Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Day: April 8, 2019


There was an usually light crowd at Folsom on this comfortable spring morning.  With no one else in sight, we clock in with 5.


SSH, Toy Soldiers, Merkins x10 IC

Mosey to the park entrance.


Mosey back to where the road forks and stop at the hill. I’ve heard this called different names, but I’m going with Stackers after witnessing this during a Cape Fear WO last summer. Yes, I still post when on vacation. Anyway……..


7 exercises, 7 reps each, some of which are in cadence. Mosey down the hill, nur back up and perform exercise 1. Mosey down, nur up the perform exercise 1 and add exercise 2. Continue adding the next exercise until you’ve completed all 7 exercises. Exercises were; burpees, Merkins, Mt. Climbers IC, Squats, LBCs IC, lunges each leg, big boy sit-ups. Once all were finished, mosey back to the upper lot at the entrance. Line up for Route 66 with Bobby Hurley’s. Mosey back to start.

COT and YHC took us out in prayer


Every day is a blessing from God. We should all stop at the start of each day and be grateful for that. The fact the PAX had the scheduled Q show up was definitely a blessing from God. YHC had set his alarm the night before in anticipation of having Q the next day. However , YHC never heard that alarm because my phone had gone dead overnight. Only by that previously mentioned blessing from the good Lord did I wake up on my own 4 minutes after the alarm should have went off. Even though I was only four minutes behind, it still seemed to add a sense of urgency to YHC trying to get out the door.

I took that same urgency with me as I flew into the parking lot and rushed to get the shovel flag out. There was a good crowd of PAX waiting including Tool Time. It was good to see him out at The Pub. With a minute left before the 0530 launch, YHC called out the route for the anxious PAX. However, my brain was still a little scattered so I took us back in time and may have referenced a turn at the Wachovia. One of those days…

0530, let’s get going so the mumble chatter about my slip up would cease

The Pledge


Mosey down Armstrong Park Rd towards the Gaston Mall
Left on Perry St across from A Dogs World
Right on Lee St
Left on New Hope towards the Target/Toys R Us shopping center
Right on Armstrong Park Dr at the Wachovia (if you make it to the Nations Bank building, you’ve gone too far)
Right on Armstrong Park Rd (not left towards Media Play)
Mosey back to Lowe’s Foods

9/22 West Virginia Run – I believe Half Marathon, 10k, 5k – see Sargento for details
4/12 3rd F
4/13 Community Foundation Run
5/5 Mt Mitchell

Prayer Requests
Tool Time 2.0 and son-in-law – travel/move
Sargento – Mother-in-law
Gastone – Father

Close in Prayer

Until next time…

A feather in my cap

Setting a goal for yourself and achieving it makes life that much better. I set out on a journey sometime in 2018 with the intention of Q’ng every AO in our region. One by one I began to check them off leaving only the Yank to conquer. I hit Tesla up to let him know I’d gladly take the Q this past Saturday. Surprisingly I’ve only been to the Yank two times prior to this Saturday. Once for a guest Q by Rev. Flo Rider and the other was a convergence. That said I really wasn’t familiar with the area of Belmont and what to do. Tesla had been asking if I was bringing any toys to my Q. I had put off the answer as I really wasn’t sure what I wanted to do. Then I remembered a nice spot behind Sammy’s to setup a PainLab type workout. With the area chosen I went to work on a weinke. I have been really into the Battle ropes lately having owned two different sizes. They can put one hell of a beating on you. They incorporate core, cardio and strength training into any movement used with them. Only having 2 ropes I knew I’d have to generate more pain stations. I put a question out on slack about what the avg. Pax count is at the Yank, I was told 10-12. Solid number so I created pain stations accordingly. I arrived extra early and setup shop in the new parking lot behind Sammy’s. Walked up to the starting point where I was greeted by an FNG soon to be named Pyle. One by one I started seeing more and more Pax arrive. At about 5 til we were at about 12, when out of nowhere 8 more showed. I immediately had to pull up my weinke and add some more pain stations! YHC was very pleased with turnout. Large crowd so let’s move it down to the concrete pad.

0700 let’s begin

Disclaimer and 5 core principles for the 2 FNGs


SSH x 15 IC

Merkins x 15 IC

Moroccan Night Clubs x 50 IC

As usual ToolTime was running his mouth. Guess he didn’t get enough EC running in so had to continue it here.

Let’s mosey to parking lot behind Sammy’s.

The Thang

I spent sometime explaining the pain stations and ToolTime interupted numerous times with complete nonsensical jargon but we made up the time during the workout.

Tabata (Ciabatta)

10 Pain Stations – 30 seconds each station, 10 second rest between stations

20 PAX so make 2 lines of 10 behind each battlerope.

Rope 1 – Heavy 2″
Rope 2 – Medium 1.5″
Plank Jacks Plank Jacks
Cinder Block Curls Cinder Block Curls
Chilly Jacks Chilly Jacks
Cinder Block Overhead Press Cinder Block Overhead Press
Wide Merkins Wide Merkins
Burpees Burpees
Diamond Merkins Diamond Merkins

The 10th Station would be the mosey around the parking lot then planking until the buzzer went off. Call this your extended rest period.

Fired up the tunes with some Prodigy. No complaints, except from ToolTime who requested Tool. There was a reason for the choice in music and we’ll get to that in a second.

After round one I made the lines flip flop. This gave everyone the opportunity to work with the heavy rope. We kept the flip flop going as we ended a round. It was maybe after round 2  where I noticed the PAX literally praising Jesus when they arrived at the Burpee station. They had been working so hard at all the rest of the stations that somehow doing Burpees was an actual relief???

