Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Day: October 19, 2018

Oh by the way…

a couple of weeks ago at The Pub, we ran.

We started down Armstrong Park Rd.
Left on E Perry St.
Right on Lee St to get back on New Hope.
Left on New Hope.
Right on Armstrong Park Dr.
Right on Armstrong Park Rd and back to the Pub.

Burpeethon (yeah, it was that long ago)

Prayer Requests
Brett Riggs wife
Florence, SC officers
Sly and the soldiers
Kids in school
Sister Act’s daughter w/ migraines
Nicki Bailey
Boudin’s mother’s surgery
Gastone’s family
John Morris – JJ’s friend w/ Brain tumor
Anthrax family

Finally Fall at Midoriyama

14 HIMS showed at Midoriyama in absolutely beautiful weather conditions.  This is an awesome time of the year to post at Midoriyama.  We finally made it through the awful summer heat, to be rewarded for a workout in mid 60 degree temperatures.  So with the temperatures falling, it’s time to turn up the intensity.  Several guys were out getting in some EC runs today.  Way to keep pushing men.  5:30 hits, no FNGs,  it’s time to get started.

I’m not a huge fan of warm-ups.  No point in delaying the PAX for what they came for.  With that being said, let’s start this out right with a good ole Slaughter Starter.  20 Burpees should do the trick to get the blood flowing.  Plus, Slaw has missed time with his job, and I knew he was dying to get in some Burpees today.   After finishing the Burpees, we moseyed to the small soccer field on the right.

At the soccer field, PAX were to grab a partner for some 11’s.  Exercises called were Partner Derkins and Corkscrews.  In the middle of the field, P1 and P2 would start with 1 Derkin each.  P1 would hold plank while P2 uses the planking partner to complete Derkin.  Then flip for P2 to complete his Derkin.  Then split and run to opposite ends of the field and do 10 Corkscrews.  Return to middle for P1 & P2 to complete 2 Derkins each.  Then split and run to ends of field to do 9 Corkscrews.  Continue this until 10 Derkins each in middle and 1 Corkscrew each on field ends.

Next, we would gather at 1 corner of the soccer field.  Time for some Four Corner Escalator work.  Here we would mosey to first corner and perform 10 Burpees.  Then mosey to second corner of field for: 10 Burpees, 20 Jump Lunges.  Next mosey to 3rd corner for: 10 Burpees, 20 Jump Lunges, 30 Little Man in the Woods.  Finally mosey to 4th corner for:  10 Burpees, 20 Jump Lunges, 30 Little Man in the Woods,  40 CDD.  The plan was for us to go back down the escalator.  However, this smoked the legs pretty good.  Had to Omaha, and move on to something else.

Keep your same partner for a little Dora  1-2-3 on the soccer field.   Exercises called were 100 Ski Merkins, 200 Imperial Squats, 300 Flutter Kicks.  P1 runs width of field and back while P2 performs exercises.  Then switch, P2 runs, andP1 does exercise.  Continue until reps are complete. Time was starting to run low, and the Ski Merkins were awful.  So the numbers were changed to 50/100/150.

Next let’s do a slow mosey down the road headed towards flag.   Here is where I realized that we didn’t get in enough Burpees today.  So we stopped and performed 1 Burpee.  Then we lunge walked 4 steps, then 2 Burpees.  Lunge walk 4 more steps, 3 Burpees.  Continued this cycle of adding a Burpee until we completed 8 Burpees.  That left us with 96 Burpees for the day.  That close to a 100 you can’t stop, so 4 more Burpees were called to give us an even 100 for the workout.  Mosey back to the flag.

Had time for some Mary, but can’t remember what was called.  Oompa then led 22 Merkins for the Vets.  Time!



Prayer Request



It was an honor to lead today.  Thank you for the opportunity.

Sister Act



Swapping out the Bedpan

Being site Q Downtown the past several years has made me accountable, kept me in shape, motivated and close to a group of great guys making a positive impact.  My approach, get better.  If I had been sitting extra long at the office, focus on deep sea divers.  Maybe a sore hamstring, focus on deep sea divers.  Deltoid burning from Derkins, focus on deep sea divers.  Anyway, Bedpan is taking over the Pavillion, for the better.  May he break us down and build us up!  Cheers for Bedpan!!!!

WARM UP: 10 Merkins IC , Squats IC, Monkey Humpers 10 IC,
10 Dying Cockroaches 10 IC, Freddie Mercuries 10 IC,
Side Straddle Hops 20 IC



Break into groups of 3(or 4 depending on ).
1st partner bear crawls around pavilion,
the other 2 are doing Flutterkicks
Once completed, 10 Booyah Merkins with one of the partners.
Next partner bear crawls around pavilion

Once completed, 10 Booyah Merkins with one of the partners.

Once the round is over, each PAX will have completed
one bear crawl around the pavilion,
2 sets of Booyah Merkins
Flutterkicks during the other PAX crawls.


Mosey around the block to open up the lungs. Circle back to the parking lot.

Partner up.
From one end of the parking lot, one partner sprints
to the other end and mosey’s back. Other PAX is doing Mountain Climbers.
when they switch hit 10 Booyah Merkins.
2 Rounds

Next, one partner sprints to the other end and mosey’s back.
Other PAX is doing Bobby Hurley’s.
when they switch hit 10 Booyah Merkins.
2 Rounds

Next, one partner sprints to the other end and mosey’s back.
Other PAX is doing Plank Jacks.
when they switch hit 1 Burpie.
1 Round


10 Freddie Mercuries IC, 20 Flutterkicks IC, 10 American Hammers IC.
10 Merkins IC, 10 Peter Parkers IC
10 Freddie Mercuries IC, 20 Flutterkicks IC, 10 American Hammers IC.
10 Merkins IC, 10 Peter Parkers IC


Mosey back to the Pavilion

DEEP SEA DIVERS – 3 steps, 5 slappers per step.

Crunchy Frog – 10 IC
FLutterkicks 10 IC


Crossroads 10/7

7 men showed in the fog at Crossroads to put in some miles. Good work!!



Prayer Request



Appreciate the opportunity to lead.  Having the Q is what got my lazy butt out of the bed this morning to run.  I encourage everyone to find some opportunities to Q.  Sometimes it gives you that extra push.  Sorry for the delay in the Backblast.

Sister Act

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