Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Day: October 22, 2018

Mountain Biking at WWC

Sunday 10/21/2018 2:30 p.m. at US National Whitewater Center
There is a group text that goes around every so often to a few guys who ride mountain bikes. This text is usually from someone who decides they are going somewhere to ride and would like to see if anyone else is interested. This has never been a formal arrangement but it seems to be that in the fall, the meetings are more regular. This meeting starts in the large gravel parking lot a few parking rows past the bathrooms. After discussion with the group, this can be a weekly meeting, provided the Whitewater Center Trails are open (check their website). If they are closed, we can move it to Poston Park in Lowell. We had very fast guys (Swimmer, Floppy Disk, Two Stroke, Gumby) and pretty fast guys (Sidecar, Wojo, etc.) and kinda fast guys. We don’t need to name them, we know who we are! The great thing is the faster guys always wait on the slower ones so each guy gets to push as much as he can without the group leaving him. I really appreciate that the faster guys do that. I volunteered to do a “backblast” and we’ll see if the Weasel Shaker will consider this a legit AO. Certain skillet chasers may disapprove but we will defer to the all-knowing Weasel Shaker. I assure you this is a tough workout. We rode the “Parkway” trail to the “Prairie Dog” trail. We then tried the new trails across the highway. The “Smokey” trail was first. This was a nice short trail that led back to the road. We then rode the “Bandit” trail which seemed long and hilly and was a little muddy but should be much better after it is broken in. That was enough for me. Several of us stopped then and returned to the parking lot for around 7 miles. A few others connected to the Academy trail to got in over 10 miles. We had an FNG (new to F3 but not to riding with us) named Nathan Freeman who is a friend of Gumby. He was nicknamed Clown Car due to his funny clown horn on his bike. Consider this your invitation to join the rides. FYI. Mayor stood me up today.

Dawghouse Beatdown




LBC’s-20 IC

5 Burpee’s on your own (For why I have no idea)

Merkins- 10 IC

Squats- 10 IC


Turn over to Rerun, Linus’ little brother from across the river from F3 Meca/Dawghouse.  The Pain was Intense, Dawghouse style.

Mosey to Schiele Courtyard:

The Thang:

Ladder up the Amphitheater wall steps.  1/5 ratio, Burpee at the bottom (ouch), up blocks and 5 squats.  Increase both at each.

Mosey to Grier field for Power Merkins.

60 yards of partner plank walk.  3 partner plank merkins every 5 yards, flip flop every 10.  Not only should you not try this at home, you should not even try this at all.  Arm burner

Mid-field, sprint to end zone, 30 LBC’s, sprint to end zone, 30 merkins

Grier Canopies:

5-10 Triangle ladder.  5 pulls ups, bear crawl out, 10 WWII’s, bear crawl back, 6 pull ups…… get the picture.

Mosey to FPC:

Parking lot lines, 5 merkins at 5th line (increase by 2 every 5th line)

FPC Canopy:

Partner 1 does Mary Katherines, partner 2 quads (nur) around circle, flap jack

Partner 1 does 180 jump squats, partner 2 karaoke around circle, flap jack

Partner 1 does sumo squats, partner 2 side shuffle, flap jack

Pad Stairs:

Modify to Linus suggestion based on Rerun’s suggestion, based on Pax disapproving, based on Rerun re-approving, based on Linus’ suggestion wins.  what?

20 Merkins bottom of stairs, bunny hop up (Somebody’s suggestion), 20 Homer/Marge top of steps.  Rinse and repeat, arms/legs/abs, how can it be any better?

Mosey to Schiele

Few minutes of Plank Mary’s



Look for Pre-blast for F3 Dad’s from Roscoe

Sledge-O-Matic is collecting Steel Toe Shoes for depressed area in West Va. so would be workers there can get employment in the mines.  Leaving Friday to deliver, needs by Wednesday.


Nikki Bailey


Prayers for Rudolph if he is found safe after fartsacking through Painlab Q.

Honored to be Q’ed from across the river.   Thank you Rerun for the beatdown, great Q.



Angry 7’s

Mount Hollywood 10/22/18
SSH x 15 IC
Don Q x 15 IC
Cotton Pickers x 15 IC

Mosey to back BB&T parking lot downtown near the nice well-lit wall for Angry 7’s!
7 reps of an IN CADENCE exercise, run a lap around the bank and return for a word about Anger while we catch our breath.
7 Merkins, run. In your anger, do not sin. “One who is quick tempered displays folly or foolishness.”
7 LBC’s, 7 Merkins, run. “Better a patient man than a warrior, a man who controls his temper than one who takes a city.” Patience is often an antidote for anger. Take that extra time to be patient in conversation especially with family.
7 Low Slow Squats, LBC’s, Merkins, run. “Do not let the sun go down while you are still angry.” Grudges eventually hurt you. I consider this essential to staying married for 31 years. My M is great at this and I am improving.
7 Hip Slappers (Where’s Huck?), Low Slow Squats, LBC’s, Merkins, run. “Be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to anger.” Reminder to take a deep breath before we speak and think about what we are saying.
7 WWI (probably shouldn’t be done In Cadence but we did any way), Hip Slappers, Low Slow Squats, LBC’s, Merkins, run. “Fools give full vent to their anger, but the wise bring calm.” Think of someone you know who is patient and calm and try to be more like that.
7 Monkeys Humpers, WWI, Hip Slappers, Low Slow Squats, LBC’s, Merkins, run. “It is to ones glory to overlook an offense.” Again, my M is great at this.
7 Flying Squirrels (CSpan special), Monkey Humpers, WWI, Hip Slappers, Low Slow Squats, LBC’s, Merkins, All In Cadence, run. “A gentle answer turns away wrath.” This is essential especially when dealing with your children.

1 minute Wall Sit with a few presses included.

Rugby Sprints. An exercise performed until Q says Go and then sprint across parking lot, sprint back across parking lot and then walk back across parking lot. Sprint should be faster pace than your previous lap speed. Little Baby Flutter Crunches, Freddie Macs, Jump Lunges (Sister Act’s fault for these), Merkins.

Mosey back to the school parking lot.

Announcements: 40 day challenge starting today, Convergence 11-10 at Yank at 7am, 3rd F event after that Convergence on 11-10 with Tiger and Squirt speaking.
Prayer Requests: Shad Rap’s M and son.


*Nice to be out on this cool morning. We got in almost 2 miles and plenty of reps of arms, core, legs and a little speed work. I wouldn’t have wanted to be the person at the bank machine when 10 men started running from the back of the parking lot toward their car. Sister Act was kind of quiet, so that was unusual. Slaw posting on a weekday morning was good to see and he was scraping the ground on the Low Slow Squats. We call those Slaw Squats at Midoriyama. Orangeman has been training for the half in Belmont and it sounds like he is ready. Shad Rap has his VQ Thursday at the Goat. Nice to see Freon posting as he lives close by and just runs up for the workout. Virus was running fast this morning on his laps around the bank. Always good to see all of the Mount Hollywood regulars. Tesla was War Daddy (oldest) and Shad Rap was War Baby (youngest). Until next time.

1 Corinthians 16:13 Be on your guard, stand firm in the faith; be men of courage: be strong.

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