Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Month: August 2018 (Page 1 of 8)

Fellowship and Some Excercise

I’m sorry for the late BB.

16 High Impact Men showed to better themselves, their families, there communities, and the souls they will have a chance to impact this day.

The focus of this particular workout was fellowship.  It stemmed from an earlier workout Q’d by Whoopee.  I thought it was a very challenging and productive morning but when I read his BB he made a very good point. What he labeled as a Q fail was that there was very little opportunity for fellowship during the workout.  Lets face it, the fellowship is a HUGE motivation for overcoming the fart sack and posting.  With that said, the idea behind this was to keep the group grouped, moving at his own pace, giving and getting a push and some encouragement from a peer when needed, and some conversation….all the while getting in a good workout.

This was what that looked like.


SSH x 20

High Knees x 20

Mosey to short wall in front for bank for Dips x 20

The Thang:

Mosey to the Old Coconut Horse parking lot for this idea taken directly from the Dolph playbook.  Thanks Dolph.

10 parking placed were set up as stations marked in chalk.  The Pax was to complete said exercise and mosey, run, walk, limp. crawl, or whatever they can do two light poles down (approx 150′) and back then continue to the next station.

The stations were as follows;

  1. Burpees x 10
  2. American Hammers x 20
  3. Merkins x 20
  4. LBC’s x 50
  5. CDD’s x 20
  6. Curls with either 17lb or 30lb dumbells x 20
  7. Squats x 20
  8. Toe Risers x 20
  9. Bobby Hurleys x 10
  10. Leg Raises x 20

We did this until 6:14am then mosey back to start.  My fitness watch said we did roughly 2.5 miles all the while listening to some music, talking, and hanging out.  The time seemed to fly by.

It was really great to see Bandit.

Great fellowship and work by all.  You are all such and inspiration.

Please read HIPAA’s post for the announcements.  There are quite a few and all great stuff.  It’s so nice to be part of a group doing great thing for the community.




The Pain of Isolation

It’s been awhile. Had my third child, Anna Joy Rinaldi, and been anxious to get back. I’ve had this idea in my head about the pain of isolation, as I certainly experienced this while having to step away from F3, making sure Anna, my M Sloane and family were taken care of in her early months.

THE WARMUP (10 in cadence except burpees) – Side Strapple hops, burpees (5), plank jacks, burpees (5), and peter parkers


THE THANG – Dubbing it now as The Isolation Train. Each HIM in plank position. One HIM runs around the building, all other HIMs do shoulder taps until returns. this is repeated, with next exercise being mountain climbers, then left foot to right hand, right foot to left hand, until all 13 HIMs have completed…Analogous God’s mercy and grace, through in some isolated LBCs…We moseyed back to the  starting point after doing a lap, to the next part – The Isolation Wall. Similar to the Isolation Train, Each Him would be inverted on the Wall. This time, two HIMS would run at a time around the wall, until all completed 2X. The exercises would be Hip Slappers, Donkey Kicks, and Jock Straps (my version of Ballz ;-)) to the Wall… Again analogous of God’s mercy and grace, through in some wall sits to ease the should stress…All HIMs returned back to the where we had completed The Isolation Train and repeated it. This time with two running together around the building, while others completed shoulder taps, mountain climbers, etc…We mosey’d back to the starting point to wrap up with two exercise symbolizing the power of sharing each other’s burdens and being there for one another through struggles. Each group of two did patty cake merkins and hand shake squats…Dolph concluded us with Big Boy Situps.

I spoke about the theme of isolation…Asking the question of where do we often carry our burdens? With HIMs answering on our shoulders…And where was the focus of the workout?….Shoulders!!!

There’s so much good that comes when we come alongside each other and share each others burdens, be there in times of need, celebrate in God’s many ways of blessing us.

That’s the dilly dilly!!!

Slim Shady

Stretching is way overrated

If you don’t know who Bob Wylie is, you are missing out. He’s the offensive line coach for the Cleveland Browns who has a personality about as big as his waistline. In a video with language not suitable to show your mama, he shares that America “won two World Wars, two World Wars” by doing pushups, jumping jacks, situps, climbing a rope and running. In honor of the treasure that is Bob Wylie, the PAX at The Pub concentrated on one of those foundational principles of American greatness. We ran…

The “Pub Route”
Out of the Publix parking lot and right on Hoffman
Left onto Pamela (to be clear, that is take a left turn onto Pamela St)
Left onto Gardner Park Dr
Left onto Armstrong Park Rd
Back to The Pub
Thanks to the PAX for helping recover the lost sheep. Q fail on that for losing the six.

The Pledge

Prayer Requests
Stroganoff and family
Gastone’s in-laws
Dunce and M for the baby on the way

Close in Prayer

Good work by all.

Until next week…

BackBlast 8/23

10 PAX showed on a really nice evening at Midoriyama.  Awesome to have temperatures in the low 80s in August.  I noticed we have 1 FNG with us today, so a short disclaimer was given.


