Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Month: October 2018 (Page 5 of 9)

2 Rockpushers, a Preacher, and a FNG Walk Into a Bar

What happens when 2 Rockpushers, a Preacher, and a FNG walk into a bar? Well, first off, you can bet my preacher is going to be late…but then they hang out with their friends and beatdowns are issued…and that is exactly what went down at Folsom this morning.

Our good friend Gumby is dealing with an injury so Chief Allen Tate and YHC volunteered to cover Q duties this morning. Hope to see you back out there very soon Gumby!

Good news to share – we had a FNG today. He works for B.C. Parks and Rec so we now call him Swanson. Swanson didn’t realize what he was facing today!

Chief calls SSH – 50 IC….yep, 50! Get that blood pumping!

Tronmoss takes the lead and we take a brisk mosey to the lower turd shack by the pond. I would normally choose the ampitheater, but we learned there are wasps in it on Saturday so we avoided it.

3 sets of:
– Balls to the Wall – Partner up – 1 partner does BTTW while the other runs up the stairs, across the parking lot, and back. Flip-flop.
– Mike Tysons 15 IC
– Dirty Hookups 15 IC
– Jump Lunges – 10 (count right leg only, we skipped the 3rd set due to time…yeah, that was the only reason)

Pastor Clever joined us about near the end of the first set. Then he had to never to start talking about short changing him on some Dirty Hookups. Clawdhavemercy! Medicine Woman was particularly excited because Clever was his partner and that meant less time Balls to the Wall for him. Clever can move! Pastor Clever is good at 3 things: preaching, running, and being late to F3.

Chief takes the lead, 5 calf raises on each step. Then mosey to the tennis courts.

I had a little chat with Swanson on the way up the hill. And by chat, I mean I was talking to him and he was huffing and puffing like he was about to blow someone’s house down! He was still hanging in there though. He’s gonna be alright, I believe.

At the courts, Tronmoss cranks up some “90s Booty Music” – you know, some edited versions of 2 Live Crew, Luke, Trick Daddy, and Young & Restless. Chief and YHC both have a deep love for the music we listened to back in the day. I know that not everyone shares our love for this music but…we the Q so deal with it! I don’t bring a little speaker, I bring the boombox too in order to make sure everyone can hear just fine.

Chief calls the “Folsom 311”. Partner up for cumulative exercises, 1 PAX runs the courts while the other does reps, flip-flop and repeat.
– 300 LBCS
– 100 Hip Slappers (placing your feet on the fence)
– 100 WWI/Big Boy situps

Quick fellowship mosey to the parking lot and 10 burpees.

Today was one of the more quiet days I’ve heard at Folsom in a while. There was some mumble chatter about the 50 SSH’s but it got quiet at the turd shack and it stayed relatively quiet through the Folsom 311. I guess that’s what happens when you are getting your ass kicked! For sure though, guys were pushing the rock today and getting it done.

COT – Announcements – Christmastown 5k, Convergence Nov 10 at The Yank, 2nd F at Hickory Tavern tonight. Chief took us out in prayer. Several prayer requests…keep MW’s mom in your prayers as she’s been sick and hospitalized and keep Toto in your prayers as well.

Moleskin – Thanks for the opportunity to lead…well, co-lead today. I am personally so glad to be back in the groove of working out on a regular basis. I’m working my way back into shape and it’s coming around quicker than when I first started. I consider many of you as good friends and that is such an important piece of F3. It touched my heart to hear Roadie talking about getting together with Toto tonight and, while I know people have things going on and most of us won’t be there, but I also know a few will.


Still Summer at the Storm

So as THC got on site at @ 5:29 am it appeared to still be summer with all its humidity and at least some of its heat. Not complaining anymore because cold days and wind will come my brothers! But it does get a little old to be in constant jungle conditions. So we went about our work, Breaker curious if i was going to get there and get started. We started off hard:

SSH X 20

2 burpees

IW X 20

4 burpees

Squats X 20

6 burpees

Mtn Climbers X 20

8 burpees

Hand to foot stretch

10 burpees

Mosey up to the school for an escalator

Burpees X 5

Big boy sit ups X 10

CCDs X 15

American hammers X 20

Merkins X 25

Run half the lot and do 5 jump squats, all the way and do 10 jump squats. Do this after each repeat and keep adding, thus the escalator.

Time for some wall work.

20 step ups (10 each leg)

Bear Crawl between the concrete obstacles

Run to the wall and do 10 wall squats.

Run back and plank for the six.

Repeat 4 times.

Plenty of work done at this point. Mosey back to the flag for Mary.

Rosalitas X 20

Dolly x 20

Right hand to right foot , left hand to left foot stretch.


Geat work by all pax today. It was a pretty tough pull. We worked. We sweated. We stayed at it. And got it done!

