Always be EHing!!!

Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Day: April 16, 2019

Old school

Since we are at a school ….. let’s go old school. Old school PL with the coupons . I grabbed this Q mostly because Whazzzuppppp and I erroneously thought the Snoballs Q he accepted fromGastone was this week and he’d asked me to bring the coupons …. so why not kill two arms ,,,,, I mean two birds … you know the drill . However tomorrow we’ll be stuck with Gastone ( collective groans from much of S. Gastonia) and I’ll return with my part of the bargain next Wednesday along with Wazzup!
Sooo, my idea was simple, 4 exercises starting at 20 per dropping down to 1. I didn’t want the pax worn down ( even though Whhaatttssss Up! Mentioned that the Real Men of Folsom complete this exercise without setting coupons down ( or there’s a 5 burpee penalty) ! But this is Pain Lab , so there may or may not be burpees….. just not today!
So any who we reset after each exercises of triceps extensions, shoulder press, curls and swings ( these were wearing all down quick so after 20-15 switched those to squats. We alternated squats and heel raises also adding lunge walk of +- 150 feet and back. Now when we got to 6 down to 1 I challenged pax to a Folsom Finish not to set coupon down and they did not let me down !! It should also be noted that we did warm up of IW, merkins and SSH ( yes you read that right —- I promised pax to shake the icicles loose with something to AMP us up quick ) all IC and to the number 20.
Lastly I used DL from the Charlotte Metallica show to cheer us on expressing  to all present how the tix earned free DL of new release and the show a couple days later.
Cinco de Mitchell
2F event 4/27 Lewis Farms …m’s invited …
prayers for voodoos dad ( exceptionally low pulse ,,, possible pace maker needed)
Allen Tate’s mom (hip)
Dry Rubs co worker

Pain train stops in at Folsom

Folsom is currently under a lot of construction but that does not stop us.
Warm up: ssh,m night clubs,toy soldiers.

Mosey to the flag say the pledge and do some ab work. Flutters,lbc’s, Freddy Merck’s, v ups. Mosey back to the tennis courts for the Deck of Pain “imagine this being said in my spooky voice”! I placed the cards and a light a few courts down from us. We circled up gave an explanation that in life we search for the light of God. Each Pax would sprint to the cards come back and call the exercise. Great work was done by all.
Announcements Easter is this weekend.
Praise report for MW uncle. And we prayed for Taterhole’s brother and Lion kings friend.
Folsom is my Home base, I love the fellowship we have and the trash talking. We check on each other encourage good beard growth and cleaning tips “Quiche”, but more importantly we are friends. If you haven’t made it out to the Gloom of Folsom you should give it a try.
The Bedpan is Full!

Coconut horse shirts v skins

Two rucked and others ran. Whoopie
And some others went shirtless and caused the local senior women’s walk group to have hot flashes!
Update the blue hair 500 group is doing fine and all smiles.they have volunteered to help out with our next CPR class😀.

Big run coming up in September.
Prayers were lifted up for those in need.

The Bedpan is Full!

Rain can’t stop the Pain!

Disclaimer due to the rain my weinki is destroyed so this may not be 100% correct but the names of who posted are.
Ssh,donQ,imperialWalker,Goofballs,Monkey humpers.
Some rain at this point mentioned to the pax that I had planned some ab work, it didn’t matter cause in the next few minutes we would be soaked regardless of being on the ground.this made me wonder that if someone brought a mat or towel it really would not matter. If I ever see a yoga mat I will laugh come to Folsom and even the roads of South Carolina feel smooth.
10 big boys,12flutters,8rhondas,10 Freddie’s,10knee crunches,and planks.
Calf raises,mtn climbers,Nancy Kerrigans, mtn jacks. Rinse and repeat both sets however we did not need to rinse cause of the rain but we did repeat.
11’s with 2 booyah merkins in the middle lunge walk in between vs running cause it’s pain lab not soccer camp. Once finished we looked like some guy who walked several miles to tell something important in the rain soaked is an understatement thanks to being in the group we all stuck together even in his first day trivago did not quit even mentioned had he went to a gym he wouldn’t have gotten out of bed today cause of the weather but Linus is his new neighbor “accountability”. Finished with some boxing movements and the. The lightning stopped us all to find safety.

Announcements 5k was cancelled

The Bedpan is full.

5 for 5

Five men showed for the morning and all were ready to go! So Let’s Go!
Warm up:
Ssh, mtn climbers,Wind mills,Goof Balls.
At the covered shelter we did some dips,lbc’s,Freddy Mercury,American Hammers. All X20 twice.
Saturday Def had us do a triple nickel. I liked the idea so I rolled with it today. Mountain climbers on one end and shoulder taps at the other. Once this was completed we did 5burpees,5crunchy frogs,5 diamond merkins, 5 elbow to knee crunches 5perside.
Ended with COT prayers for those in need spoken and unspoken. Great work by all.

The Bed Pan is full!

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