Slaughter Starter-  which is 20 Burpees OYO

The Thang:

Mosey to the hill that leads down to the fishing pier.  For those that frequent Midoriyama, you know that this is a long tough hill.   With that said, time for some Triple Nickel.  This is where you perform 5 x called exercise at top, run to bottom and complete 5 x called exercise and then run back to top.  5 repetitions (5/5/5=Triple Nickel).  We started with Jump Lunges up top with right knee and left knee going down counting as 1 rep.  We ran to bottom and did 5 Burpees, then ran back to top.  We did this 5 times to complete the Triple Nickel.  While waiting on the six to finish, someone called I think 40 LBCs OYO.

Next mosey across the street to small parking lot.  Here we got a partner to do some 11s.  With partners on opposite sides of parking lot, we started with 10 Tiger Squats.  Then meet your partner in the middle for 1 Booyah Merkin.  Partners plank facing each other.  Perform merkin in unison and on up move reach out and tap right hand of partner.  Repeat merkin and on up move reach out and slap left hand of partner to complete 1 rep.  Continue doing this until you flip the numbers and end with 1 Tiger Squat on each side and 10 Booyah Merkins in the middle.  Way to push on this one fellas, the merkins are tough at the end.

With time running short, we started our mosey back to the flag.  We would do some route 66 with Plank Jacks stopping at 11 different light poles to perform the exercises.  First pole was 11 Plank Jacks, next pole 10, next 9, continue until performing 1 Plank Jack at the last light pole.  Finised up and mosey to flag.

With the upper body feeling good from the Booyah Merkins, might as well do some more.  Here I called a little Burp & Merk.  I modified this a little and changed the merkin to Hand Release Merkins.  Start with your traditional Burpee and do Hand Release Merkin at bottom then complete.  Drop back down for a second burpee with 2 Hand Release Merkins at bottom.   I think we continued this until 9 Hand Release Merkins were completed.  Upper body was smoked at this point.   A couple ab exercises were called until time was up.  Great push men.



Prayer Request


It was an honor to lead today men.  Welcome FNG Somebody (Doug Flemming).

Sister Act


This week started with Roadie scheduled to Q this morning.  He asked me on Monday to take his Q as he had previously scheduled plans.  He didn’t tell anyone about the change – just that he had big plans for Thursday.  He wasn’t wrong.  Big didn’t mean anything overly special, he meant big as in an elephant had the Q.   At 0529 YHC informed the PAX that Roadie was in fact not the Q, and it was time to clock in.

Warmup: SSH x 15IC, Toy soldiers x 10IC and Hillbilly x 10IC


Mosey to the lower parking lot for deconstructed burpees.

Move down to the turd shack and grab some wall.  11s with Australian mountain climbers and regular mountain climbers.

Take the steps back up by doing 15 calf raises per step.

Route 66 with squats, lunge walk the lines.

Bear crawl/lunge walk to the speed bump and then mosey to the tennis courts.

Circle up: 10 crab cakes and 20 LBCs.

Rugby sprints x 3

Circle up for Mary.  Flutter kicks, Sandy Vs, American Hammers, WW1, Burpees, shoulder taps and Mrs. Parkers.



Annoucements: JJ5K, Speed for Need 5/10k, burpeethon, Snowbird retreat.

Prayer requests: each other.  Gumby’s father in law.

Praise report: Gumby baptized his son last Sunday.

BOM: YHC closed us in prayer.

It was an honor.

Philippians 4:13


Why Run?

It was another humid morning to start out in the Folsom gloom. The PrisonBreak attendance has been pretty darn good since the AO started and today didn’t disappoint. I’m sure the reason behind this phenomenon is due to the HIMness of the site Q………….or……….his leg.  The Folsom AO started about 2.5 years ago and the amount of running per WO May have reached a total of .5-.75 miles. Which sucked then. For some odd damn reason all of a sudden Folsom decides .5 miles is not enough and it’s gotten carried away to where Folsom hosts 2 running AOs a week! Then, some started with the XmasTown 5k, then the first CSAUP relay, more 5ks, another CSAUP relay and now, some are talking about the P200!!!! What has happened to ole school Folsom? Anyway, cars are rolling in, yes, cars. The Folsom brand has made such a stamp out and about the Gastonia region that not just the stereotypical truck driver posts nowadays. Enough of the chit chat. It’s 5:30 and WomanLeg is not present.


All PAX ran, moseyed, mall walked, or jogged this AM for between 2-5 miles give or take. Some left early and some left late.

Announcements LaborDay Murph at Martha’s

YHC took us out in prayer

It’s an honor to Q and be the site Q for Prisonbreak even though I’m not a “runner.” I hate running, but for some dumb reason I continue to perform said dumbness.

MW Out

Special Olympics – Burpees by the Lake (AKA Burpeethon)

This is an intensive 2 person team workout for the burpee enthusiast!

There will be adults only heats and adult/child heats

Added bonus: $2.00 “How many can you do in a minute?” competitions for prizes! (Burpees, push-ups, sit-ups, hip slappers)


October 6th, 2018      9:00 am– 11:00 am

Rankin Lake Park, 1750 Rankin Lake Rd, Gastonia




COST: $25.00 paid day of event.  Cotton adult sized Guardian of Flames t-shirt for all participants if registered by 9/18/18 – 100% of all proceeds go to Special Olympics NC

Waiver: Please print and sign the waiver – 2018 General Waiver for SONC-Burpeethon.  Remember to bring with you day of the event.