Congrats to all the bourbon run pax, you showed up and showed well.

Welcome FNG Airhead! Keep coming put brother!

Always fun to lead at the Storm. Great guys, great AO.



What’s in the bag?

  • This morning as usual I wanted to challenge myself and set many goals ahead of me. As is usually the case I wound up getting a terrible night sleep anticipating what would happen…..and  further than that I had a son talking in his sleep , cats being rowdy and my M staying up well past midnight doing what? I don’t know! I was truly excited to see great number of pax already arrived but I don’t believe I’d ever Qd before with Gastone  present. And Bandit was even present…. The last time he was present was the last time I Q’d…. perhaps I should Q more often( thoughts Bandit?)
  • As I come up I’m wearing an extremely small pack on my back…. to which Roadie asks”What’s in the bag?” My casual response is “ what bag? I don’t see any bag”
  • 5:30 pledge disclaimer …..brief message on how warm up will be conducted …. something I’ve wanted to try for some time… moving from one exercise morphing into another maintaining cadence count …. changing to another exercise ssh became goofballs to hillbillies and lastly imperial walkers… now that we survive that lets Mosey into park taking long path over to the play area.
  • talked briefly about one of our main tenets …. FAITH …. even in the dark I have my faith in God and faith that I remember mostly where all play equipment is so that I won’t fall and hurt myself …that being said when swings become open 2 rounds of Derkins with feet in swing alternate with plank. Next we did 20 squats to be followed by lower  plank ( on elbows and lower arm ) Q fail as I was supposed to pass on the knowledge that we as men must cope with and endure pain ( arms in the mulch …. there was also to be another exercise the french fry! Seeing as most of the pax moved over to the softer bouncing material this was left out!   It was either Bandit or Roadie Who said that if God made that softer material he must use it!)
  • now we move on some real meat and potatoes! It was a true crowd pleaser a one minute dead hang!! There was a brief explanation about how I will be trying to accomplish the Bone Frog obstacle course next month and turtle man will be doing third part of the Spartan trifecta next month and that we both need these exercises . 20 more squats followed by 2 rounds of 5 pull-ups , 10 merkins and 20 more squats . I then amble around until I locate the monkey swing and we all make way across one time . Amazing job by all!
  • Mosey to the turd shack where we partner up and I luckily get Island for my partner ( it was only last week that I told him I looked forward to partnering with him …. it’s another challenge of mine to partner with as many different pax as possible ).  We did two rounds of hip slappers x10 and lbcs at walkway . Told everyone to plank in the grass …. oddly I was only one in grass …. repeated instructions with the warning that the next exercise was Jack Webb’s and anyone not wanting scored / scratched knees should relocate…. amazing how quickly everyone wanted to be in the wet grass !!! Did these up to 10 . As we all were catching our breath I further explained how I am often reminded of Pastor Ronnie Bowers of Flint Groves Baptist Church and how we men are not only the leaders of the family but the spiritual leaders as well and that we should not take that for granted ! I also further explained how the first sets of exercises made us each stronger then by partnering up we pushed each other Then I spoke of how my M wanted to begin running but not alone and then she found s diet that really has worked for her so I had to support/ help her by adding more running each night and due to this diet our food has become very health conscious and that my weight is down where it’s not been in s long time ( as Whoopee says ,” you cannot exercise away a bad diet” it is also notable that Turtleman has performed his Spartan races with his M and Oompa Loompa has added running with his M as well ….so now it’s time to take all this to the next level !Mosey to well lit area and time to discover what is in the bag….., a jump rope ! Yet another thing I’ve been trying to incorporate ….. and I’m so glad I did I sought for us to challenge each other by jumping rope ( another option never used but available was the SSH…. great job by all!! ) Thd pax circled wide and performed lbcs while person in center did as many as they could ( or wanted ) , Qfail as I forgot to point out to halt whenever hand off occurred Gastone mentioned having done somewhere north of 1000 ( maybe so ).  But it was truly inspirational to see Island do some amazing tricks Gastone took a moment to remember how…  and he amazed all …. Dr Feelgood made it look easy to skip rope! Turtleman asked for hula hoops next time …. hmmm do we still have that?????? Oh back tothe  program …. now we mosey back to start where some unnamed individuals attempted to poke the Q for 8 minutes on the table …… that only means one thing…….
  • Mary …and 6 healthy minutes of it too !! I started us with ski abs of 10 we also had pax call on American hammers , flutters( Gastone … did you have to ask !!) dying cockroaches, big boy sit ups and I believe Freddie mercuries to which I kept hearing “ Galileo, Galileo “ TIME! …. it should also be mentioned that there was s train at end of jump rope where we did our 5.
  • announcements that Thursday night please come out and support Toto at Hickory Tavern 7 until as he struggles with civilian life ( life with children and not much adult conversation ) and depression issues . All this he opened up on Monday at end of boot camp .

