Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Day: July 21, 2018

Just another JV Q

With the 2.0 friendly workout at Folsom on Saturday morning, I reached out to Sparky to see who had the regular Q.  The answer was nobody…say what?  Well Pizza Man will take it now.  With that said,  I wanted to Q a workout that really pushed the HIMS that posted.  As I pull into Folsom I noticed my brother Whoopee waiting patiently, then it was just he and I waiting, and then here comes our brother Slaw rolling in.  6:30 is approaching and mentioned that this workout wasn’t going to be easy and it would push each of us.  Not sure how much they believed but it went like this….



Don Q’s- 10 IC

Slow squat- 10 IC

Let’s mosey to the flag at the entrance to say the pledge.  Now let’s mosey to the track around the small pond for some arm work.  We posted on the new dock and did 3 exercises (incline merkin, decline merkin, dips).  Each of these exercises were done with MAX reps as possible and then run a lap.  Enough of that, mosey to the hill for Triple Nickle.  Turkish get-ups were done at the top and Big Boy sit-ups at the bottom with a little NUR back up the hill.  Good work men!!  On to the next, we stopped at the lower parking lot for 11’s.  Merkins and flutterkicks were performed.  With about 13 minutes to go, I knew this was going to be perfect!! Mosey to the tennis courts for Burpeethon training.  It went like this…8,9,10,11,12,12,11,10,9,8 burpees were done on each minute.  For those not great at math, that’s 100 burpees in 10 minutes!!!  Time!!!  During this JV Q we logged 3.75 miles and did the exercises mentioned.

I really hope the HIMS that posted this morning got their money’s worth.  If not, come to my next JV Q.  I really appreciate the opportunity to lead and can’t wait for the next time.  Thanks for the push and for pushing your bodies through this Q.


Mt Hollywood Recon Q- Tuesday July 24th 17:30 @ Mt. Holly Middle School

Mt. Hollywood Official Launch- Aug 6th @ 5:30am @ Mt Holly Middle School

Aug 11th- Female workout at Folsom @7:45/8am (after Folsom) “More information to come”

BRR and Bourbon Chase CSAUP- Aug 25th @ 4am

SpeedForNeed- Stop Solider Suicide 5k/10k in Belmont on Sept 22nd

JJ5k- Stanley Commongrounds Sept 22nd

Many prayers were lifted!!


Once again, thanks for the opportunity to lead and way to push!!!

Until next time…Pizza Man is ooooouuuutttt!!

Better at 48

I was up early and ready to go this morning as I had not Q’d a workout in a while due to being on/off the DL lately.  Add in the fact today was my 4th birthday since getting involved with F3, I was ready to get it on.

I was awake early as usual so why not head to the Schiele for some EC running, someone else might be there.  No, so what do I do………….do it anyway.  Got in a 5k (slow) before the main workout.

Arrived back to find Huckleberry and Canteen ready to go but no one else.  Huckleberry inquired if this was normal, I said no.  We’ll see if anyone shows.

Why yes, by the time we were ready to go, we had 14 including the Q’s.

No FNG’s so no real disclaimer though we did have some Kotters on hand.

We did discuss this was my 48th birthday and the bootcamp might have a 48 theme.

Warm-Up IC

SSH X 24

Imperial Walkers X 12

Moroccan Nigh Clubs X 12

Time to split up and mosey (6 braved the bootcamp with YHC)

Quick stop at the Flag for the Pledge

The Thang

Mosey around the back of First Presbyterian and on to the track at Sherwood Elementary for some track work:

Partner up;  Run half lap in opposite directions until you meet back up for 12 Booyah Merkins (no idea if that’s spelled correctly); run back to the start for 48 LBC’s OYO;  Rinse/repeat 3 more times with 48 Flutter Kicks, 48 Freddy Mercury’s & 48 American Hammers after each set of 12 of the Booyah Merkins.  It was fun and reps focused on the number 48.

48 lunge steps along the back of the track to finish off the work at Sherwood.

Mosey back toward First Pres up to the Scout Building and down the steps for some step work:

48 LBC’s – Run to the top of steps for 8 Merkins and back  down.

48 Flutter Kicks – Run to top of steps for 8 Merkins and back down.

Continue sets with 48 reps at bottom and 8 Merkins at top.

48 Freddy Mercurys – 8 Merkins

48 American Hammers – 8 Merkins

48 Moroccan Nightclubs – 8 Merkins

48 Squats – 8 Merkins

Another fun-filled exercise.

