Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Day: August 7, 2018

The Lone Rucker

9 men showed at Crossroads this morning!  8 PAX ran 3-5 miles, and we had 1 Lone Rucker.   The Mayor was the first to show, and went to work and pushed the rock today rucking solo.  Good job sir!  Great work from the other PAX as well.  Awesome that we continue to have steady numbers at this AO and guys making time on Sunday mornings to push the rock.


Prayer Request: YHC took us out



Honor to lead today!

Sister Act

Shed of sorrows

10 showed at Folsom for a muggy morning beat down, delivered by the chief himself!


prayer request- each other, medicine woman’s leg, oompa ‘s family!



The chief took us out!

Bat Flippers

12 PAX posted on Thursday at Midoriyama. YHC is a little late on the BB due to going out of town the next morning. But hey at least it’s done before the next Midoriyama workout. I had a special workout planned for some of the bat flippers that come out but to my surprise they didn’t show. No offense to those that did I just had a few particular PAX in mind. That being said I decided to improvise and save my batflipper workout for another day. Here is what I remember.


Butt kickers, high knees, SSH, Morroccan nightclubs

The Thang:

NUR up and down the hill 5 times

Joe Hendricks x 3

10 Calf Raises on each step-in hindsight not a good idea before going to the mtn’s biking for three days!

Merkins and pullups

Victory march-lunge lunge Bobby Hurley

Wall sits

Step ups and tridips

Finished with 2 minutes of AMRAP burpees. How many can you do? A brother from Lake Norman did 50 in the middle of a Goruck tough after completing a Goruck heavy!!!!!


Good Job Everyone!

Touchdown Beatdown

We started this weekend off right with a good ole beatdown. Sister act had a very impressive month of July with 37 post. Mad respect bud you have inspired a lot of men to really push the rock. BUT because of his push he has been a little mouthy lately. Therefore I made sure he had a weighted vest for warmup.




Slawter starter(20 burphees oyo)


Let’s mosey to the bottom parking lot.


The thang:

Touchdown beatdown

Start in the endzone and bear crawl to the 10 yard line for 10 CDD

Run to the 20 for 20 lunges

Run to the 30 for 30 merkins

Run to the 40 for 40 squats

Run to the 50 for 50 lbs

Run to the 40 for 40 squats

Run to the 30 for 30 merkins

Run to the 20 for 20 lunges

Run to the 10 for 10 CDD

Run back to the start and r&r for 45 mins.

After 45 mins of tdbd we fellowship mosey back to the parking lot. There we pledged and did 22 for the vets. We also my have cooled Sister Act down a little.



August Monthly Challenge of 20 Contra Burpees per day

The Forge – Wednesday’s @ 6:30pm (Green and Grit’s in Lowell)

August 6th @ 5:30am – Official Mt. Hollywood AO Launch (Mt. Holly Middle School – 124 S Hawthorne St, Mt Holly, NC 28120)

August 11th – F3 Gastonia M’s workout @ Folsom @ 8am

August 12th – Crossroads Convergence (Coconut Horse will be CLOSED)

August 25th – BRR/Bourbon Chase Relay CSAUP @ 4am….sign up here –

August 25th – 2nd F event at Sargento’s Casa (PAX and M’s ONLY)

Sept. 22nd – Stop Solider Suicide 5k/10k Speed For Need event in Belmont….sign up here – Discount Code: HAPPY

Sept. 22nd – JJ5K at Common Grounds in Stanley…sign up here –

Oct. 6th – Special Olympics Burpee-thon – More information to come

Prayer request we had some mentioned and some not mentioned

Way to push today men it was an honor as always to lead.


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