Prayers for Bandits friend Mark , continued prayers for Stuart Payne middle school youth pastor at Bethlehem and unspoken

my final thoughts are how amazed I was at everyone in today’s challenges, strong group of men and I was also very moved by all the mumble chatter even from Gastone ! This was hands down my favorite Q , it was a true honor !!

Took Too Long

I lead a workout. I smoked from the crackpipe of manana and did not post the backblast.  wanted to get it on the books to give the pax the credit.

It was before burpeethod.  We did a warmup. I read from the Q source, we did some planks and shoulder taps and stuff, then we moseyed and got some rocks from the rock farm.  We went to the parking lot and did some curls with the rocks.  We did some Dora 123

100 dying cockroaches

200 flutters

300 LBC’s

Partner ran around the light post.

Went back to the snoballs parking lot and did a Circle Burp and got to 64 (I think).  I Omaha’d and we did about 4 minutes of mary.

We prayed.

That is all.  Sorry for the delay in posting Huckleberry.

“ Weeeaasselllll!”

After a week and a half off from the gloom, YHC finally has his blood pressure under control and chest tightness to a minimum. For you younger folks out there, it sucks getting old. Ok, back to the real literature. I show up at Folsom all alone. My guess was that the regulars may be fartsack one due to how brutal my Q might just be. Negative, here come some headlights. Alright, 5:30 hits.


SSH, Toy Soldiers, Hillbillies all x10 IC



Mosey to the flag pole for a little core work. Thought I’d save the legs for what was about to come. On the 6. LBCs, Flutter Kicks, American Hammers, Sandy Vs all x10 IC. Recover…..mosey on across the road to Walmart. Not sure if a few PAX even looked both ways before crossing, but one driver passing seemed a little upset due to the pack lazily running across. We hit the parking lot entrance and here comes a freakin coyote…….wait, no it’s just a stray dog. It must not have been interested cause it kept on its path. Continue around the back to end up st “The Hill.” Yes, it’s been a while. Q calls Triple Nickel. Mike Tyson’s x5 on the curb, Nur up the hill, 5 burpees at the top. Rinse and repeat 5 times. Before finishing, we hear a voice in a distance, “Weasel!” We look up and see a fella with a flashlight yelling for his dog. Our guess was the dog we saw was the fugitive. We nicely holler, “we saw it on the other side of the lot!” Quickly and harshly, he yells back, “WHAT OTHER SIDE? “HELP ME OUT!” We not so politely responded. I mean damn, even an ole Lowell boy knew what that statement had meant. Ok, that dude continued looking for Weasel while we finished the nickel. Crap, here he comes again, “YOU SEEN HER?” We say no. He continues to walk forward. He quickly realizes that he’s walking up on some HIMS. He quickly changed tone. “My dog for 11 years, I gotta find her. Sorry for being so rude earlier. I just want to find her.” Ok, drama over, PAX get on the wall for a wave of hip slappers. All BTTW while each PAX perform 5. Recover, plank it up facing the wall for Dirty HangUps x10 IC. Fellowship mosey a little then head to cross the road again. We hear the poor guy yelling still for the dog so we run up towards him and again he asked if we’ve seen it. Again, we say no and continue our mosey back toward start. Stop at random street light for 10 Merkins IC. Mosey back to start and finishing up with Route 66 with Bobby Hurley’s back to the flag. 22 for the vets. Time is up.

ChristmasTown 5k(full now)

prayer requests lifted up.

Honor to Q and be a part of this AO and Region. I’ve visited other regions, but haven’t really witnessed the bonds that Gastonia seems to have. Of course, a couple posts may not be enough to observe. Anyway, I appreciate you Men and the trash talk helps keep me out there.

The Bell Sounds

11 Showed for the Coconut Horse.

5 showed for extra 8 miles at 5:20am.

1 Showed early for some rucking.

1 showed early for some running.

Gold Digger went a total of 20 and almost outran his age. Better luck next time.

Circle of Trust

Prayers for several

Forgot flag and no flag in sight. Oops

Headed in for coffee and recovery.

Gastone Out!

Clearly we can see your nuts!

If Insanity is defined by repeating the same mistake multiple times then clearly this set of pax was nuts! Eminem straight outa metro showed up to deliver a painful reminder of that at The Yank Saturday morning . Went like this:

Mosey to school back entrance.  Warmup by moving down entranceway with walking imperial walkers, lunges and bunny hops.

Circle up for burpee escalator.  10 SSH, 1 burpee, 10 SSH, 2 burpees, 10 SSH, 3 burpees …. 10 SSH, 10 burpees.