REGISTRATION: Rankin Lake Park Waterfront Shelter  8:00am-9:00 am the day of the event


Pre-Register below by September18th to reserve your T-SHIRT!!!!!

Error: Contact form not found.


14 PAX posted for another one of Pizza Man’s JV Q’s.  A baker dozen stayed for the beat down while one went for a solo bike ride.  Many of you know that I have a routine of doing a Monday Murph.  With this Q I wanted to honor another fallen VET so I searched and found a pretty good one called the “Zachary Tellier”.   After reading who the workout was named in honor of I realized this HIM was from Charlotte.  17:30 was approaching and the PAX kept arriving.  17:30 hits and it’s time to begin….


SSH x 15 IC

Don Q’s x 10 IC

Let’s mosey to the small soccer field…YHC read a short description of who Zachary Tellier was and that this workout was to honor HIM!!

The Thang:

10 Burpees

Jog across the field

10 Burpees

25 Merkins

Jog across the field

10 Burpees

25 Merkins

50 Lunges(25 each leg)

Jog across the field

10 Burpees

25 Merkins

50 Lunges(25 each leg)

100 Big Boy Sit-Ups

Jog across the field

10 Burpees

25 Merkins

50 Lunges(25 each leg)

100 Big Boy Sit-Ups

150 Air Squats

Throughout this workout mubblechatter was at a minimal but the PUSH was great!!  Great work by ALL!!

With time to spare we moseyed to the playground for 11’s.  The exercises were Pull-Ups and Merkins…this was definitely a crowd pleaser!!  I reminded the PAX that this is JV and in order to get to varsity you must PUSH THE ROCK!!



As always, thanks so much for giving me the opportunity to lead the HIMs that posted at Midoriyama.  You are an amazing group of men and the brotherhood we have out there is indescribable.



Labor Day Murph – September 3rd @ 7am – Martha Rivers  (ALL OTHER AO’s WILL BE CLOSED)

SFN Stop Solider Suicide 5/10k – September 22nd @ 7:30am Discount Code:HAPPY

JJ5K – September 22nd @ 9am

Special Olympics Burpee-thon – October 6th @ Rankin Lake


Until next time…Pizza Man is OOOOUUUUUUTTTTTTT!!!

Burpee Mile

School is back in session, most of the F3 men are finished traveling now so we had a great crowd today! 12 HIM’s came out. I always look at the exercise list on the F3 app before I write out my wienkie, I noticed one called the Burpee Mile! I thought well my trusty watch says I’m at 89 miles logged since I started tracking my info in April. I thought for a moment that’s nothing for some of the guys in F3 they run that much in a month, personally I had set a goal to complete 100 miles before my 40th birthday in December. For once I’m ahead of schedule. I thought how great would it be to put mile 90 on the wall with a bunch of burpees. I’m now ten miles away from my goal looks like I’m pushing my goal out to 150 before 40 now. Here’s how our day started to greatness!
The thang:
Warm up ssh x15 squats x 10 raise the roof x 30 all on a 3count.
Mosey some of the guys decided to go ahead so thanks to MW and roadie we zigged while others zagged.
12 burpees
To the flag pledge lbcs x25 merkins x 20 hillbillies x 20
Mosey then 12 more burpees. By this time mumble chatter was loud so I explained that Rudolph made the push Saturday with so many burpees that this was nothing.
Mosey 12 burpees
Mosey when we hit one mile I stopped the group explained that with them I had just crossed 90 miles and the 89 before I had run with,behind,beside or in front of some of the men here today. I thanked everyone with 12 more burpees. Total was at 48. Couple of ocd men did two more just to get to 50.
Mosey stopped for some dips x25
Dirty hook ups x 15 and a new Folsom favorite Nancy Kerrigan’s 10 per leg. (No legs were harmed in this exercise # @womanleg).
Back to the beginning 22 for the vets still a few minutes so we did some Mary to finish up.

F3 has changed my life! If you see a sad clown walking around EH him and don’t stop. Keep pushing the rock.
Prayer request: A friend of medicine Woman who lost his brother in a car accident. Pray for each other, and the kids as they start a new school year.

Announcements : jj5k and stop soldier suicide 5k coming up September 22.

The Bed Pan is full!


6 PAX posted at Crossroads Sunday morning for what YHC was calling the recovery ruck. 5 had run in the CSAUP the day before and the other was often seen on the course(T-Claps to Hacksaw for his support). I decided to step up the ruck a little by adding some stuff to carry. We threw in some bricks and 2-20lbs dumb bells. Even a 5 lbs brick gets a little taxing on the hands after a while. We weren’t fast today but we had some good conversations(the best part of rucking)! All in all we did a little over 4 miles. Hacksaw was doing curls the whole time. SA complained a lot but was amazed at how many calories his watch said he burned. Golddigger struggled with walking and not running.  Either way these guys all came out and got after again!

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