Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Day: July 14, 2018

5 Principles

Today was a great day at the Gashouse. Boudin asked if there was any extra credit the night before. Why not? When we got the Schiele there were already cars in the lot. Quiche and Sargento were already putting the miles in. Boudin, Stroganoff, and YHC went out at 0615 sharp for a little more than 3 mile run through Sherwood Forest before the workout. When we returned we found Linus and Rudolph doing some EC kettlebell work. Strong work!

Monk rolled in and said he had an FNG coming today. He was true to his word. We also had another FNG that rolled in with Tandem. At 0700 sharp I made sure to place extra stress on the disclaimer, especially the “U vs U” part and the “modify as needed”. We welcomed both and started with a pretty standard warmup. Apparently YHC doesn’t say “in cadence” and that deeply offended Quiche who was making strong mumblechatter about it. (He knew it was in cadence all along!)

Warm up: SSH, Squats, IW, LBC’s

Pain Lab PAX (8) split and went with Sargento and the boot camp PAX (12) went with Roscoe. We moseyed to the flag for the Pledge and set off to the back of the library.

Thing One: At the bottom do 5 burpees. Run towards the library up two sets of stairs for 10 squat jumps at the top. Run back down for 5 more burpees and then back up for 9, 8, 7, 6…1 jump squats. Kudo’s to Stroganoff for stressing the modify part with the 6. Boudin graciously followed orders and led some Mary and plank while the rest of us mortals finished up. Now for a word…We covered the 5 core principals of F3.

From 12 Rules for Life and Dr. Jordan B. Peterson…”Do one thing every day to improve yourself.” For the guys present this was probably accomplished already.

We then moseyed through the neighborhood to the Sherwood School track. The gate was closed. “Somebody is going to have to go back and get a sh*&load of dimes!” Quiche had to head out early so he moseyed back.

We opened the gate and continued our mosey to the playground for:

Thing Two: Murph Training

8 Pullups, 20 Merkins, 30 squats, run a lap x 3. Then…

Word #2 from Dr. Peterson…

“Treat Yourself As If You Were Someone You Were Responsible For Helping” “He whose life has a why can bear almost any how.”

You could help direct the world, on its careening trajectory, a bit more toward Heaven and a bit more away from Hell. Once having understood Hell,” particularly your own individual Hell” you could decide against going there or creating that. You could aim elsewhere. You could, in fact, devote your life to this. That would give you a Meaning, with a capital M. That would justify your miserable existence.

You could begin by treating yourself as if you were someone you were responsible for helping.

Thing #3. Five minutes of plank

Plank on elbows, arms, downward dog, while we discussed life.

During this time we learned that Monk is a counselor for teen girls and he was going to use the “He whose life has a why can bear almost any how.” Being the gracious guy I am I told him I would share my weinke with him after the workout. (I didn’t of course)

YHC asked for any news from the PAX while we were holding the plank and we learned that Yo Pauley is going on a mission trip and that Yo Adrian is driving. It is nice to see our younger PAX being true #HIM’s.

Mosey to church field. YHC asked Linus what he wanted to do out of respect for him being the new site Q. His choices were 50 burpees in 5 minutes or partner Dora. He wisely said partner Dora and the crowd of PAX went wild with adoration and praise.

Dora: Partner Up P1 runs up the hill to the other side of parking lot, P2 does…then switch

50 monkey humpers

100 seal jacks

150 Squats* *Somewhere around this time we had to jailbreak back to home due to time. We circled up at the Schiele and started the 200 Flutter Kicks to finish off the workout. The Pain Lab Pax rejoined the circle and joined in. YHC shared the theme of the day and concluded with “Hang around people who want what is best for you.” Again, I think the F3 guys have that covered.

Boudin showed his lack of decorum by questioning why we didn’t stop when his watch said 0800. All the regulars had to set him straight because they all knew the workout isn’t over until the First Presbyterian bells hadn’t rung yet!

Welcome FNG “Clear!” and “Friar”.

Nice to see the guys make a great effort today. There wasn’t a lot of mumble chatter. It is amazing how quickly an hour goes by when you are Q’ing a workout. We had so much more to do yet so little time!

We had 5 for Coffeerama at Panera. Mayor asked Yo Adrian what he does for a living. As he was explaining that he does instant replay for live sports, Yo Pauley said “He pushes colorful buttons”. #truth

YHC closed in prayer.

Thanks for the opportunity to lead as always.


Painlab  by Sargento (completed on the same day!!!)

