Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Month: August 2018 (Page 7 of 8)


Sometimes things don’t work out as planned.  YHC got up early to be certain a new area of Belmont was open and available for the PAX to enjoy. Yep, all looks good.  On the Yank to meet Traveler for a few EC miles.  Back to the Yank a little before 0700 and meet Quiche, Tool Time, and Boudine completing some EC of their own.

Q calls time, no FNGs so quick disclaimer and lets get started.  Warmup was SSH x15, Don Q x15, 5 burpee OYO.  Pledge.  Let’s mosey.

Up Nichol’s hill and out Central Ave toward HT.  Nope, not stopping at HT this morning, head to the high school.  Decent amount of activity in the parking lot by the stadium, YHC checks the gate, same gate that was checked at 0600, locked now.  Mosey to the end of parking lot where there was an open gate. Q announces stadium steps and descends down the hill toward the field, feels just like the glory days.  That is until we approached and told that the South’s premier HS football program is holding media day, we need to find another place to go.  Of course a good Q always has a back up plan.  But as for me, I winged it.

Head back up the parking lot towards front of school.  Q sees long row of buses parked side by side.  Announce Dora 123, partner up and do 100 push ups, 200 LBC, 300 squat, partner takes a lap around the buses.  Just so happens that we are working in a parking lot with numbered spaces, 381, 382, etc.  Decision made to call the same burpee (contra, de-constructed, or whatever the evil move is called) in relation to last number of each space starting at 381. So one burpee at 381, lunge to next space with two burpees and 382, etc all the way to 10 at 390.  Q was a little overly optimistic on how long this would take, so we called the second Omaha at 0745 to begin the mosey back to the Yank.

Fun was had by all.

Announcements: M led workout at Folsom 0800 8/11, CSAUP 8/25 and Sargento house destruction that evening, Stop Soldier Suicide 5k/10k Speed for Need event, JKK 5K same day, collection of school supplies by Sparky

Prayer requests: Tool Time asks for prayers for Sly and all our military members

Tiger closed in prayer

Always a pleasure


We trotted in that general direction

10 showed for the Coconut Run.

2 started at 5:30 for 5 extra and 1 overslept for that venture.

3 Started early for and extra 3 miles.

10 then ran 5 miles together.

Hushpuppy collected supplies for least of these. Honorable Mention

Tooltime went Full Starsky this morning. (Definition in Lexicon)

Made some announcements.


Nice, the guys sang Happy Birthday to me. All of you get extra points in my book for this. Thanks.

We broke in prayer.

Then went off to have some coffee,

Gastone Out!



Good Workout Cheap

A while back, Brownstreak Q’d the Gashouse and took us on a journey that eventually led to the Ollie’s parking lot. Along the way, he and others shared the impact F3 had on them in various areas of life. YHC knew that he’d not posted at Gashouse and gone that direction in quite some time so today was the day. I’d put out a note the day before on Twitter promising a “good workout cheap” as a play on Ollie’s “Good Stuff Cheap” motto.

YHC showed up a few minutes before 0700 to find the PAX waiting for the fun that was to come. After confirming that Rudolph was ready with the Pain Lab Q, we got started.

No FNG’s so the disclaimer was short.

SSH x 15
Imperial Walkers x 15
LBC’s x 14 (Was thinking ahead and hit the inflection count a little early)

The Pledge

We started our journey to run an errand while the Pain Lab PAX stayed behind for their own beat down.

Mosey up the road towards Ollie’s. Stopped at the Grier parking lot for some lunge work. Starting at the beginning of the parking spaces, lunge to the speed bump, stop and do 10 merkins. Lunge to the next speed bump, 10 more merkins. Lunge to the final speed bump, 10 more merkins. As noted by the PAX, the parking lot was a bit longer than I’d remembered when mentally planning the weinke, but all PAX survived.

Continued the mosey towards Ollie’s with another stop at Idlewood Circle to gather the PAX and let everyone catch their breath. Since we stopped, let’s do 20 LBC’s.