ToolTime still requesting Tool

OK we made it to the halfway point so time for a little explanation of the music choice. As the PAX caught their breath I brought up once again the F3 Mental Battle. I pointed out the the lead singer of Prodigy, Keith Flint, committed suicide on March 4th. I noted that while a man can have everything going for them in their life, they may still be fighting demons inside. Spoke on how I battle through anxiety but that this group of HIMs pulls me away and helps me find ways to fight that anxiety. There are many men that battle depression, anxiety and other mental diseases. WE are all here for each other. WE are here to hear you out. WE are here to help you. WEare here to guide you to someone that can help you if WE cannot. The important thing is WE are here. Reach out.

Lets get back to it.

ToolTime still requesting Tool

0750 and we were wrapping up the last round.

We did 5 rounds. Here is what we did when on the ropes. While it was the same, it was a little different each time.

Single Arm Alternating Waves
Reverse In & Out
Double Arm Slams
American Hammers

Let’s circle up for some PAX choice MARY, round the horn style. FNG Pyle got to call an exercise, a plank groiner maybe? Who knows what the hell it was but it worked and I may use this again sometime! Well done FNG Pyle!



Announcements – SFN @ Community Foundation Run. I made the announcement that the Yank was end of Qng everywehre. Sargento, with a big smile on his face, says welcome to the club. I dont know what club you’re in sir but you haven’t Q’d Diablo Sammich! BOOM! ROASTED!

Prayer requests

Tiger took us out

ToolTime still requesting Tool

Men of the Yank. I thank you for the time spent with you this morning. I’m glad I got to put faces with names with the ones I’ve never met and was able to workout along side of you. I hope it was as much fun as it was terrible.



Monday Morn’ Shenanigans

8 HIM’s showed on this warm dry spring morning to start the week off with the right way.  It was good to see everyone this morning as is always the case.

After a few good mornings and hos do ya do’s, 5:30 was upon us and it was time to get busy.




SSH x 10

Merkins x 10

Squats x 10

Rinse and repeat

Mosey down Riverwood Pkwy to Caromont Health building rear parking lot.

Continue Warmup:

Everyone make a circle and on your 6 for LBC’s while each PAX one at a time high knees around circle.

Over wall and up to front parking lot of old HT\Lowe’s building.

The Thang:

9 parking spaces had exercises and a count written in chalk.  The instruction is to complete said count of said exercise, mosey and touch building approximately 250′ down a slight hill, and continue to next exercise.

  1.  Merkins x 20
  2. Squats x 20
  3. Bobby Hurleys x 10
  4. 30 count plank
  5. CDD’s x 15
  6. LBC’s x 50
  7. Calf raises x 30
  8. Burpee’s x 5
  9. 30 count plank

The PAX made it thru roughly twice.

AB work:

Double count LBC’s IC double count x 20

Oblique crunches each side x 10 double count

10 single count Heels to Heaven

10 single count Big Boy Sit Ups.

Mosey back to start.

And Time!

This was not an easy workout.  Everyone pushed hard and did a great job. Great HIMs all this morning and can’t think of a better way to start the day/week. There was lots of sweat and camaraderie.  Good times!

It’s great to see Dry Rub pushing hard.  He is coming along quickly and I have no doubt that he will be a beast and see the positive effects of F3 in all areas of his life in the near future.

As is always, the honor is all mine to be whatever small part of such an outstanding group.  I can’t tell you all the ways the my family and myself have benefitted from F3.  Thank you to all PAX for support and encouragement.  I continue to be inspired and am benefitting daily.




EZ Rider’s Son

Gastone’s Father

Spiderman’s Daughter


Community Run this Saturday

Mt. Mitchell May 5.  See Gastone.

Where Is Everybody??

Rolled in to Holly this morning expecting a big crowd…didn’t happen.  Broke, Doodles, and FNG.  That’s it.  Come on guys, we can do better than that.  Time to get back in there.

Start with SSH, Hillbilly’s, Don Q all 15x IC.  Pledge

Mosey to parking lot behind BBT.  Q brought back a workout from last summer at the Yank.  Call it 15 to 1.  Very simple.  Start at one end parking lot and do 15 burpees, run across parking lot for 15 Bobby Hurley.  Run back and do 14.  All the way to one.  Simple does not mean easy.  Had enough time left for some Iron Hulk to 10.  Mosey back to start.

Q talked briefly about Daniel, and how Daniel stood on his faith in the face of adversity.  Our greatest call to serve God first.  Everything else will fall in place.

Announcements: 3rd F, this Friday evening, Speed for Need on Saturday, Mt Mitchell hike on May 5.

Prayer Requests: FNG asked for prayers for himself, the Pax we are praying for this week:  Hacksaw, Stone Cold, Stepdown, Sledgeomatic, Shocker, Scribbles, Positraction, Pastor Clever

Welcome to Devan Williams, now known as Beetle Bailey.  Doodles brought him out as he has with several others over last few weeks.  Good to have you brother!

Q took us out

Always a pleasure


Crossroads 4/8

Runners, ruckers, EC and even a practice run for the upcoming Boars Nest launch. Crossroads had it all on Sunday and a great Q Source discussion followed. Tclaps to Tyson, Sgt. Hulka and Gumby on a strong 8 mile run. The wise old sage Def Leppard was not at the workout, but made it to Q Source to add valuable input to the discussion.



3rd F event this Friday, April 12th at New Covenant Church

SFN at Community Foundation run this Saturday, April 13th

Mt. Mitchell hike on May 5th

2nd F event on April 27th at Lewis Farms


Prayer Request

Those battling addiction

Sister Act M and 2.0 travels

Montross 2.0 uncle

Gumby’s mother


YHC took us out.


Until next time,



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