Mosey to the track at Grier middle School for more track work with a modified Wolfpack Grinder:

12 Squats IC – Run half lap – 24 Merkins OYO

12 Squats IC – Run half lap – 48 Mountain Climbers OYO

12 squats IC – Run half lap – 24 Merkins OYO

12 Squats IC – Run half lap – 48 Mountain Climbers OYO

Mosey to the picnic tables to finish off the work at Grier:

24 Dips IC – 24 Step-Ups IC – 12 Derkins IC

12 Dips IC – 12 Step-Ups IC – 12 Derkins IC (I should know better by now not to work right beside Dolph)

Mosey back to the Schiele to finish off with 22 Merkins for the Vets led by Canteen.

Good work men.

Announcements; Prayer Requests; Name-o-rama – The PAX even sang Happy Birthday to me.  Many thanks.

The Moleskin

As always, it’s terrific to Q a workout and at my advanced age, just being able to get out there and get some work in is a privilege.  I mentioned this during the workout but 3 1/2 years ago at age 44, I was almost 40 pounds heavier, had a few good friends and was a borderline sad clown.  Things have changed a little since.  Besides being in better shape at age 48 as compared to 44, I feel I have a group of men I can count on if needed.  F3 is the answer for some of the issues that men currently are having in our society.  Keep spreading the word, there are many others that  could benefit.  The PAX of F3 Gastonia are helping me to think the best is still yet to come for this old(er) man.  I couldn’t think of a better way to start off my birthday than in the gloom with a group of HIMs as I did this morning.  The 6 guys in the bootcamp pushed me today to work hard through my Q and I didn’t want to disappoint.

Thanks for the opportunity.

Until the next one.  Aye!



30 PAX and 2.0’s came out to the Folsom 2.0 day today. Great job on making this a monthly day during the summer guys! It has been a hit! It is very important that we be role models for our kids. There are some bad ones out there that they could be following.

Roadie lead us from the start.


SSH x 10ic, Squats and something else.

I have to say Roadie did a great job of explaining some of our weird ways and names

Mosey to the front of the park. Man my kid hates running more than me!


11’s in the parking lot. SSH’s and squats.

Hippa took over.

Mosey back to the field at the start. Hiippaa led us in some fire drill exercises.

The 1st lesson from HHipa was about getting low. Bearcrawl in a circle then do some merkins. Bearcrawl some more exercises.  So on and so forth for several rounds.

The 2nd lesson from Hiippa was on stop drop and roll. Run in place then drop and roll left then roll right and jump back up. Repeat several times.

Freight took over

Mosey to the tennis courts

Get in three teams for some relay races.

First was the monkey relay. Grab you ankles and hold them while running across a tennis court and back. There was no running in this. Try it!

2nd everyone got a balloon. Run down two tennis courts, sit on your balloon, pop it and run back.

3rd everyone took off one shoe in the middle of the courts and put them in a pile. The teams then went to the far corners. One member at a time has to run and find their shoe put it on and run back.


Announcements-Relay and cookout August 25th, Goruck light Sunday

Namerama-Welcome Mozart, Cheese dip, Bindi, PETA, Laffy Taffy, Steamboat, Lockup

Prayer Request-Our kids and Dads


Awesome morning guys. So proud of all of you for bringing yours kids out and being good role models. They may not get it out now but one day they will. Being a parent isn’t always about the here and now. Sometimes we are just working for their future.

You can have an effective workout without running

7 men showed for my Painlab VQ.  It was 10 minutes until launch time and there were only three men in the parking.  It started looking it would be a light crowd.  By launch time 14 men (7 and the boot camp and 7 at the lab) had circled up.

Stroganoff lead the group through the warmup and then he lead his men out of the parking lot.  The rest of us gathered at the back of the parking lot by the benches.

The thang

Partnered up and started with lazy Dora, but many more reps.  The exercises were 100 merkins, 200 squats, 300 monkey humpers, 400 flutter kicks, 500 calf raises and 600 LBC.  Each partner would do five rounds with the number increasing on each exercise.  Each partner did five rounds of 10 merkins, 20 squats… up to 60 LBCs each round.  This was fun.

Next was a personal favorite of mine – deconstructed burpees.

Over to the benches for 11s. Dips and Incline merkins.

Back to the parking lot for 11s.  CDDs (in honor of Def Leppard. We miss you, brother) and mountain climbers.

We did a round of Mary tabata style.  1 minute of each exercise.  We had plank jacks, low plank, prom nights, moroccan nightclubs, something I’m forgetting and finishing with LBCs and the boot campers returned.

That’s time.


Announcements: JJ5k, Speed for Need race

Prayer requests: Monk’s friend, guys on the IR

BOM: Stroganoff closed us in prayer.