Continued the mosey with another stop at the office building behind Ollie’s. Partner up. Partner 1 runs around the building to the other entrance and then back again while the Partner 2 does Mountain Climbers. Once partner 1 returns, flip flop and Partner 2 runs while Partner 1 does MC’s. Repeat with another round of SSH while the partner runs.

Mosey to the Ollie’s parking lot. At this point, the PAX found out that Madoff had returned to the Pain Lab with Hercules. Down to a PAX of 5 at this point.

YHC explained to the PAX that this was the CHEAP part of the workout that was promised. More partner work. Partner 1 ran up the parking aisle while Partner 2 performed an exercise. When Partner 1 returned, Partner 2 ran while Partner 1 performed the exercise. After each exercise, the partners would move down one parking aisle.

H Humpers (it was noted that “Humpers” of any kind were acceptable, but it was clarified that it was probably
safe to keep it to either Monkey or Gorilla).
E Eleven of any exercise (and once you got done with the 11, do 11 more, then 11 more, until the partner
A American Hammers
P Plank Jacks

There was time so we ran CHEAP back. This time we only ran half way up the aisle using the light poles as markers. Ollie’s is a self-described “bargain outlet” but running only half way up the aisle didn’t seem like much of a bargain. So to get their money’s worth, we did escalating burpees when turning around at the light poles. Aisle 1 = 1 burpee; Aisle 2 = 2 burpees; and so on until Aisle 5 = 5 burpees. Judging from the feedback, the PAX were a group of satisfied customers.

Time to mosey back. Stop at Idlewood again to gather the PAX. LBC’s x 15.

Mosey to Grier entrance. LBC’s x 25

Mosey back to the Schiele to meet up with Pain Lab. When we returned, they were doing their manliest yoga poses.
YHC and Rudolph led 4 rounds of dueling Mary that included Box Cutters, American Hammers, Mountain Climbers (I think), and Dying Cockroaches. The bells ended the duel.

Just to note, we ran 2.9 miles in our travels.

Burpees by the lake – 10/6 – benefitting Special Olympics
Get school supplies to Hushpuppy for The Least of These
8/25 Gashouse 50 mile relay and 2nd F at Sargento’s

Prayer Requests
Mayor – Brother-in-law, Craig- seizure/brain defect
Nicky Bailey
Hushpuppy – consult w/ spine surgeon this upcoming week
Ethan Scott
Pedal – dad w/ Parkinson’s


Thanks for the chance to lead.

The Spirit of 276

Today was the day to implement the test.  A few days earlier I messaged Roscoe and asked if he remembered a workout at Downtown that I never forgot.  It was my first post in awhile, those two years ago, where I was back from the beach and decided to rededicate effort into F3.  Nearly a year before Painlab was to start, Roscoe was the Q and there were about 10 of us.  I remember Easy Rider, Def Leppard, Hushpuppy and Squirt being there.  Can’t remember any more, but there’s a picture somewhere.

Roscoe took us on a workout around town, running up and down the parking deck, but stopped and had us circle up into 4 groups.  He did a waterfall of Burpees, and it never seemed to stop.  He sped it up with Def at some points, I remember that, but before the end we had done roughly 85 Burpees in a row.  I remember that workout because it was something I wouldn’t have said I could do, if you told me to do it beforehand.  That’s a great part of F3, the time you realize you can do more.  Plus I felt nauseous.

SO….with that backstory here we go.  I get to the parking lot with my truck full of weights and , and there is Linus.  This site Q is all over his job, and has been busting his @$$  pushing the rock.  We shoot the bull, and talk weight-lifting.  We’re thinking that maybe we should start an EC thing at Gashouse with some mass-building-centric stuff?  I keep saying it, the older we guys get, the more muscle loss is going to happen, it’s just a fact.  So you all stew on that.  But he helps me make the stations and set the weights at.   The guys start to trickle in, and I tell Mayor that we might not have but a few folks for Painlab and then we’d join JJ for a bootcamp.  Luckily the number hit just right!

