Always be EHing!!!

Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Day: April 21, 2019

He is Risen!

Another beautiful spring morning in Belmont for the Yank. YHC had the Q and I wanted to make it something unique. 14 PAX were present once DDC and Vuvuzela showed up after the warmup. Let’s get it on!


Goofballs (of course! The Goofball is the first cousin of the Side Straddle Hop, so it’s ok to start with. It was made even better because ToolTime hates them so)

Don Quixote (see above, sorry brother!)

Can’t recall the last warmup

The Thang

YHC brought back a weinke used 2 years ago on the same Easter weekend Saturday. It’s a tour of worship locations throughout Belmont.

Mosey up the street to our first stop, the Lutheran Church. Here we did the King of Hearts (that’s Jesus!) routine. Suicides from one end to the other doing Karaoke L, Karoake R, Skips and regular sprints. There was plenty of mumblechatter and general mouthiness about having to run. Don’t worry, it’s good for you. Rinse and repeat.

Mosey from there to the campus of Holy Angels which used to be Sacred Heart College. Plenty of worship and praising our Lord happens here. We gathered in the gazebo for the next routine, Six Minutes of Mary (she was the mother of Jesus). We did our first countoff to make sure everyone was present and accounted for, 14 total. YHC set a timer for 6 minutes and called various ab exercises that lasted between 45-60 seconds each. All exercises were called in cadence even if they’re not normally. This caused epic laughing from lots of PAX, especially the Nantan emeritus ToolTime who sounded like the guy from Revenge of the Nerds more than once. I think I’m a pretty funny guy but TT took it to the next level here. Good times!

Mosey up to the intersection where we had a view of our nations flag so we recited the Pledge of Allegiance.

Keep moseying down the street, stopping a couple of times to let the 6 catch up until we reached the Belmont library. YHC’s idea here was to make up for the train that passed through earlier of which we didn’t pay respect to with burpees. 5 burpees OYO. It was at this time that Anchorman pulled a moving EH and what do you know, the young fella took him up on the offer. We had a mid workout unexpected FNG! BOOM!!! Nice job Anchorman!

Mosey to the First Baptist steps for Jacob’s Ladder. Increasing reps from 1 to 7. Burpees at the top, Bobby Hurley’s at the bottom.

Mosey to First Presbyterian parking lot for a quadruple smash up. Hail Mary’s (Q fail, didn’t remember what this exercise was on the first go round but thanks to the F3 app YHC figured it out), Prayer Squats x20, Superman’s for 1 minute, Hallelujah squats x20. Rinse and repeat 3 times.

Mosey back to the pad for one last exercise. Nolan Ryan’s x15 IC.

Time’s up. Welcome FNG Halftime! Way to push the rock everyone!

Jesus is Risen, He is Risen Indeed!!!

The Boars Nest Is Official

I have been wanting to kick off a ruck AO since at least last November…maybe even longer! There are multiple reasons I wanted to lead this that I won’t dig into today, but the main reason is I saw a need and it lined up as something I enjoy. After 2 unofficial trial rucks, today was actual official kickoff. Now when I chose the start date, I did not realize it was Easter Sunday. That obviously had some impact on attendance.
Nevertheless, we had 4 High Impact Men this morning. I was very pleased with the turnout considering the day.

We departed with our sacks at 6:15 sharp…gotta be prompt on day 1! We move toward the courthouse, pausing along the route for 10 Merkins. We continue for something that has been brewing for 3 weeks…..

Stair Nightmare – ruckers go up the stairs of the courthouse and down the other side, do 5 Merkins with your pack on, go back across the stairs and 5 more reps. Repeat 5 times (like a Triple Nickel). Squats were given as an alternate exercise. Stair Nightmare was a TOUGH start to the workout!

Move out! We head toward Papas Pizza where we stopped for 10 dips in cadence. Continue rucking around Dallas.

We stopped off at BB&T for 3 sets each of 10 curls and 10 overhead presses.

We continue around town and make one last stop at the Ingles Car Wash for Peoples Chair Bag Pass. All 4 ruckers place their bags at the end of the line. We pass them all down the line one by one and then back again. Repeat 4 more times.


All in all, we got in some good coupon work and about 2.6 miles. We learned that Dentists can really come through for ya when times are tough, found a great spot for discount toilet paper, and jeard a story about the worst getaway car EVER!

We joined the Crossroads COT and Mayor took us out.

Thanks to the men who posted today. It was great to have Hunkajunk out with us for the first day! Both Swimmer and Freight have been with me every week as this kicks off. Thanks to both of you in particular for helping establish a core group of ruckers. Freight is taking the Q next week and I look forward to getting more guys involved soon!

As I told Freight today, I am still trying to figure out what works and what doesn’t. I am not quite sure if I want to make this a punishing beatdown or focus on getting the pace up. I think the answer is somewhere in the middle.
Freight and I are kicking around ideas for a CSAUP, BRR training, and other ruck-related options. If you want to be part of this and contribute ideas, holla!

Solo Coconut

A glorious Easter morning saw one solo runner with no other PAX in attendance.  At 0630 with no one else in attendance I took off on the route I know so well.  I really enjoy my Sunday routines and although I missed my F3 brothers I know I wasn’t alone in the run.  I ran a little faster than normal but appreciated the sunrise and blessing that is Easter.

HE is risen.



At a crossroads on Easter

I showed up and there was only one car there. Montross cam right in and so did Gold Digger. I asked Gold Digger what he was driving now and he answered with the same car I thought and when asked where he parked, he said his house. The man had run there from Belmont. Def said that he lived in Dallas and was still driving to the the Crossroads.

Some ran and others rucked, but Montross will BB that part.

When I ran into Gold Digger coming up the hill I “took off” not wanting him to catch me. He did about 3/4 of the way up of course for a kill.

When standing in the COT, I misinterpreted a request by the Ruckers and pulled them out of the Name-o-Rama, but when called on it, we did it again. The first time for practice and the second time for speed.

It was at this time Blart took off and as we gathered in prayer, someone said we should pray for lost souls like Blart. He came back and politely advised he was touching cotton so the prayer was quick as most have been in that situation.

Q source followed with one HIM coming from the other side.


Announcements: 4/27 2nd F at Lewis Farms, BYO Drinks, 2.0s, Ms, s’more stuff (Rain or shine); 5/5 Mt. Mitchell hike from GSM @ 0530;

Prayers: Gumby’s Brother in law and Mom; 2.0 at Tater Tots school; Hunkajunks friends 10yo battling unknown issue.

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