Tis was the morning after Christmas and all throughout folsom not a creature was stirring not even a …… hold up hacksaw was stirring. Hack saw was the only one that showed up to put in work. With his knees still giving him problems this HIM still showed up to prison break and put in work. The Q for the day overslept like a true fartsacker would.
Month: December 2018 (Page 3 of 9)
9 HIMs posted on this Tuesday at the Storm for the first Q by YHC in a long, long time. So long that there was only one workout I felt would be a crowd pleaser.
Basic due to no FNGs.
Warm Up:
Moroccan Night Clubs x20 IC
The Thang:
We did the Deck of Death. The straight forward approach we would take was to do the exercise. We made it all the way through with a few minutes to spare. We did some mary to wrap it up.
Thanks for letting me lead again men. It’s bee too long. My apologies for the late backblast. I’ll be back!
It all started when I was EHing a mutual friend of Oompa Loompa and myself. The eh’d fella is a sad clown and really could use the awesomeness that is F3 in his life. Before I realized the Christmas Eve workout had been moved to an earlier time, the aforementioned and clown had agreed to meet this am at 5:30. Since today is a workday for me, 5:30 works fine.
Arriving to snowball’s at 05:30 I saw the 2 fng’s, Oompa Loompa, and an unfamiliar face which is JiggaWatt from the Greensboro area. He is in town visiting family. It was great to meet him as he is a very nice HIM. Come back anytime.
We worked out and it was fun, exhilarating, and refreshing.
Until next time,
8 posted at the Coconut Horse this morning including FNG Compass.
I believe everyone that posted put in some EC.
Compass had seen us leaving from Harris Teeter on Sundays in the past and saw Roscoe and Myself running back toward the start this morning after some EC around Martha Rivers so he followed us to join in. That’s what I’m talking about.
5 for Coffeeteria at Starbucks. It was a Grande ole time (see what I did there?)
Until the next one. Aye!
I was suppose to Q at the Yank on Dec 15th, but the Natan had the convergence on that day, so my Q was pushed to Dec 22nd. I was excited to plan the workout the week before Christmas! We moved the AO to Kevin Loftin Riverside Park because Belmont was sponsoring a 5K and 1/2 marathon at the time of our workout. Toto was already in the parking lot as I rolled in at 6:50 am. It was nice to see him at a Saturday morning workout. Special thanks to Virus for hanging out in Belmont to direct any PAX, that showed up there, to the new location.
No FNG’s
Warm Up:
Elf Jacks- also known as Smurf Jacks or Gumby’s x 20 (IC) switch to side straddle hop x 30 (IC)
Toy Soldiers x 25 (IC) Do you see a theme here?
Finally, to reference the creepy wind up monkey that beats the cymbals together – Monkey Humpers x 26 (IC)
The Thang
Mosey to the amphitheater for AB Lab:
Circle up and AMRAP the following AB exercises while each PAX runs around the amphitheater:
Flutter Kicks
Windshield Wipers
Freddie Mercurys
WWI sit ups
Time to travel to Bethlehem. Mosey up the hill along Catawba Street to the first traffic light at 10th Street and back. Meet up at the far end of the park near the boat ramp entrance.
The trip wasn’t easy for Joseph and Mary and just got tougher for us. Pair up and Wheelbarrow the length of the fence. Flap Jack at the end x 2.
Now that we have arrived, we need to find a place to spend the night. Mosey to the first inn at shelter #2. Do 20 Step Ups (each leg) while the innkeeper checks to see if he has room. No luck.
The next inn is shelter #3. Do 20 dips (IC) while the innkeeper checks to see if he has room. No luck here.
Inn #3 are the picnic tables at the bottom of the hill. Do your choice of inclined merkins, derkins or diamond merkins x 20. I choose inclined merkins with fingers pointed down. Thanks to Eminem for Q’ing this a few weeks ago. No luck here.
The final inn to check it shelter #1 on top of the hill. Do Bulgarian ?? x 20 each leg. Can’t remember what these are called. (Help me out here Tesla) One foot on a bench start with arms raised. Touch hips, toes, hips and raise arms. This is a large inn and the innkeeper hasn’t returned. Do hip slappers x 10 counting one arm while we wait.
He returns and says we can stay in his stable where he keeps the animals. Here we did:
Calf Raises x 50 (IC)
Stork Squats (one legged squats) x 20 each leg
Bear Crawl the perimeter of shelter #1
Alligator Merkin x 5 each side
Donkey Kicks x 20
Dying Cockroaches x 20 (IC)
Pause for a minute to reflect on the conditions in which the Savior of all mankind entered the world. He was born in a barn with the smell of animal urine and manure in the air. It was cold and damp. He came here as a poor vulnerable baby. He grew up to perform miracles, teach us and be an example for us. Then he suffered for us, took our sins upon himself that we might repent of our sins and dwell with him in our Heavenly Father’s Kingdom!!
Mosey to the parking lot. Three Wise Men or Kings followed a star to see the Christ child. Do X’s and O’s x 10 to represent the star.
