to add their info). Side bar question – Summerville gives a guy a “positive name” like Magic Mike and we hammer a guy with Rainbow Ranger or Dirty Bird? What gives?? Oh well, on with the show. Some sort of disclaimer mentioned a “you vs. you” experience, identifying where we were moseying (sometimes important so PAX can pace themselves a bit). It went down like this:


SSH – In cadence x 5…mosey (Whoopee was gleeful; first playing George Strait and then a short warm up)


Moseyed to the picnic shelter at Martha Rivers Park near the Turd Shack – this would be our base area for 2 minutes of exercise followed by 1 minute recovery. We did each set 2 times.

Set 1 (Used the open parking lot)

  • Jump Squats x 20
  • SSH x 30 (single count)
  • Burpees the remainder of the time

Set 2 (Moved under the shelter to the benches)

  • Dips x 20
  • Derkins x 15
  • Step Ups the remainder of the time

Set 3 (moved to the Turd Shack)

  • Hip Slappers x 20 (or 10 per side)
  • Dirty Hook-up x 20 (single count)
  • Donkey Kicks the remainder of the time

Set 4 (back to the parking lot)

  • WWI x 20
  • American Hammer x 20 (single count)
  • LBC’s the remainder of the time

Next session was a minute and a half repeats: three exercises performed consecutively for that time followed by 45 seconds of rest. We did each set twice.

Set 1

  • Plank Jacks x 4
  • Burps x 4
  • Star Jumps x 4

Set 2

  • Burpees x 5
  • Seal Jacks x 5
  • Lt. Dans x 5

We hustled back to the AO with less than a minute to spare so finished off with Flutter Kicks until 0615. As many of you know, I’m a fan of the timed workouts. When I’m unable to be among the PAX, it’s what I typically do at home to keep some semblance of condition. The good thing is we all stay together and everyone gets to push themselves in the set time. I tried this Monday night alone in my garage – to make sure the timing worked and it was grueling to get through. Even though we’re not competing against each other, we’re drawing energy from the group. It’s a tough one for sure and if they guys shoulders were not on fire after Set 3 then I didn’t do my job. Typically this setting allows for maximum mumble chatter but there seemed to be some huffing and puffing going on or else I let the music drown the noise. Speaking of, we heard a range of artists from Metallica, Godsmack, Candlebox, Black Sabbath, Steel Panther, The Killers, Bruce Springsteen, and The Lemonheads (Sargento – I can send this to you if like).

Announcements: 2nd F on May 31st, Belmont – The Station 1730 – Monk’s moving to DC – come have a beer with him; Saturday, May 11th, put canned food at your mailbox and your postal carrier will deliver it to Crisis Assistance Ministry (see Clavin if questions).

COT: We lifted prayers for Gastone and his family dealing with the loss of his father. We also prayed for a friend of Whoopee’s trying to get out and exercise but having some issues and in the hospital; EZ Rider and family; Watt’s Up’s M’s cousin as well as the UNCC community and Mooresville Police impacted by tragic loss. Thanks to the men from Summerville that joined us this morning and the regulars that posted. I’ll try not to be a stranger on Wednesday mornings. Thanks for allowing me the opportunity to lead.

1 Comment

  1. Clavin

    It’s supposed to be stinky bird

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