JJ warmed us up, Pledge, then the split.  I told JJ in secret about the Test I was going to do, he said they were going to go away…..far away.  Later I saw they went to Ollie’s.  Adios boys.

8 (9 with me) stuck for Painlab.  Disclaimer, and remember these rules for when you Q:

1) Modify as needed.  Ankle hurting?  Let Q know and he can give you something else to do (Merkins, LBC, there is always an alternative).

2) We do zero to low impact.  You CAN do high-impact, like the hop after the Burpee, or do it slower.  Again, we modify.

3) We’ve had a theme of using weights.  This is not required.  If you Q Painlab, holler at HIPAA and get some original ideas.  He’s done great in innovating this AO.

I set up 8 stations to rotate through.  When someone realized that there was 9 of us, we made a new one on the spot.  Improv!

Goblet Squats with 50 lb. kbell

Diamond Merkins (Hushpuppy missed my diamond drawing.  Uncultured).

Halos with 30 lb. kbell

Curls with 50lb. curl bar

Tricep Extension with 20 lb. dumbell

American Hammer with cinderblock

Rows with 50 lb. kbell

Marches with 25 lb. plate or 20 lb bell

*Lunges with 2 10 lb. hand weights (this is what we made up, good job Mayor!)

You do 10-15 repetitions, rotate when I say so, we rest 30-60 seconds before next station, repeat.  My favorite was when Top Hat grabbed the 50 lb. kbell for squats and yelled out “JOHN BROWN!”.  I think he’s feeling muuuuuch better these days.  So we do this times 2 cycles.  This was more work than what we did 2 years ago with Roscoe, and while I knew it would have an effect, we put in 30 minutes of work.  Perfect.

Next was the test, we split into groups, Hushpuppy remembered what I told the gang about the Roscoe workout and girded himself.  Only difference was that each group would count and we would ascend, not do a 1-2-3-1, count, but just count up.  I thought this would give some mental edge.  Plus, I made a playlist specific for this event.  So me and Hunkajunk paired up, Mayor and Defib, Pedal along with Hushuppy, TopHat with Sledge-o-matic and Hunchback.  I can’t remember what number we were on, but here comes Madoff and Hercules.  They join up, welcome to the pain train!

At this point I set the time for 15 minutes.  I saw the sweat, I saw the push, and tried to keep the chatter up.  The third song on the playlist helped to inspire me and Mayor, when “Real American” came on.  How can you not flashback to your youth when Hulkomania was running wild?  Say your prayers, eat your vitamins and be a good American.  Hot damn I’m pumped up now!  At one point I saw the group sagging just a hair, I told them to put their arms in the air and I checked the clock.  11:30 had passed.  I asked if they had it in them to go for 4 more minutes.  The answer was a resounding yes, so back to work we went.

Final count – 276 group burpees.  That’s 69 individual in a row.  The bench mark has been set for PainLab.  Next time is 277 or bust.  GREAT WORK MEN.  And hats off to Pedal, who did the torture chamber with Gastone the day before, which looked like the stuff of nightmares.

I had everyone sit on their 6 and did some basic stretches to cooldown.  Weightlifting + 69 consecutive burpees is pretty rough on the body.  After 5 minutes of stretch I lead us in some yoga poses to actively stretch.  I enjoyed watching people shake and tremble while planking.  Monk came running up during tree pose and looked like he’d seen a car accident.  GET TO WORK MONK.  JJ joined me in the circle, we did some Mary work, churchbells = time.

MOLESKIN – been waiting for a time to do the test.  Hats off to Roscoe for pushing me 2 years ago, hats off to Painlab participants for not quitting.  You can pause, you can go slow, you can let doubt creep in, but the test has one bigger purpose – push your brother, iron sharpens iron.

Until the next time, adios.  And if interested in an EC kbell-weight session before bootcamp on Saturdays, holler. Gastone was thinking of one through the week too.  Opportunities abound.  Proud of all this new blood taking over site Q’s!