Zombie walk the length of the parking lot to the flag. Remind the PAX to zombie walk with dignity since we are representing kings.
One minute left. Jump for joy for the arrival of the Savior. Jump Squat until 8:00 am timer goes off. It was a long minute!
Martha Rivers and Mt Hollywood will meet at 7:00am on Monday 12/24 at their respective AO’s.
Prayer request for Virus’ friend who is having a tough time with his M.
Thank you Tesla for allowing me to Q the Saturday before Christmas. Thanks to all who came out on a beautiful morning to better themselves and to push me. Everyone pushed hard.
I hope everyone has a fantastic Christmas!
Dirt is out.
I know it normally takes 7 weeks to get a backblast out of Crossroads but have no fear, Montross is here with a timely backblast. I will keep it simple today.
14 men showed at Crossroads. Some like myself and Wojo were picking up our training, some were recovering after the Santa Hustle, a few walked, and a few rucked. Good to see such a crowd out there today. The P200 isn’t that far away so get started training guys (cough, Allen Tate, cough).
15 showed in the gloom for the annual Stroganoff Christmas beat down with a side of Mayor for the Painlab. A few did some EC running beforehand.
No FNG’s; quick disclaimer; pledge
Short warm-up that included the following:
SSH’s x 10 (IC)
Imperial Walkers x 12 (IC)
Split up for the Bootcamp and Painlab.
The Thang
Painlab Q’d by Mayor went as follows:
3:00 minute rounds of each exercise
Single/Double Arm Curls
Deadlifts – Release
Front Raise
Split Squat (Bulgarian) – Two rounds
Tricep Overhead Extension
SL Deadlift (Romanian)
Calf Raises
Bent Over Row
Press on Bench
Deck of Death: 10 Merkins; 10 ranger merkins; 25 diamond merkins; 10 incline merkins; 10 derkins; 25 Freddy mercury’s; 100 SSH’s
The Bootcamp Group moseyed to the Grier track for a dose of Stroganoff’s 12 Days of Christmas (or a baker’s dozen):
Day 1 – 1/2 Lap around the track
Day 2 – 12 Bobby Hurley’s
Day 3 – 12 Merkins
Day 4 – 12 LBC’s
Day 5 – 5 burpees
Day 6 – 12 Flutter Kicks
Dayy 7 – 12 Squats
Dayy 8 – 12 CDD’s
Day 9 – 12 Hillbillies
Day 10 – 12 Mt Climbers
Day 11 – 12 SSH’s
Day 12 – 100 Moroccan Nightclubs
The PAX worked through this quickly enough that we still had some time for an abbreviated Wolfpack Grinder.
10 Squats IC – Run. 1/2 lap – 25 Merkins
10 Squats IC – Run 1/2 lap – 50 LBC’s
Rinse & Repeat
By this time, we had worked our way back to the Schiele to finish with some Mary:
30 Flutter Kicks IC – 10 Dying Cockroaches IC
Good work men.
Bootcamp total reps and miles through the 12/13 days of Christmas:
~2 miles moseying
132 Bobby Hurleys; 170 merkins; 208 LBC’s; 40 burpees; 144 flutter kicks; 152 squats; 60 CDD’s; 48 hillbillies; 36 Mt. Climbers; 24 SSH’s; 100 Moroccan Nightclubs
Monday workouts coming up are scheduled for 0700 start times – Black Knight & Mt. Hollywood; Tuesday 0600 at The Storm
Many prayer requests. Name-o-Rama.
The Moleskin
As always, it was an honor to lead the workout. Thanks to Mayor for running a great Painlab Q. Great to see Jobu back out at the Gashouse.
Great work by all the Gastonia PAX that participated in the Belmont 5k or Half Marathon this morning.
We finished up with my annual book give away. This year was the Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz. This is one of my favorite personal growth books. The two I have given out the last two years were The Traveler’s Gift by Andy Andrews and Freedom from Fear by Mark Matteson. If you don’t have them, I would encourage you to check them out. I may have a copy or two in the back of my vehicle. Ask me at the next post if you would like a copy.
Merry Christmas to all the PAX of F3 Gastonia.
Until the next one. Aye!

Sweat courtesy of Freight
YHC hung the shovel flag with care, with hopes that the PAX soon would be there. With the rain finally gone and a few guys out of town, Montross has the Q and is bringing a beatdown.
I knew we would be missing a few Saturday regulars so I arrived to Folsom unsure how many HIM would be there. All the best to those running the Santa Hustle today, hope it went well and all were safe!
Turns out we had 7 this morning for a Christmas-themed workout. Get some!
SSH – 10 in cadence
Toy Soldiers – 10 IC
Monkey Humpers – 10 IC
5 Burpees
Let’s mosey!
Mosey to the flag at the entrance of Folsom for the pledge.
Short mosey over to the parking lot.
12’s – as in the 12 Days Of Christmas. Just like 11’s but with a bonus lap. We did Merkins and WW1s. The guys got this done a few minutes quicker than I expected!
