Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Day: October 5, 2018

Much Merriment Mayhem

5:30 struck and a Q had not arrived. Gastone noticed and stepped to the middle to temporize the crowd. But, after 12 of us started with SSH, Spiderman came up and said Gastone you can keep it if you want. I oblige, the cheering began as you could hear the crowd with all the excitement to be part of a Gastone Q.

The Thang:

30 SSH (3 Count)

15 Merkins (3 count)

Mosey to the bridge.

Bear crawl across.

Mosey to parking lot with 2 sets of stairs.

Partner Exercise. Circle path in the parking lot around the stairs. Meet your partner at the top and the bottom. Start with 10 Partner Merkin’s at the top and 9 at the bottom. Rinse and Repeat until you run out of numbers.

LBC’s until all finish.

Mosey to the stairs with a hand rail. Everyone up on the railing with feet and hands on the top railing. Huckleberry at the bottom bear crawl to the top as we all slide down and then the next guy. Once finished  we reversed and went downhill. (next time feet on the top rail and hands on the second rail down)

Mosey back to parking lot. (about 10 yards)

First parking spot, 50 Monkey Humpers

Next spot, 20 in place lunges counting the right leg. (Clavin counted the left the entire time so he should make up for this today on his own time)

Next, 50 Squats

Next, 40 calf raises with feet together

Next, 50 Gorilla Humper’s (Same as Monkey except your spreed your legs further)

Next, 40 calf raises with feet apart.

Run backwards around the parking lot and back to the same parking spot.

Mosey back to bridge. (Peddles mentioned something about partner carry)

Bridge, Wheelbarrow across with partner. (Good idea Peddles with more partner work)

Backwards around this parking lot. It was flat.

Quickly tried Circle Derkins around round area. Not enough space.

5 Burpee’s for the train.

Jailbreak back to start.

The Moleskin:

We got to work this morning and some say that they were mad at Spiderman for handing off the Q. But, I will make note that he has been bringing the heat for a long time and his workouts can make mine look friendly. Another note, Q’s are available for you to pick up and unlike Cam Newton I don’t mind jumping on the ball when needed. Can you jump faster?

Prayers for Officers and families involved in the shooting in Florence.

Thanks for the opportunity, it is always an honor to be the Q.

Gastone Out!


The Rock Pushes Back

Some days you push the rock and some days it feels like the rock pushes you! The rock pushing back is what I was going for today when 17 other men joined me at Midoriyama. YHC’s M was a little late getting home from work so I came in  hot and a little late. No worries Def Leppard and Pizza Man had me covered on the warmup.


SSH x 25ic

Don Q x 10ic

LBC x 25ic

10 Burpees OYO

Morrocan Nightclubs

Let’s Mosey!

The Thang:

Partner up and each team gets a block. SA knew what was coming and really pouted about. 11’s with a partner-burpees on one end, run about70 yds, handslap merkins on the other. Take turns carrying the block. We did this one some time back and man does it suck!!!

Stay with your partner. P1 NUR’s up the hill carrying the block while P2 does squats. rotate,  do 150 together

Round 2( I may have heard a few cuss words) this time do 100 merkins.

Mosey back to the Flag.

Wall sits with hallelujah and punches to finish it out. SA participated in some of this.


Announcements-Convergence Nov 10th at The Yank, Burpeethon this Saturday BE THERE!, Get signed up for Christmastown 5K

Prayer Request-Several Kids


Forgot to Pledge. We’ll say they did it before I got there.

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