Turkish, and why do they get up with one hand in the air?

13 High Impact Men showed for a soggy drizzle perfect condition workout with Gastone.

The Thang:

20, 3 count Merkins

25, 3 count  SSH

20 Diamond Merkins OYO

15 3 count Smurf Jacks  (Pizza Man, this mixes up the norm)

25 Imperial Walkers

20 3 Count CCD’s

Now that everyone is awake, Mosey.

Mosey to the corner of S. South St to 2nd avenue.

Plank for 6

25, 3 count Mountain Climbers

Mosey to corner of 2nd and Marietta.

Triple Nickle from 2nd up to Franklin. 75% Sprint to the top of hill then 5 Burpee’s, rinse and repeat for a Triple Nickle. ( The triple was the 3 trips to the top and the nickel was the 5 Burpee’s upon arrival.)

LBC’s while we wait on the 6.

Backwards up the hill to Franklin.

Mosey to the wall and have a seat against.

Balls to the wall for a 30 second count.

30 Sumo Squat Jumps, OYO

Wall Sit, Knee’s lower than your butt. 20 Second count.

Balls to the wall for a 30 second count

30 Sumo Squat Jumps, OYO

30 Monkey Humpers

30 Squats

Wall Sit, Knee’s lower than your butt. 20 Second count.

Balls to the wall for a 30 second count

30 Sumo Squat Jumps, OYO

20 Monkey Humpers

10 Gorilla Humpers

30 Squats

Mosey to the bridge.

Lunge Walk across entire bridge.

Bear Crawl Back.

Mosey to middle of parking lot.

20 Mountain Climbers

20 Plank Jacks

20 Mountain Climbers (It was at this moment when Pizza Man mentioned that I need to look at the exercise lexicons to come up with original material)

Next Exercise, Turkish Burp. (Lay on the Ground with one arm straight above you like superman, Stand up while keeping arm straight above you, then jump to the ground do a Merkin, bring your feet under you and jump in the air) A Turkish Get Up with a Burpee.

Mosey to the start, right on time.

The Moleskin:

Oh, the fun everyone had.

Prayer Request for several battling Cancer. My favorite saying from a good friend of our family that passed from Cancer is “Cancer Sucks”. I really believe that term and cannot wait until the kick cancer’s butt with a cure.

Also, pray for people with addiction problems.  Addiction, if you have a loved one or a friend that battles with these problems they can have serious effects on your life just to know these people. Many times the people with the addiction don’t think they have a problem, they do. They think they are fine and that it has no effect on others. But they are wrong, it causes pain for all of those involved. If you battle addiction just ask for help and take the steps to end your dependency and I am sure you will find some brother’s in F3 to support you. I will.


August Monthly Challenge of 20 Contra Burpees per day

The Forge – Wednesday’s @ 6:30pm (Green and Grit’s in Lowell)

August 6th @ 5:30am – Official Mt. Hollywood AO Launch (Mt. Holly Middle School – 124 S Hawthorne St, Mt Holly, NC 28120)

August 11th – F3 Gastonia M’s workout @ Folsom @ 8am

August 12th – Crossroads Convergence (Coconut Horse will be CLOSED)

August 25th – BRR/Bourbon Chase Relay CSAUP @ 4am….sign up here –

August 25th – 2nd F event at Sargento’s Casa (PAX and M’s ONLY)

Sept. 22nd – Stop Solider Suicide 5k/10k Speed For Need event in Belmont….sign up here – Discount Code: HAPPY

Sept. 22nd – JJ5K at Common Grounds in Stanley…sign up here –

Oct. 6th – Special Olympics Burpee-thon – More information to come


Also, sign up for Christmas Town 5k. This is one that all the Pax should attend and bring your family.

Thanks for the opportunity to Q, I am humbled through all of you.

Gastone Out!

We Ran

YHC is a week late in posting this BB but believe that I still have a good memory of what took place.