Lets mosey down through the park. We head left at the fork to the lower parking lot by the softball fields. There is some mud to navigate right now. Fat Ricky noted that Tool Time could run through the mud and still have clean shoes. The outgoing Nantan is special, but I don’t know if he is that special!
Santa’s Sack – we did a variation of a Triple Nickel here – partner up, size matters. Partner 1 planks, partner 2 puts his feet on partner 1 and does 5 Merkins, then partner 2 jumps on partner 1’s pack for a piggyback rode across the lot. Flip positions, 5 Merkins and another piggyback ride across the lot. That was 1. 4 more times for 5 total.
Let’s mosey! We cruise down and around the pond and up the hill to the tennis courts.
Run Run Rudolph – I forgot to share the name of this, but it goes like this: run to the end of the first court, 10 burpees, run back, 2nd court 20 jump lunges, run back, 3rd court 30 tuck jumps, run back, 4th court 40 squats, run back, 5th court 50 merkins, run back, 6th court 60 LBCs.
We did a few rounds of Captain Thor, but it wasn’t flowing so I Omaha.
Mary – everyone called an exercise and led it.
Gumby – Heels to Heaven 10 OYO
Swimmer – Flutter Kicks 25 IC
Freight – In and Outs 20? IC
Mozart – Freddie Mercuries 20 IC
Volt – Sandy Vs – 15? IC
Hacksaw – 10 burpees and 10 Hillbillies each leg.
Time! As we got up and saw pools of sweat around the tennis courts, we noticed Freight’s silhouette left a little extra surpise…the Folsom logo!
Prayer Requests: families at Christmas, and Hacksaw’s dad and step-mom. You don’t have to fear death if you know where you are going!!!! YHC took us out in prayer.
Moleskin: I wanted to bring some scripture and beer to the workout this morning. I know, not a normal combination! Here me out though…My message to the guys this morning is about celebrating the birth of Jesus, first and foremost. As I looked at scripture related to Christmas, one thing thst caught my eye is how Joseph had just married Mary and she was pregnant before the consummated. Therefore, he had to be thinking ‘what will people say’, ‘is she lying’…many questions….but the angel of the Lord spoke to him and he leaned on his faith. He obeyed the Lord. Joseph was a real HIM. One of the OG HIMs!
In addition to Christ’s birth, let’s also celebrate friends and family. Enjoy the time with your wife and kids and soak it in. Let’s also enjoy time with our F3 brothers….that is where the beer(amd other beverages in my cooler) comes in LOL. With Roadie and Huck absent, there were no takers on the beer, however we enjoyed some water and Gatorade together.
I suppose I will have to bring the beer back.
It has been a while since YHC has posted and the last time at the Goat I signed up to Q and told the Pax the BlockBuster would be back. There was a little confusion about the actual date, thinking that I had the 18th, Sparky and Dr. Seuss helped me out. As the start time neared there were 12 Pax ready to get going.
Warm Up; 15 SSH IC, 10 Windmill IC, 10 Toy Soldiers IC
Thang; BlockBuster – All exercises completed with a 8” cinder block
Run 1/2 mile –
Complete 6 exercises – Curls x 10, French Curls x 10, Overhead Squat Press x 10, Front Raise x 10, Bent Over Rows x 10, Blockies x 10
Run 1/2 mile –
Complete 6 exercises –
Run 1/2 mile –
Complete 6 exercises –
Run 1/2 mile –
Mary – All pax lead an exercise of their choice
COT; Namorama, Announcements, Prayer Requests
BOM; Thanks TopHat for taking us out.
NMS; All Pax pushed through this one and did well. Golddigger, thanks for the push through the runs on this sir. TopHat always a pleasure to have the mumble chatter regarding the running, well done sir. Dr. Seuss has some 4” cinder block and offered them up to the Pax for a slight modification, way to be thinking Seuss. JOBU and Brownstreak had discussed the night before that they needed to get back out here with the Pax. Yes, they were present. Good to see you men back out in the gloom. Nice work as well. Moses and Tesla, TClaps fellas for keeping up with the youngins. Respect. As always men, Thanks for the oppurtunity to lead. #DRP
Rainy evening,YHC was ready for his first Q at Midoriyama. Thanks to freight I wrote a new weinke to keep us dry.
The thang:
AMRAP 6 minutes per round of exercises:
R1 10 squats 10merkins 10 leg lift crunches.
R2 12 plank jacks,12dips,12lunges
R3 15ssh 15bicep curls 15 overhead press
R4 15freddy Merck’s,12burpees, 10 alternates rows.
R5 10squats 10 morocon night clubs
30 mtn climbers.
Mosey back to flag pledge then
Hill billies,seal jacks, mtn climbers. 15 each then a lap. Did this until time.
Prayer request
Several friends and employees that just found out some bad news before Christmas and those in need. Also thankful for what we have.
An honor serve all.
The Bed Pan is full!