So after Roscoe’s group split the Painlab crew moseyed to YHC’s M’s brick carrier to grab the coupons for today’s workout. Unlike other more elaborate Q’s, YHC like things to be straightforward and to the point. We’re going to use bricks today and that’s it!

Once we grabbed our gear, we moved to Frank’s Fortress of Solitude, popped in some rockin’ tunes and threw down the Thang.

The Deck of Death!!!

Nothing is better for creating great mumble chatter than going round and round picking cards anticipating what pain will be dealt next. It almost seems like DoD was created specifically for Painlab because you don’t have to run or have impact if you don’t want to. Here’s how it went.

Spades = Merkins

Hearts = Shoulder Presses

Diamonds = Back Flys

Clubs = Step Ups (each leg)

It was a lot of fun going through the deck especially when we’d get stuck on one deck for a few draws in a row. Feel the burn! Because we had several newer PAX and an FNG today, YHC made sure to cover the 5 Principles of F3 many times (completely independent of Roscoe) to help the men have a deeper understanding of who we are. Pretty sure all in attendance can recite all 5 now.

Once the DoD was done, we move on to a new routine YHC came across in his studies the night before…

The Bruce Lee

Do these exercises consecutively in cadence to 20 reps each:

American Hammers, Leg Raises, LBCs, Dying Cockroaches, Crunchy Frogs and 100s

We did almost two rounds of this before time was up to join the others.

It was a pleasure to lead today men. I look forward to get back to the Painlab soon.


Pre-Blast: Tronmoss Legacy 5k

Wednesday, July 18th will be the Tronmoss Legacy 5k. For those of you that don’t know, our brother is on crutches for a minimum of 8 weeks.   Despite the bad news, Montross has been in good spirits.  In typical F3 fashion, we will rally around our brother this coming Wednesday for a 5k. Montross will join us at the COT.

Montross began his F3 journey in January of this year.  Since that time he has been a model of consistency.  He has been in skillet contention every month.  While not in terrible shape when he started, he has pushed himself daily.  Not only has he been as consistent as anyone since he started, he’s also a natural motivator.  While unconventional, he has his own way to offer encouragement.  He’s as dedicated as he is tall.   He is a true HIM.

Folsom hopes you can make time this Wednesday to lift up our wounded brother.

Nordic Contra Burpees

15 of the Gashouse’s finest took their #DRP and posted to Folsom.  Sister Act and YHC with the co-Q… YHC would start us off.   As 0630 hit a short disclaimer was given and it was time to clock in.

Warmup: SSH x 2IC

Mosey the tennis courts for instructions.  YHC has a modified Nordic challenge waiting.  After each exercise we would run a lap arpuns the courts.   YHC did knock off two of the laps. (if you can’t do it don’t q it)

Exercises were: 10 Burpees, 22 Merkins, 30 Australian mountain climbers,  40 Lunges, 50 Overhead claps, 60 Monkey humpers, 70 Squats, 80 Flutter kicks, 90 LBC, 100 Moroccan nightclubs.

Circle up a wave of merkins (5) and a wave of LBCs (30).

Handed over to Sister Act

On one of the tennis courts were 10 Contra burpees, run back to the other end for 10 little gumby in the woods.  Repeat x 5.

On one end do 5 Captain Thors, on the other side do 5 4x4s.

Route 66 with Bobby Hurleys.

Mosey back to the launching point for the pledge.


Annoucements: Speed for Need race, JJ5k, Tronmoss legacy 5k

Prayer requests: Gumby’s father in law, people battling addiction, Montross, others I can’t remember.  Sorry men.

BOM: YHC closed us in prayer.

It’s an honor to not only Q, but to be able to know each man that was present this morning.  Rudolph noted on twitter that our nameorama looked like a family reunion.  He’s absolutely correct.  One thing I can say about Folsom, it’s a family.  I have one brother by blood, but I’ve been blessed with many by choice.  Individually we are weak, but collectively we are unstoppable.  Iron sharpens iron is not just a cliche.  If you allow it, F3 will absolutely change your life in more ways than just fitness.  Where else in the world could you take one day off and have no fewer than 5 people call you out (in a somewhat loving way) about it?  The accountability is off the charts.

T-Claps to all the men that posted today.  Not only at Folsom, but all AOs.

T-claps to Sister Act for his work in July… well, and all months.  At this rate the Iron Skillet is his

Montross – heal up, brother.  We tiss (sic) you and hope to see you oost (sic) soon.

Allen Tate: congratulations on your re-election.

Philippians 4:13


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