YHC rolled in about 0528 to find the PAX waiting on the Q.
YHC shared the route which sent everyone quickly back to find a light or vest.

We ran. Left out of Hoffman Village onto Gaston Day School Rd.
Right at the round-about down Kendrick.
Right on Country Club Dr and left on Brentwood Circle for the extra mileage
Right on Kendrick
Right on Robinwood/Hoffman and back to The Pub

Others may have made additional turns to pick up mileage, but YHC was holding down the Q from the 6 so I missed that.

Tool Time and Diva came back to pick me up, and we found the PAX there when we arrived.

The Pledge

Tool Time was a fountain of information for announcements (Thanks, Nantan!)
8/4 Tesla leading a group to Revolution Park AO
8/25 F3 Gastonia 50 mile relay
8/25 2nd F at Sargento’s home that evening
10/6 Burpeethon
JJ 5k coming up

Prayer Requests:
Stroganoff – Dad’s test results
Scott Family – Ethan (cancer)
Sly and the soldiers protecting our freedom


Choose Your Partner



Mountain Climbers-10 IC;

Imperial Squats-10 IC;

Goofballs-10 IC;

Moroccan Nightclubs-10 IC


Mosey to bridge

Dan Taylor across the bridge ( 1 Squat/4 Lunge, 2 Squats/8 Lunges, etc)

Forties: Choose a partner

30 Dips/10 Pattycake Merkins; Take a lap

25 Dips/15 Pattycake Merkins; Lap

20 Dips/20 Patttycake Merkins: Lap

15 Dips/25 Pattycake Merkins: Lap

Pax lined up for Plank Jacks and Dominoes: Left hand high, first pax gets into plank and does 5 merkins until each pax has completed a set; Right hand high, rinse and repeat with 4 merkins.

Mosey to street for Captain Thors: 1 Big Boy sit up/4 American Hammers, etc.

Choose a partner for Dwight Howards:

Round 1: Pax 1 Jumps, both hands to wall, as high as possible; Pax 2 runs around the building, and switch

Round 2: Pax 1 Wall Sit/Air Presses; Pax 2 runs around the building, and switch

Round 1: Pax 1 Donkey Kicks; Pax 2 runs around the building, and switch

Choose a different partner

Round 1: Pax 1 LBC’s/Pax 2 Nur up hill, 5 burpees, runs back, and switch

Round 2: Pax 1 Flutter Kicks/Pax 2 Nur, 5 Jump squats, and switch

Round 3: PAx 1 Dying cockroaches/Pax 2 Nur, 5 SSH, and switch

Mosey to flag.

Prayer Requests:

Slim Shady-grandma

Anchorman-colleague’s son facing brain surgery


Mt Hollywood-next Monday, August 6, 5:30 at Mount Holly Middle School

Forge-Grits and Greens, Wednesday’s at 6:30

Word: 1 Peter 5:7 Casting all your anxieties on Him because He cares for you. Throw them all on Him; He does care for you


YHC took us out in prayer.

I almost titled this Backblast “Q Can’t Count” as I lost track a few times; but my goals were to give a full body workout and to encouragement fellowship in partners. This was my first Q as Site Q at The Goat, and I am thankful to God daily for f3 and all of you guys. You’re in my prayers constantly! Thankful that the weather held out and for the men that came out today! I’m honored, as always, to lead. Thanks, Dolph, for all your support and for taking the lead as site Q this past year!!

Over and out,





5 PAX attended The Forge this week. YHC led the group on a discussion of Thomas one of the 12 Apostles. We all at least know a little about Thomas. 2000 years later we still call people doubting Thomas’s. What we have found from  our study is that this is an unfair name for him. Thomas didn’t doubt anymore than the rest of the group. What we did find is that Thomas was so devoted, so loyal to Jesus that in John 11:16 he was ready to die with him.

Other vs covered-John 14:4, 20:24

My Lord and My God!


Next week Def Leppard takes on Paul! Or least some of it

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