Short mosey to school wall.  Two rounds: BTW with 5 hip slaps, PC, 10 donkey kicks, PC with air press, decline Peter Parker, PC with set of LaLanne.

By this point it was apparent a pattern had been set and WE were going to follow it! So we did along with the Nantan, kicking and screaming along

Grab some curb.  10 Mike Tysons, bear crawl across to opposite curb, walk back.  8 Tyson’s, bear crawl, walk back …. 2 Tyson’s, bear crawl, walk back.

Jog to picnic benches.  Three rounds: 10 derkins, 10 step ups each leg, 10 1-leg dips each leg, 10 1-leg LaLanne’s each leg (IC), 10 reverse grip inclines.

Mosey to fountain.  Five laps: down sidewalk, make a left, up the steps to Main Street, down Main to statue, turn left, bear crawl down steps, back to fountain.  Pause for 20 LBC’s each lap.  Most did 5 laps, a few did more.  Gold Digger did somewhere between 40-50.

Short trip to concrete pad (got to be a name for this spot, I’m sure) for plank, merkin and ab work to finish up.  Planks included John Travoltas, reverse planks, and reverse plank Peter Parkers.  Merkins included 10 Superman’s, 10 double wides and 10 merkin plank jack combo.  Ab work included dieing cockroach, dolly, Russian twist, and rosalita.


Repeats and repeats added up to beatdown delivered by our metro brother this morning. Wonderful fall morning though! So it was not as bad as it could have been. But it was bad!


From Eminem:

Thanks Tesla for the invite to Q and thanks to The Yank pax for the welcome.  Much appreciated!  Lots of fun and I look forward to coming back soon.

Full Body Weinke Massage


Warm Up:

SSH – 20 in cadence, finish up just in time as Dr. Feelgood arrives on scene

Merkins – 15 in cadence

LBC’s – 20 (maybe?) in cadence

Squats – 10 in cadence


Off to mosey……

Grier, stop at bottom of sidewalk.  Back to the Basics, Dora 1-2-3’s….5 Pax with us, split into two groups.  100 merkins, 200 squats, 300 scissors.

Single Dora’s – Focus is on AB work

Homer/Marge – 200 (stopped around 120-150, did not want to wear out lower back’s)

Freddie Mercury – 200 (single counts)

Headed to Grier field –

Uh oh,……….let’s do this.

One partner (same partner) does Burpee’s while’st the other runs down beside the gymnasium, down the steps, back up and back to start.  Probably allows for 10-15 if you are Whoopee or Roscoe, and 2 or 3 for me but we got the job done.  2nd round was to be Homer/Marge but I was concerned for lower back’s so we modified and did another round of Burpee’s.

Curious at that point what ReRun (who has the Q this coming weekend) needed with a 1/2 wall and Whoopee knew so we moseyed to the side of the building for some partner wall merkins.  Partner 1 holds feet up in the air and squats or presses with partner 2 who is doing merkins with hands on the wall.  Unsafe for all involved, so we did a few more rounds.

Time moving fast but we must press on.  Came up with this idea while driving, wish I had not.  Partner 1 (same partners) planks while’st partner 2 runs around the track one time.  Again, a good 1.5 – 2 minute plank for Whoopee and Roscoe, 5-6 minute plank if you are waiting on me.  DDC and Dr. Feelgood both kept me to a respectable plank time hoofing it around the track.  Round’s two and three were going to be 25 each of merkin and squats and CDD and LBC but we did not get to that.  I was done with running, modified now exasperated weinke (due to the full body massaging technique it gave to Whoopee).

Mosey to table’s, got two round’s of Lindsey’s/Forties in, 5 burpees for the train (that was DDC’s idea, I was perfectly willing to let it go) . Time to go home, just like I love, finished the run while the sweet bells start chiming, boom…..8:00  Ended in a SCOT (semi circle of trust) due to the sun, which I was facing.


Bourbon relay in progress

Sign up for the Christmastown 5K, 200-300 spots +/- left

Upcoming Gashouse Schedule:

10/20 – ReRun (Linus’ brother coming across the river to Q bootcamp)

10/27 – ShortSale

11/3 – Goose returning from the Merchant Marines

11/10 – Veteran’s Day observance convergence, overwhelming thought is this will be at the Yank (Roscoe and Short Sale as Co-Q’s)


Anchorman – Torn calf muscle

F3 Brother’s who we have not heard from in awhile.  Bandit returning soon (he better if he wants to keep up with Goose), JK2, hoping they all return

Timeframe – Healing well from job injury

Beautiful morning, great time, honored to lead.




8 men avoided the fartsack this beautiful  morning, all runners!

Announcements- Christmastown 5k, sign up soon!

Prayer request- Oompas family, safe travels for pax returning from relay, each other!

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