Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Day: April 23, 2019

Tax Day

Island with the Q and reminders to get your taxes filed.   Also, discussed some foreign financial instrument vehicles and other incorporation plays to lessen your tax burden.   Good strategies that can be discussed with coffee and doughnuts some day.   Turtleman publishing the back blast for Island based on a rough narrative that Island he provided.   Will attempt to include editorial comment and color where needed.

Did Watt’s Up really call out Turtleman?  (editorial comment:  no idea what that means; see Island or Watt’s Up for background).   I suspect Watt’s Up was attempting to lift the back end of Clavin’s truck and Turtleman was on his six doing big boy sit ups).

Started with quick warm up:  SSH’s, LBC’s, Moroccan Night Clubs

Quick mosey to KFC to grap a coupon so we can do some curls for the girls

Ran to the old HT parking lot for some Colt 45’s with a run across the parking lot.

Wall sits with our coupons and this is where Turtleman got called out.  LOL  (editor comment – Watt’s Up was trying to use the coupon to gain illegal access through the external brick wall into the old store to borrow their permanent porta john.  Watt’s up was having one of those mornings.   At least that is YHC’s memory – see Island for clarity).

Next up a burpee circuit with the group taking turns doing our favortie exercise.

Finished with a partner Dora 123, 100 merkins, 200 squats and 300 LBC’s.

Mosey to the start and ended with COT and Namearama

Thanks for joining me.  Peace out – ISLAND

Storming the Storm

13 PAX came out in the perfect morning weather before the heat of the day.

Pledge and Disclaimer

Warm Up:

Goofballs (Sargentos),

Moroccan Nightclubs (Tophats), 



Mosey to school. Partner up (Arms)

Pax 1  Dips (AMRAP) as  Pax 2 runs to trash can and back; flapjack

Pax 1  Incline Merkins as Pax 2 runs to trash can and back; flapjack

Rinse and Repeat

Red Barchetta

100 yd Dash, 100 SSH OYO, run back to start and plank for six

75 yd Dash, 75 Mt Climbers OYO

50 yd Dash OYO, 50 LBCs

25 yd Dash OYO, 25 Merkins

10 yd Dash OYO, 10 Burpees

Bolt 45 (Legs) 

15 Squats-standing to half- OYO

Sprint to speed bump

15 Squats-half to full down, back to half- OYO

Sprint to next speed bump

15 Jump squats, OYO

Sprint to top

Mosey to circle for:

Circle Burp

Count off, then Pax do High Knees.

When each Pax calls their number, all Pax drop and do corresponding number of burpees

(Ohmaha’d this after number 11..much, I believe, to the relief of the Pax..but made up some at the flag)

Mosey down to circle in parking lot for:

Captain Thor: (Core)

1 Big Boy, 4 American Hammers OYO





Mosey to flag for 12 burpees


Hike-May 5

F2-Saturday, April 27 Lewis Farms


 2 Cor 5:17 Therefore if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation, the old has passed away, behold the new has come.

Christ seeks out those not yet His. Those who have a relationship with Christ are made totally new creations, not just better. Reminder that God is FOR His children, not against us.

Remember to continue to support and encourage each other! Thanks to those who continue to support and encourage me; it truly makes a difference!


Prayer Requests:

David, Friend of Moses, hospice called in

Sargento’s Mother- in- law

Sri Lanka tragedy

Anchorman’s Mother-in-law

So great to lead you all today! Keep at it! And, Mayor, I do “Respect” you!


Workouts and Devotionals

Arrival, just a bit before 0700.  Brought my neighbor Trivago along with his son and friend and we had two more FNG’s to add to the collection of HIM’s.  Even pulling in last minute the parking lot looked a little bare, mainly a couple of Painlab enthusiasts (thinking VooDoo and Hunkajunk) but as the clock neared the looming hour the PAX appeared.  Started off with the Pledge since that is always what I leave out.



Warm Up:

SSH / 20 IC

LBC / 20 IC

Merkins / 10 IC

Monkey Humpers / 20 IC

Painlab off with VooDoo, I’ll take the Bootcamp.  Up to FPC we stroll, Roscoe leading the pack and my two FNG’s who just happen to be college soccer players just inching to stroll faster.

We’re going to blend exercise and devotionals today boys’.

Step’s at the FPC Pad:

Partner 11’s:

Bottom is 1 Booyah merkin counting up, top is partner derkins counting down

At finish we:

Read 1 Corinthians 15:  35-43 (well, I read what I could through my foggy spectacles)

A message from Billy Graham:

As we approach the celebration of Good Friday, I’m reminded of the seven sayings of Jesus from the cross and the glory and the power in each saying.

Jesus was alone. He had come to His own, and His own did not receive Him. When He was being arrested in the garden of Gethsemane, we are told that “all the disciples deserted him and fled” (Matthew 26:56). The crowds who had so recently shouted, “Hosanna!” would soon shout, “Crucify him! … Crucify him!” (Matthew 21:9, 27:22–23).

