Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Day: July 28, 2018

Twerking with Soccer Arms (Literally)

15 for Pain Lab, 2 for a tandem bicycle ride

Def Leppard reached out to me awhile back wondering if I would bring Pain Lab out to Midoriyama. I have a tremendous amount of respect for him and obliged to his request. Midoriyama has a large space and also a few extra hidden toys YHC could not possibly fit in his “Prius”, like large Folsom truck tires. Knowing the amount of HIM that would post I knew the weinke had to be large enough to accommodate all that showed up. This was by far the largest Pain Lab group YHC has ever had and I believe it was enjoyed by all.

I pre-blasted on the Twitter that there would be no running as this is a low to no impact workout. As I arrived early to setup, I saw some PAX getting some EC running in. I laughed as they ran by as these guys probably thought this would be an easy workout. BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!

As the PAX began to arrive, the amount of kettlebells grew. YHC had the battle rope present and decided to do something fun. Lined the kettlebells up and threaded the battle rope through them all. Mind you the rope is 50ft in length. Yes, we will be group carrying this for a hot minute.

No FNG’s, so quick disclaimer

Quick Warmup

Moroccan Night Clubs IC

Cherry Pickers IC


Alright, let’s grab the kettlebell rope and other misc toys (sledge hammer, slam ball, large speaker, block) and fellowship mosey to the small soccer field.

Wait, what’s this? We have a sudden walk up by a young Gentleman asking what we are doing. “Large group workout, wanna join us?” Young guy, “I would but I have a bum knee” (is this Medicine Woman’s cousin??). “Bum knee? Then you came to the right workout today! Low to No Impact so cmon!” FNG Erick Silva joined us. FYI, EH’ng on the fly is an awesome high. Disclaimer with FNG as we finished our mosey.

The Thang:

***This is Pain Lab so loud music was present. Today’s tracks: Drum and Bass playlist or “Twerking” music as most, if not all PAX, referred to it as.

Station work

17 Stations

45 seconds each station

15 second rest between stations

  1. KB Lat Pullover to chest press

  2. Flutter Kicks

  3. KB Deadlift

  4. LBC’s

  5. KB Shoulder Presses

  6. Wide Merkins

  7. KB Swings

  8. Dying Cockroaches

  9. KB Skull Crushers

  10. Diamond Merkins

  11. KB Halos

  12. Dips

  13. Tire Flips

  14. Slam Ball – Overhead slams

  15. American Hammers

  16. Sledge Hammer Tire – Overhead

  17. Battle Ropes – 2 arm wave

Looked at watch, 5:59. Yea, we got time.

Next phase:


Curls bottom of hill 10-1

Walk up hill with kettlebell or other weight

Weighted Squats top of hill 1-10


Head back to flag


Announcements and many prayer requests.

Tclaps to Shockers 2.0’s for getting baptized! This was something they wanted to do with no influence from anyone here on this earth. God is good!

Def Leppard took us out

By now you should realize that nothing in this life is easy. While something may appear easy from the outside, you often find it is not. The struggle is real! Thank you to everyone that came out this evening and pushed hard through it. The reward is much greater than the pain. Welcome again FNG Erick Silva “Soccer Arms”. It was a pleasure meeting you and hope to see you out here often!


Free Burpees for everyone



-warm up

   Goof balls 

   Mar Night Club

   Freddy Mercs



short mosey

   5 burp – knee slap

   Mosey – LBC on 6

   5 burp – sumo

   Mosey – flutter on 6

   5 burp – criss cross

   Mosey – dying cockroach on 6

   5 burp – merican side hop

   Mosey – Am hammer on 6

   5 burp – lunge jump

   Mosey – sweat angel on 6

   5 burp – jump spin

   Mosey – box cutter on 6

   5 burp – side hop

   Mosey – scissor on 6

   Team 5 burp – jump up

   Mosey – Dolly Parton on 6

   Team 5 burp – bench merican

   Mosey – alphabet on 6

   5 burp – jump from knee

Mosey – LBC on 6

single file line for bear crawl slalom

Roscoe called out 10 burpees OYO

Short Sale took us to bell with Baby Makers


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