Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Day: February 25, 2019

Good Round 2

JJ, Island, Time Frame, Gastone, Captain Stubby, Clavin, Tombstone, Spider-Man, Turtle Man, Watts-up, Woppee, JK2

The pax graciously waited and even cheered as I can sliding in a couple minutes late. I had texted an excuse for my tardiness which apparently was mistaken by the pax as reason to celebrate. I let them know that I was delayed due to an early morning round two, and although my round two did feel complete and was met with a satisfying release, they thought my round two was an intimate exchange between me and the “M,” I can assure you the “M” had no part nor wanted anything to do with my round two, it just the man and his throne.

Everything you read below either, happened, was going to happen, or didn’t happen at all.

Before heading out and in an attempt to keep YHC on track I asked Woppee to watch the 6, which he kinda did sort of part of the time when he was reminded.

Warm Up
SSH IC – (Unknown)
Arm Circles
Merkins IC
Short Story 5 Burpees
Don Quixotes
Moroccan Night Clubs

The Thang
Mosey to the Rock Pile
Get Rocks
Partner Up and head back to Stonehenge, too wet so we walked through the mud to the parking lot.

Round 1
100ish Thruster / Walking Lunges with rock (Mosey Back)

Round 2
3 Rounds Each (Colt 45s) On this day in 1836 Samual Cult Patented his Revolver
– 1st Round Partner 1 does AMRAP Bottom 1/2 Curls, while partner Mosey With Right Hand Holding Rock High, Mosey Back with Left Hand Holding Rock High
– 2nd Round Partner 1 does AMRAP Top 1/2 Curls, while partner Mosey With Right Hand Holding Rock High, Mosey Back with Left Hand Holding Rock High
– 3rd Round Partner 1 does AMRAP Full Curl, while partner Mosey With Right Hand Holding Rock High, Mosey Back with Left Hand Holding Rock High

10 Burpees because that didn’t seem hard enough(that’s what she said)

Tell the “Pushing the rock story” on the way back to rock pile.

Mosey back to parking lot where we stopped every other light for a PAX choice of favorite exercise, 1st 3 were Burpees, until JJ changed it to American Hammers. Then in front of the gate we all got in low plank position for a countdown to jail break back

Mary Pax’s choice

Announcements – May 5th Mt Mitchell



Not Nearly a 5K but Close?

The skies may have been angry this day, but between 0700-0800 it showed mercy upon the PAX.  Knowing CSAUP could commandeer many PAX I was curious how many we would attract, especially given the extra marketing effect applied by Yahtzee.  BTW, who would not love a Viking themed workout?

10 HIM’s (including FNG now known as Commish) total showed for a Viking memorial (remember to bring your Macebell) and a Linus not so much 5K.  By the way, who in the h… happens to just have an extra Macebell in the kitchen or garage?

Let’s warm up:

SSH/LBC’s(guys thought they were not going to get wet)/Squats/Merkins – 10 in Cadence

Caught the pledge on the way back thanks to reminder from Yahtzee.

Painlab follow the dude in the Viking cap, Bootcamp you are with me.  I carried 3 Pax with me (Tombstone, Def Leppard, Timeframe)

From the Schiele we moseyed to Grier.  Intent was to stop every 1/4 mile for an exercise and ascending/descending burpee.  That only worked so well for so long.  From Grier, up to Burtonwood, right on Dixon to Sherwood.  Into the neighborhood we roll.  Dixon road, left onto Castlegate.  Castlegate, right onto Laurel Lane.  Laurel Lane out to Garrison.  Garrison back to the Schiele.  2.5 to 3 miles (forget now)

Multiple Stops along the way consisted of:

50 Each-

Heels to Sky/American Hammer/Flutters/Freddy Mercury

Merkins/Carolina Dry Dock/Morroccan/Squats

Each exercise also corresponded with 1 burpee up to a total of 4 and then we would start again.

Back at the Schiele right at the tick of 7:56, arrived early so Heyzuus could bolt.  Joined the Vikings for some hammertime and listened for the melodious chime while completing SSH.



Prayers for all PAX in CSAUP

Gastone’s event coming early May

Welcome FNG – Houston Helms:  Commish

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