Now even His loyal Twelve had left. And at last we hear Him cry out, “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?” (Mark 15:34). Not only had He been forsaken by His human companions, but now in that desperate and lonely hour, He—because He was bearing our sins in His own body on the cross—had been forsaken by God. Jesus was enduring the suffering and judgment of Hell for you and for me.

How can you show your gratitude to God for allowing His Son to endure the shame and suffering of the cross?

Four Corner Hurlers:

Corner 1 – Merkins / Corner 2 Squats / Corner 3 SSH’s / Corner 4 LBC’s – 20 at each and after each corner return to center to knock out 5 Burpees.  Rinso/Repeato

Read:  1 Corinthians 15:44-49

A message from Billy Graham:

Good Friday celebrates the day our Lord died for our sins on the cross. I have often sat by the hour and tried to imagine the agony and suffering He went through because of our sins. At one point He said from the cross, “It is finished” (John 19:30). He meant that God had accepted His work on the cross as the penalty for our sins.

Christ’s death on our behalf is the reason God can forgive us and still be just. And His death teaches us the depth and breadth that there should be in our forgiveness of one another.

While that holy Friday was tremendous, it was only a prelude to Sunday morning when He was raised from the dead. Godly women had come to see His tomb, but angels made the glorious announcement, “He has risen!” (Luke 24:6). His resurrection guaranteed that we, too, will be raised, if we are believers and obeyers of His Word.

As you celebrate the truth that Jesus came from Heaven to redeem you, are you reflecting His likeness to those around you?

Triple Nickel:

5 of each, run short distance:

Heels to Sky / Run / CDD’s

Read:  1 Corinthians 15:50-54

A message from Billy Graham:

From Genesis to Revelation, we are warned that “it is later than you think.” Paul writes to Christians in Romans 13:11–12: “The hour has already come for you to wake up from your slumber, because our salvation is nearer now than when we first believed. The night is nearly over; the day is almost here. So let us put aside the deeds of darkness and put on the armor of light.”

There are millions of people around the world who do not have peace at this moment because they have never found the secret of peace. Some of them may have riches today as a result of greed and covetousness; but their souls are lean, their hearts are cold toward God, their consciences are dulled, and their minds are blinded.

They need to know that there is a God of marvelous love who sent His Son Jesus Christ to this world. And as a demonstration of His mercy, Christ—who is the Prince of Peace—went to the cross to make a way for peace between God and mankind.

Are you living in the reality of Jesus’ victory over death? In what tangible ways can you share that victory with others so that they, too, can have life?

Holding Stances:

Pax kept feet at 6″ or planked while one at a time ran to top of hill, a few burpees I think and back down to relieve the next.

Read:  1 Corinthians 15: 55-58

A message from Billy Graham:

Easter is a season of great gladness for those who know Christ. But for those who are without “the light of the knowledge of God’s glory” (2 Corinthians 4:6), there is nothing to rejoice over.

Jesus left us with the great hope and certainty that He is going to return to bring a new Heaven and a new earth where, we are told, there will be no more sorrow, trouble, or death for those who have believed and followed Him. There will be trouble, sorrow, and suffering for those who have neglected or rejected Him.

As Christians, our great task is to obey the command to tell the whole world about Christ crucified, buried, yet risen again. My prayer for you during this season of the year, when we meditate on our Savior’s great sacrifice for us on the cross, is that you will be filled with great peace and hope, because “He is risen!” That is the Good News.

As you follow Christ, are you obeying His command to tell others that He is risen indeed?

Back to the Schiele:


Announcements and Concerns:

May 5 is Gastone’s hike / Mt. Mitchell

April 27 – 2nd F at Lewis Farm

No QSource at Coconut Horse this weekend


Welcome FNG’s Show Me The Money and ETrade

We spent the morning basking in God’s beautiful creation, glorifying him in fitness and devotion.  My honor to lead the Pax this morning.  Happy Easter to all, yes and knowing that this is late.


Spring Break Merkins

Beautiful morning at Folsom for YHC and the infamous Big Pappy.

Warmed up under the canopy on some benches with 3 Rounds of:

20 dips

20 step ups

Then 3 rounds of:

Start at the parking lot and mosey to the first light post. Exercise at the light and then back at the truck.

100 SSHs and 10 merkins

100 mountain climbers and 10 merkins

100 LBCs and 10 merkins

100 squats and 10 merkins

100 flutter kicks and 10 merkins

50 merkins and 10 merkins

50 American hammers and 10 merkins

Mosey to the big flag at the top and fellowship mosey back to the parking lot

Prayed for our kids and the things they are exposed to in this culture. Hoping and praying for you guys who are raising 2.0s in this world that they will follow Christ. 

Romans 12:2

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