It was an honor to VQ the painlab today, men.  It’s great to see Bandit again. It’s been too long, sir.  Glad you’re back.  Thank you all for the push and the opportunity.

Philippians 4:13


Vern at the Yank

Warm up

15IC Don Q’s
20IC Moroccan Night Clubs
Mosey to the flag



this is one of my favorite Brownstreak workouts. It’s easy to follow, gets all major Muscles groups and cardio at a steady pace.

The Vern.
10 pull ups
Mosey 1 Lap around Belmont middle track

Plank on the six
20 dips IC (except for round 3 with Q fail on IC count!)
Mosey 1 Lap around Belmont middle track

Plank on the six
20 CDD’s IC
Mosey 1Lap around Belmont middle track

Plank on the six

Plank on the six
20 Single count Merkins (round 2 was Diamonds)
Mosey 1Lap around Belmont middle track

Plank on the six

REPEATO 3.5 times (round four we did all exercises and 1 mosey to the Yank)


As YHC continues to be involved with F3 I find that the simple push and pull steady workouts are the ones I like best. There was nothing fancy about today however YHC guarantees that all PAX in attendance had a hell of a beat down. There was strong work by all PAX today and YHC was glad to home at the Yank again.



Csaup (50mile relay) and second F (gathering at Sargento’s …M’s are welcome no 2.0’s   August 25th , August 6th Launch of new AO Mount Hollywood Tiger will be Site Q




Prayer Requests: Boudin’s mom (praise for healing) , Boudin’s son prayers for shoulder healing with physical therapy , Sprinklers mom for healing battle depression for some time now , Sargento for test he has coming up this week.


1 Corinthians 16:13 (NLT)

13 Be on guard. Stand firm in the faith. Be courageous.[a] Be strong.

1 Corinthians 16:13 (HCSB)

13 Be alert, stand firm in the faith, act like a man, be strong.


Proverbs 27:

17Iron sharpens iron,
and one man sharpens another.



It was an honor to lead today men!

Tool Time

Passing the Flag

A few weeks ago, Monk contacted me and asked that I consider taking over responsibility as site Q at The Pub. My first thought was, “Why me? I’m not really a runner.” But the more I thought about it, I couldn’t turn down the opportunity. It was less about the 3-5 mile runs every Thursday morning and more about the chance to challenge myself and encourage others to take the lead as Q or simply post more frequently. I accepted, and we set the official transfer date as 7/19.

One of the great things about F3 is the chatter that takes place between workouts on Twitter or Slack. I had the idea of setting up a Twitter account for the often-forgotten running AO. This would offer a chance to gain attention to keep the PAX coming out. As we learned from the IHOB experience a few months ago, it’s all about getting attention on social media. IHOP was all the talk when they announced a name change to IHOB, but since then, I haven’t really heard it mentioned. My goal as the new site Q is to continue to foster the interest in running that has developed in F3 Gastonia and not fade out like an over-hyped menu option.

We used the new twitter account to hype up the mystery site Q in hopes of building interest and getting the PAX out to post. Monk and I talked the night before to come up with a flag-passing ceremony worthy of the occasion. After some deep thought, we basically decided that Monk would say a few words, and then we’d stick the shovel flag in the ground.

I showed up to find only Monk as he unfurled the flag. I thought this was going to be a real memorable ceremony if it was just the two of us. Shortly after, Gastone and Defib came running up after some EC. They were quickly followed by Sargento and Madoff who drove up.

We began the ceremony with Monk sharing a few words, and then the two of us jointly planted the flag into the sacred soil of the Publix parking lot. I believe there were tears, but I’m not naming names. At that point, Monk called for 5 sprinter burpees (burpees with mountain climbers in the plank position). This was met with some glances around by the PAX . Wait, this is a running AO. Monk reiterated that he was serious and that these were not really an option. He was the out-going site Q. What were they going to do, vote him out of office?

After the sprinter burpees, YHC took the Q and led the PAX on the mosey. We headed down Armstrong Park Rd. Left on E Perry St before the CVS. Right on Lee St to get back on New Hope. Left on New Hope. Right on Armstrong Park Dr. Right on Armstrong Park Rd and back to the Pub.

I held the position of the six solely to make sure no one was left behind. You believe that, right?

Announcements and prayer requests.

The Pledge

Close with Prayer

I want to extend a sincere and hearty thank you to Monk for his leadership at The Pub since the beginning. He had the idea that this AO was necessary and could be successful. He stuck with it during lean times and was faithful to the PAX in keeping this going. He’s moving on to continue to lead the PAX of F3 Gastonia with his work on the Whetstone project. Monk is truly a HIM of the highest standard.

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